If we all came from 2 people

What vengeful ghost?
Explain in context.
God. He tossed out Adam and Eve for getting it on, he drowned nearly everyone in a flood because he didn't like them anymore, or messed up making them, depending on the interpretation, sends souls to hell because they did something he didn't like, ...

Dude................Adam and Eve weren't kicked out of the Garden because they "were getting it on", they were kicked out because they ate of the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, and when asked about it, they didn't take responsibility for their actions, choosing instead to blame each other and the serpent.

As far as the flood? God had seen that because of the angels mating with the daughters of Eve (humans), they had created Nephilim, which are half angel and half human. Think of a human with superpowers who doesn't know what kind of power they wield. And, the angels had also taught mankind things like magic and war, which is why God found one righteous man and decided to save him and his family (Noah).

And, interestingly enough, according to both the Jewish tradition and the Gospel of Thomas, nobody stays in hell forever. Think of it as more like a place to get clean and be purged of your sins before you rejoin God in Heaven. Christians are the ones who like to tell others they will go to hell for eternity.
Just curious, do you think that these things actually happened? Because the rest of the believers here don't seem to. As in, a real worldwide flood? An actual placed called Eden? An actual place called hell?
What vengeful ghost?
Explain in context.
God. He tossed out Adam and Eve for getting it on, he drowned nearly everyone in a flood because he didn't like them anymore, or messed up making them, depending on the interpretation, sends souls to hell because they did something he didn't like, ...

Dude................Adam and Eve weren't kicked out of the Garden because they "were getting it on", they were kicked out because they ate of the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, and when asked about it, they didn't take responsibility for their actions, choosing instead to blame each other and the serpent.

As far as the flood? God had seen that because of the angels mating with the daughters of Eve (humans), they had created Nephilim, which are half angel and half human. Think of a human with superpowers who doesn't know what kind of power they wield. And, the angels had also taught mankind things like magic and war, which is why God found one righteous man and decided to save him and his family (Noah).

And, interestingly enough, according to both the Jewish tradition and the Gospel of Thomas, nobody stays in hell forever. Think of it as more like a place to get clean and be purged of your sins before you rejoin God in Heaven. Christians are the ones who like to tell others they will go to hell for eternity.
Just curious, do you think that these things actually happened? Because the rest of the believers here don't seem to. As in, a real worldwide flood? An actual placed called Eden? An actual place called hell?

There are all kinds of beliefs regarding the Bible. I believe, based upon the weight of the evidence:

1) That God created man and a "pre-Adamic man." Whether that man was one man and Adam is an eighth day creation is speculative, but pre-Adamic man can (and most likely is) also the "chay" as it is called in Hebrew. By either theory, we can account for preadamites

2) When Eve enters the Garden of Eden and sins, the offense was a sexual offense (which is why God made the punishment of childbirth to be so painful for a woman.) The Eve ate the apple story is a metaphor for what happened

the two seeds of genesis 3 15 my study | Cain And Abel | Serpents In The Bible

3) Whether the flood was world wide or local, it does not change the bottom line. And the bottom line is, IF the flood were world wide, Noah still took two of every living creature onto the Ark, which would include those "beasts" with the hands, feet, power of speech that work for hire, wear sack cloth, and cry mightily unto God (references given in one of my earlier posts on this thread.)

4) There was a real Garden of Eden; there is a real physical Devil with offspring; there is a place called Hell
So what is your "overwhelming" proof of 1, 2, 3 and 4? And how would Noah have gotten kangaroos from Australia and back again?
You really need to come up with some new material Captain Kangaroo.
God. He tossed out Adam and Eve for getting it on, he drowned nearly everyone in a flood because he didn't like them anymore, or messed up making them, depending on the interpretation, sends souls to hell because they did something he didn't like, ...

Dude................Adam and Eve weren't kicked out of the Garden because they "were getting it on", they were kicked out because they ate of the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, and when asked about it, they didn't take responsibility for their actions, choosing instead to blame each other and the serpent.

As far as the flood? God had seen that because of the angels mating with the daughters of Eve (humans), they had created Nephilim, which are half angel and half human. Think of a human with superpowers who doesn't know what kind of power they wield. And, the angels had also taught mankind things like magic and war, which is why God found one righteous man and decided to save him and his family (Noah).

And, interestingly enough, according to both the Jewish tradition and the Gospel of Thomas, nobody stays in hell forever. Think of it as more like a place to get clean and be purged of your sins before you rejoin God in Heaven. Christians are the ones who like to tell others they will go to hell for eternity.
Just curious, do you think that these things actually happened? Because the rest of the believers here don't seem to. As in, a real worldwide flood? An actual placed called Eden? An actual place called hell?
God. He tossed out Adam and Eve for getting it on, he drowned nearly everyone in a flood because he didn't like them anymore, or messed up making them, depending on the interpretation, sends souls to hell because they did something he didn't like, ...

