If Trump were innocent , he would be an open book for Mueller

He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds


Why do you need a lawyer if you're not guilty?

Plus so far all we have seen from Mueller is procedural prosecutions. Why be an open book when a mis-statement can get you prosecuted?
the lying trump would be a fool to put his hand on a bible
If there really is a valid christian religion, it would go up in flames.
Can you imagine how they could support the pussy grabbing vile pervert??
and what would you then call things like 6 months of fbi text messages showing said russian story was a plot to take out trump?
what would you call the messages we do have showing a "secret society" of FBI people working to take down a duly elected president?

you can't discredit an investigation that is bullshit to begin with. we're seeing more and more of that daily. also, when all this started trump said go ahead, investigate. what has he actively done to try and derail a thing?

you're bias is showing quite hard.

And your bias concerns me.. Don't you want to know if there is a problem? It has been like pulling teeth to get the truth of the Russian hack bots.. people closest to Trump are going down for money laundering . Don't you want to know if our president was involved?

If not why?

how am i biased when i say if trump committed a crime and it's proven - lock him up in an unrestored alcatraz? how am i biased when i see txt messages from our FBI saying they will work AGAINST a sitting president?

the entire RUSSIA is a cover to attack trump and you've soaked it right up.

I want to get to the bottom of this.. we already know that Trump Jr. and Kushner lied.. Why?

ah hell - and we know the FBI lied all over the place. we know obama lied, hillary lied and every politician who has ever held office likely.

but since you don't like trump, it becomes YUGE cause - TRUMP!

and that is just bullshit. we all hold to the same standards or we divide up and fall.

we've been falling for awhile now.

I hate liars period Iceberg and yes it seems that all politicians lie.. let's not go there. I am not up to the well Hillary did it , today. Let's stick to getting to the bottom of this investigation..

I think Mueller is wrapping it up, I hope anyway..

of course not - you hate someone so you want 1 trait to mean more than the rest for others. you hold him to a different standard and then don't EVER bring up when your side lies their ass off. instead you get upset and say STAY ON TOPIC. only your topic is narrow and self-serving in a "I MUST VENT" fashion.

but it's hardly realistic to attack a man for lying and not care what previous liars did in the same role. it strengthens the viewpoint of bias and "my morality is better than yours".

so try as you might, you'll never be able to have a TRUMP LIES convo and not hear about all the rest.
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds
and what would you then call things like 6 months of fbi text messages showing said russian story was a plot to take out trump?
what would you call the messages we do have showing a "secret society" of FBI people working to take down a duly elected president?

you can't discredit an investigation that is bullshit to begin with. we're seeing more and more of that daily. also, when all this started trump said go ahead, investigate. what has he actively done to try and derail a thing?

you're bias is showing quite hard.

The text messages show nothing of the sort.

What has he done?

On January 4, the New York Times’s Michael Schmidt reported that Trump ordered the White House counsel, Don McGahn, to convince Attorney General Jeff Sessions not to recuse himself from the Russia investigation. When McGahn failed, “the president erupted in anger in front of numerous White House officials, saying he needed his attorney general to protect him,” Schmidt writes. “Mr. Trump said he had expectedn his top law enforcement official to safeguard him.”[...]

Technically, the FBI director serves at the pleasure of the president and can be fired at any time and for any reason. However, the general belief among experts is that it’s not legal for the president to use this power in an attempt to shield himself or his family members from criminal investigation. Crucially, it does not matter whether Trump successfully shielded himself from scrutiny — all that matters is that he tried to.

“The obstruction statutes are very broad,” Griffin explains. “It matters whether Trump ‘endeavors’ to impede the DOJ and congressional investigations at any turn.”

This all hinges on what was in the president’s mind when he fired Comey. If Trump did it because he thought Comey was doing a poor job supervising the Russia investigation, that’s perfectly legal. If he did it because he was worried that Comey’s investigation might end up uncovering some kind of misdeeds by the Trump family — whether Russia-related, financial, or otherwise — then that’s obstruction.

Typically, proving intent is difficult for prosecutors, because establishing what a person was thinking at a particular moment is inherently challenging. But Trump has made things easier for Mueller — by repeatedly, even publicly, admitting that he fired Comey out of hostility to the Russia investigation.

