Zone1 If we worship One God...

Your asserts that something comes from nothing is idiotic. Again, where did the quantum particle or spark come from that created a closed universe of enormous amounts of matter and energy?
So you are saying the basis for the big bang is an idiotic belief?

But you don't believe you going to become a god with your own personal universe qualifies as an idiotic belief?
So you are saying the basis for the big bang is an idiotic belief?

But you don't believe you going to become a god with your own personal universe qualifies as an idiotic belief?

It's an unproven theory.

There are still far more unanswered questions than there are answered questions but you ignore the mountain of shit we do not know to concentrate on the infinitesimal speck of shit we kind of understand and you draw an absolute certain 100% correct in every way explanation of the entire universe and you still don't have a Nobel Prize.
So you are saying the basis for the big bang is an idiotic belief?

But you don't believe you going to become a god with your own personal universe qualifies as an idiotic belief?
Twisting words. I didn't write any such thing. I don't know if there was a big bang. It doesn't matter. The energy and matter created could not come from nothing. It's like the same thinking that insects came from nothing or dirt like Darwin observed. I was very clear that the mass energy of our universe had been gathered together into a singularity (think Black Hole). Then, God made it explode out. He destroyed the event horizon and the energy exploded out and quickly began to come together to form galaxies.
In Genesis, the Earth is formed first. Then, the lights (stars) and the sun and moon. Perhaps Jesus first formed the earth. Then, with matter that was not organized, he and Michael formed the galaxies.
Twisting words. I didn't write any such thing. I don't know if there was a big bang. It doesn't matter. The energy and matter created could not come from nothing. It's like the same thinking that insects came from nothing or dirt like Darwin observed. I was very clear that the mass energy of our universe had been gathered together into a singularity (think Black Hole). Then, God made it explode out. He destroyed the event horizon and the energy exploded out and quickly began to come together to form galaxies.
In Genesis, the Earth is formed first. Then, the lights (stars) and the sun and moon. Perhaps Jesus first formed the earth. Then, with matter that was not organized, he and Michael formed the galaxies.
Everything I have written is about the big bang which is the science behind everything being created from nothing. I have provided two links supporting this. You have provided none.
Twisting words. I didn't write any such thing. I don't know if there was a big bang. It doesn't matter. The energy and matter created could not come from nothing. It's like the same thinking that insects came from nothing or dirt like Darwin observed. I was very clear that the mass energy of our universe had been gathered together into a singularity (think Black Hole). Then, God made it explode out. He destroyed the event horizon and the energy exploded out and quickly began to come together to form galaxies.
In Genesis, the Earth is formed first. Then, the lights (stars) and the sun and moon. Perhaps Jesus first formed the earth. Then, with matter that was not organized, he and Michael formed the galaxies.
Dont worry the donkey will eventually lie about everything you said then he'll make shit up and claim you said it then he'll argue against the shit he made up and tell you he's right and you're wrong.
See you're not even smart enough to understand the sentence

I am not an atheist
Everything I have written is about the big bang which is the science behind everything being created from nothing. I have provided two links supporting this. You have provided none.
You have proved nothing. Those are called theories, not fact. I have asked you where do the first particles come from and then where does the mass of the universe come from? If a particles started the universe the universe would be the size of that particle. Those links do not answer these questions. Where did the particle come from? Where did the mass of our universe come from?
Why do you think he would know?

Is that because you pretend to know?
My opinions are opinions. Some based on my own studies and on my beliefs. He base’s everything on someone else’s opinions and beliefs. He is incapable of coming up with conclusions on his own. It’s why he cannot explain where the particle or Steven Hawkins “spark” comes from. And most of all, where all the energy mass of the universe comes from a small quantum particle. How about yourself?
You have proved nothing. Those are called theories, not fact.
It's called the big bang which is the universe spontaneous popping into existence. Not being created from pre-existing energy. Based upon quantum mechanics and Friedmann's solutions to Einstein's field equations. And is the only explanation for the existence of the CMB and red shift.

And you have absolutely nothing. No links to anything. No explanation for anything. Just your silly belief that a man became god and then created his own personal universe just for him because that's what your Mormon church told you to believe. Except they p[rovided absolutely no details on the mechanics of it.
I have asked you where do the first particles come from and then where does the mass of the universe come from?
I gave you a link where it was explained in great detail. I'm sorry you couldn't follow any of it. But the answer is still the same, the universe was created through paired particle production.

It's called the big bang which is the universe spontaneous popping into existence. Not being created from pre-existing energy. Based upon quantum mechanics and Friedmann's solutions to Einstein's field equations. And is the only explanation for the existence of the CMB and red shift.

And you have absolutely nothing. No links to anything. No explanation for anything. Just your silly belief that a man became god and then created his own personal universe just for him because that's what your Mormon church told you to believe. Except they p[rovided absolutely no details on the mechanics of it.
Once again, you don’t provide a reason for the mass of the universe and where it came from. Popping in isn’t a scientific reason. Popping in from where?
I gave you a link where it was explained in great detail. I'm sorry you couldn't follow any of it. But the answer is still the same, the universe was created through paired particle production.

It doesn’t explain a thing about how the mass of the universe popped in. Popped in isn’t a scientific reason. And the links don’t answer this question. How about you try explaining where all this mass came from.
If a particles started the universe the universe would be the size of that particle.
The universe wasn't created by a single particle. For every 1 billion anti-matter particles created, there were 1 billion and 1 matter particles created. After the 1 billion anti-matter particles and 1 billion matter particles mutually annihilated each other the remaining 1 matter particle was what remained. So the number of subatomic particles created during the creation of the universe is equal to 2 billion times all the particles in the universe today. Which is a shitload of particles. The CMB is the radiation from the anti-matter and matter annihilations. And matches E-mC^2 which is the conversion from matter to radiation or energy.
It doesn’t explain a thing about how the mass of the universe popped in. Popped in isn’t a scientific reason. And the links don’t answer this question. How about you try explaining where all this mass came from.
No. You can't understand it.


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