Dude................Adam and Eve weren't kicked out of the Garden because they "were getting it on", they were kicked out because they ate of the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, and when asked about it, they didn't take responsibility for their actions, choosing instead to blame each other and the serpent.

As far as the flood? God had seen that because of the angels mating with the daughters of Eve (humans), they had created Nephilim, which are half angel and half human. Think of a human with superpowers who doesn't know what kind of power they wield. And, the angels had also taught mankind things like magic and war, which is why God found one righteous man and decided to save him and his family (Noah).

And, interestingly enough, according to both the Jewish tradition and the Gospel of Thomas, nobody stays in hell forever. Think of it as more like a place to get clean and be purged of your sins before you rejoin God in Heaven. Christians are the ones who like to tell others they will go to hell for eternity.
Just curious, do you think that these things actually happened? Because the rest of the believers here don't seem to. As in, a real worldwide flood? An actual placed called Eden? An actual place called hell?

There are all kinds of beliefs regarding the Bible. I believe, based upon the weight of the evidence:

1) That God created man and a "pre-Adamic man." Whether that man was one man and Adam is an eighth day creation is speculative, but pre-Adamic man can (and most likely is) also the "chay" as it is called in Hebrew. By either theory, we can account for preadamites

2) When Eve enters the Garden of Eden and sins, the offense was a sexual offense (which is why God made the punishment of childbirth to be so painful for a woman.) The Eve ate the apple story is a metaphor for what happened

the two seeds of genesis 3 15 my study | Cain And Abel | Serpents In The Bible

3) Whether the flood was world wide or local, it does not change the bottom line. And the bottom line is, IF the flood were world wide, Noah still took two of every living creature onto the Ark, which would include those "beasts" with the hands, feet, power of speech that work for hire, wear sack cloth, and cry mightily unto God (references given in one of my earlier posts on this thread.)

4) There was a real Garden of Eden; there is a real physical Devil with offspring; there is a place called Hell
So what is your "overwhelming" proof of 1, 2, 3 and 4? And how would Noah have gotten kangaroos from Australia and back again?
You really need to come up with some new material Captain Kangaroo.
Its a fair question..
  • Thanks
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Maybe I'm too stupid to believe that a vengeful ghost from a book is real? Is that it? Is it?
What vengeful ghost?
Explain in context.
God. He tossed out Adam and Eve for getting it on, he drowned nearly everyone in a flood because he didn't like them anymore, or messed up making them, depending on the interpretation, sends souls to hell because they did something he didn't like, ...

Dude................Adam and Eve weren't kicked out of the Garden because they "were getting it on", they were kicked out because they ate of the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, and when asked about it, they didn't take responsibility for their actions, choosing instead to blame each other and the serpent.

As far as the flood? God had seen that because of the angels mating with the daughters of Eve (humans), they had created Nephilim, which are half angel and half human. Think of a human with superpowers who doesn't know what kind of power they wield. And, the angels had also taught mankind things like magic and war, which is why God found one righteous man and decided to save him and his family (Noah).

And, interestingly enough, according to both the Jewish tradition and the Gospel of Thomas, nobody stays in hell forever. Think of it as more like a place to get clean and be purged of your sins before you rejoin God in Heaven. Christians are the ones who like to tell others they will go to hell for eternity.
Just curious, do you think that these things actually happened? Because the rest of the believers here don't seem to. As in, a real worldwide flood? An actual placed called Eden? An actual place called hell?
Maybe I'm too stupid to believe that a vengeful ghost from a book is real? Is that it? Is it?
What vengeful ghost?
Explain in context.
God. He tossed out Adam and Eve for getting it on, he drowned nearly everyone in a flood because he didn't like them anymore, or messed up making them, depending on the interpretation, sends souls to hell because they did something he didn't like, ...

Dude................Adam and Eve weren't kicked out of the Garden because they "were getting it on", they were kicked out because they ate of the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, and when asked about it, they didn't take responsibility for their actions, choosing instead to blame each other and the serpent.

As far as the flood? God had seen that because of the angels mating with the daughters of Eve (humans), they had created Nephilim, which are half angel and half human. Think of a human with superpowers who doesn't know what kind of power they wield. And, the angels had also taught mankind things like magic and war, which is why God found one righteous man and decided to save him and his family (Noah).

And, interestingly enough, according to both the Jewish tradition and the Gospel of Thomas, nobody stays in hell forever. Think of it as more like a place to get clean and be purged of your sins before you rejoin God in Heaven. Christians are the ones who like to tell others they will go to hell for eternity.
Just curious, do you think that these things actually happened? Because the rest of the believers here don't seem to. As in, a real worldwide flood? An actual placed called Eden? An actual place called hell?