Mueller’s obstruction of justice case against Trump looks damning

have a nice day.

Wow, that's such a compelling argument. Mueller should just stop now.
no - i mean bullshit in your reply. not that i read it, i just know you.
Ahhh, Easy .. Please show me a link of Mueller being known for prosecutorial misconduct ?

Ask and ye shall receive....

Mueller team criticized by fellow attorneys for history of questionable tactics

Conservative group Freedom Watch is suing to have Mueller removed as special counsel

Mueller's hiring of Andrew Weisman, who has an even worse record of prosecutorial misconduct, proves this is a witch hunt, destroying all credibility:

Lawyer Sidney Powell: Prosecutor's Record Destroys Credibility of Mueller Probe

Consider that his team consists of / consisted of Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary Lawyers, Donors, a criminal extremist Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary FBI agent (Mueller was forced to boot from his staff by the IG), and Weisman - a prosecutor known for his misconduct, and it is obvious Mueller has assembled a team tht does not give a damn about 'Justice' or the 'Truth'.

Easy, Easy, Easy...

Your links are all very conservative.. And did you know Newsweek was sold to a european group IBT ~ biased ?

Chris Christie defends Robert Mueller over escalating attacks against the Russia investigation

Chris Christie defends Robert Mueller over escalating attacks against the Russia investigation
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds

The special counsel is 100% corrupt
And your bias concerns me.. Don't you want to know if there is a problem? It has been like pulling teeth to get the truth of the Russian hack bots.. people closest to Trump are going down for money laundering . Don't you want to know if our president was involved?

If not why?

how am i biased when i say if trump committed a crime and it's proven - lock him up in an unrestored alcatraz? how am i biased when i see txt messages from our FBI saying they will work AGAINST a sitting president?

the entire RUSSIA is a cover to attack trump and you've soaked it right up.

I want to get to the bottom of this.. we already know that Trump Jr. and Kushner lied.. Why?

ah hell - and we know the FBI lied all over the place. we know obama lied, hillary lied and every politician who has ever held office likely.

but since you don't like trump, it becomes YUGE cause - TRUMP!

and that is just bullshit. we all hold to the same standards or we divide up and fall.

we've been falling for awhile now.

I hate liars period Iceberg and yes it seems that all politicians lie.. let's not go there. I am not up to the well Hillary did it , today. Let's stick to getting to the bottom of this investigation..

I think Mueller is wrapping it up, I hope anyway..

of course not - you hate someone so you want 1 trait to mean more than the rest for others. you hold him to a different standard and then don't EVER bring up when your side lies their ass off. instead you get upset and say STAY ON TOPIC. only your topic is narrow and self-serving in a "I MUST VENT" fashion.

but it's hardly realistic to attack a man for lying and not care what previous liars did in the same role. it strengthens the viewpoint of bias and "my morality is better than yours".

so try as you might, you'll never be able to have a TRUMP LIES convo and not hear about all the rest.

LOL.. you obviously don't know me.

This is your argument every time Iceberg

Survey says Americans are MUCH more interested in tax reform and immigration. Also says they don’t trust muellar either. Survey was done before passage of tax bill. Talk about cherry picking from an anti trump source.
/-----/ "Why do you need a lawyer if you're not guilty?" Because there are too many ways the opposition can trip you up if they are out to get you.

100% correct. Seeing that all the investigation so far has uncovered is procedural crimes, its all about getting someone to say something wrong under Oath, and who cares about the actual original reason for the investigation.

So Sessions originally said " I did not have any contact with the Russian's

In June he was busted having contact with the Russian's ( " but I didn't talk about the campaign" )

OHHHH Marty..They are the ones lying, not Mueller tripping them up..

National Security
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show

How about you quote the relevant points, since you linked to a site behind a paywall....

I showed you a link to the intelligence busting Sessions as the Ambassador called Russia and told them.. They have it on tape.

we have text messages of massive spying abuse and threats to our elected president.

why does one mean more to you than the other, if we're just looking at evidence and not sides/people?

Please show me those messages.. We do know that the Russian's were taped while calling home.
But taping Trump ..nothing came out of that.

Ahhh, Easy .. Please show me a link of Mueller being known for prosecutorial misconduct ?

Ask and ye shall receive....

