If we lose our constitution we'll deserve it.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
It’s abundantly evident that our political establishment has become an absurd antidote for the Flynn effect. A calculated effort to stupefy the American population has been underway since 1965 and our last presidential election brought this under sharp focus when working Americans expressed their disgust by electing a candidate from outside the political process.

The winning candidate had to execute a hostile takeover of the Republican Party which had been quietly and deliberately prostituting itself to the status quo while fraudulently presenting itself as an alternative choice.

Reasonable citizens watched in horror as Barack Obama, a bizarre example of wooden ideological ventriloquism, presided over the destruction of our healthcare system by taking a page right out of Soviet style central planning. In addition the circus act of a Nobel-Prize winning progressive action figure with a past so top secret that no human remembers him from anywhere before he appeared out of nowhere on the political landscape has all but destroyed America’s reputation as a world leader.

Then the American political establishment that has been operating on the dark side since the Great Society went full on Lucifer in 2016 by hijacking the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice to fabricate a Salem style witch trial in order to slander and destroy the winning candidate.

We are very close to a Constitutional crisis in the US because the political establishment has subverted the intent of our security agencies and converted them into the mirror image of the Bulgarian Secret Police. Not since the Civil War, have traitors like this played their cards so brazenly and confidently.

Confident that the American people are so stupid they won’t notice it, the political establishment has been using the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice with falsified FISA Warrants to spy on innocent Americans and frame the president with contrived treachery.

Anyone who hasn’t been smoking marijuana for the last fifty years can easily see what’s going on. The president is representing the people and threatening the political establishment. Robert Mueller may look like his face was chiseled off from Mount Rushmore but he’s an operative of the establishment and it’s his job to keep us in our place.

That’s not what our constitution says and we better start protecting it or we’re going to lose it. And if we do, we’ll deserve it.
There are plenty of people who feel the Constitution is an outdated document, written by rich white slave rapists. Yet they're more than happy to leverage that same terrible document to wipe any number of what they pretend are "offensive" traditions from public view, or to shut down the freedom of expression of others.

These are the same people, of course, who say that the national anthem is racist, that the flag is racist, that the country is racist and greedy and imperialist, that it was stolen from Mexico, that it was stolen from the Indians, and guilty of any number of other crimes and flaws that deserve punishment.

To try to deny that would be an exercise in blatant intellectual dishonesty. The only questions are how many there are of them, how much influence do they have now, and how much influence they'll have in the future.

Fundamental change, baby, here it comes!
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No rebuttal, no words. Just a picture. No brain necessary. Say goodbye to the Flynn Effect:

I think Ray9 is a bit beyond the Tin Foil hat award, it would be hard to find a bigger load of BS and assumption any place short of North Korea or Russian propaganda. Pres Obama will be rated among our top ten presidents and the FBI is a noble institution. Have both made mistakes, of course, humans are human. But Trump is a bold faced liar or a complete idiot, 2140 in a year must be record. A few links below and a book for Ray, should he be a real person and not a Dark Money bot or Russian troll.

The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy by Albert O. Hirschman

"Figure things out for yourself. Spend more time on long articles. Subsidize investigative journalism by subscribing to print media. Realize that some of what is on the internet is there to harm you. Learn about sites that investigate propaganda campaigns (some of which comes from abroad). Take responsibility for what you communicate with others." Lesson 11 'On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century' by Timothy Snyder

The Nunes Memo Undermines the Right’s Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
Opinion | The Memo Doesn’t Vindicate Trump. It’s More Proof of Obstruction.

Stuff on Jobs and fact checking for the non-bot, non-troll readers.

Analysis | Fact-checking the 2018 State of the Union address

What Happened to All the Jobs Trump Promised?

"But even that general conclusion is too fast. We will not actually know whether Trump’s election exhibits a failure of democracy until we see whether the institutions of court and congress function to prevent him from carrying out his anti-democratic impulses. We see a failure in our electorate, but institutions may yet save democracy. For example, if the Court rules against Trump’s proposed religious test for immigrants, and his proposal for a religious registry, and does not overturn (as he has proposed) the constitutional protection for flag-burning, or implement his proposal to punish women for having legal abortions, and resists his attempted removal of due process protections for immigrants, and resists the privatization of education as a violation of equal protection, then the damage Trump could do to democracy would be limited to some degree." The Critique – A Failure Of Democracy?
There are plenty of people who feel the Constitution is an outdated document, written by rich white slave rapists. Yet they're more than happy to leverage that same terrible document to wipe any number of what they pretend are "offensive" traditions from public view, or to shut down the freedom of expression of others.

Yawn, I love when Mac whines about me like this...

Of course the constitution is outdated. No country is still using the same constitution 240 years later.

That said, um, yeah, there are a lot of offensive traditions we should probably get rid of, or at least question.

These are the same people, of course, who say that the national anthem is racist, that the flag is racist, that the country is racist and greedy and imperialist, that it was stolen from Mexico, that it was stolen from the Indians, and guilty of any number of other crimes and flaws that deserve punishment.

