If Trump signs the bill he calls a "disgrace" what does that say about his backbone?

Okay, let's go with that. Trump doesn't sign the bill. The Republicans whittled the bill down from what the Communists wanted. They sit back, wait, and Biden takes over in less than a month with the possibility of getting the Senate as well. Do you think they will sign the bill Republicans got at least some of the pork out of? No possible way. They will load it up with all their BS and then pass it costing us well over a trillion dollars more.

At least Trump acts with integrity.

I expect the worst from the Communists - Trump was elected to stop them. He folded.
At least Trump acts with integrity.

Maybe you are talking about some other Trump?

because the Trump everyone thinks you are talking about is a pathological liar with ZERO integrity.

It's why he gets caught lying constantly, it's why he was implicated in Obstructing Justice, it's why he was impeached for abuse of his office, it's why he fucked up Covid response and in the end it was why his second term got rejected by American voters.
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...what "Democrat pork" specifically are you talking about?

Are you kidding?

No - you are just being dishonest as Communists always are.


There are billions in foreign aid with campus-sounding directives attached. There is a five-year strategy to “address the underlying cases of poverty and inequality” in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, and $10 million for “gender programs” in Pakistan.

Other progressive goals came through as well. The bill sets up three new museums: the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum, the National Museum of the American Latino and the Coast Guard Museum, which will be built in Connecticut instead of the nation’s capitol.

There is a call to recognize internationally that “the People’s Republic of China or any other government in the process of recognizing a successor or reincarnation of the 14th Dalai Lama and any future Dalai Lamas would represent a clear abuse of the right to religious freedom of Tibetan Buddhists and the Tibetan people.”


I keep asking and no one can answer it directly.

And I'm not asking because I don't know, I do know. You rightwingers are full of half-baked bs on this one.

So come on, tell me all about the supposed "commie pork that will load up our grandchildren" like ~5 fn trillion of debt financed spending, tax-cuts and covid giveaways Trump and Republicans were fully behind.

Everyone keeps answering you and just just keep lying.
If Trump signs the bill he called a disgrace, what does that say about his backbone?

I don't think it says anything about Trump's backbone, clearly the guy isn't afraid to fight what what he wants. But in this instance he was fighting a losing battle and I think finally realized that he wasn't going to get what he wanted. In politics and war, a retreat doesn't mean you are a coward; it simply means you live to fight another day. Even if that day is in 2024.

Trump likes to talk the talk but he doesn't have the balls to walk the walk. If he wanted $2000 for taxpayers, why did he wait until AFTER the bill was passed to say so? Why didn't he say this at any point in the past 6 months since the CARES bill was passed?

Why has he done NOTHING but work on overturning the results of the election, since November 3rd? Why is Trump spending his time golfing with his buddies while 7 million Americans are sick, and 330,000 people have died?
YOU don't know what's in it so don't try to denigrate Democrats as ignorant, Ray. Democrats are a lot smarter than Banana Republicans. They voted their the blob out of office and you voted for him twice. They didn't buy his lies about the election.

Never again can YOU claim anything about Democrats. You voted for the WORST, most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent President in history. And after he killed 330,000 Americans, crashed the economy, and destroyed your trade and military alliances, you voted for him again.

Stupid, ignorant and racist is no way to go through life Ray.

Comrade Traitor, should congress pass bills they have not read?
I will be really disappointed if he signs it. He went into great detail at great length to highlight why this bill is bad for America.
He damn well better make good on that with a veto.

If not it's just bloviating bullshit.

He will sign because he knows what kind of lame loser Congressional over-ride will make him look like.

He did the same on Russian sanctions bill.
While Pelosi has made herself someone who makes everybody else sick at their stomach when she rips up official documents that belong to the people of the United States, I accept she has single-handedly made this Congress one future Americans will be crippled by, considering the expense overload she has inflicted to cause hunger on this once prosperous nation.

Congress must use the Communist Control Act of 1954 to deport communists to a different hemisphere to ensure its leaders nevrr again extort money taxpayers gave to run, and not to ruin corporate vitality so people can get a job already.
The "Gender Studies in Pakistan" money for Pakistan was at the specific request of the State Department, so you'll have to ask Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump about that one. Dems had nothing to do with it, but nice try.

One or more of the leftist hate sites put this up as a talking point, every Maoist drone on the board is bleating it.
At least Trump acts with integrity.

Maybe you are talking about some other Trump?

because the Trump everyone thinks you are talking about is a pathological liar with ZERO integrity.

It's why he gets caught lying constantly, it's why he was implicated in Obstructing Justice, it's why he was impeached for abuse of his office, it's why he fucked up Covid response and in the end it was why his second term got rejected by American voters.

Context Comrade - if he vetoed the Nancy Pigshit rape of America he would be acting with integrity. The question is the result of Trump vetoed - the answer is he acts with integrity if he vetoes.

He folded though, very disappointing.
...what "Democrat pork" specifically are you talking about?

Are you kidding?

No - you are just being dishonest as Communists always are.