There are all kinds of beliefs regarding the Bible. I believe, based upon the weight of the evidence:

1) That God created man and a "pre-Adamic man." Whether that man was one man and Adam is an eighth day creation is speculative, but pre-Adamic man can (and most likely is) also the "chay" as it is called in Hebrew. By either theory, we can account for preadamites

2) When Eve enters the Garden of Eden and sins, the offense was a sexual offense (which is why God made the punishment of childbirth to be so painful for a woman.) The Eve ate the apple story is a metaphor for what happened

the two seeds of genesis 3 15 my study | Cain And Abel | Serpents In The Bible

3) Whether the flood was world wide or local, it does not change the bottom line. And the bottom line is, IF the flood were world wide, Noah still took two of every living creature onto the Ark, which would include those "beasts" with the hands, feet, power of speech that work for hire, wear sack cloth, and cry mightily unto God (references given in one of my earlier posts on this thread.)

4) There was a real Garden of Eden; there is a real physical Devil with offspring; there is a place called Hell
If you read Hebrew, the verse which states she gave also to her husband strongly infers that she threatened to withhold sex.
Know this:

You don't have a clue about biblical history. The pre-Adamic view was the first viewpoint of the people that are responsible for the Old Testament. You are trying to bluff your way out of this one and demonstrating either really poor reading comprehension skills or terrible attempts to B.S. your way through the thread.

It would appear to me that IF you could find these made up theories to which you claim existed, they probably co-opted the idea from the earliest Christians.
Ahh the people that came up with it, contradicted their own books? Really?
Pre-adamites were pagan responses to the abrahamic version of creation.
Julian the apostate for example. Or Isaac de La Peyrère. He cited the bibles contradictions for his theory. There are records of this. Do you have records? I can post links. Can you? Im kinda getting tired of your broken record response of "uh-uh"

You see, I DID post post links that you conveniently ignored. You cannot go to a link and then read two sentences and think your disbelief disproves the balance of the evidence.

YOU'RE the one with the same song and dance. You think if you keep repeating your skepticism over modern misconceptions the masses have created, you've proven the basis for your criticism. You haven't. You did not address one, single, solitary link I've left here... and we both know why.

The pagans got their viewpoint from God's account of how man came to be. The people who claim the Bible calls Adam the first man are liars. The Bible absolutely does not say that and it was, most likely, people with a grudge against the Bible who pretended to be in favor of it that fed Adamic man the kool aid you keep drinking.

So, I'm tired of your broken record as well. When you go back to my earlier posts and base your responses to your now debunked bovine dung, we can move forward. If not, I can play your little game all day long.
How is a 2000+ year old book a "modern misconception?" My gawd man...
So pre adamic theory WAS created by pagans? :rofl:
You are boring AND dumb. Sucks dude. You have my sympathy.

I'm dumb because you are ignorant? Yeah, right. You think your beliefs discount the facts? WRONG.

What's with this game wherein I tell you that IF the pagans tell some story about preadamic man, they took it from biblical sources, you come back with that idiotic line it "WAS created by pagans?"

The real deal is, you obviously read at a fifth grade level and you spend way too much time on the Internet pretending to be honing your imagined superior reasoning skills. If you're going to discuss this topic, you must first decide to be rational, respectful and when someone presents you with facts, deal with them.

Created or evolved - creation.com

Your childishness doesn't impress me and I pity anyone stupid enough to think you have been in any serious discussion over this issue.
You didnt say "if"
Dude, that link states the world is 6K years old :rofl:
You are sitting there stating the people that wrote the OT started a pagan belief that contradicts their books.
You are sitting there adding shit to the bible that isnt there and discrediting what it actually says.
And you have the gall to talk about me?
You are a fucking joke.
There were no stars or planets until the 4th “day” so we don’t know, by today’s measurements, how old the universe or our solar system is.
Know this:

You don't have a clue about biblical history. The pre-Adamic view was the first viewpoint of the people that are responsible for the Old Testament. You are trying to bluff your way out of this one and demonstrating either really poor reading comprehension skills or terrible attempts to B.S. your way through the thread.

It would appear to me that IF you could find these made up theories to which you claim existed, they probably co-opted the idea from the earliest Christians.
Ahh the people that came up with it, contradicted their own books? Really?
Pre-adamites were pagan responses to the abrahamic version of creation.
Julian the apostate for example. Or Isaac de La Peyrère. He cited the bibles contradictions for his theory. There are records of this. Do you have records? I can post links. Can you? Im kinda getting tired of your broken record response of "uh-uh"

You see, I DID post post links that you conveniently ignored. You cannot go to a link and then read two sentences and think your disbelief disproves the balance of the evidence.

YOU'RE the one with the same song and dance. You think if you keep repeating your skepticism over modern misconceptions the masses have created, you've proven the basis for your criticism. You haven't. You did not address one, single, solitary link I've left here... and we both know why.