Yes. They are called "History Majors". But I guess we can all wave our flags and pretend those things never happened.

You know, instead of addressing them.

To try to deny that would be an exercise in blatant intellectual dishonesty. The only questions are how many there are of them, how much influence do they have now, and how much influence they'll have in the future.

Fundamental change, baby, here it comes!

Yawn, buddy. It's always the same tired, alarmist stuff with you.

So, if people finally do take down the statue of the founder of the Klan, how does that effect your life in any way?
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I think Ray9 is a bit beyond the Tin Foil hat award, it would be hard to find a bigger load of BS and assumption any place short of North Korea or Russian propaganda. Pres Obama will be rated among our top ten presidents and the FBI is a noble institution. Have both made mistakes, of course, humans are human. But Trump is a bold faced liar or a complete idiot, 2140 in a year must be record. A few links below and a book for Ray, should he be a real person and not a Dark Money bot or Russian troll.

The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy by Albert O. Hirschman

"Figure things out for yourself. Spend more time on long articles. Subsidize investigative journalism by subscribing to print media. Realize that some of what is on the internet is there to harm you. Learn about sites that investigate propaganda campaigns (some of which comes from abroad). Take responsibility for what you communicate with others." Lesson 11 'On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century' by Timothy Snyder

The Nunes Memo Undermines the Right’s Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
Opinion | The Memo Doesn’t Vindicate Trump. It’s More Proof of Obstruction.

I've seen all of the propaganda leaflets. They're for you not for me.

Stuff on Jobs and fact checking for the non-bot, non-troll readers.

Analysis | Fact-checking the 2018 State of the Union address

What Happened to All the Jobs Trump Promised?

"But even that general conclusion is too fast. We will not actually know whether Trump’s election exhibits a failure of democracy until we see whether the institutions of court and congress function to prevent him from carrying out his anti-democratic impulses. We see a failure in our electorate, but institutions may yet save democracy. For example, if the Court rules against Trump’s proposed religious test for immigrants, and his proposal for a religious registry, and does not overturn (as he has proposed) the constitutional protection for flag-burning, or implement his proposal to punish women for having legal abortions, and resists his attempted removal of due process protections for immigrants, and resists the privatization of education as a violation of equal protection, then the damage Trump could do to democracy would be limited to some degree." The Critique – A Failure Of Democracy?
No, hes one of the few that can discern the difference truth and the dire situation that this country is in.

The problem is, you guys pinned your whole movement to a crazy person.

If you guys had elected Kasich or Jeb Bush, you'd be getting a lot more done, with a lot less objection.

The biggest problem Trump has is that the GOP wants him gone worse than the Democrats do. They know he's doing generational damage to the party's reputation.
I think Ray9 is a bit beyond the Tin Foil hat award, it would be hard to find a bigger load of BS and assumption any place short of North Korea or Russian propaganda. Pres Obama will be rated among our top ten presidents and the FBI is a noble institution. Have both made mistakes, of course, humans are human. But Trump is a bold faced liar or a complete idiot, 2140 in a year must be record. A few links below and a book for Ray, should he be a real person and not a Dark Money bot or Russian troll.

The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy by Albert O. Hirschman

"Figure things out for yourself. Spend more time on long articles. Subsidize investigative journalism by subscribing to print media. Realize that some of what is on the internet is there to harm you. Learn about sites that investigate propaganda campaigns (some of which comes from abroad). Take responsibility for what you communicate with others." Lesson 11 'On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century' by Timothy Snyder

The Nunes Memo Undermines the Right’s Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
Opinion | The Memo Doesn’t Vindicate Trump. It’s More Proof of Obstruction.

I've seen all of the propaganda leaflets. They're for you not for me.

Stuff on Jobs and fact checking for the non-bot, non-troll readers.

Analysis | Fact-checking the 2018 State of the Union address

What Happened to All the Jobs Trump Promised?

"But even that general conclusion is too fast. We will not actually know whether Trump’s election exhibits a failure of democracy until we see whether the institutions of court and congress function to prevent him from carrying out his anti-democratic impulses. We see a failure in our electorate, but institutions may yet save democracy. For example, if the Court rules against Trump’s proposed religious test for immigrants, and his proposal for a religious registry, and does not overturn (as he has proposed) the constitutional protection for flag-burning, or implement his proposal to punish women for having legal abortions, and resists his attempted removal of due process protections for immigrants, and resists the privatization of education as a violation of equal protection, then the damage Trump could do to democracy would be limited to some degree." The Critique – A Failure Of Democracy?

I've seen all of the propaganda leaflets. They're for you not for me.
There are plenty of people who feel the Constitution is an outdated document, written by rich white slave rapists. Yet they're more than happy to leverage that same terrible document to wipe any number of what they pretend are "offensive" traditions from public view, or to shut down the freedom of expression of others.

Yawn, I love when Mac whines about me like this...