There are billions in foreign aid with campus-sounding directives attached. There is a five-year strategy to “address the underlying cases of poverty and inequality” in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, and $10 million for “gender programs” in Pakistan.

Other progressive goals came through as well. The bill sets up three new museums: the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum, the National Museum of the American Latino and the Coast Guard Museum, which will be built in Connecticut instead of the nation’s capitol.

There is a call to recognize internationally that “the People’s Republic of China or any other government in the process of recognizing a successor or reincarnation of the 14th Dalai Lama and any future Dalai Lamas would represent a clear abuse of the right to religious freedom of Tibetan Buddhists and the Tibetan people.”


I keep asking and no one can answer it directly.

And I'm not asking because I don't know, I do know. You rightwingers are full of half-baked bs on this one.

So come on, tell me all about the supposed "commie pork that will load up our grandchildren" like ~5 fn trillion of debt financed spending, tax-cuts and covid giveaways Trump and Republicans were fully behind.

Everyone keeps answering you and just just keep lying.

There are billions in foreign aid EVERY YEAR and it was in Trump's own budget.

Yes ignoramuses, America spends money to sustain it's influence and support causes we stand behind around the world. Yet to listen to you talk this is some sort of new thing that just happenend this year and supposedly it has something to do with Covid.
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The "Gender Studies in Pakistan" money for Pakistan was at the specific request of the State Department, so you'll have to ask Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump about that one. Dems had nothing to do with it, but nice try.

One or more of the leftist hate sites put this up as a talking point, every Maoist drone on the board is bleating it.
Doesn't matter even if true. Fleecing taxpayers like this should be criminal no matter who does it.
At least Trump acts with integrity.

Maybe you are talking about some other Trump?

because the Trump everyone thinks you are talking about is a pathological liar with ZERO integrity.

It's why he gets caught lying constantly, it's why he was implicated in Obstructing Justice, it's why he was impeached for abuse of his office, it's why he fucked up Covid response and in the end it was why his second term got rejected by American voters.

Context Comrade - if he vetoed the Nancy Pigshit rape of America he would be acting with integrity. The question is the result of Trump vetoed - the answer is he acts with integrity if he vetoes.

He folded though, very disappointing.

If he had integrity he would not be lying about spending his own 2021 budget calls for. If he had integrity and ACTUALLY belived that bigger direct payments (Republicans are adamantly against) is the right way to go he would STATE SO during the negotiations, not after the bills passed the Congress and landed on his desk.

Almost nothing he does shows any sort of governing conviction or integrity.
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There are billions in foreign AID EVERY YEAR and it was in Trump's own budget.

Yes ignoramuses s, America spends money to sustain it's influence and support causes we stand behind around the world. Yet to listen to you talk this is some sort of new thing that just happenend this year and supposedly it has something to do with Covid.

The level of pork that Nazi Pigshit put in a supposed relief bill to Americans is unprecedented.

What does ANY of this do to ease the burden of Americans destroyed by government actions in response to the Wuhan designer virus?


The bill provides funding for conducting audits and investigations of projects and activities carried out with
the supplemental funding provided in response to coronavirus.



The bill provides the necessary subsidy to make $1 billion in lending authority available for the Business and
Industry loan guarantee program, which provides much-needed financing to business owners that might not
be able to qualify for a loan on their own.

RECONNECT PILOT – $100 million
The bill provides grants for the costs of construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment
needed to provide broadband service in eligible rural areas

The bill provides additional funding for low-income households living on Indian reservations and participating
Indian Tribal Organizations.

Justice Information Sharing Technology: $2 million for enhanced departmental telework capabilities.

NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS – $75 million for grants, including funding to state arts
agencies and other partners in an effort to help local, state, and regional communities provide continued
access to cultural organizations and institutions of learning.

NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES – $75 million for grants, including funding
for state humanities councils and other partners in an effort to help local, state, and regional communities
provide continued access to cultural organizations and institutions of learning.
If he had integrity he would not be lying about spending his own 2021 budget calls for. If he had integrity and ACTUALLY belived that bigger direct payments (Republicans are adamantly against) is the right way to go he would STATE SO during the negotiations, not after the bills passed the Congress and landed on his desk.

Almost nothing he does shows any sort of conviction or integrity.

So, you have no clue how the Constitutional government works? That's understandable, your party doesn't follow the Constitution, nor any laws for that matter.

Under the document democrats are at war to end, the president has no say in crafting or passing bills, The president is not part of congress, though Potentate Obamugabe was a super-legislature unto himself who dictated laws as he pleased. Trump, unlike Obama, operates within the enumerated powers of the Constitution. He may veto a bill, but is not part of the legislation process.
.... Bloviating bullshit is kind of a stock in trade thing for him....

yeah cause no other President has ever bloviated, exaggerated etc...

