Zone1 If we worship One God...

It's amazing how atheists worship science until it doesn't suit their purpose. Then they fuck science in the ass. I know it's unnerving for you to believe the universe literally popped into existence being created from nothing but that's exactly what the mainstream science says.
I hate to say worship when talking about religion. We do not say worship when talking of abiogenesis. We don't even say that when discussing Darwin. Who says to believe Darwin you must worship? Not me I say.

But the atheists have an enormous burden when claiming all of this something showed up from nothing and leave out the creator.

Ding and I are on the same page with this issue.
I have faith in the evidence; red shift, CMB, quantum mechanics, and Friedmann's solutions to Einstein's field equations.
I am not up to date on all of that, but am on some of it, and I believe what you believe is more accurate than what Atheists or Democrats say all the time.
No scientific theory is proven, you 'scientist'. It is merely accepted as the best explanation for the evidence until a better explanation emerges or new evidence is found.

That you continually ignore it is the best evidence you operate on faith.
No, I don't ignore that. Right now there's nothing that explains it better. So as hard as it is for you to believe that the universe popped into existence occupying the space of a proton and then began to expand and cool, that's exactly what the evidence shows.
I am not up to date on all of that, but am on some of it, and I believe what you believe is more accurate than what Atheists or Democrats say all the time.
"There is in the nature of government an impatience of control that disposes those invested with power to look with an evil eye upon all external attempts to restrain or direct its operations. This has its origin in the love of power. Representatives of the people are not superior to the people themselves." Alexander Hamilton - Federalist Papers, 1787.

Then why do so many GOP representatives believe they are -- superior?
"There is in the nature of government an impatience of control that disposes those invested with power to look with an evil eye upon all external attempts to restrain or direct its operations. This has its origin in the love of power. Representatives of the people are not superior to the people themselves." Alexander Hamilton - Federalist Papers, 1787.

Then why do so many GOP representatives believe they are -- superior?
It has to do mostly with who we care about. We care about the people of America. Democrats care about themselves.
None of them are arguing the universe was created from pre-existing matter. Feel free to link to anything you thinks proves Jesus created the universe from existing matter. Apparently Mormons don't believe that God is powerful enough to create the universe from nothing.
We believe we and all matter has always existed. As Einstein said matter cannot be created nor destroyed. Just altered from matter to energy and back. If you believe God was Alone forever before making matter, how sad. Energy or intelligence has always existed. The greatest of all intelligences figured out how to form matter out of the lesser energy. From then, don’t know when and how everything took place. It did and here we are in a universe with our Father of our spirit and intelligences. all we know is as man is now, God once was. How many generations of universes with Gods is unknown. Just that families are forever.
We believe we and all matter has always existed. As Einstein said matter cannot be created nor destroyed. Just altered from matter to energy and back. If you believe God was Alone forever before making matter, how sad. Energy or intelligence has always existed. The greatest of all intelligences figured out how to form matter out of the lesser energy. From then, don’t know when and how everything took place. It did and here we are in a universe with our Father of our spirit and intelligences. all we know is as man is now, God once was. How many generations of universes with Gods is unknown. Just that families are forever.
That is the teaching from the church I am a member of.
So, prior to his current state, he was like a man is.
So before he created all, he was like me and you.
Kind of interesting isn't it?
That is the teaching from the church I am a member of.
So, prior to his current state, he was like a man is.
So before he created all, he was like me and you.
Kind of interesting isn't it?
We used to hear more about the concept of eternal increase in joy and posterity 40 years ago. Our responsibility, if we make to the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom is to Father our eternal children in our own universe that we originate or organize. We won’t know how until we get there and have a lot more learning to do.
The rest of Christendom think we will spend immortality on cloud’s strumming harps forever. Talk about hell.
I’ve wondered if the Holy Ghost in our universe will get to have a body eventually.

It’s funny that Ding questioned if we believe God could cause that spark of pop a particle and create and organize this universe. Of course we do. We just believe there are other Gods of other universes who were also Celestial in their worlds. That we are a members of a large family.
I'm right here no need to start another thread.

You can't prove your premises here so why would you be able to do it in another thread?
We believe we and all matter has always existed. As Einstein said matter cannot be created nor destroyed. Just altered from matter to energy and back. If you believe God was Alone forever before making matter, how sad. Energy or intelligence has always existed. The greatest of all intelligences figured out how to form matter out of the lesser energy. From then, don’t know when and how everything took place. It did and here we are in a universe with our Father of our spirit and intelligences. all we know is as man is now, God once was. How many generations of universes with Gods is unknown. Just that families are forever.
Any links to support these silly propositions that oppose the big bang theory?
Any links to support these silly propositions that oppose the big bang theory?
that idea doesn't oppose it at all.

All it says is what we call the big bang was a massive transformation of matter and / or energy from one state to another

Since we cannot know what was in the nanosecond before the big bang this explanation is as valid as any other.
Link? Or it didn't happen.
its an experiment - the outcome of an explosion in deep space, you are incapable of a response to that outcome in relation to the cyclical bb -

again you are incapable of a response you have not been spoon fed by someone else ...

what is the dispersal in deep space of the particles from an explosion in deep space - what stops the motion of the particles. what is their trajectory.
I have faith in the evidence; red shift, CMB, quantum mechanics, and Friedmann's solutions to Einstein's field equations.

faith does not exist in science than as an ulterior motive - without bearing for the conclusion. bing the deceiver.
I hate to say worship when talking about religion. We do not say worship when talking of abiogenesis. We don't even say that when discussing Darwin. Who says to believe Darwin you must worship? Not me I say.

But the atheists have an enormous burden when claiming all of this something showed up from nothing and leave out the creator.

Ding and I are on the same page with this issue.

- would that include the false heavenly personifications of the desert religions.
faith does not exist in science than as an ulterior motive - without bearing for the conclusion. bing the deceiver.
Faith is having complete trust in something or someone. I have complete trust in the evidence that shows the universe began ~14 billion years ago and that it was not created from pre-existing matter or energy.
Any links to support these silly propositions that oppose the big bang theory?
From God himself to His prophets. You want to believe in your unproven theoretical prophets, that’s your free moral agency. But don’t force it on the rest of us to believe. They are only theories by their observations. We have our observations and the right to reject your prophets trying to unload a pile of horse manure that something comes from nothing.
Here’s your challenge. To realize our universe isn’t everything. There are other universes and just space with lots of energy in it with no form of matter outside our universe. With that energy in whatever unknown form somehow caused our universe. You know there are other theories other than the Big Bang.

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