If We Took the Constitution Seriously, Obama Would Be Impeached

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Michael Filozof

If the citizens of this Republic still took the Constitution seriously, Obama would be impeached for his decision to unilaterally grant amnesty to certain illegal aliens.

Article 1, Sec. 8 of the Constitution, which enumerates the power of Congress, states that "Congress shall have the Power To... establish an [sic] uniform Rule of Naturalization." Congress has passed numerous laws pertaining to immigration and naturalization, including laws requiring the deportation of illegals.

The role of the President, according to Article II, Sec. 3, is to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed." Obama's refusal to execute Congress's immigration laws (or, for that matter, Congress's Defense of Marriage Act) is an impeachable offense. Article II, Sec. 4 states that the President "shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for... Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors." The deliberate failure to enforce valid immigration law and allow hordes of foreigners to live and work in the U.S. is, arguably, "treason," and doing so in an election year to appease Hispanic voters could certainly be considered "bribery."

In theory, Obama could exercise his power in Article II, Sec 2. to "grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States" and offer a blanket pardon for all violators of immigration law. He's not doing that, because he'd certainly lose in November if he did. (However we should be concerned that if he does lose in November, he'll do it anyway on his last day in office).

Read more: Blog: If We Took the Constitution Seriously, Obama Would Be Impeached
I have maintained that Obama views himself as an elected King.
With this latest XO, he has essentially established dictatorial powers for himself.
Of course, this latest XO will be short lived. Should Obama lose in November, I would imagine by the end of Jan 2013, this Order will be rescinded.
Perhaps legislation from Congress can alleviate some of the issues these kids have. However, the law MUST be clear that in order for these kids to establish Registered Alien Status, they MUST go through the same process as ALL other immigrants.

If the citizens of this Republic still took the Constitution seriously Bush and his axis of evil would be imprisoned for life. :eusa_hand:
Republicans - The politics of impeachment.

well of course you Democrats weren't all on board for impeaching George Bush, even on board for having him tried as a war criminal..

so give us a break

I don't seem to remember impeachment proceedings against Bush/Cheney. High crimes and misdemeanors? Lying to go to war, false intelligence, engaging in torture, denial of due process

Sure beats a blow job ......don't it?
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Michael Filozof

If the citizens of this Republic still took the Constitution seriously, Obama would be impeached for his decision to unilaterally grant amnesty to certain illegal aliens.

Article 1, Sec. 8 of the Constitution, which enumerates the power of Congress, states that "Congress shall have the Power To... establish an [sic] uniform Rule of Naturalization." Congress has passed numerous laws pertaining to immigration and naturalization, including laws requiring the deportation of illegals.

The role of the President, according to Article II, Sec. 3, is to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed." Obama's refusal to execute Congress's immigration laws (or, for that matter, Congress's Defense of Marriage Act) is an impeachable offense. Article II, Sec. 4 states that the President "shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for... Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors." The deliberate failure to enforce valid immigration law and allow hordes of foreigners to live and work in the U.S. is, arguably, "treason," and doing so in an election year to appease Hispanic voters could certainly be considered "bribery."

In theory, Obama could exercise his power in Article II, Sec 2. to "grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States" and offer a blanket pardon for all violators of immigration law. He's not doing that, because he'd certainly lose in November if he did. (However we should be concerned that if he does lose in November, he'll do it anyway on his last day in office).

Read more: Blog: If We Took the Constitution Seriously, Obama Would Be Impeached
I have maintained that Obama views himself as an elected King.
With this latest XO, he has essentially established dictatorial powers for himself.
Of course, this latest XO will be short lived. Should Obama lose in November, I would imagine by the end of Jan 2013, this Order will be rescinded.
Perhaps legislation from Congress can alleviate some of the issues these kids have. However, the law MUST be clear that in order for these kids to establish Registered Alien Status, they MUST go through the same process as ALL other immigrants.

