If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?

What would be the effect of shutting Islam down in the US ? That is, by closing down all the mosques and eliminating all the Korans from libraries, schools, bookstores, and wherever they could be obtained.

Would Muslims regroup and finally choose a new name for their creed ? (one that doesn't mean "Submission") Would they finally reform their "religion" (if it could be called that), and change away from the stuff that's in the Koran ?

Could the United States be the leader in the world, whereby American Muslims would lead the way for the non-American Ummah and create a whole new pathway, with a fully edited/reformed Koran ? Before anyone jumps in to answer this, with a positive outlook, be advised. A word of caution. The current Koran, containing just about every vile thing known to man, and advocating these things (if not commanding them), is considered by Muslims to be the word of God (which cannot be changed, in their view). And in 1400 years, not one word of the Koran has ever been changed.

Funny story.

Christians use to be oppressed. They were so oppressed they fled to a different Country where they wouldn't be.

All it took was massive amounts of Oppression on others to make them comfortable.

History repeats itself. I'm a born and raised Christian and I can't stand what we are doing in America today. It's ignorance.

What would be the effect of shutting Islam down in the US ? That is, by closing down all the mosques and eliminating all the Korans from libraries, schools, bookstores, and wherever they could be obtained.

Would Muslims regroup and finally choose a new name for their creed ? (one that doesn't mean "Submission") Would they finally reform their "religion" (if it could be called that), and change away from the stuff that's in the Koran ?

Could the United States be the leader in the world, whereby American Muslims would lead the way for the non-American Ummah and create a whole new pathway, with a fully edited/reformed Koran ? Before anyone jumps in to answer this, with a positive outlook, be advised. A word of caution. The current Koran, containing just about every vile thing known to man, and advocating these things (if not commanding them), is considered by Muslims to be the word of God (which cannot be changed, in their view). And in 1400 years, not one word of the Koran has ever been changed.

And how are Christians being 'oppressed' exactly?
Islam is not a religion, and it would not matter if it was. You're a laughingstock. The 1st amendment is perhaps the weakest part of the US Constitution. It has numerous exceptions (Ex. With free speech > perjury, sedition, slander, libel, pornography laws, fighting words, threats, disturbing the peace, etc.) In contrast, the Supremacy clause is the strongest part of the Constitution. It has NEVER had an exception to it, in 226 years.

The supremacy clause is irrelevant to this discussion. The free exercise clause does.
You, and all other denialists, are irrelevant to this discussion.

Laughing....we're the only ones who are relevant. As your batshit fantasy is imaginary nonsense.

Even your poster child of Italy rejects your useless idiocy, burns no Korans, shuts down no mosques, deports no muslims, and has founded government councils to facilitate the practice of Islam in Italy.
HA HA. Dopey post. See Post # 788. :biggrin:

Laughing...even Italy has rejected your bullshit. Completely and utterly. With Italy protecting the rights of Muslims to practice their religion. The only thing that Muslims don't get is State funding for their religion. That's it. Muslims build mosques. They practice their faith. They even have a government council set up to help facilitate Islam in Italy.

Nothing you've demanded Italians do. No burned anything. No purged anything. The bug of your hate fantasy runs into the windshield of reality yet again.

Try again. This time with a tad less self delusion.
No, Muslims DON'T build mosques in Italy. There is only ONE official mosque in the whole country. Rome's Grand Mosque. (see post 788). I'm guessing you're a Muslim, and you're seething at all this REALITY that I'm throwing in your face. You're used to having everything your own way and now you're getting your Muslim ass handed to you. HA HA. I love it.

And you're shitting in your pants that others will read this thread and realize that hey, yeah, Islam is banned in the US, by the Supremacy clause.
The mosques should all be shut down. The korans should all be removed from schools, libraries, book stores, and wherever else and disposed of. Anyone caught possessing one could be arrested.
I get the feeling YOU DON'T KNOW what country you are living in. For your edification, you are living in a country that has a Constitution that says > "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States.....shall be the supreme law of the land." Get it ?

(Article 6, Section 2, the Supremacy Clause)
Also from the U.S. Constitution...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

And get this ... whether you like it or not ... whether you agree or not ... YOU don't get to define which faiths constitute a religion. Islam is a religion.

This shit again? The whole 'Islam isn't a religion' nonsense isn't going over. From the founding of our nation we've recognized Islam as a religion. There's is 0.0% chance that it will be arbitrarily reclassified in order to end run the constitution.

Worse, why would you want it to be? As the moment you do this to Islam, religious protections for any faith go right out the window. As by merely 'reclassifying' Christianity, all 1st amendment protections vanish.

The entire argument is a radical atheist's wet dream.
This is what happens when someone doesn't examine an issue simply for what it is.

EARTH TO SKYLAR: Why do you think that Islam is not considered a religion in Italy ? It's becasue the Italinas know that Islam, nothing but a smokescreen for outrageous behavior, was created merely, to shield Muhammad and his pedophile, wife-beating, raping, murdering, slave-holding merry men from the criticism they knew they would (and did) get. And they only reason why this abomination spread as it did, is because marauding Muslims FORCED people to accept it while killing 270 million people around the globe to accept it.