Not like this guy and I have been watching since the mid/late 1960s.
Then you wasn't paying attention.
Obama talked out of both sides of his mouth constantly.
But... I know... he has Lord Savior status, so he can do no wrong.
Well you never heard that lord/savior stuff from me. He was a politician, who brought me no harm and didn't do anything that interfered with what I needed to do and should have had a right to do at the time. He was up there in Washington and I was down here in Tennessee. He did his time upon the stage and moved on and I have certainly suffered no ill effects personally. Some people may have wanted more of him, and indeed some people measure by a significance that I do not ascribe to, but understand and those people not bother me either. He really doesn't come up that often if not campaigning for somebody and does not command my attention or rebuke when he does. Most presidents are viewed that way by me.
YOU don't know what's in it so don't try to denigrate Democrats as ignorant, Ray. Democrats are a lot smarter than Banana Republicans. They voted their the blob out of office and you voted for him twice. They didn't buy his lies about the election.

Never again can YOU claim anything about Democrats. You voted for the WORST, most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent President in history. And after he killed 330,000 Americans, crashed the economy, and destroyed your trade and military alliances, you voted for him again.

Stupid, ignorant and racist is no way to go through life Ray.

Comrade Traitor, should congress pass bills they have not read?

I'm not anyone's "comrade". These weak attempts to slander anyone who disagrees with you as a "communist" is indicative of your total stupidity and such things are straight out of the Authoritarian's Playbook. Where are Trump's economic policies and plans for the nation? Because what he's done so far has impoverished the American people, and enriched the oligarchs.

Did YOU read the last stimulus bill, which contained a $29 billion tax cut for billionaires - a permanent tax cut, not a tempory one?

This is the 6th time in the Trump Presidency, that Donald Trump has signed a budget bill, at the last possible minute or after the government shutdown date has passed. When asked at the first of October when the Senate was going to take up the continuing resolution, due to expire at the first of October, and McConnell said there was "plenty of time". In fact, he waited until just a couple of days before the government would have shut down to pass a tempory CR to keep it open.

This is no way to run the largest government in the world. I wouldn't run my household in such a slipshod and dishonest manner. McConnell does this so he can force through his tax cuts for billionaires, and the other odious pork you see in this bill.

And while all you Banana Republicans always object to "free shit" for working people, you generosity towards billionaires knows no bounds. I have yet to see a single one of you complain about tax cuts for the wealthy, or for corporations. But something to improve the lives of poor people, is just a bridge too far.
The "Gender Studies in Pakistan" money for Pakistan was at the specific request of the State Department, so you'll have to ask Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump about that one. Dems had nothing to do with it, but nice try.


It's payment from Nancy Pigshit to the Taliban in payment for their support through attacks on Americans during the election to make Trump look bad.
...what "Democrat pork" specifically are you talking about?

Are you kidding?

No - you are just being dishonest as Communists always are.


There are billions in foreign aid with campus-sounding directives attached. There is a five-year strategy to “address the underlying cases of poverty and inequality” in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, and $10 million for “gender programs” in Pakistan.

Other progressive goals came through as well. The bill sets up three new museums: the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum, the National Museum of the American Latino and the Coast Guard Museum, which will be built in Connecticut instead of the nation’s capitol.

There is a call to recognize internationally that “the People’s Republic of China or any other government in the process of recognizing a successor or reincarnation of the 14th Dalai Lama and any future Dalai Lamas would represent a clear abuse of the right to religious freedom of Tibetan Buddhists and the Tibetan people.”


I keep asking and no one can answer it directly.

And I'm not asking because I don't know, I do know. You rightwingers are full of half-baked bs on this one.

So come on, tell me all about the supposed "commie pork that will load up our grandchildren" like ~5 fn trillion of debt financed spending, tax-cuts and covid giveaways Trump and Republicans were fully behind.

Everyone keeps answering you and just just keep lying.

There are billions in foreign aid EVERY YEAR and it was in Trump's own budget.

Yes ignoramuses, America spends money to sustain it's influence and support causes we stand behind around the world. Yet to listen to you talk this is some sort of new thing that just happenend this year and supposedly it has something to do with Covid.
You Democrats are just pissed because President Trump keeps score on foreign countries, and it really stymies those 30%
kickbacks Biden was getting when Democrats decided to pick the American taxpayers pockets using Vice President Biden to get all that government money for his and their personal enrichment accounts by way of offshore bank accounts they don't have to pay taxes for when their omeurta rule is thick as thieves. We do know how their system works, and Hillary's leverage list furnished by the FBI gives them access to destroying families of....let's think now.....certain sins of certain powerful federal judges and maybe a chief justice or two who doesn't want his family to know about any flings, kickbacks much less leniencies nor obstructions of justice they decide to hide for self preservation to high office.
And while all you Banana Republicans always object to "free shit" for working people, you generosity towards billionaires knows no bounds. I have yet to see a single one of you complain about tax cuts for the wealthy, or for corporations. But something to improve the lives of poor people, is just a bridge too far.

We've been improving the lives of poor people. What do we have to show for it after 50 years and trillions of dollars? Nearly the same percentage of people in poverty.
He had to sign it. What was he to do? Let the government shut down? Hell, he's leaving anyway he may be in an "I have nothing to lose" attitude.

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