If the citizens of this Republic still took the Constitution seriously Bush and his axis of evil would be imprisoned for life. :eusa_hand:

it's not like you people weren't screaming for it.
Republicans - The politics of impeachment.

well of course you Democrats weren't all on board for impeaching George Bush, even on board for having him tried as a war criminal..

so give us a break

I don't seem to remember impeachment proceedings against Bush/Cheney. High crimes and misdemeanors? Lying to go to war, false intelligence, engaging in torture, denial of due process

Sure beats a blow job ......don't it?
What blowjob are you talking about? Clinton was not put on trial for a blow job. He did not lose his license to practice law because of a blow job, and he was not impeached because of a blow job.

I remember the desire to impeach Bush. I remember leftists siding with the UN to drag Bush to the International Criminals Court....

Yet, for the same offenses, Obama gets a pass.....

Obama hasn't done less than the past 10 administrations....In fact, the last administration that WAS within the boundaries of the Constitution was that of Calvin Coolidge.

That tells you just how long it has been since we've had a government that cared about law.
constitutional treason......did it bother you when reagan did it?

if we took the constitution seriously there would be no professional politicians

I'm sorry - I didn't realize that if Ronald Reagan broke a law, it magically became ok for all Presidents to do it. Only a liberal would even attempt to make such an asinine argument. Two wrongs do not make a right.
I have maintained that Obama views himself as an elected King.
With this latest XO, he has essentially established dictatorial powers for himself.
Of course, this latest XO will be short lived. Should Obama lose in November, I would imagine by the end of Jan 2013, this Order will be rescinded.
Perhaps legislation from Congress can alleviate some of the issues these kids have. However, the law MUST be clear that in order for these kids to establish Registered Alien Status, they MUST go through the same process as ALL other immigrants.

If the citizens of this Republic still took the Constitution seriously Bush and his axis of evil would be imprisoned for life. :eusa_hand:

it's not like you people weren't screaming for it.
People haven't been screaming for it since they learned that they can get shit from the government at the expense of others.
constitutional treason......did it bother you when reagan did it?

if we took the constitution seriously there would be no professional politicians

I'm sorry - I didn't realize that if Ronald Reagan broke a law, it magically became ok for all Presidents to do it. Only a liberal would even attempt to make such an asinine argument. Two wrongs do not make a right.
Yep..this is what passes for 'critical thought' with people these days.

They bitch and whine about how Obama never gets a break, but seem to forget the 8 solid, not a day went by without trashing Bush, years....and they justified it with, "You guys trashed Clinton"...which of course was followed by, You fucks trashed Reagan......and so on, and so on....

I'm reminded of a poem..

Big fleas have little fleas
upon their back to bite them.

Little fleas,
have lesser fleas

so add infinitium
Republicans - The politics of impeachment.

well of course you Democrats weren't all on board for impeaching George Bush, even on board for having him tried as a war criminal..

so give us a break

I don't seem to remember impeachment proceedings against Bush/Cheney. High crimes and misdemeanors? Lying to go to war, false intelligence, engaging in torture, denial of due process

Sure beats a blow job ......don't it?

He didn't lie to go to war, you ignorant liberal. Even MSNBC has acknowledged that WMD's have been found in Iraq! He never provided "false intelligence", though there were some that provided false intelligence to him. And where is it written that "torture" is illegal? It's not in the US Constitution my ignorant friend. Also, due process applies to US citizens in the US only. It comes from the US Constitution, which is not an international document you fool. Al Qaeda terrorists have no rights and are not protected by the US Constitution in any capacity.

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. You just know, in your infinite ignorance, that you want to blame conservatives for all of the failed policies of liberals.

Sarin-loaded bomb explodes in Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq - msnbc.com
links in article at site


Michael Filozof

If the citizens of this Republic still took the Constitution seriously, Obama would be impeached for his decision to unilaterally grant amnesty to certain illegal aliens.