And most of the people who call them selves Muslims today are the descendants of ancestors who were forced to accept Islam, or were killed over it. hell of a way for someone to call himself a Muslim.

One of the prime defining characteristics of religions is that they have a code of ETHICS. Ethics? Are you kidding me. Islam is a horrific code of UNethics as bad as there ever was. (mass genocide, severe misogyny, wife beating, rape, pedophilia, slavery, killing gays, animal cruelty, totalitarianism, etc)

Earth to Protectionist: your masturbatory fantasy of the US declaring that Islam is not a religion isn't happening. The status of Islam as a religion is already thoroughly recognized by our law. Meaning that its already protected by the 1st amendment.

You disagree? Who gives a shit? You are nobody in determining the legal status of Islam in the US.

As for Italy 'not considering Islam a religion', they're simply not PAYING Muslims money from the State coffers. 8% of income taxes go to religion in Italy. We don't pay ANY religion for existing. So its a non-issue in the United States.

Italy still has religious protections for Muslims. The Italian government founded the 'Council of Italian Islam' to help facilitate Islamic practices in Italy. There are 150 mosques in Italy and about 1.5 million Muslims. There's no burning of Korans. There's no purging of Mosques. They're building Mosques in Italy. There's no deporting of Muslims. The Muslim population in Italy is projected to double in the next 15 years. Even your poster child Italy has rejected every single one of your batshit demands.

Face it.....your blithering nonsense fantasies aren't happening. Not here. Not in Italy. Not in any Western nation.

Get used to the idea.
HA HA HA. What a stupid post. You think you can come in here and rewrite reality ? Islam is not accepted as a religion in Italy. If it was, it would have religious tax status. It doesn't because, it's NOT ACCEPTED as a religion, you dumb bozo. Oh there's mosques there, is there ? Gee, isn't that nice. So somebody builds a mosque, calls themself a religion, and that makes it so ? Good grief, man. Get a grip.

There's movies theaters in Italy too. There's sports stadiums. And various other structures. That doesn't make them a religion.

So lets get down to the nitty gritty here, Which one of you Islamapologists is going to admit that you are a Muslim ? Do any of you have balls enough for that ? :biggrin:
Exactly what part of Italy is not the U.S. do you not comprehend?

Italy also doesn't legally recognize the right for non-military/police to bear arms. Are you under the delusion that has any bearing upon us in the U.S.?
What would be the effect of shutting Islam down in the US ? That is, by closing down all the mosques and eliminating all the Korans from libraries, schools, bookstores, and wherever they could be obtained.

Would Muslims regroup and finally choose a new name for their creed ? (one that doesn't mean "Submission") Would they finally reform their "religion" (if it could be called that), and change away from the stuff that's in the Koran ?

Could the United States be the leader in the world, whereby American Muslims would lead the way for the non-American Ummah and create a whole new pathway, with a fully edited/reformed Koran ? Before anyone jumps in to answer this, with a positive outlook, be advised. A word of caution. The current Koran, containing just about every vile thing known to man, and advocating these things (if not commanding them), is considered by Muslims to be the word of God (which cannot be changed, in their view). And in 1400 years, not one word of the Koran has ever been changed.

Funny story.

Christians use to be oppressed. They were so oppressed they fled to a different Country where they wouldn't be.

All it took was massive amounts of Oppression on others to make them comfortable.

History repeats itself. I'm a born and raised Christian and I can't stand what we are doing in America today. It's ignorance.

What would be the effect of shutting Islam down in the US ? That is, by closing down all the mosques and eliminating all the Korans from libraries, schools, bookstores, and wherever they could be obtained.

Would Muslims regroup and finally choose a new name for their creed ? (one that doesn't mean "Submission") Would they finally reform their "religion" (if it could be called that), and change away from the stuff that's in the Koran ?

Could the United States be the leader in the world, whereby American Muslims would lead the way for the non-American Ummah and create a whole new pathway, with a fully edited/reformed Koran ? Before anyone jumps in to answer this, with a positive outlook, be advised. A word of caution. The current Koran, containing just about every vile thing known to man, and advocating these things (if not commanding them), is considered by Muslims to be the word of God (which cannot be changed, in their view). And in 1400 years, not one word of the Koran has ever been changed.

And how are Christians being 'oppressed' exactly?

Read better. That whole "killing Jesus" thing ring a bell?

Or just research "Christian Oppression" instead of asking me.
You, and all other denialists, are irrelevant to this discussion.

Just because you don't understand the constitution doesn't mean your points are right
Only a cretin could not understand the Supremacy Clause. You understand it quite well. You're a phony.

Says you, citing you. Your entire argument is predicated on us accepting whatever hapless bullshit you make up, accepting that you define the constitution, accepting that you define what religion is.

Laughing.....nope. You're nobody. You define nothing. And you have no idea what you're talking about.
1. The CONSTITUTION defines the Supremacy Clause, not me, you idiot. > "This Constitution and the laws of the United States....shall be the supreme law of the land."

