If Trump's words cause riots; Then libs can't be in office- mere words make them violent.

Ok let's talk about it.

Yes...if a group of people begin to violently attack someone....they all should be shot. 1 man can't win a fight vs a mob if they intend to kill him and these leftist attacks are escalating.
There you go....thank you for confirming. (of course, we know you would never be the one to step up....)

Yes. Thank you for acknowledging that I support self defense.

And no....I wouldn't be because I don't attend political rallies.

But if that was intended to be an insult to the ability to use a gun.....honey....they didnt even let you hold a gun.

Guns aren't for everyone, that's for sure. Most of these anti trumpsters probably think hillary will take care of them when there's violence in the streets. That's sure to happen if we don't get our borders under control soon.
So you believe in this wall thing? :lol:

You have to believe in the wall thing. The border patrol guys say it's necessary. Do you want your country overrun by anyone who wants to come here, whether they're criminals or have diseases? It's happening now and only the Donald says he'll do something to stop it.

Bodecea doesn't believe what the border patrol says man. She rode in an airplane for 20 years....it made her an expert on ground level law enforcement didn't ya know?
OK and you can prove that said protestors were made up of this constituency?
No need to, just look at the videos.
Then you have no proof.
The proof is in the nicely tanned, and angry, faces.
That means what? People who go to the beach also get angry?
Exactly. Somehow Trump has very much offended people who tan. Maybe it's that orange crap he uses?
I go to the beach, hell I live half a block away from the beach and I eventually after a long process of burning and peeling sometimes get tan. Funny how I never feel the urge to beat people up at a Trump rally. Actually I don't see my tan neighbors doing it either.

Hmmm maybe it's just illegal assholes acting like thugs who show up to disturb the peace and break the law and further their criminality in a country they don't belong in,making a sad attempt to intimidate a presidential candidate and their misguided leftist sympathizer's who make excuses for them by supporting them.

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