Article 1, Sec. 8 of the Constitution, which enumerates the power of Congress, states that "Congress shall have the Power To... establish an [sic] uniform Rule of Naturalization." Congress has passed numerous laws pertaining to immigration and naturalization, including laws requiring the deportation of illegals.

The role of the President, according to Article II, Sec. 3, is to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed." Obama's refusal to execute Congress's immigration laws (or, for that matter, Congress's Defense of Marriage Act) is an impeachable offense. Article II, Sec. 4 states that the President "shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for... Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors." The deliberate failure to enforce valid immigration law and allow hordes of foreigners to live and work in the U.S. is, arguably, "treason," and doing so in an election year to appease Hispanic voters could certainly be considered "bribery."

In theory, Obama could exercise his power in Article II, Sec 2. to "grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States" and offer a blanket pardon for all violators of immigration law. He's not doing that, because he'd certainly lose in November if he did. (However we should be concerned that if he does lose in November, he'll do it anyway on his last day in office).

Read more: Blog: If We Took the Constitution Seriously, Obama Would Be Impeached
I have maintained that Obama views himself as an elected King.
With this latest XO, he has essentially established dictatorial powers for himself.
Of course, this latest XO will be short lived. Should Obama lose in November, I would imagine by the end of Jan 2013, this Order will be rescinded.
Perhaps legislation from Congress can alleviate some of the issues these kids have. However, the law MUST be clear that in order for these kids to establish Registered Alien Status, they MUST go through the same process as ALL other immigrants.

If the citizens of this Republic still took the Constitution seriously Bush and his axis of evil would be imprisoned for life. :eusa_hand:

Well you just proved you've never read the US Constitution in your entire miserable life (typical liberal)....
I have maintained that Obama views himself as an elected King.
With this latest XO, he has essentially established dictatorial powers for himself.
Of course, this latest XO will be short lived. Should Obama lose in November, I would imagine by the end of Jan 2013, this Order will be rescinded.
Perhaps legislation from Congress can alleviate some of the issues these kids have. However, the law MUST be clear that in order for these kids to establish Registered Alien Status, they MUST go through the same process as ALL other immigrants.

If the citizens of this Republic still took the Constitution seriously Bush and his axis of evil would be imprisoned for life. :eusa_hand:

Well you just proved you've never read the US Constitution in your entire miserable life (typical liberal)....

you all sound like idiots.

i hope that helps.
Last edited:
I have maintained that Obama views himself as an elected King.
With this latest XO, he has essentially established dictatorial powers for himself.
Of course, this latest XO will be short lived. Should Obama lose in November, I would imagine by the end of Jan 2013, this Order will be rescinded.
Perhaps legislation from Congress can alleviate some of the issues these kids have. However, the law MUST be clear that in order for these kids to establish Registered Alien Status, they MUST go through the same process as ALL other immigrants.

If the citizens of this Republic still took the Constitution seriously Bush and his axis of evil would be imprisoned for life. :eusa_hand:

Well you just proved you've never read the US Constitution in your entire miserable life (typical liberal)....
How does that prove he hasn't read the U.S. Constitution in his entire life?

Ah..so signing statements are illegal now?

And where were you guys when Reagan violated legislation handed down from Congress by selling arms to Iran and the Contras?

Unlike you, we were there condeming his illegal actions. Sad that you worship Nazi-like at the feet of your liberal fuher's, like Obama.

By the way swallow, Ronald Reagan has been out of the White House for 25 years now, and he's dead. How about we worry about what the current President is doing, instead of attempting to defend criminal actions that you know are wrong by pointing at a dead man for his action 33 years ago?

Ah..so signing statements are illegal now?

And where were you guys when Reagan violated legislation handed down from Congress by selling arms to Iran and the Contras?

Unlike you, we were there condeming his illegal actions. Sad that you worship Nazi-like at the feet of your liberal fuher's, like Obama.

By the way swallow, Ronald Reagan has been out of the White House for 25 years now, and he's dead. How about we worry about what the current President is doing, instead of attempting to defend criminal actions that you know are wrong by pointing at a dead man for his action 33 years ago?