2. Actually I got the definition of religion from Webster's New World college Dictionary, 4th ed. >> "a specific system of belief, worship, etc. with code of ethics"

Can you show us any court ruling or any quote from the constitutional convention where that indicates that the Supremacy Clause is about religion?

Of course not. You're marking this shit up as you go along. And it has nothing to do with our laws, our nation, or reality. Even Italy rejects your useless idiocy. And that's your poster child.

You're turning failure into an art form.
Boy, are you mixed up. The Supremacy Clause outlaws Islam because Islam is supremacist, not because Islam is a religion. Islam is not a religion, and it wouldn't matter one iota if it was. NOTHING trumps the Supremacy Clause. Get it ?
Just because you don't understand the constitution doesn't mean your points are right
Only a cretin could not understand the Supremacy Clause. You understand it quite well. You're a phony.

Says you, citing you. Your entire argument is predicated on us accepting whatever hapless bullshit you make up, accepting that you define the constitution, accepting that you define what religion is.

Laughing.....nope. You're nobody. You define nothing. And you have no idea what you're talking about.
1. The CONSTITUTION defines the Supremacy Clause, not me, you idiot. > "This Constitution and the laws of the United States....shall be the supreme law of the land."

2. Actually I got the definition of religion from Webster's New World college Dictionary, 4th ed. >> "a specific system of belief, worship, etc. with code of ethics"

Can you show us any court ruling or any quote from the constitutional convention where that indicates that the Supremacy Clause is about religion?

Of course not. You're marking this shit up as you go along. And it has nothing to do with our laws, our nation, or reality. Even Italy rejects your useless idiocy. And that's your poster child.

You're turning failure into an art form.
Boy, are you mixed up. The Supremacy Clause outlaws Islam because Islam is supremacist, not because Islam is a religion. Islam is not a religion, and it wouldn't matter one iota if it was. NOTHING trumps the Supremacy Clause. Get it ?

Islam isn't a religion? I thought allah was Moses cousin. The one that made the golden calf.

You clearly don't know what can be called a religion. Look at Scientology.
Also from the U.S. Constitution...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

And get this ... whether you like it or not ... whether you agree or not ... YOU don't get to define which faiths constitute a religion. Islam is a religion.

This shit again? The whole 'Islam isn't a religion' nonsense isn't going over. From the founding of our nation we've recognized Islam as a religion. There's is 0.0% chance that it will be arbitrarily reclassified in order to end run the constitution.

Worse, why would you want it to be? As the moment you do this to Islam, religious protections for any faith go right out the window. As by merely 'reclassifying' Christianity, all 1st amendment protections vanish.

The entire argument is a radical atheist's wet dream.
This is what happens when someone doesn't examine an issue simply for what it is.

EARTH TO SKYLAR: Why do you think that Islam is not considered a religion in Italy ? It's becasue the Italinas know that Islam, nothing but a smokescreen for outrageous behavior, was created merely, to shield Muhammad and his pedophile, wife-beating, raping, murdering, slave-holding merry men from the criticism they knew they would (and did) get. And they only reason why this abomination spread as it did, is because marauding Muslims FORCED people to accept it while killing 270 million people around the globe to accept it.

And most of the people who call them selves Muslims today are the descendants of ancestors who were forced to accept Islam, or were killed over it. hell of a way for someone to call himself a Muslim.

One of the prime defining characteristics of religions is that they have a code of ETHICS. Ethics? Are you kidding me. Islam is a horrific code of UNethics as bad as there ever was. (mass genocide, severe misogyny, wife beating, rape, pedophilia, slavery, killing gays, animal cruelty, totalitarianism, etc)

Earth to Protectionist: your masturbatory fantasy of the US declaring that Islam is not a religion isn't happening. The status of Islam as a religion is already thoroughly recognized by our law. Meaning that its already protected by the 1st amendment.

You disagree? Who gives a shit? You are nobody in determining the legal status of Islam in the US.

As for Italy 'not considering Islam a religion', they're simply not PAYING Muslims money from the State coffers. 8% of income taxes go to religion in Italy. We don't pay ANY religion for existing. So its a non-issue in the United States.

Italy still has religious protections for Muslims. The Italian government founded the 'Council of Italian Islam' to help facilitate Islamic practices in Italy. There are 150 mosques in Italy and about 1.5 million Muslims. There's no burning of Korans. There's no purging of Mosques. They're building Mosques in Italy. There's no deporting of Muslims. The Muslim population in Italy is projected to double in the next 15 years. Even your poster child Italy has rejected every single one of your batshit demands.

Face it.....your blithering nonsense fantasies aren't happening. Not here. Not in Italy. Not in any Western nation.

Get used to the idea.
HA HA HA. What a stupid post. You think you can come in here and rewrite reality ? Islam is not accepted as a religion in Italy. If it was, it would have religious tax status. It doesn't because, it's NOT ACCEPTED as a religion, you dumb bozo. Oh there's mosques there, is there ? Gee, isn't that nice. So somebody builds a mosque, calls themself a religion, and that makes it so ? Good grief, man. Get a grip.