Mueller team criticized by fellow attorneys for history of questionable tactics

Conservative group Freedom Watch is suing to have Mueller removed as special counsel

Mueller's hiring of Andrew Weisman, who has an even worse record of prosecutorial misconduct, proves this is a witch hunt, destroying all credibility:

Lawyer Sidney Powell: Prosecutor's Record Destroys Credibility of Mueller Probe

Consider that his team consists of / consisted of Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary Lawyers, Donors, a criminal extremist Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary FBI agent (Mueller was forced to boot from his staff by the IG), and Weisman - a prosecutor known for his misconduct, and it is obvious Mueller has assembled a team tht does not give a damn about 'Justice' or the 'Truth'.

Easy, Easy, Easy...

Your links are all very conservative.. And did you know Newsweek was sold to a european group IBT ~ biased ?

Chris Christie defends Robert Mueller over escalating attacks against the Russia investigation

Chris Christie defends Robert Mueller over escalating attacks against the Russia investigation
As they say, you can lead a jackass to evidence but you can't make him think.... :p
how am i biased when i say if trump committed a crime and it's proven - lock him up in an unrestored alcatraz? how am i biased when i see txt messages from our FBI saying they will work AGAINST a sitting president?

the entire RUSSIA is a cover to attack trump and you've soaked it right up.

I want to get to the bottom of this.. we already know that Trump Jr. and Kushner lied.. Why?

ah hell - and we know the FBI lied all over the place. we know obama lied, hillary lied and every politician who has ever held office likely.

but since you don't like trump, it becomes YUGE cause - TRUMP!

and that is just bullshit. we all hold to the same standards or we divide up and fall.

we've been falling for awhile now.

I hate liars period Iceberg and yes it seems that all politicians lie.. let's not go there. I am not up to the well Hillary did it , today. Let's stick to getting to the bottom of this investigation..

I think Mueller is wrapping it up, I hope anyway..

of course not - you hate someone so you want 1 trait to mean more than the rest for others. you hold him to a different standard and then don't EVER bring up when your side lies their ass off. instead you get upset and say STAY ON TOPIC. only your topic is narrow and self-serving in a "I MUST VENT" fashion.

but it's hardly realistic to attack a man for lying and not care what previous liars did in the same role. it strengthens the viewpoint of bias and "my morality is better than yours".

so try as you might, you'll never be able to have a TRUMP LIES convo and not hear about all the rest.

LOL.. you obviously don't know me.

This is your argument every time Iceberg

that i see the whole picture and not the subset that pisses me off?

you're right. i don't know you. i only know what you post and the repetition in them. you hate trump so anything against trump seems to mean the world. but those same habits in others don't seem to bother you. not uncommon, we all tend to do this. i just try to put that down and see the whole, not just my comfort zone.

not a trump fan. he divides us more than obama did and that's saying something. but we let it happen.

what i am bothered by are the people who don't seem to care we're trashing 240+ years of history right now and shattering our own collective standards of morality and the very structure of our foundations right now just because we don't like the people in office. we're willing to believe anything we need to in order to be emotionally correct.

i don't care about trump per se in as much as i care about our entire system of government and what we're doing to it today to let the left go apeshit in taking it apart because they find it inconvenient.

you don't know me that well either, do you?
Ahhh, Easy .. Please show me a link of Mueller being known for prosecutorial misconduct ?

Ask and ye shall receive....

Mueller team criticized by fellow attorneys for history of questionable tactics

Conservative group Freedom Watch is suing to have Mueller removed as special counsel

Mueller's hiring of Andrew Weisman, who has an even worse record of prosecutorial misconduct, proves this is a witch hunt, destroying all credibility:

Lawyer Sidney Powell: Prosecutor's Record Destroys Credibility of Mueller Probe

Consider that his team consists of / consisted of Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary Lawyers, Donors, a criminal extremist Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary FBI agent (Mueller was forced to boot from his staff by the IG), and Weisman - a prosecutor known for his misconduct, and it is obvious Mueller has assembled a team tht does not give a damn about 'Justice' or the 'Truth'.

Easy, Easy, Easy...

Your links are all very conservative.. And did you know Newsweek was sold to a european group IBT ~ biased ?

