If Trump told Comey to stop investigation, did Comey commit a crime by not reporting it immediately?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
This only came out after Comey was fired.

Trump allegedly committed a crime. Comey also did by not reporting the crime.

Will Comey ask for immunity?

People always talk bad about their boss after they are fired
Comey is a liar and a felon. He may very well be indicted after he testifies next week.
the way i understand things Trump may have said that he HOPED that comey would go easy on 'Flynn' or drop the case against Flynn . The word Hoped or Hope makes the conversation acceptable and legal and no problem for TRUMP according to some talking head lawyers on tv . --------- If ' comey' suspected that TRUMP was asking for favors or giving him orders to stop the investigation on Flynn then 'comey' should have reported that info . Just holding the info for himself in private notes is either illegal or unethical , from what i hear !!
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This only came out after Comey was fired.

Trump allegedly committed a crime. Comey also did by not reporting the crime.

Will Comey ask for immunity?
Who would he report it to? Sessions?
-------------------------------------------- Sure , probably simply report to Sessions or was 'sally yates' still around at the time . But yeah , comey shoulda reported to the acting Attorney General i assume Bodecea !!
the way i understand things Trump may have said that he HOPED that comey would go easy on 'Flynn' or drop the case against Flynn . The word Hoped or Hope makes the conversation acceptable and no problem for TRUMP according to some talking head lawyers on tv . --------- If ' comey' suspected that TRUMP was asking for favors or giving him orders to stop the investigation on Flynn then 'comey' should have reported that info . Just holding the info for himself in private notes is either illegal or unethical , from what i hear !!
" From what I've gathered from this "anonymous source" bullshit, is that Trump mentioned that he " hoped there is a pathway" to see the investigation to an end game.
This only came out after Comey was fired.

Trump allegedly committed a crime. Comey also did by not reporting the crime.

Will Comey ask for immunity?

Apparently it's not a crime unless you actively commit it yourself; being asked to/knowing about it is not enough. At least that is Trump's defense on the hacking; that he knew about it is no big deal
This only came out after Comey was fired.

Trump allegedly committed a crime. Comey also did by not reporting the crime.

Will Comey ask for immunity?

Apparently it's not a crime unless you actively commit it yourself; being asked to/knowing about it is not enough. At least that is Trump's defense on the hacking; that he knew about it is no big deal

So they will be bunk mates. The sitcom writes itself.
This only came out after Comey was fired.

Trump allegedly committed a crime. Comey also did by not reporting the crime.

Will Comey ask for immunity?

Apparently it's not a crime unless you actively commit it yourself; being asked to/knowing about it is not enough. At least that is Trump's defense on the hacking; that he knew about it is no big deal

So they will be bunk mates. The sitcom writes itself.

Sounds like a plan.

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