Zone1 If we worship One God...

Oh, they exist. Just not in our dimension or universe. We just don’t have the knowledge or equipment yet to find where they are when we can’t see them and why we can’t see them. Scientists can’t even explain what is going on. God could but we aren’t ready to understand.
You are a moron if you believe they exist anywhere as matter. Technically they (i.e. mirror image matter/antimatter pairs) cancel each other out. They only exist as probabilities. They don't exist in another dimension because they would annihilate it other if they did.
Again, where did the particles come from? To say they came in from nothing is stupid.
You know energy and massive particle are transmutable, right?

But then you will just ask where the energy came from.

Why do you get off on wasting people's time? You know you are just playing a game. The regressive interrogation game. It's older than you are.
Now I see why Cougarbear is so riled up. He gets his science from the Mormon church.

"...Under the direction of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ created the heavens and the earth (see Mosiah 3:8; Moses 2:1). From scripture revealed through the Prophet Joseph Smith, we know that in the work of the Creation, the Lord organized elements that had already existed (see Abraham 3:24). He did not create the world “out of nothing,” as some people believe..."
How many times do I need to explain it to you? Paired particle production. Pairs of particles which exist at probabilities pop into and out of existence all the time. The CMB captured the creation of space and time because of it. Maybe you should read up on it instead of voicing your displeasure because it doesn't match your Mormon belief that you will be a god and get to create your own personal universe.
Again, when they go out of “existence” they simply aren’t detectable. They still exist. Maybe even in our universe and dimension. We haven’t the capacity to find them at this time. They may and probably are in another dimension or universe. The fact is, a particle cannot disappear unless it first existed. So, where did it first come from?
Again, when they go out of “existence” they simply aren’t detectable. They still exist. Maybe even in our universe and dimension. We haven’t the capacity to find them at this time. They may and probably are in another dimension or universe. The fact is, a particle cannot disappear unless it first existed. So, where did it first come from?
When they exist they annihilate each other. What part of that don't you understand?
E=mc^2 and the CMB is what explains and confirms the quantum tunneling event that we call the big bang.
Currently. If you think all evidence has been found and the explanation won't change then you are very faithful.

No Newtonian physics?
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Currently. If you think all evidence has been found and the explanation won't change then you are very faithful.
I think you are underestimating the importance of the CMB. It's not like there are any other viable reasons for its existence except for E=mc^2. With E being the radiation in the universe and m being the matter and antimatter required to generate it.
When they exist they annihilate each other. What part of that don't you understand?
Ahhh…but the result is energy that cannot be created nor destroyed. And, to create energy they have mass or energy. They come from somewhere. Why can’t you understand that.
Ahhh…but the result is energy that cannot be created nor destroyed. And, to create energy they have mass or energy. They come from somewhere. Why can’t you understand that.
Because the net energy of the universe is zero. The positive energy of matter is exactly compensated by the negative energy of gravity which is a consequence of matter and energy itself. So there is no violation of the conservation law. It was all explained in Professor Vilenkin's video.

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Ahhh…but the result is energy that cannot be created nor destroyed. And, to create energy they have mass or energy. They come from somewhere. Why can’t you understand that.
Where are your links? Is the religious dogma of the Mormon church your only basis for your beliefs?

Because it seems they based their belief on the conservation of energy. That they just assumed Jesus had to use existing matter and energy. But that's not how the physics works.
Then you move on down to verse 21 "That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me." Now, which one is one? :hhello: There is ONE Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. All agree in ONE and are ONE in agreement. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost. One the Father, One the Son, One the Holy Ghost. :popcorn:
God can be in many at a single time, It does not make them God. Yes one in purpose, in agreement. All is done for the Fathers will.
Satan is posing as the trinity god as he does for all non existent gods getting worship.
Paired particle production. They pop into existence as pairs. They literally do not exist in actuality until they pop into existence.

they transform from energy to matter or in reverse, again the same cyclical event that is the basis for all that exists at whichever level is being studied in one fashion or another.
Because the net energy of the universe is zero. The positive energy of matter is exactly compensated by the negative energy of gravity which is a consequence of natter and energy itself. So there is no violation of the conservation law. It was all explained in Professor Vilenkin's video explaining it.

And there is the fallacy. If the net is zero then we would not be here to converse. The fact is, we can see the matter and it exists. Gravity isn’t matter or energy. But, you haven’t answered the question. Where did the particles come from? They were existing somewhere.

Until it is found.

It's amazing how atheists worship science until it doesn't suit their purpose. Then they fuck science in the ass. I know it's unnerving for you to believe the universe literally popped into existence being created from nothing but that's exactly what the mainstream science says.
And there is the fallacy. If the net is zero then we would not be here to converse. The fact is, we can see the matter and it exists. Gravity isn’t matter or energy. But, you haven’t answered the question. Where did the particles come from? They were existing somewhere.
Do you have any links that support your positions?

In classical mechanics, two or more masses always have a gravitational potential. Conservation of energy requires that this gravitational field energy is always negative, so that it is zero when the objects are infinitely far apart.

And there is the fallacy. If the net is zero then we would not be here to converse. The fact is, we can see the matter and it exists. Gravity isn’t matter or energy. But, you haven’t answered the question. Where did the particles come from? They were existing somewhere.
No, you don't get it. And no, they literally do not exist because if they did they would annihilate each other.

Do you not feel any shame for spouting unsupported opinions like they are facts?

Do you have any links that support your positions?

In classical mechanics, two or more masses always have a gravitational potential. Conservation of energy requires that this gravitational field energy is always negative, so that it is zero when the objects are infinitely far apart.

Are they infinitely apart? No. The distance can be measured. Still doesn’t matter. We exist. The universe exists. Matter is energy and different from gravity. Where did we come from? Not nothing. We have always existed. Matter cannot be created not destroyed. If it pops in and out of our dimension or universe, it still exists. The matter before the Big Bang existed. But, not in our universe or dimension.

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