Chris Christie defends Robert Mueller over escalating attacks against the Russia investigation

Chris Christie defends Robert Mueller over escalating attacks against the Russia investigation
As they say, you can lead a jackass to evidence but you can't make him think.... :p

100% correct. Seeing that all the investigation so far has uncovered is procedural crimes, its all about getting someone to say something wrong under Oath, and who cares about the actual original reason for the investigation.

So Sessions originally said " I did not have any contact with the Russian's

In June he was busted having contact with the Russian's ( " but I didn't talk about the campaign" )

OHHHH Marty..They are the ones lying, not Mueller tripping them up..

National Security
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show

How about you quote the relevant points, since you linked to a site behind a paywall....

I showed you a link to the intelligence busting Sessions as the Ambassador called Russia and told them.. They have it on tape.

we have text messages of massive spying abuse and threats to our elected president.

why does one mean more to you than the other, if we're just looking at evidence and not sides/people?

Please show me those messages.. We do know that the Russian's were taped while calling home.
But taping Trump ..nothing came out of that.


well ok.

Republican lawmakers spotlight 'jaw-dropping' FBI texts - CNNPolitics
Trump calls missing FBI texts ‘one of the biggest stories in a long time’
FBI's Strzok and Page spoke of 'secret society' after Trump election, lawmakers say
U.S. attorney general orders probe of FBI agents' text messages
FBI's Peter Strzok: Trump inquiry 'maybe the most important case of our lives'

many are out there. feel free to look. the FBI is / was engaged in an "insurance plan" (their words) to deal with trump should he win. if you won't stand for that for YOUR candidate, it should hold true for all because that in fact is very illegal also.

we have a lot more proof of these texts than a couple of meetings and 'lies' you fall back on every time.

stop the single minded hate for trump and remove him from the pic and look at the entire story unfolding. you ok with it? or only because it's trump? rest assured if we do this to ANY SITTING PRESIDENT - we're done as a country and your vote is meaningless.

that what you want?
And your bias concerns me.. Don't you want to know if there is a problem? It has been like pulling teeth to get the truth of the Russian hack bots.. people closest to Trump are going down for money laundering . Don't you want to know if our president was involved?

If not why?

how am i biased when i say if trump committed a crime and it's proven - lock him up in an unrestored alcatraz? how am i biased when i see txt messages from our FBI saying they will work AGAINST a sitting president?

the entire RUSSIA is a cover to attack trump and you've soaked it right up.

I want to get to the bottom of this.. we already know that Trump Jr. and Kushner lied.. Why?

ah hell - and we know the FBI lied all over the place. we know obama lied, hillary lied and every politician who has ever held office likely.

but since you don't like trump, it becomes YUGE cause - TRUMP!

and that is just bullshit. we all hold to the same standards or we divide up and fall.

we've been falling for awhile now.

I hate liars period Iceberg and yes it seems that all politicians lie.. let's not go there. I am not up to the well Hillary did it , today. Let's stick to getting to the bottom of this investigation..

I think Mueller is wrapping it up, I hope anyway..

of course not - you hate someone so you want 1 trait to mean more than the rest for others. you hold him to a different standard and then don't EVER bring up when your side lies their ass off. instead you get upset and say STAY ON TOPIC. only your topic is narrow and self-serving in a "I MUST VENT" fashion.

but it's hardly realistic to attack a man for lying and not care what previous liars did in the same role. it strengthens the viewpoint of bias and "my morality is better than yours".

so try as you might, you'll never be able to have a TRUMP LIES convo and not hear about all the rest.
I guess in your opinion of the HERE and NOW matters equally with 10,20, years ago?? Can't help but think NOW is more important than THEN
So Sessions originally said " I did not have any contact with the Russian's

In June he was busted having contact with the Russian's ( " but I didn't talk about the campaign" )

OHHHH Marty..They are the ones lying, not Mueller tripping them up..

National Security
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show

How about you quote the relevant points, since you linked to a site behind a paywall....

I showed you a link to the intelligence busting Sessions as the Ambassador called Russia and told them.. They have it on tape.

we have text messages of massive spying abuse and threats to our elected president.

why does one mean more to you than the other, if we're just looking at evidence and not sides/people?

Please show me those messages.. We do know that the Russian's were taped while calling home.
But taping Trump ..nothing came out of that.


well ok.