The pagans got their viewpoint from God's account of how man came to be. The people who claim the Bible calls Adam the first man are liars. The Bible absolutely does not say that and it was, most likely, people with a grudge against the Bible who pretended to be in favor of it that fed Adamic man the kool aid you keep drinking.

So, I'm tired of your broken record as well. When you go back to my earlier posts and base your responses to your now debunked bovine dung, we can move forward. If not, I can play your little game all day long.
How is a 2000+ year old book a "modern misconception?" My gawd man...
So pre adamic theory WAS created by pagans? :rofl:
You are boring AND dumb. Sucks dude. You have my sympathy.

I'm dumb because you are ignorant? Yeah, right. You think your beliefs discount the facts? WRONG.

What's with this game wherein I tell you that IF the pagans tell some story about preadamic man, they took it from biblical sources, you come back with that idiotic line it "WAS created by pagans?"

The real deal is, you obviously read at a fifth grade level and you spend way too much time on the Internet pretending to be honing your imagined superior reasoning skills. If you're going to discuss this topic, you must first decide to be rational, respectful and when someone presents you with facts, deal with them.

Created or evolved - creation.com

Your childishness doesn't impress me and I pity anyone stupid enough to think you have been in any serious discussion over this issue.
You didnt say "if"
Dude, that link states the world is 6K years old :rofl:
You are sitting there stating the people that wrote the OT started a pagan belief that contradicts their books.
You are sitting there adding shit to the bible that isnt there and discrediting what it actually says.
And you have the gall to talk about me?
You are a fucking joke.

I've done no such thing. My most recent links only open the door to further discussion. You never accessed nor read the links from previous posts.

So that your dumb ass can understand this: You are trying to get into the gutter because you and I both realize you don't have squat except your opinion that you think anyone gives a rip about.

They don't. You can't read or reason beyond a fifth grade level and if you want to pick fights, you should try doing it somewhere other than on a discussion board... but, quite frankly we both realize you don't pack the gear.

Whether the world is 6,000 years old or 60 MILLION years old, the basics remain the same. Man is a created being; there were pre-adamites (according to the Bible which pagans stole their ideology from) and the Bible does not purport to tell us every secret of the universe.

The Bible is a book to, for, and about the generations of Adam. (see Genesis 5 : 1)

I'm in a discussion and bring many different viewpoints to the table as I'm prepared for the truth... and that is something beyond your comprehension.

(Gen. 1:1) Did the Jews steal their creation story from the Babylonian Enuma Elish? | Evidence Unseen

The Genesis Flood: Why the Bible Says It Must be Local

Angels, the Flood, and Saturn (Part 2)

You're obviously too stupid to realize I'm not selling my own point of view. I'm comfortable enough that if I state it and then provide all the views from both sides, you can make up your own mind... if you have one.
What vengeful ghost?
Explain in context.
God. He tossed out Adam and Eve for getting it on, he drowned nearly everyone in a flood because he didn't like them anymore, or messed up making them, depending on the interpretation, sends souls to hell because they did something he didn't like, ...

Dude................Adam and Eve weren't kicked out of the Garden because they "were getting it on", they were kicked out because they ate of the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, and when asked about it, they didn't take responsibility for their actions, choosing instead to blame each other and the serpent.

As far as the flood? God had seen that because of the angels mating with the daughters of Eve (humans), they had created Nephilim, which are half angel and half human. Think of a human with superpowers who doesn't know what kind of power they wield. And, the angels had also taught mankind things like magic and war, which is why God found one righteous man and decided to save him and his family (Noah).

And, interestingly enough, according to both the Jewish tradition and the Gospel of Thomas, nobody stays in hell forever. Think of it as more like a place to get clean and be purged of your sins before you rejoin God in Heaven. Christians are the ones who like to tell others they will go to hell for eternity.
Just curious, do you think that these things actually happened? Because the rest of the believers here don't seem to. As in, a real worldwide flood? An actual placed called Eden? An actual place called hell?
What vengeful ghost?
Explain in context.
God. He tossed out Adam and Eve for getting it on, he drowned nearly everyone in a flood because he didn't like them anymore, or messed up making them, depending on the interpretation, sends souls to hell because they did something he didn't like, ...

Dude................Adam and Eve weren't kicked out of the Garden because they "were getting it on", they were kicked out because they ate of the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, and when asked about it, they didn't take responsibility for their actions, choosing instead to blame each other and the serpent.

As far as the flood? God had seen that because of the angels mating with the daughters of Eve (humans), they had created Nephilim, which are half angel and half human. Think of a human with superpowers who doesn't know what kind of power they wield. And, the angels had also taught mankind things like magic and war, which is why God found one righteous man and decided to save him and his family (Noah).

