If we lose our constitution we'll deserve it.

Well aren't you the dreamer right in their with the rest of the anti-American crowd. The democrats willing pushed off a big bunch of crap onto the American public and I will say it almost took the country down but I will also say it won't keep her down. People like you or anyone else will have to learn how to be responsible for your selves.

Uh, guy, here's the thing.

Of the last 10 recessions, NINE of them happened when Republicans were in charge. If anyone is bringing down the American worker and depriving him of the ability to be responsible for himself, it's you guys.

You apparently were with the crowd that would rather see a corporation get the workers benefits rather than the worker get their own money that was supposedly being spent to benefit them so a few could strip off the gravy of their labor. Again we are not going to just hand it over to you without a fight and I believe that with God with us you ultimately lose.

1) There is no God. Never was.
2) I think you are confused as to who wants to shift the wealth from the workers to the corporations.

Yes, God exists. Doesnt matter what you think. You will have to give an account of your life.
No rebuttal, no words. Just a picture. No brain necessary. Say goodbye to the Flynn Effect:

We have been deteriorating long before the 60s. Ever since the mass influx of Marxist sympathizers in the turn of the 20th century, and subsequent inflitration of the Marxist sympathizers along with and working in conjunction with OLD MONEY we can see how we have been imploding.

It has been a slow desecent into madness and the new world globalist order has all but taken over cultures around the world.

Intent on destroying and eradicating the middle class, and with the rise of Artificial Intelligence, many in the middle class are becoming completely obsolete.

The culling of the herd will take place within our lifetimes. There will be just enough in the serf class that will be necessary and the rest will be the new version of the barrons.

SOCIALISM is FEUDALISM. We may have to live through the apocalyptic tribulations. We just may.
As it turns out you are not a fan of capitalism fully developed. Who could blame you.
Well aren't you the dreamer right in their with the rest of the anti-American crowd. The democrats willing pushed off a big bunch of crap onto the American public and I will say it almost took the country down but I will also say it won't keep her down. People like you or anyone else will have to learn how to be responsible for your selves.

Uh, guy, here's the thing.

Of the last 10 recessions, NINE of them happened when Republicans were in charge. If anyone is bringing down the American worker and depriving him of the ability to be responsible for himself, it's you guys.

You apparently were with the crowd that would rather see a corporation get the workers benefits rather than the worker get their own money that was supposedly being spent to benefit them so a few could strip off the gravy of their labor. Again we are not going to just hand it over to you without a fight and I believe that with God with us you ultimately lose.

1) There is no God. Never was.
2) I think you are confused as to who wants to shift the wealth from the workers to the corporations.
Wrong and you are definitely blind as a f'ing bat. trying to force small businesses throughout out of business because they didn't want to join into the collective scam like y'all did with obbummer care is the type of shit that has driven the country to the brink. I paid my people more in 1988 for mopping floors and picking up trash than the minimum wage is now overall. I gave my people the cash so they could decide how to spend their own money too. Your dems have collectively driven businesses out of business and out of the country for way too long so sit down and STFU and let the people that have some common sense do what needs to be done to get liberty back on track.

You don't have to believe in God. That is your loss not mine and you won't ever make your loss mine.
No rebuttal, no words. Just a picture. No brain necessary. Say goodbye to the Flynn Effect:

We have been deteriorating long before the 60s. Ever since the mass influx of Marxist sympathizers in the turn of the 20th century, and subsequent inflitration of the Marxist sympathizers along with and working in conjunction with OLD MONEY we can see how we have been imploding.

It has been a slow desecent into madness and the new world globalist order has all but taken over cultures around the world.

Intent on destroying and eradicating the middle class, and with the rise of Artificial Intelligence, many in the middle class are becoming completely obsolete.

The culling of the herd will take place within our lifetimes. There will be just enough in the serf class that will be necessary and the rest will be the new version of the barrons.