There's movies theaters in Italy too. There's sports stadiums. And various other structures. That doesn't make them a religion.

So lets get down to the nitty gritty here, Which one of you Islamapologists is going to admit that you are a Muslim ? Do any of you have balls enough for that ? :biggrin:
Exactly what part of Italy is not the U.S. do you not comprehend?

Italy also doesn't legally recognize the right for non-military/police to bear arms. Are you under the delusion that has any bearing upon us in the U.S.?
Sure it has bearing. It sets an example. One that will be followed here in America, once imam Obama is out of office, and the GOP controls the presidency, the Congress, and the Supreme Court.
Did you know that the Kuran and the Old Testament sound very similar?

Imagine that a 3rd world Country isn't as evolved as us. SO CRAZY!
The supremacy clause is irrelevant to this discussion. The free exercise clause does.
You, and all other denialists, are irrelevant to this discussion.

Laughing....we're the only ones who are relevant. As your batshit fantasy is imaginary nonsense.

Even your poster child of Italy rejects your useless idiocy, burns no Korans, shuts down no mosques, deports no muslims, and has founded government councils to facilitate the practice of Islam in Italy.
HA HA. Dopey post. See Post # 788. :biggrin:

Laughing...even Italy has rejected your bullshit. Completely and utterly. With Italy protecting the rights of Muslims to practice their religion. The only thing that Muslims don't get is State funding for their religion. That's it. Muslims build mosques. They practice their faith. They even have a government council set up to help facilitate Islam in Italy.

Nothing you've demanded Italians do. No burned anything. No purged anything. The bug of your hate fantasy runs into the windshield of reality yet again.

Try again. This time with a tad less self delusion.
No, Muslims DON'T build mosques in Italy. There is only ONE official mosque in the whole country.

There's no such thing as an 'official' mosque. And I defy you to prove otherwise. You're literally just making this fantasy up as you go along, backed by nothing but your own desperate, Jihad Watch fueled hysteria.

Back in reality, there are 150 mosques in Italy. The last one was built in 2009, and there are others on the way. Muslims are the 2nd largest religious group in Italy, behind Catholics, with a full 1.5 million in the country. And that number is expected to double in the next 15 years.

And NONE of their mosques have been purged, contrary to your hate fantasy. NONE of their Korans have been burned, contrary to your hate fantasy. Muslims haven't been purged from the country, contrary to your hate fantasy. Italy protects the religious freedoms of Muslims, even creating a government council to facilitate the practice of Islam in Italy.

Nothing you've demanded Italy do regarding Muslims has been done by Italians. Your own poster child has rejected your hapless bullshit as the useless idiocy it is. And here in the US, nothing you've demanded we do is going to be done. As you don't have the slighest clue what you're talking about.
get this ... not only is your opinion on Islam as a religion worthless ... so is your opinion on if religion is protected by the Constitution. :mm:

Better yet ... it matters not if you don't believe me. :thup:

But I do like how I got you to go from pointing out how the Constitution is the supreme law of the land ... to ... it's pretty much worthless ink scrawled on parchment; in just one post.
That's not what I said. I showed that the 1st amendment has many exceptions. The Supremacy Clause has NONE. And you are in denial about that. Conclusion ? NOT MY PROBLEM. :biggrin:
Of course that's what you said. Does it matter to anyone that you're not even bright enough to understand what you say?

You said ...

"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States.....shall be the supreme law of the land." Get it ?​

... then you say it's not because there are exceptions. Even though you clearly don't understand why there are exceptions.

Whether you understand this or not ... the First Amendment is part of the Constitution. And despite tossing out some First Amendment exceptions (which are only exceptions when they infringe on others' rights), you fail to list even one exception when it comes to infringing on one's right top practice their religion.
Talk about not being bright, And not understanding. Pheeeew!! (high-pitched whistle, eyes rolling around in head) This isn't hard, children. The Supremacy clause outlaws supremacisms. Islam is a supremacism. Got it ? And it wouldn't matter one iota if Islam was a religion. Just because something is a religion, doesn't mean it's automatically OK. Suppose some loon comes up with an alleged "religion" that advocates the breaking of numerous US laws, and be supreme over all else. Then it's going to be acceptable ? Damn! I'm talking about Islam aren't I ?
The Supremacy clause declares the Constitution and the laws of the U.S. are the supreme laws of the land. All that means in terms of Islam, or any religion, is that the Constitution and the laws of U.S. are supreme over any laws of any religion in our justice system. It matters not if a religion considers itself supreme as respective religious laws are not supreme over the U.S. Constitution or laws of the United States.

Is any of this getting through to you? It means that U.S. law trumps Sharia law in the U.S. It doesn't mean Islam is illegal and it certainly doesn't mean Islam is not a religion. That's not to say that some who practice Islam can't violate U.S. in the practice of their faith. If such an individual violates U.S. law, they cannot hide behind Sharia law as way of avoiding prosecution in a U.S. court. Why? Because of the very Supremacy clause you cite even though you don't understand it.