And, interestingly enough, according to both the Jewish tradition and the Gospel of Thomas, nobody stays in hell forever. Think of it as more like a place to get clean and be purged of your sins before you rejoin God in Heaven. Christians are the ones who like to tell others they will go to hell for eternity.
Just curious, do you think that these things actually happened? Because the rest of the believers here don't seem to. As in, a real worldwide flood? An actual placed called Eden? An actual place called hell?

There are all kinds of beliefs regarding the Bible. I believe, based upon the weight of the evidence:

1) That God created man and a "pre-Adamic man." Whether that man was one man and Adam is an eighth day creation is speculative, but pre-Adamic man can (and most likely is) also the "chay" as it is called in Hebrew. By either theory, we can account for preadamites

2) When Eve enters the Garden of Eden and sins, the offense was a sexual offense (which is why God made the punishment of childbirth to be so painful for a woman.) The Eve ate the apple story is a metaphor for what happened

the two seeds of genesis 3 15 my study | Cain And Abel | Serpents In The Bible

3) Whether the flood was world wide or local, it does not change the bottom line. And the bottom line is, IF the flood were world wide, Noah still took two of every living creature onto the Ark, which would include those "beasts" with the hands, feet, power of speech that work for hire, wear sack cloth, and cry mightily unto God (references given in one of my earlier posts on this thread.)

4) There was a real Garden of Eden; there is a real physical Devil with offspring; there is a place called Hell
So what is your "overwhelming" proof of 1, 2, 3 and 4? And how would Noah have gotten kangaroos from Australia and back again?
You still insist that no scientists say there use to be one land mass.
Ahh the people that came up with it, contradicted their own books? Really?
Pre-adamites were pagan responses to the abrahamic version of creation.
Julian the apostate for example. Or Isaac de La Peyrère. He cited the bibles contradictions for his theory. There are records of this. Do you have records? I can post links. Can you? Im kinda getting tired of your broken record response of "uh-uh"

You see, I DID post post links that you conveniently ignored. You cannot go to a link and then read two sentences and think your disbelief disproves the balance of the evidence.

YOU'RE the one with the same song and dance. You think if you keep repeating your skepticism over modern misconceptions the masses have created, you've proven the basis for your criticism. You haven't. You did not address one, single, solitary link I've left here... and we both know why.

The pagans got their viewpoint from God's account of how man came to be. The people who claim the Bible calls Adam the first man are liars. The Bible absolutely does not say that and it was, most likely, people with a grudge against the Bible who pretended to be in favor of it that fed Adamic man the kool aid you keep drinking.

So, I'm tired of your broken record as well. When you go back to my earlier posts and base your responses to your now debunked bovine dung, we can move forward. If not, I can play your little game all day long.
How is a 2000+ year old book a "modern misconception?" My gawd man...
So pre adamic theory WAS created by pagans? :rofl:
You are boring AND dumb. Sucks dude. You have my sympathy.

I'm dumb because you are ignorant? Yeah, right. You think your beliefs discount the facts? WRONG.

What's with this game wherein I tell you that IF the pagans tell some story about preadamic man, they took it from biblical sources, you come back with that idiotic line it "WAS created by pagans?"

The real deal is, you obviously read at a fifth grade level and you spend way too much time on the Internet pretending to be honing your imagined superior reasoning skills. If you're going to discuss this topic, you must first decide to be rational, respectful and when someone presents you with facts, deal with them.

Created or evolved - creation.com

Your childishness doesn't impress me and I pity anyone stupid enough to think you have been in any serious discussion over this issue.
You didnt say "if"
Dude, that link states the world is 6K years old :rofl:
You are sitting there stating the people that wrote the OT started a pagan belief that contradicts their books.
You are sitting there adding shit to the bible that isnt there and discrediting what it actually says.
And you have the gall to talk about me?
You are a fucking joke.
There were no stars or planets until the 4th “day” so we don’t know, by today’s measurements, how old the universe or our solar system is.

And I repeat: the word "day" as used in Genesis comes from the Hebrew word yome, and it only means equal periods of time.
Ahh the people that came up with it, contradicted their own books? Really?
Pre-adamites were pagan responses to the abrahamic version of creation.
Julian the apostate for example. Or Isaac de La Peyrère. He cited the bibles contradictions for his theory. There are records of this. Do you have records? I can post links. Can you? Im kinda getting tired of your broken record response of "uh-uh"

You see, I DID post post links that you conveniently ignored. You cannot go to a link and then read two sentences and think your disbelief disproves the balance of the evidence.

YOU'RE the one with the same song and dance. You think if you keep repeating your skepticism over modern misconceptions the masses have created, you've proven the basis for your criticism. You haven't. You did not address one, single, solitary link I've left here... and we both know why.