SOCIALISM is FEUDALISM. We may have to live through the apocalyptic tribulations. We just may.
As it turns out you are not a fan of capitalism fully developed. Who could blame you.
Neither are you when you insist that everyone pay for your insurance while you keep putting away money for your retirement and your kids college.
The Constitution is being abused and has been for thirty five years. It was started by Ron Reagan....His proclamation of the Drug War started the process which has led to unconstitutional laws being backed by the Supreme Court...You want to bitch about today? Your a little fucking late....
No rebuttal, no words. Just a picture. No brain necessary. Say goodbye to the Flynn Effect:

We have been deteriorating long before the 60s. Ever since the mass influx of Marxist sympathizers in the turn of the 20th century, and subsequent inflitration of the Marxist sympathizers along with and working in conjunction with OLD MONEY we can see how we have been imploding.

It has been a slow desecent into madness and the new world globalist order has all but taken over cultures around the world.

Intent on destroying and eradicating the middle class, and with the rise of Artificial Intelligence, many in the middle class are becoming completely obsolete.

The culling of the herd will take place within our lifetimes. There will be just enough in the serf class that will be necessary and the rest will be the new version of the barrons.

SOCIALISM is FEUDALISM. We may have to live through the apocalyptic tribulations. We just may.
As it turns out you are not a fan of capitalism fully developed. Who could blame you.
Neither are you when you insist that everyone pay for your insurance while you keep putting away money for your retirement and your kids college.
No, it's the outhouse that O left behind. I'll add W in there too. The two most worthless presidents.

sorry, man, I never remember O or W mocking the disabled or Gold Star Families or calling people a "fat pig" or engaging in any of the behavior that Trump engages in to diminish the office.

Did they have policies that didn't turn out well? Sure.

Did they treat the office with dignity that Trump doesn't? Absolutely.

I'm still waiting for Trump to mature and grow into the position like you all promised he would.
It’s abundantly evident that our political establishment has become an absurd antidote for the Flynn effect. A calculated effort to stupefy the American population has been underway since 1965 and our last presidential election brought this under sharp focus when working Americans expressed their disgust by electing a candidate from outside the political process.

The winning candidate had to execute a hostile takeover of the Republican Party which had been quietly and deliberately prostituting itself to the status quo while fraudulently presenting itself as an alternative choice.

Reasonable citizens watched in horror as Barack Obama, a bizarre example of wooden ideological ventriloquism, presided over the destruction of our healthcare system by taking a page right out of Soviet style central planning. In addition the circus act of a Nobel-Prize winning progressive action figure with a past so top secret that no human remembers him from anywhere before he appeared out of nowhere on the political landscape has all but destroyed America’s reputation as a world leader.

Then the American political establishment that has been operating on the dark side since the Great Society went full on Lucifer in 2016 by hijacking the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice to fabricate a Salem style witch trial in order to slander and destroy the winning candidate.

We are very close to a Constitutional crisis in the US because the political establishment has subverted the intent of our security agencies and converted them into the mirror image of the Bulgarian Secret Police. Not since the Civil War, have traitors like this played their cards so brazenly and confidently.

Confident that the American people are so stupid they won’t notice it, the political establishment has been using the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice with falsified FISA Warrants to spy on innocent Americans and frame the president with contrived treachery.

Anyone who hasn’t been smoking marijuana for the last fifty years can easily see what’s going on. The president is representing the people and threatening the political establishment. Robert Mueller may look like his face was chiseled off from Mount Rushmore but he’s an operative of the establishment and it’s his job to keep us in our place.

That’s not what our constitution says and we better start protecting it or we’re going to lose it. And if we do, we’ll deserve it.

Hate to tell ya, but we've been living in a post constitutional America since the day the supreme court decided their opinions were more important than the written words in the document. We are governed by judicial fiat, not the Constitution.

Agreed to the point that the courts have ignored the peoples rights and gone above and beyond in twisting shit to push their own agendas. That is partly why we are at this point today.

Time does not change the definitions of written words, they mean the same today as the day they were written and understood at the time. No judge or group of judges have the constitutional authority to say otherwise.

Yes but they have been ignoring it and I can bare witness to several instances over the years where judges believed that their words and intents were above and are better than the law of the land.

That's exactly why I said we are being governed by judicial fiat and not the Constitution.

No rebuttal, no words. Just a picture. No brain necessary. Say goodbye to the Flynn Effect:

We have been deteriorating long before the 60s. Ever since the mass influx of Marxist sympathizers in the turn of the 20th century, and subsequent inflitration of the Marxist sympathizers along with and working in conjunction with OLD MONEY we can see how we have been imploding.