Republican lawmakers spotlight 'jaw-dropping' FBI texts - CNNPolitics
Trump calls missing FBI texts ‘one of the biggest stories in a long time’
FBI's Strzok and Page spoke of 'secret society' after Trump election, lawmakers say
U.S. attorney general orders probe of FBI agents' text messages
FBI's Peter Strzok: Trump inquiry 'maybe the most important case of our lives'

many are out there. feel free to look. the FBI is / was engaged in an "insurance plan" (their words) to deal with trump should he win. if you won't stand for that for YOUR candidate, it should hold true for all because that in fact is very illegal also.

we have a lot more proof of these texts than a couple of meetings and 'lies' you fall back on every time.

stop the single minded hate for trump and remove him from the pic and look at the entire story unfolding. you ok with it? or only because it's trump? rest assured if we do this to ANY SITTING PRESIDENT - we're done as a country and your vote is meaningless.

that what you want?

What you just gave is us a bunch of drama queens making claims that have not been supported yet.
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds

And lets not forget two member of his administration have already been indicted and two other have ADMITTED guilt to lying about their collusion.
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds

And lets not forget two member of his administration have already been indicted and two other have ADMITTED guilt to lying about their collusion.
And Kushner can't get a clearance but has access to all info??
I want to get to the bottom of this.. we already know that Trump Jr. and Kushner lied.. Why?

ah hell - and we know the FBI lied all over the place. we know obama lied, hillary lied and every politician who has ever held office likely.

but since you don't like trump, it becomes YUGE cause - TRUMP!

and that is just bullshit. we all hold to the same standards or we divide up and fall.

we've been falling for awhile now.

I hate liars period Iceberg and yes it seems that all politicians lie.. let's not go there. I am not up to the well Hillary did it , today. Let's stick to getting to the bottom of this investigation..

I think Mueller is wrapping it up, I hope anyway..

of course not - you hate someone so you want 1 trait to mean more than the rest for others. you hold him to a different standard and then don't EVER bring up when your side lies their ass off. instead you get upset and say STAY ON TOPIC. only your topic is narrow and self-serving in a "I MUST VENT" fashion.

but it's hardly realistic to attack a man for lying and not care what previous liars did in the same role. it strengthens the viewpoint of bias and "my morality is better than yours".

so try as you might, you'll never be able to have a TRUMP LIES convo and not hear about all the rest.

LOL.. you obviously don't know me.

This is your argument every time Iceberg

that i see the whole picture and not the subset that pisses me off?

you're right. i don't know you. i only know what you post and the repetition in them. you hate trump so anything against trump seems to mean the world. but those same habits in others don't seem to bother you. not uncommon, we all tend to do this. i just try to put that down and see the whole, not just my comfort zone.

not a trump fan. he divides us more than obama did and that's saying something. but we let it happen.

what i am bothered by are the people who don't seem to care we're trashing 240+ years of history right now and shattering our own collective standards of morality and the very structure of our foundations right now just because we don't like the people in office. we're willing to believe anything we need to in order to be emotionally correct.

i don't care about trump per se in as much as i care about our entire system of government and what we're doing to it today to let the left go apeshit in taking it apart because they find it inconvenient.

you don't know me that well either, do you?

I supported Trump in the beginning before he flipped and picked Pence, ..He is a liar and hurt the people who kept him afloat in the beginning ( moderates ) ..

so was the corrupt DNC who let us down.. Freaken Wasserman is still working in congress..Why?..she needs to go ( I hate her )

I do not like Clinton, and did not support her.. but I voted for my party like most people did... We had little choice..

Yes, the whole congress is a lie and they vote for their own pocketbooks not for the people..
how am i biased when i say if trump committed a crime and it's proven - lock him up in an unrestored alcatraz? how am i biased when i see txt messages from our FBI saying they will work AGAINST a sitting president?

the entire RUSSIA is a cover to attack trump and you've soaked it right up.

I want to get to the bottom of this.. we already know that Trump Jr. and Kushner lied.. Why?

ah hell - and we know the FBI lied all over the place. we know obama lied, hillary lied and every politician who has ever held office likely.

but since you don't like trump, it becomes YUGE cause - TRUMP!

and that is just bullshit. we all hold to the same standards or we divide up and fall.

we've been falling for awhile now.