The pagans got their viewpoint from God's account of how man came to be. The people who claim the Bible calls Adam the first man are liars. The Bible absolutely does not say that and it was, most likely, people with a grudge against the Bible who pretended to be in favor of it that fed Adamic man the kool aid you keep drinking.

So, I'm tired of your broken record as well. When you go back to my earlier posts and base your responses to your now debunked bovine dung, we can move forward. If not, I can play your little game all day long.
How is a 2000+ year old book a "modern misconception?" My gawd man...
So pre adamic theory WAS created by pagans? :rofl:
You are boring AND dumb. Sucks dude. You have my sympathy.

I'm dumb because you are ignorant? Yeah, right. You think your beliefs discount the facts? WRONG.

What's with this game wherein I tell you that IF the pagans tell some story about preadamic man, they took it from biblical sources, you come back with that idiotic line it "WAS created by pagans?"

The real deal is, you obviously read at a fifth grade level and you spend way too much time on the Internet pretending to be honing your imagined superior reasoning skills. If you're going to discuss this topic, you must first decide to be rational, respectful and when someone presents you with facts, deal with them.

Created or evolved - creation.com

Your childishness doesn't impress me and I pity anyone stupid enough to think you have been in any serious discussion over this issue.
You didnt say "if"
Dude, that link states the world is 6K years old :rofl:
You are sitting there stating the people that wrote the OT started a pagan belief that contradicts their books.
You are sitting there adding shit to the bible that isnt there and discrediting what it actually says.
And you have the gall to talk about me?
You are a fucking joke.

I've done no such thing. My most recent links only open the door to further discussion. You never accessed nor read the links from previous posts.

So that your dumb ass can understand this: You are trying to get into the gutter because you and I both realize you don't have squat except your opinion that you think anyone gives a rip about.

They don't. You can't read or reason beyond a fifth grade level and if you want to pick fights, you should try doing it somewhere other than on a discussion board... but, quite frankly we both realize you don't pack the gear.

Whether the world is 6,000 years old or 60 MILLION years old, the basics remain the same. Man is a created being; there were pre-adamites (according to the Bible which pagans stole their ideology from) and the Bible does not purport to tell us every secret of the universe.

The Bible is a book to, for, and about the generations of Adam. (see Genesis 5 : 1)

I'm in a discussion and bring many different viewpoints to the table as I'm prepared for the truth... and that is something beyond your comprehension.

(Gen. 1:1) Did the Jews steal their creation story from the Babylonian Enuma Elish? | Evidence Unseen

The Genesis Flood: Why the Bible Says It Must be Local

Angels, the Flood, and Saturn (Part 2)

You're obviously too stupid to realize I'm not selling my own point of view. I'm comfortable enough that if I state it and then provide all the views from both sides, you can make up your own mind... if you have one.

thats EXACTLY what you are doing, retard. Maybe you should also look into Taoism. They focus on self awareness :thup:
we don’t know, by today’s measurements, how old the universe or our solar system is.
Very true. But we know the earth is a lot older than 6000K years lol..
Do you choose to ignore my post?
We don’t know at which point the duration of Erev and Boker became what it is currently.
Of course not. I just kept what i wanted to reply to.
We have proof life is older than 6K years. Hek, Eridu is older than that lol
why is incest frowned upon? Its human history Lol
Did We All Come from Adam and Eve?
Interesting article although i dont believe they could ever know how many people we descended from.
The bible clearly indicates that more then Adam and Eve existed. Remember Cane he left and lived with OTHER humans, nor does it say that Adam and Eve's offspring mated with one another.
Some version have angels having sex with daughters of Eve, which didn't make sense...

Actually, that came a bit later, just before the flood as a matter of fact. One of the reasons that God sent the flood, besides the wickedness of mankind, was that angels had come down and mated with the "daughters of Eve", which is to say that angels mated with humans, and the result was the Nephelim, which is half angel and half human.
which made their offspring giants? like Goliath? the book of Lemmick (earthly father of Noah) or something of the sort, whch did not make it in to our current Bible....has a story where Lemmick goes to his father and tells him, his wife is pregnant, but it can not be him that impregnated her because he was away for a long time....but his wife swears she was with no one... and his father tells him, not to worry, she was telling the truth, and that she was impregnated by God (like Mary) and that ALL FUTURE generations, would be pure and come from this newborn son....who they named Noah...
we don’t know, by today’s measurements, how old the universe or our solar system is.
Very true. But we know the earth is a lot older than 6000K years lol..
Do you choose to ignore my post?
We don’t know at which point the duration of Erev and Boker became what it is currently.
Of course not. I just kept what i wanted to reply to.
We have proof life is older than 6K years. Hek, Eridu is older than that lol
You should read each verse carefully with no preconceived notions.
Don’t read with the intent of reinforcing or rejecting.
For example, why isn’t the first verse, “I created the heavens and the earth.”
Why does it state, “In the beginning”?
Why is it in 3rd person?
why is incest frowned upon? Its human history Lol
Did We All Come from Adam and Eve?
Interesting article although i dont believe they could ever know how many people we descended from.
The bible clearly indicates that more then Adam and Eve existed. Remember Cane he left and lived with OTHER humans, nor does it say that Adam and Eve's offspring mated with one another.
Some version have angels having sex with daughters of Eve, which didn't make sense...