It has been a slow desecent into madness and the new world globalist order has all but taken over cultures around the world.

Intent on destroying and eradicating the middle class, and with the rise of Artificial Intelligence, many in the middle class are becoming completely obsolete.

The culling of the herd will take place within our lifetimes. There will be just enough in the serf class that will be necessary and the rest will be the new version of the barrons.

SOCIALISM is FEUDALISM. We may have to live through the apocalyptic tribulations. We just may.
As it turns out you are not a fan of capitalism fully developed. Who could blame you.
Neither are you when you insist that everyone pay for your insurance while you keep putting away money for your retirement and your kids college.
Is that your self portrait?
No rebuttal, no words. Just a picture. No brain necessary. Say goodbye to the Flynn Effect:
We have been deteriorating long before the 60s. Ever since the mass influx of Marxist sympathizers in the turn of the 20th century, and subsequent inflitration of the Marxist sympathizers along with and working in conjunction with OLD MONEY we can see how we have been imploding.

It has been a slow desecent into madness and the new world globalist order has all but taken over cultures around the world.

Intent on destroying and eradicating the middle class, and with the rise of Artificial Intelligence, many in the middle class are becoming completely obsolete.

The culling of the herd will take place within our lifetimes. There will be just enough in the serf class that will be necessary and the rest will be the new version of the barrons.

SOCIALISM is FEUDALISM. We may have to live through the apocalyptic tribulations. We just may.
As it turns out you are not a fan of capitalism fully developed. Who could blame you.
Neither are you when you insist that everyone pay for your insurance while you keep putting away money for your retirement and your kids college.
Is that your self portrait?
It’s abundantly evident that our political establishment has become an absurd antidote for the Flynn effect. A calculated effort to stupefy the American population has been underway since 1965 and our last presidential election brought this under sharp focus when working Americans expressed their disgust by electing a candidate from outside the political process.

The winning candidate had to execute a hostile takeover of the Republican Party which had been quietly and deliberately prostituting itself to the status quo while fraudulently presenting itself as an alternative choice.

Reasonable citizens watched in horror as Barack Obama, a bizarre example of wooden ideological ventriloquism, presided over the destruction of our healthcare system by taking a page right out of Soviet style central planning. In addition the circus act of a Nobel-Prize winning progressive action figure with a past so top secret that no human remembers him from anywhere before he appeared out of nowhere on the political landscape has all but destroyed America’s reputation as a world leader.

Then the American political establishment that has been operating on the dark side since the Great Society went full on Lucifer in 2016 by hijacking the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice to fabricate a Salem style witch trial in order to slander and destroy the winning candidate.

We are very close to a Constitutional crisis in the US because the political establishment has subverted the intent of our security agencies and converted them into the mirror image of the Bulgarian Secret Police. Not since the Civil War, have traitors like this played their cards so brazenly and confidently.

Confident that the American people are so stupid they won’t notice it, the political establishment has been using the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice with falsified FISA Warrants to spy on innocent Americans and frame the president with contrived treachery.

Anyone who hasn’t been smoking marijuana for the last fifty years can easily see what’s going on. The president is representing the people and threatening the political establishment. Robert Mueller may look like his face was chiseled off from Mount Rushmore but he’s an operative of the establishment and it’s his job to keep us in our place.

That’s not what our constitution says and we better start protecting it or we’re going to lose it. And if we do, we’ll deserve it.

That anyone can believe this is testimony to why any dictator is able to take power in any country. Enough people can be made to believe absolute unreality as if it were real. The delusional minority that supports Little Lying Donald believe anything they are told by their handlers now. Goebbels is jealous.

"Through propaganda the average man can be made to believe up is down, good is bad, right is wrong. And they can be made to think the whole idea was theirs."
It’s abundantly evident that our political establishment has become an absurd antidote for the Flynn effect. A calculated effort to stupefy the American population has been underway since 1965 and our last presidential election brought this under sharp focus when working Americans expressed their disgust by electing a candidate from outside the political process.

The winning candidate had to execute a hostile takeover of the Republican Party which had been quietly and deliberately prostituting itself to the status quo while fraudulently presenting itself as an alternative choice.