You are fucking delirious. :cuckoo:

Exactly. Yet in an elegant example why you shouldn't let Robert Spencer do your thinking for you, our resident purveyor of hapless batshit insists that what the supremacy clause is *really* about is religion.

Can he show us ANY court ruling that backs his fantasy? Nope. Nothing.

Can he show us ANYTHING in the record of the constitutional congress where the Supremacy Clause had a thing to do with religion? Nope. Absolutely nothing.

All he can do is what he always does: offer us baseless batshit fantasies that no one gives a fiddler's fuck about. And that no Western Nation is instituting.
NO. I never said the supremacy clause is about religion. You said that. All things are related to the Supremacy Clause in that none of them may be supreme over the Constitution. In case you flunked your elementary school vocabulary, "none of them" includes Islam. Did you mistakenly think it was going to be a special exception ?
Just because you don't understand the constitution doesn't mean your points are right
Only a cretin could not understand the Supremacy Clause. You understand it quite well. You're a phony.

Says you, citing you. Your entire argument is predicated on us accepting whatever hapless bullshit you make up, accepting that you define the constitution, accepting that you define what religion is.

Laughing.....nope. You're nobody. You define nothing. And you have no idea what you're talking about.
1. The CONSTITUTION defines the Supremacy Clause, not me, you idiot. > "This Constitution and the laws of the United States....shall be the supreme law of the land."

2. Actually I got the definition of religion from Webster's New World college Dictionary, 4th ed. >> "a specific system of belief, worship, etc. with code of ethics"

Can you show us any court ruling or any quote from the constitutional convention where that indicates that the Supremacy Clause is about religion?

Of course not. You're marking this shit up as you go along. And it has nothing to do with our laws, our nation, or reality. Even Italy rejects your useless idiocy. And that's your poster child.

You're turning failure into an art form.
Boy, are you mixed up. The Supremacy Clause outlaws Islam because Islam is supremacist, not because Islam is a religion. Islam is not a religion, and it wouldn't matter one iota if it was. NOTHING trumps the Supremacy Clause. Get it ?

Don't tell us. Show us. Show us a single ruling backing your bullshit that the Supremecy Clause outlaws Islam. Or is about religion. Show us a single quote from the constitutional convention or the federalist papers making either claim.

You can't. As neither the law nor the founders back any of your hate fantasy. You've just got you citing you. And your source doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

Try again.
The supremacy clause is irrelevant to this discussion. The free exercise clause does.
You, and all other denialists, are irrelevant to this discussion.

Laughing....we're the only ones who are relevant. As your batshit fantasy is imaginary nonsense.

Even your poster child of Italy rejects your useless idiocy, burns no Korans, shuts down no mosques, deports no muslims, and has founded government councils to facilitate the practice of Islam in Italy.
HA HA. Dopey post. See Post # 788. :biggrin:

Laughing...even Italy has rejected your bullshit. Completely and utterly. With Italy protecting the rights of Muslims to practice their religion. The only thing that Muslims don't get is State funding for their religion. That's it. Muslims build mosques. They practice their faith. They even have a government council set up to help facilitate Islam in Italy.

Nothing you've demanded Italians do. No burned anything. No purged anything. The bug of your hate fantasy runs into the windshield of reality yet again.

Try again. This time with a tad less self delusion.
No, Muslims DON'T build mosques in Italy. There is only ONE official mosque in the whole country. Rome's Grand Mosque. (see post 788). I'm guessing you're a Muslim, and you're seething at all this REALITY that I'm throwing in your face. You're used to having everything your own way and now you're getting your Muslim ass handed to you. HA HA. I love it.

And you're shitting in your pants that others will read this thread and realize that hey, yeah, Islam is banned in the US, by the Supremacy clause.
The mosques should all be shut down. The korans should all be removed from schools, libraries, book stores, and wherever else and disposed of. Anyone caught possessing one could be arrested.
Only one?

You're batshit crazy, gramps. :cuckoo:

Milan mosque row shows Italian divisions over integration

At least 1.6 million Muslims live in Italy but there are only a handful of official mosques.
You, and all other denialists, are irrelevant to this discussion.

Laughing....we're the only ones who are relevant. As your batshit fantasy is imaginary nonsense.

Even your poster child of Italy rejects your useless idiocy, burns no Korans, shuts down no mosques, deports no muslims, and has founded government councils to facilitate the practice of Islam in Italy.
HA HA. Dopey post. See Post # 788. :biggrin:

Laughing...even Italy has rejected your bullshit. Completely and utterly. With Italy protecting the rights of Muslims to practice their religion. The only thing that Muslims don't get is State funding for their religion. That's it. Muslims build mosques. They practice their faith. They even have a government council set up to help facilitate Islam in Italy.

Nothing you've demanded Italians do. No burned anything. No purged anything. The bug of your hate fantasy runs into the windshield of reality yet again.