Actually, that came a bit later, just before the flood as a matter of fact. One of the reasons that God sent the flood, besides the wickedness of mankind, was that angels had come down and mated with the "daughters of Eve", which is to say that angels mated with humans, and the result was the Nephelim, which is half angel and half human.
which made their offspring giants? like Goliath? the book of Lemmick (earthly father of Noah) of something of the sort, whch did not make it in to our current Bible....has a story where Lemmick goes to his father and tells him, his wife is pregnant, but it can not be him that impregnated her because he was away for a long time....but his wife swears she was with no one... and his father tells him, not to worry, she was telling the truth, and that she was impregnated by God (like Mary) and that ALL FUTURE generations, would be pure and come from this newborn son....who they named Noah...
Genesis, Chapter 10...
Shem, Yefes and Ham go their separate ways and each wrote their own history.
The media has not changed a bit in 3,000 years.
3) Whether the flood was world wide or local, it does not change the bottom line. And the bottom line is, IF the flood were world wide, Noah still took two of every living creature onto the Ark, which would include those "beasts" with the hands, feet, power of speech that work for hire, wear sack cloth, and cry mightily unto God (references given in one of my earlier posts on this thread.)

The "wild beasts" in scripture usually refer to what the authors perceived as less evolved knuckle dragging barbarians.

That would make the question of kangaroos irrelevant.
we don’t know, by today’s measurements, how old the universe or our solar system is.
Very true. But we know the earth is a lot older than 6000K years lol..
Do you choose to ignore my post?
We don’t know at which point the duration of Erev and Boker became what it is currently.
Of course not. I just kept what i wanted to reply to.
We have proof life is older than 6K years. Hek, Eridu is older than that lol
You should read each verse carefully with no preconceived notions.
Don’t read with the intent of reinforcing or rejecting.
For example, why isn’t the first verse, “I created the heavens and the earth.”
Why does it state, “In the beginning”?
Why is it in 3rd person?
What does that have to do with the earth being older than 6000 years?
You see, I DID post post links that you conveniently ignored. You cannot go to a link and then read two sentences and think your disbelief disproves the balance of the evidence.

YOU'RE the one with the same song and dance. You think if you keep repeating your skepticism over modern misconceptions the masses have created, you've proven the basis for your criticism. You haven't. You did not address one, single, solitary link I've left here... and we both know why.

The pagans got their viewpoint from God's account of how man came to be. The people who claim the Bible calls Adam the first man are liars. The Bible absolutely does not say that and it was, most likely, people with a grudge against the Bible who pretended to be in favor of it that fed Adamic man the kool aid you keep drinking.

So, I'm tired of your broken record as well. When you go back to my earlier posts and base your responses to your now debunked bovine dung, we can move forward. If not, I can play your little game all day long.
How is a 2000+ year old book a "modern misconception?" My gawd man...
So pre adamic theory WAS created by pagans? :rofl:
You are boring AND dumb. Sucks dude. You have my sympathy.

I'm dumb because you are ignorant? Yeah, right. You think your beliefs discount the facts? WRONG.

What's with this game wherein I tell you that IF the pagans tell some story about preadamic man, they took it from biblical sources, you come back with that idiotic line it "WAS created by pagans?"

The real deal is, you obviously read at a fifth grade level and you spend way too much time on the Internet pretending to be honing your imagined superior reasoning skills. If you're going to discuss this topic, you must first decide to be rational, respectful and when someone presents you with facts, deal with them.

Created or evolved - creation.com

Your childishness doesn't impress me and I pity anyone stupid enough to think you have been in any serious discussion over this issue.
You didnt say "if"
Dude, that link states the world is 6K years old :rofl:
You are sitting there stating the people that wrote the OT started a pagan belief that contradicts their books.
You are sitting there adding shit to the bible that isnt there and discrediting what it actually says.
And you have the gall to talk about me?
You are a fucking joke.

I've done no such thing. My most recent links only open the door to further discussion. You never accessed nor read the links from previous posts.

So that your dumb ass can understand this: You are trying to get into the gutter because you and I both realize you don't have squat except your opinion that you think anyone gives a rip about.

They don't. You can't read or reason beyond a fifth grade level and if you want to pick fights, you should try doing it somewhere other than on a discussion board... but, quite frankly we both realize you don't pack the gear.