I hate liars period Iceberg and yes it seems that all politicians lie.. let's not go there. I am not up to the well Hillary did it , today. Let's stick to getting to the bottom of this investigation..

I think Mueller is wrapping it up, I hope anyway..

of course not - you hate someone so you want 1 trait to mean more than the rest for others. you hold him to a different standard and then don't EVER bring up when your side lies their ass off. instead you get upset and say STAY ON TOPIC. only your topic is narrow and self-serving in a "I MUST VENT" fashion.

but it's hardly realistic to attack a man for lying and not care what previous liars did in the same role. it strengthens the viewpoint of bias and "my morality is better than yours".

so try as you might, you'll never be able to have a TRUMP LIES convo and not hear about all the rest.
I guess in your opinion of the HERE and NOW matters equally with 10,20, years ago?? Can't help but think NOW is more important than THEN
and i can't help but think that regardless of how you personally feel about a president, that is not as important and keeping the standards we've lived by for 240+ years in tact. i care that our FBI may have been engaged in "dethroning" a sitting president.

that doesn't bother you? what if the fbi did the same to obama? now does it bother you? both would piss me off to no end because when we let the government decide who runs it, it's no longer ours and we're so far into that hole we may not come back out with all our bickering and fighting.

do you really want to live in a country where your vote means nothing because the "deep state" will put in who they want along the way?

that's not my america. it has nothing to do with obama, trump, left or right - but everything to do with all of us. we need to take "United" off State of America because we are so far from that and don't give a fuck because...TRUMP.

think about what is really happening and long term what it means. i'd rather sit through an obama presidency or trump or whoever, than to destroy the system because i don't like who won the election.
ah hell - and we know the FBI lied all over the place. we know obama lied, hillary lied and every politician who has ever held office likely.

but since you don't like trump, it becomes YUGE cause - TRUMP!

and that is just bullshit. we all hold to the same standards or we divide up and fall.

we've been falling for awhile now.

I hate liars period Iceberg and yes it seems that all politicians lie.. let's not go there. I am not up to the well Hillary did it , today. Let's stick to getting to the bottom of this investigation..

I think Mueller is wrapping it up, I hope anyway..

of course not - you hate someone so you want 1 trait to mean more than the rest for others. you hold him to a different standard and then don't EVER bring up when your side lies their ass off. instead you get upset and say STAY ON TOPIC. only your topic is narrow and self-serving in a "I MUST VENT" fashion.

but it's hardly realistic to attack a man for lying and not care what previous liars did in the same role. it strengthens the viewpoint of bias and "my morality is better than yours".

so try as you might, you'll never be able to have a TRUMP LIES convo and not hear about all the rest.

LOL.. you obviously don't know me.

This is your argument every time Iceberg

that i see the whole picture and not the subset that pisses me off?

you're right. i don't know you. i only know what you post and the repetition in them. you hate trump so anything against trump seems to mean the world. but those same habits in others don't seem to bother you. not uncommon, we all tend to do this. i just try to put that down and see the whole, not just my comfort zone.

not a trump fan. he divides us more than obama did and that's saying something. but we let it happen.

what i am bothered by are the people who don't seem to care we're trashing 240+ years of history right now and shattering our own collective standards of morality and the very structure of our foundations right now just because we don't like the people in office. we're willing to believe anything we need to in order to be emotionally correct.

i don't care about trump per se in as much as i care about our entire system of government and what we're doing to it today to let the left go apeshit in taking it apart because they find it inconvenient.

you don't know me that well either, do you?

I supported Trump in the beginning before he flipped and picked Pence, ..He is a liar and hurt the people who kept him afloat in the beginning ( moderates ) ..

so was the corrupt DNC who let us down.. Freaken Wasserman is still working in congress..Why?..she needs to go ( I hate her )

I do not like Clinton, and did not support her.. but I voted for my party like most people did... We had little choice..

Yes, the whole congress is a lie and they vote for their own pocketbooks not for the people..
and when we let one side "get away with it" for the biggest reason being we hate the other side more - we take it all apart.

that's where we're headed because our hate must be satisfied. never saw hate build much of anything good. have you? it's damn sure what's in charge right now.
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds

And lets not forget two member of his administration have already been indicted and two other have ADMITTED guilt to lying about their collusion.

Welcome Sedwin.. I haven't met you yet.


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