Reasonable citizens watched in horror as Barack Obama, a bizarre example of wooden ideological ventriloquism, presided over the destruction of our healthcare system by taking a page right out of Soviet style central planning. In addition the circus act of a Nobel-Prize winning progressive action figure with a past so top secret that no human remembers him from anywhere before he appeared out of nowhere on the political landscape has all but destroyed America’s reputation as a world leader.

Then the American political establishment that has been operating on the dark side since the Great Society went full on Lucifer in 2016 by hijacking the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice to fabricate a Salem style witch trial in order to slander and destroy the winning candidate.

We are very close to a Constitutional crisis in the US because the political establishment has subverted the intent of our security agencies and converted them into the mirror image of the Bulgarian Secret Police. Not since the Civil War, have traitors like this played their cards so brazenly and confidently.

Confident that the American people are so stupid they won’t notice it, the political establishment has been using the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice with falsified FISA Warrants to spy on innocent Americans and frame the president with contrived treachery.

Anyone who hasn’t been smoking marijuana for the last fifty years can easily see what’s going on. The president is representing the people and threatening the political establishment. Robert Mueller may look like his face was chiseled off from Mount Rushmore but he’s an operative of the establishment and it’s his job to keep us in our place.

That’s not what our constitution says and we better start protecting it or we’re going to lose it. And if we do, we’ll deserve it.

Hate to tell ya, but we've been living in a post constitutional America since the day the supreme court decided their opinions were more important than the written words in the document. We are governed by judicial fiat, not the Constitution.

Agreed to the point that the courts have ignored the peoples rights and gone above and beyond in twisting shit to push their own agendas. That is partly why we are at this point today.

Time does not change the definitions of written words, they mean the same today as the day they were written and understood at the time. No judge or group of judges have the constitutional authority to say otherwise.

Yes but they have been ignoring it and I can bare witness to several instances over the years where judges believed that their words and intents were above and are better than the law of the land.

That's exactly why I said we are being governed by judicial fiat and not the Constitution.

I put up here years ago about a guy telling me how he got his lawyer through the union and the lawyer paid off the judge to get his desired results. That was in 2005. That too is the fault of the people for ignoring truth when it was put right in front of them. That same year was when I met a couple that was losing their home due to the fraud committed by attorneys, bankers and loan salespeople. If I recall correctly it was back in 1992 when I was put under arrest by an out of control magistrate who believed he was god in the courtroom. It was the night after an election. I had put on a small campaign for people to get out to vote in our lil' town and over double the people did vote that year. Back when I would tell people about that stuff the same people as are out there today claimed I had the tinfoil hat. If I had not been struggling for my life due to the health issues of the chemical exposure over the last ten plus years i would have been more vocal about it all than i am now. I know if the people do not wake up and shove off these creeps like at CNN it will get worse before it gets better. and that brings us to the problem that has been put forth by the churches making people believe that they go to heaven from here when that is not what the word says at all. They first have to learn to overcome before they can even see that the kingdom heaven is within themselves. It is up to the people to seek the truth in all things and if they had the Lord wouldn't have let the enemy gain so much ground.
The Constitution is being abused and has been for thirty five years. It was started by Ron Reagan....His proclamation of the Drug War started the process which has led to unconstitutional laws being backed by the Supreme Court...You want to bitch about today? Your a little fucking late....

The supreme courts redefining the commerce clause decades before gave Reagan that power, damn those slippery slopes.

Heller upheld the written word of the Constitution, Roe, not so much. But my point goes far beyond those decisions.

No, they were both interpretations that found federal authority in areas previously left up to states and municipalities.

What is it you fail to understand about "the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"? Not much there to interpret, it says what it says.

Kasich or Jeb Bush
Are part of the problem, they are democrats pretending to be republicans
So Im sure that dems would be more than happy to work with them and there would be no change whats so ever.
Are part of the problem, they are democrats pretending to be republicans
So Im sure that dems would be more than happy to work with them and there would be no change whats so ever.

Kasich and Bush have been Republicans their whole lives.

Trump was a Democrat 20 years ago.

Kasich and Bush have been Republicans their whole lives in name only. Their actions and votes tell the truth. Trump was a Democrat 20 years ago but is not now, if he was still a Democrat why do Democrats hate him.

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