Try again. This time with a tad less self delusion.
No, Muslims DON'T build mosques in Italy. There is only ONE official mosque in the whole country.

There's no such thing as an 'official' mosque. And I defy you to prove otherwise. You're literally just making this fantasy up as you go along, backed by nothing but your own desperate, Jihad Watch fueled hysteria.

Back in reality, there are 150 mosques in Italy. The last one was built in 2009, and there are others on the way. Muslims are the 2nd largest religious group in Italy, behind Catholics, with a full 1.5 million in the country. And that number is expected to double in the next 15 years.

And NONE of their mosques have been purged, contrary to your hate fantasy. NONE of their Korans have been burned, contrary to your hate fantasy. Muslims haven't been purged from the country, contrary to your hate fantasy. Italy protects the religious freedoms of Muslims, even creating a government council to facilitate the practice of Islam in Italy.

Nothing you've demanded Italy do regarding Muslims has been done by Italians. Your own poster child has rejected your hapless bullshit as the useless idiocy it is. And here in the US, nothing you've demanded we do is going to be done. As you don't have the slighest clue what you're talking about.
As the article in Post # 788 said, there is only ONE official mosque in Italy. The Grand Mosque in Rome, and that's only because it was built before Italy disqualified Islam from religious status.


Islam Watch - About Us

Islam Is Not A Religion, It Is Foreign Law

Islam and the Definition of Religion

Why Islam is Not a Religion > Rebecca Bynum

Former Muslim, Wafa Sultan, says, "Islam is NOT a religion" | BARE NAKED ISLAM

?Allah is Dead ? Why Islam is Not a Religion? | Logan's Warning

Islam Is Not A Religion, But A Dangerous Ideology | International

Islam: not a religion? « The Immanent Frame

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system. « Avid Editor's Insights

Half Sigma: Islam not a religion?

Islam in Italy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Comments from Former Muslims - WikiIslam

The Patriot Factor: Islam is NOT a Religion

Why Islam Should NOT Be Protected Under the US Constitution! | CatchKevin.com

Islam: Politics In Religious Garb

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion -- Denied Religious Tax Status - Atlas Shrugs

Info on Islam: Islam is not a religion

Islam Is Not A Religion It Is A Cult

Islam is NOT a Religion

Islam Does Not Qualify Under US Constitution ?Freedom of Religion? Rights « Northeast Intelligence NetworkNortheast Intelligence Network

Asia Times - Asia's most trusted news source

Islam is a political system ? NOT a religion | Creeping Sharia

Islam is not a religion, but a death cult of misogynistic pedophiles
That's not what I said. I showed that the 1st amendment has many exceptions. The Supremacy Clause has NONE. And you are in denial about that. Conclusion ? NOT MY PROBLEM. :biggrin:
Of course that's what you said. Does it matter to anyone that you're not even bright enough to understand what you say?

You said ...

"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States.....shall be the supreme law of the land." Get it ?​

... then you say it's not because there are exceptions. Even though you clearly don't understand why there are exceptions.

Whether you understand this or not ... the First Amendment is part of the Constitution. And despite tossing out some First Amendment exceptions (which are only exceptions when they infringe on others' rights), you fail to list even one exception when it comes to infringing on one's right top practice their religion.
Talk about not being bright, And not understanding. Pheeeew!! (high-pitched whistle, eyes rolling around in head) This isn't hard, children. The Supremacy clause outlaws supremacisms. Islam is a supremacism. Got it ? And it wouldn't matter one iota if Islam was a religion. Just because something is a religion, doesn't mean it's automatically OK. Suppose some loon comes up with an alleged "religion" that advocates the breaking of numerous US laws, and be supreme over all else. Then it's going to be acceptable ? Damn! I'm talking about Islam aren't I ?
The Supremacy clause declares the Constitution and the laws of the U.S. are the supreme laws of the land. All that means in terms of Islam, or any religion, is that the Constitution and the laws of U.S. are supreme over any laws of any religion in our justice system. It matters not if a religion considers itself supreme as respective religious laws are not supreme over the U.S. Constitution or laws of the United States.

Is any of this getting through to you? It means that U.S. law trumps Sharia law in the U.S. It doesn't mean Islam is illegal and it certainly doesn't mean Islam is not a religion. That's not to say that some who practice Islam can't violate U.S. in the practice of their faith. If such an individual violates U.S. law, they cannot hide behind Sharia law as way of avoiding prosecution in a U.S. court. Why? Because of the very Supremacy clause you cite even though you don't understand it.

You are fucking delirious. :cuckoo:

Exactly. Yet in an elegant example why you shouldn't let Robert Spencer do your thinking for you, our resident purveyor of hapless batshit insists that what the supremacy clause is *really* about is religion.

Can he show us ANY court ruling that backs his fantasy? Nope. Nothing.

Can he show us ANYTHING in the record of the constitutional congress where the Supremacy Clause had a thing to do with religion? Nope. Absolutely nothing.

