Zone1 If we worship One God...

No, you don't get it. And no, they literally do not exist because if they did they would annihilate each other.

Do you not feel any shame for spouting unsupported opinions like they are facts?

They do annihilate each other leaving no matter. Just matter in the form of energy. But again, where were the pair before they popped in? You can’t make something out of nothing. If you can’t understand that, I feel sorry for you.
they transform from energy to matter or in reverse, again the same cyclical event that is the basis for all that exists at whichever level is being studied in one fashion or another.

the cyclical events are as basic as the celestial sphere ...

as stated, the bb is cyclical by the finite angle of trajectory of the matter dispersed that will without changing direction bring all matter back to its origin at the same time for momentous compaction till converted back to pure energy and a new moment of singularity.

you have failed to project a response for the simple experiment to verify the boomerang theory ... pull the pin on a motionless handgranade in deep space and record the shrapnel's trajectory and destination till its motion is completed. which would be the reconstituted handgranade, possibly inside out.

your fleeting response is your failure to resound to the outcome of the experiment ... than someone else's opinion - you base all your knowledge on.
Are they infinitely apart? No. The distance can be measured. Still doesn’t matter. We exist. The universe exists. Matter is energy and different from gravity. Where did we come from? Not nothing. We have always existed. Matter cannot be created not destroyed. If it pops in and out of our dimension or universe, it still exists. The matter before the Big Bang existed. But, not in our universe or dimension.
The universe was not infinitely apart at creation. Quite the opposite. All matter and energy occupied the size of single proton at creation.
the cyclical events are as basic as the celestial sphere ...

your fleeting response is your failure to resound to the outcome of the experiment ... than someone else's opinion - you base all your knowledge on.
Link? Or it didn't happen.
They do annihilate each other leaving no matter. Just matter in the form of energy. But again, where were the pair before they popped in? You can’t make something out of nothing. If you can’t understand that, I feel sorry for you.
Not quite. They leave behind radiation. All subatomic particles (matter and antimatter) that literally popped into existence existed in a probability state prior to popping into existence.

So, mainstream science disagrees with your religious book. The universe was not created from pre-existing matter.
Link? Or it didn't happen.

its an experiment - the outcome of an explosion in deep space, you are incapable of a response to that outcome in relation to the cyclical bb -

- proves you are only as knowledgeable as to who you listen to.
its an experiment - the outcome of an explosion in deep space, you are incapable of a response to that outcome in relation to the cyclical bb -

- proves you are only as knowledgeable as to who you listen to.
The universe was not infinitely apart at creation. Quite the opposite. All matter and energy occupied the size of single proton at creation.
They still aren’t infinitely apart. Do you know what infinity is?
That is an unproven theory that all the energy was that size. And with your pop in particle there was nothing. What happened to that? You got lost?
They still aren’t infinitely apart. Do you know what infinity is?
That is an unproven theory that all the energy was that size. And with your pop in particle there was nothing. What happened to that? You got lost?
Do you know what infinite means? The universe is finite in size.

As to your attempt to refute mainstream science, no conservation law was broken by creating the universe from nothing. It's been explained to you over and over again.

Your church is wrong and you should not rely on your church for science. You are literally arguing against the big bang.
Do you know what infinite means? The universe is finite in size.

As to your attempt to refute mainstream science, no conservation law was broken by creating the universe from nothing. It's been explained to you over and over again.

Your church is wrong and you should not rely on your church for science. You are literally arguing against the big bang.
No, the universe is not infinite in size. Look up the definition of infinite and infinity.
Do you know what infinite means? The universe is finite in size.

As to your attempt to refute mainstream science, no conservation law was broken by creating the universe from nothing. It's been explained to you over and over again.

Your church is wrong and you should not rely on your church for science. You are literally arguing against the big bang.
inity, the concept of something that is unlimited, endless, without
That is an unproven theory that all the energy was that size. And with your pop in particle there was nothing. What happened to that? You got lost?
It's not an unproven theory. It's called the big bang and there is lots and lots of data that went into the belief that the universe literally popped into existence ~14 billion years ago being created from nothing. Your church is wrong. Your church is at odds with science. And you have absolutely no evidence for you erroneous beliefs.

So I'm not lost. You are. The Mormon church is wrong.
It's not an unproven theory. It's called the big bang and there is lots and lots of data that went into the belief that the universe literally popped into existence ~14 billion years ago being created from nothing. Your church is wrong. Your church is at odds with science. And you have absolutely no evidence for you erroneous beliefs.

So I'm not lost. You are. The Mormon church is wrong.
It’s unproven. In fact, there are more and more scientists saying it is not as sound as thought. Look it up. Google it.
However, that’s not the point. You are saying it all came into existence from nothing. Now you are saying there was something no bigger than a proton. But something. Your assertion just keeps faltering.
It’s unproven. In fact, there are more and more scientists saying it is not as sound as thought. Look it up. Google it.
However, that’s not the point. You are saying it all came into existence from nothing. Now you are saying there was something no bigger than a proton. But something. Your assertion just keeps faltering.
None of them are arguing the universe was created from pre-existing matter. Feel free to link to anything you thinks proves Jesus created the universe from existing matter. Apparently Mormons don't believe that God is powerful enough to create the universe from nothing.

Your church is wrong.
It's amazing how atheists worship science until it doesn't suit their purpose. Then they fuck science in the ass. I know it's unnerving for you to believe the universe literally popped into existence being created from nothing but that's exactly what the mainstream science says.
Mainstream science has said a lot of things. If you weren't so full of faith you'd recognise all the times it has corrected itself.
It's not an unproven theory.
No scientific theory is proven, you 'scientist'. It is merely accepted as the best explanation for the evidence until a better explanation emerges or new evidence is found.

That you continually ignore it is the best evidence you operate on faith.
Mainstream science has said a lot of things. If you weren't so full of faith you'd recognise all the times it has corrected itself.
I have faith in the evidence; red shift, CMB, quantum mechanics, and Friedmann's solutions to Einstein's field equations.

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