If we lose our constitution we'll deserve it.

What is it you fail to understand about "the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"? Not much there to interpret, it says what it says.

The part where it says, "A well-regulated militia".



They aren't in a militia either, what do you not understand about two independent clauses, the second clause is not dependent on the first. Keeping and bearing arms is a right affirmed to the PEOPLE, not the State, not the federal government.

They aren't in a militia either, what do you not understand about two independent clauses, the second clause is not dependent on the first. Keeping and bearing arms is a right affirmed to the PEOPLE, not the State, not the federal government.

But only keeping them in the context of an organized militia, not letting every crazy fucker have a machine gun to mow down a classroom full of preschoolers, because that's just fucking nuts.

Except in NRA land, who think Adam Lanza totally has a right to a machine gun because the Founding Fathers said so.
If we lose our Constitution we'll deserve it

The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance.

Keeping an eye on Tin Foil Hat and Kornspiracy types trying to talk the American People into another Revolution.

Thank you for your (silly) input, Tvaritch... I needed the laugh.


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