All he can do is what he always does: offer us baseless batshit fantasies that no one gives a fiddler's fuck about. And that no Western Nation is instituting.
NO. I never said the supremacy clause is about religion. You said that. All things are related to the Supremacy Clause in that none of them may be supreme over the Constitution. In case you flunked your elementary school vocabulary, "none of them" includes Islam. Did you mistakenly think it was going to be a special exception ?

Laughing....so now the Supremcy Clause ISN'T about religion. Even your own pseudo-legal gibbish contradicts itself. Where the moment I challenge you to back your bullshit with actual rulings and actual quotes from the constittuional convention.......you flee.

So having failed utterly to show us anywhere that the Supremacy Clause is about religion, here's your next challenge....which of course you're going to fail just as spectacularly: show us any federal ruling that found that Islam is outlawed due to the Supremacy Clause.

Any ruling at all. In any time period. From the founding of our nation til this afternoon. I mean if its as obvious as you say it is, then there must be dozens, nay hundreds of such rulings. And all you need to do is show us one.

I won't hold my breath.
This shit again? The whole 'Islam isn't a religion' nonsense isn't going over. From the founding of our nation we've recognized Islam as a religion. There's is 0.0% chance that it will be arbitrarily reclassified in order to end run the constitution.

Worse, why would you want it to be? As the moment you do this to Islam, religious protections for any faith go right out the window. As by merely 'reclassifying' Christianity, all 1st amendment protections vanish.

The entire argument is a radical atheist's wet dream.
This is what happens when someone doesn't examine an issue simply for what it is.

EARTH TO SKYLAR: Why do you think that Islam is not considered a religion in Italy ? It's becasue the Italinas know that Islam, nothing but a smokescreen for outrageous behavior, was created merely, to shield Muhammad and his pedophile, wife-beating, raping, murdering, slave-holding merry men from the criticism they knew they would (and did) get. And they only reason why this abomination spread as it did, is because marauding Muslims FORCED people to accept it while killing 270 million people around the globe to accept it.

And most of the people who call them selves Muslims today are the descendants of ancestors who were forced to accept Islam, or were killed over it. hell of a way for someone to call himself a Muslim.

One of the prime defining characteristics of religions is that they have a code of ETHICS. Ethics? Are you kidding me. Islam is a horrific code of UNethics as bad as there ever was. (mass genocide, severe misogyny, wife beating, rape, pedophilia, slavery, killing gays, animal cruelty, totalitarianism, etc)

Earth to Protectionist: your masturbatory fantasy of the US declaring that Islam is not a religion isn't happening. The status of Islam as a religion is already thoroughly recognized by our law. Meaning that its already protected by the 1st amendment.

You disagree? Who gives a shit? You are nobody in determining the legal status of Islam in the US.

As for Italy 'not considering Islam a religion', they're simply not PAYING Muslims money from the State coffers. 8% of income taxes go to religion in Italy. We don't pay ANY religion for existing. So its a non-issue in the United States.

Italy still has religious protections for Muslims. The Italian government founded the 'Council of Italian Islam' to help facilitate Islamic practices in Italy. There are 150 mosques in Italy and about 1.5 million Muslims. There's no burning of Korans. There's no purging of Mosques. They're building Mosques in Italy. There's no deporting of Muslims. The Muslim population in Italy is projected to double in the next 15 years. Even your poster child Italy has rejected every single one of your batshit demands.

Face it.....your blithering nonsense fantasies aren't happening. Not here. Not in Italy. Not in any Western nation.

Get used to the idea.
HA HA HA. What a stupid post. You think you can come in here and rewrite reality ? Islam is not accepted as a religion in Italy. If it was, it would have religious tax status. It doesn't because, it's NOT ACCEPTED as a religion, you dumb bozo. Oh there's mosques there, is there ? Gee, isn't that nice. So somebody builds a mosque, calls themself a religion, and that makes it so ? Good grief, man. Get a grip.

There's movies theaters in Italy too. There's sports stadiums. And various other structures. That doesn't make them a religion.

So lets get down to the nitty gritty here, Which one of you Islamapologists is going to admit that you are a Muslim ? Do any of you have balls enough for that ? :biggrin:
Exactly what part of Italy is not the U.S. do you not comprehend?

Italy also doesn't legally recognize the right for non-military/police to bear arms. Are you under the delusion that has any bearing upon us in the U.S.?
Sure it has bearing. It sets an example. One that will be followed here in America, once imam Obama is out of office, and the GOP controls the presidency, the Congress, and the Supreme Court.
It sets no bearing at all.

Not at all.

Do you understand that?

You obviously don't understand the Supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution when you assert such nonsense as spouting laws in Italy have a bearing on laws in the U.S.

Oh, and by the way ... before Obama was president ... before Democrats controlled the Congress ... Republicans controlled the presidency and the Congress and they never even considered your massive delusions. Nor will they if they ever control that much of the government again. You are completely fucking insane. :cuckoo:
Don't tell us. Show us. Show us a single ruling backing your bullshit that the Supremecy Clause outlaws Islam. Or is about religion. Show us a single quote from the constitutional convention or the federalist papers making either claim.