Of course the constitution is outdated. No country is still using the same constitution 240 years later.

That said, um, yeah, there are a lot of offensive traditions we should probably get rid of, or at least question.

These are the same people, of course, who say that the national anthem is racist, that the flag is racist, that the country is racist and greedy and imperialist, that it was stolen from Mexico, that it was stolen from the Indians, and guilty of any number of other crimes and flaws that deserve punishment.

Yes. They are called "History Majors". But I guess we can all wave our flags and pretend those things never happened.

You know, instead of addressing them.

To try to deny that would be an exercise in blatant intellectual dishonesty. The only questions are how many there are of them, how much influence do they have now, and how much influence they'll have in the future.

Fundamental change, baby, here it comes!

Yawn, buddy. It's always the same tired, alarmist stuff with you.

So, if people finally do take down the statue of the founder of the Klan, how does that effect your life in any way?

No, its not outdated.
No, hes one of the few that can discern the difference truth and the dire situation that this country is in.

The problem is, you guys pinned your whole movement to a crazy person.

If you guys had elected Kasich or Jeb Bush, you'd be getting a lot more done, with a lot less objection.

The biggest problem Trump has is that the GOP wants him gone worse than the Democrats do. They know he's doing generational damage to the party's reputation.
I like my president Trump. I bet unlike your dems trash he wouldn't even try to have me put under false arrest based on some bogus charges if I went out and got the people riled up to get out and take a stand against the corruption in politics.
The founders, facing the same sort of tyranny we face today gave us the U.S. Constitution to protect us from filthy liberals and corrupt government, choke on it.
I like my president Trump. I bet unlike your dems trash he wouldn't even try to have me put under false arrest based on some bogus charges if I went out and got the people riled up to get out and take a stand against the corruption in politics.

Completely off topic, but never mind.
No it is not off topic as you called my president crazy. Crazy is what the dems have been doing fully ignoring the constitutional rights of little people like me for years. Our constitution isn't the problem. It is the people who have ignored the rights of the people and there is a hell of a lot more of those on the left than the right so the right will win it all.
The founders, facing the same sort of tyranny we face today gave us the U.S. Constitution to protect us from filthy liberals and corrupt government, choke on it.

Okay, the Founders were a bunch of slave owners who lived in mortal fear that a parliamentary democracy in London would abolish slavery.

The revolution was not a "noble cause".

While the Constitution does have some good points, some things they plain old did not think through, such as the electoral college or the bad wording of the Militia Amendment.
It’s abundantly evident that our political establishment has become an absurd antidote for the Flynn effect. A calculated effort to stupefy the American population has been underway since 1965 and our last presidential election brought this under sharp focus when working Americans expressed their disgust by electing a candidate from outside the political process.

The winning candidate had to execute a hostile takeover of the Republican Party which had been quietly and deliberately prostituting itself to the status quo while fraudulently presenting itself as an alternative choice.

Reasonable citizens watched in horror as Barack Obama, a bizarre example of wooden ideological ventriloquism, presided over the destruction of our healthcare system by taking a page right out of Soviet style central planning. In addition the circus act of a Nobel-Prize winning progressive action figure with a past so top secret that no human remembers him from anywhere before he appeared out of nowhere on the political landscape has all but destroyed America’s reputation as a world leader.

Then the American political establishment that has been operating on the dark side since the Great Society went full on Lucifer in 2016 by hijacking the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice to fabricate a Salem style witch trial in order to slander and destroy the winning candidate.

We are very close to a Constitutional crisis in the US because the political establishment has subverted the intent of our security agencies and converted them into the mirror image of the Bulgarian Secret Police. Not since the Civil War, have traitors like this played their cards so brazenly and confidently.

Confident that the American people are so stupid they won’t notice it, the political establishment has been using the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice with falsified FISA Warrants to spy on innocent Americans and frame the president with contrived treachery.

Anyone who hasn’t been smoking marijuana for the last fifty years can easily see what’s going on. The president is representing the people and threatening the political establishment. Robert Mueller may look like his face was chiseled off from Mount Rushmore but he’s an operative of the establishment and it’s his job to keep us in our place.

That’s not what our constitution says and we better start protecting it or we’re going to lose it. And if we do, we’ll deserve it.

Hate to tell ya, but we've been living in a post constitutional America since the day the supreme court decided their opinions were more important than the written words in the document. We are governed by judicial fiat, not the Constitution.

The founders, facing the same sort of tyranny we face today gave us the U.S. Constitution to protect us from filthy liberals and corrupt government, choke on it.

Okay, the Founders were a bunch of slave owners who lived in mortal fear that a parliamentary democracy in London would abolish slavery.

The revolution was not a "noble cause".

While the Constitution does have some good points, some things they plain old did not think through, such as the electoral college or the bad wording of the Militia Amendment.
We'll keep the electoral college too. It is not a Bolshevik rule here in this country and will never be if many of us have any say about it.

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