Whether the world is 6,000 years old or 60 MILLION years old, the basics remain the same. Man is a created being; there were pre-adamites (according to the Bible which pagans stole their ideology from) and the Bible does not purport to tell us every secret of the universe.

The Bible is a book to, for, and about the generations of Adam. (see Genesis 5 : 1)

I'm in a discussion and bring many different viewpoints to the table as I'm prepared for the truth... and that is something beyond your comprehension.

(Gen. 1:1) Did the Jews steal their creation story from the Babylonian Enuma Elish? | Evidence Unseen

The Genesis Flood: Why the Bible Says It Must be Local

Angels, the Flood, and Saturn (Part 2)

You're obviously too stupid to realize I'm not selling my own point of view. I'm comfortable enough that if I state it and then provide all the views from both sides, you can make up your own mind... if you have one.

thats EXACTLY what you are doing, retard. Maybe you should also look into Taoism. They focus on self awareness :thup:

Retard? You're the faggot with no guts. You like insulting people on the Internet? Now THAT IS RETARDED.
we don’t know, by today’s measurements, how old the universe or our solar system is.
Very true. But we know the earth is a lot older than 6000K years lol..
Do you choose to ignore my post?
We don’t know at which point the duration of Erev and Boker became what it is currently.
Of course not. I just kept what i wanted to reply to.
We have proof life is older than 6K years. Hek, Eridu is older than that lol

Who the Hell do you think you are, God? You've provided proof of nothing, but expect everybody to take your word for it because you have an avatar that looks like a moron on drugs?
we don’t know, by today’s measurements, how old the universe or our solar system is.
Very true. But we know the earth is a lot older than 6000K years lol..
Do you choose to ignore my post?
We don’t know at which point the duration of Erev and Boker became what it is currently.
Of course not. I just kept what i wanted to reply to.
We have proof life is older than 6K years. Hek, Eridu is older than that lol

Who the Hell do you think you are, God? You've provided proof of nothing, but expect everybody to take your word for it because you have an avatar that looks like a moron on drugs?
So there is no proof life is older than 6K years? Eridu isnt really 7500 years old? Link?
How is a 2000+ year old book a "modern misconception?" My gawd man...
So pre adamic theory WAS created by pagans? :rofl:
You are boring AND dumb. Sucks dude. You have my sympathy.

I'm dumb because you are ignorant? Yeah, right. You think your beliefs discount the facts? WRONG.

What's with this game wherein I tell you that IF the pagans tell some story about preadamic man, they took it from biblical sources, you come back with that idiotic line it "WAS created by pagans?"

The real deal is, you obviously read at a fifth grade level and you spend way too much time on the Internet pretending to be honing your imagined superior reasoning skills. If you're going to discuss this topic, you must first decide to be rational, respectful and when someone presents you with facts, deal with them.

Created or evolved - creation.com

Your childishness doesn't impress me and I pity anyone stupid enough to think you have been in any serious discussion over this issue.
You didnt say "if"
Dude, that link states the world is 6K years old :rofl:
You are sitting there stating the people that wrote the OT started a pagan belief that contradicts their books.
You are sitting there adding shit to the bible that isnt there and discrediting what it actually says.
And you have the gall to talk about me?
You are a fucking joke.

I've done no such thing. My most recent links only open the door to further discussion. You never accessed nor read the links from previous posts.

So that your dumb ass can understand this: You are trying to get into the gutter because you and I both realize you don't have squat except your opinion that you think anyone gives a rip about.

They don't. You can't read or reason beyond a fifth grade level and if you want to pick fights, you should try doing it somewhere other than on a discussion board... but, quite frankly we both realize you don't pack the gear.

Whether the world is 6,000 years old or 60 MILLION years old, the basics remain the same. Man is a created being; there were pre-adamites (according to the Bible which pagans stole their ideology from) and the Bible does not purport to tell us every secret of the universe.

The Bible is a book to, for, and about the generations of Adam. (see Genesis 5 : 1)

I'm in a discussion and bring many different viewpoints to the table as I'm prepared for the truth... and that is something beyond your comprehension.

(Gen. 1:1) Did the Jews steal their creation story from the Babylonian Enuma Elish? | Evidence Unseen

The Genesis Flood: Why the Bible Says It Must be Local

Angels, the Flood, and Saturn (Part 2)

You're obviously too stupid to realize I'm not selling my own point of view. I'm comfortable enough that if I state it and then provide all the views from both sides, you can make up your own mind... if you have one.

thats EXACTLY what you are doing, retard. Maybe you should also look into Taoism. They focus on self awareness :thup:

Retard? You're the faggot with no guts. You like insulting people on the Internet? Now THAT IS RETARDED.

So you insult me, then say insulting people is retarded? :rofl:
Like i said, taoism :thup:

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