You can't. As neither the law nor the founders back any of your hate fantasy. You've just got you citing you. And your source doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

Try again.
Already answered. YOU KNOW. You won't admit ? NOT MY PROBLEM.
before Obama was president ... before Democrats controlled the Congress ... Republicans controlled the presidency and the Congress and they never even considered your massive delusions.
Yeah ? What year was that ?
Laughing....we're the only ones who are relevant. As your batshit fantasy is imaginary nonsense.

Even your poster child of Italy rejects your useless idiocy, burns no Korans, shuts down no mosques, deports no muslims, and has founded government councils to facilitate the practice of Islam in Italy.
HA HA. Dopey post. See Post # 788. :biggrin:

Laughing...even Italy has rejected your bullshit. Completely and utterly. With Italy protecting the rights of Muslims to practice their religion. The only thing that Muslims don't get is State funding for their religion. That's it. Muslims build mosques. They practice their faith. They even have a government council set up to help facilitate Islam in Italy.

Nothing you've demanded Italians do. No burned anything. No purged anything. The bug of your hate fantasy runs into the windshield of reality yet again.

Try again. This time with a tad less self delusion.
No, Muslims DON'T build mosques in Italy. There is only ONE official mosque in the whole country.

There's no such thing as an 'official' mosque. And I defy you to prove otherwise. You're literally just making this fantasy up as you go along, backed by nothing but your own desperate, Jihad Watch fueled hysteria.

Back in reality, there are 150 mosques in Italy. The last one was built in 2009, and there are others on the way. Muslims are the 2nd largest religious group in Italy, behind Catholics, with a full 1.5 million in the country. And that number is expected to double in the next 15 years.

And NONE of their mosques have been purged, contrary to your hate fantasy. NONE of their Korans have been burned, contrary to your hate fantasy. Muslims haven't been purged from the country, contrary to your hate fantasy. Italy protects the religious freedoms of Muslims, even creating a government council to facilitate the practice of Islam in Italy.

Nothing you've demanded Italy do regarding Muslims has been done by Italians. Your own poster child has rejected your hapless bullshit as the useless idiocy it is. And here in the US, nothing you've demanded we do is going to be done. As you don't have the slighest clue what you're talking about.
As the article in Post # 788 said, there is only ONE official mosque in Italy.

The 'article'? That's a WordPress blog. And when you click on the source of the blog post, what do you get?

Italy Islam Not Recognized as a Religion Denied Religious Tax Status Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs Islam Jihad Israel and the Islamic War on the West

Pamela 'Obama's daddy is Malcom X' Gellar. Your source that there is only one 'official mosque' in Italy is Pam Gellar....quoting herself. Its like an Anti-Islamic circle jerk, with one idiot quoting another. And neither of them being able to back up a damn thing they're saying.

And it never occurred to you to check the source, did it? Not once. You just gobbled whatever Pam Gellar told you to think without thought or question. ANd from this useless basis, where you're merely a parrot of whatever anti-Islamic bigot that's doing you're thinking for you.....

...we're expected to accept you as a constitutional expert on the Supremacy Clause?

Shrugs.....you can't fix stupid.
Laughing....so now the Supremcy Clause ISN'T about religion. Even your own pseudo-legal gibbish contradicts itself. Where the moment I challenge you to back your bullshit with actual rulings and actual quotes from the constittuional convention.......you flee.

So having failed utterly to show us anywhere that the Supremacy Clause is about religion, here's your next challenge....which of course you're going to fail just as spectacularly: show us any federal ruling that found that Islam is outlawed due to the Supremacy Clause.

1. I keep telling you I never said the Supremacy Clause is about religion, YOU'RE the one who keeps yammering about that. The Supremacy Claus is about supremacy (which is what Islam is)

2. The actual ruling is the Supremacy Clause itself. No other ruling is needed. It outlawed supremacism in 1789. Islam (a supremacism) has been outlawed ever since. It just hasn't been enfordced that's all (like much immigration law)

3. Look at all the attention you're giving this. You're shitting in you're pants. I love it. :badgrin:

:salute: :salute: :tank: :tank::Boom2::alirulz: :terror: :terror: :terror: :terror: :terror: :terror:
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Don't tell us. Show us. Show us a single ruling backing your bullshit that the Supremecy Clause outlaws Islam. Or is about religion. Show us a single quote from the constitutional convention or the federalist papers making either claim.

You can't. As neither the law nor the founders back any of your hate fantasy. You've just got you citing you. And your source doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

Try again.
Already answered. YOU KNOW. You won't admit ? NOT MY PROBLEM.
Translation: you've got jack shit and you know it.

There's no ruling, nothing from any constitutional convention, nothing save your Pam Gellar fueled fantasy batshit to back your claims. And you don't know what you're talking about.

Um, son....we're not outlawing Islam based on your personal opinion. Not even Italy, your poster child, is doing anything you demand be done. Your claims, as always, have nothing to do with the real world. And exist only in the wasteland of your mind.

Try again.

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