So in 25 years it will be OK that Obama made signing statements?
What is the matter Republicans?

What are you waiting for? If you can impeach over a blow job, you can impeach over this

My God, you are so uninformed about everything you comment on.

Bill Clinton was not impeached over a "blowjob". Bill Clinton was impeached because he committed perjury before a grand jury. You know, a major crime called perjury?

For the love of God, would you please either go away so adults can hold discussions, or keep your mouth shut about subjects you are uninformed about?
What is the matter Republicans?

What are you waiting for? If you can impeach over a blow job, you can impeach over this

My God, you are so uninformed about everything you comment on.

Bill Clinton was not impeached over a "blowjob". Bill Clinton was impeached because he committed perjury before a grand jury. You know, a major crime called perjury?

For the love of God, would you please either go away so adults can hold discussions, or keep your mouth shut about subjects you are uninformed about?

What is the matter Republicans?

What are you waiting for? If you can impeach over a blow job, you can impeach over this

My God, you are so uninformed about everything you comment on.

Bill Clinton was not impeached over a "blowjob". Bill Clinton was impeached because he committed perjury before a grand jury. You know, a major crime called perjury?

For the love of God, would you please either go away so adults can hold discussions, or keep your mouth shut about subjects you are uninformed about?

And the Senate acquitted him on all counts.

So ha ha ha!

Ah..so signing statements are illegal now?

And where were you guys when Reagan violated legislation handed down from Congress by selling arms to Iran and the Contras?

Unlike you, we were there condeming his illegal actions. Sad that you worship Nazi-like at the feet of your liberal fuher's, like Obama.

By the way swallow, Ronald Reagan has been out of the White House for 25 years now, and he's dead. How about we worry about what the current President is doing, instead of attempting to defend criminal actions that you know are wrong by pointing at a dead man for his action 33 years ago?

you're a liar.

there was not a single rightwingnut on this board who objected to shrub's signing statements.

now run along.
Nothing in your post said that..

In any case..it's okay to bypass congress if it's something you like?


no because I was responding to bone's post which did say that asswipe.

Careful..you are going to blow a gasket.

Whether it is a gasket or anything else, what ever he blows, I'm sure you'll be right there to swallow. And then you'll immediately go back to spreading misinformation in hopes of bringing Marxism to America so you'll never have to actually provide for yourself. You'll go right from mommy & daddy's basement to an apartment provided by the American tax payer.

Ah..so signing statements are illegal now?

And where were you guys when Reagan violated legislation handed down from Congress by selling arms to Iran and the Contras?

Unlike you, we were there condeming his illegal actions. Sad that you worship Nazi-like at the feet of your liberal fuher's, like Obama.

By the way swallow, Ronald Reagan has been out of the White House for 25 years now, and he's dead. How about we worry about what the current President is doing, instead of attempting to defend criminal actions that you know are wrong by pointing at a dead man for his action 33 years ago?

you're a liar.

there was not a single rightwingnut on this board who objected to shrub's signing statements.

now run along.

But .. but... that was 4 years ago!!!
Looks like the idiots are taking the bait just like the other social issues they have ended up looking like jerks on. Obama has been guiding republican dialog by their blind reactionary opposition to anything he comes up with.

Between now and the election, Obama has to constantly drive home "If you elect Republicans ....THIS is what you will get"

Obama better figure out some message to drive home, because he has 4 years of his policies creating catastrophic failure. And the only thing the incompetent, unqualified, community organizer can say is "but Bush gave me a bad economy... it's all Bush's fault, wha-wha-wha-wha". Funny thing is, the economy Bush handed him had 7% unemployment - while under Obama, it has never gone below 8.2%. Bush handed him $9 trillion in debt. Under Obama, it has ballooned to a nation collapsing $15 trillion.

There are monkeys with down syndrome who have a better chance of getting re-elected than Barach Hussein does :lol:

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