Zone1 If we worship One God...

The greatest of all intelligences figured out how to change energy into matter and it all began.

before that began there was a delineation between good and evil as the heavenly trait and requirement to being one of them in purity to persist and contribute to the everlasting than simply living and dying ...

physical energy, physiology needs energy known as hunger and the hunger is what determines its spiritual destiny.
This universe definitely had a beginning and the atoms in your body were created from nothing ~14 billion years ago.

as stated, the bb is cyclical by the finite angle of trajectory of the matter dispersed that will without changing direction bring all matter back to its origin at the same time for momentous compaction till converted back to pure energy and a new moment of singularity.
as stated, the bb is cyclical by the finite angle of trajectory of the matter dispersed that will without changing direction bring all matter back to its origin at the same time for momentous compaction till converted back to pure energy and a new moment of singularity.
I listen. Doesn't mean I have to agree with you. Are you a tyrant? Forcing me to believe your interpretations are correct? Funny how you don't listen to what I have to say while demanding I listen to you and have to believe you.
1. You think I want you to agree with me!?! A prime example of not listening, not understanding what someone is saying.

2. Having to ask if I am a tyrant trots forth just how much you don't listen.

3. Even I don't assert my "interpretations" are correct. First of all, they are not 'my' interpretations. There is no original interpretation in anything I present. These interpretations of others are worthy of consideration, of understanding. No one has to agree with them. I certainly don't expect me to agree with all of them.

4. Deciding what a post is not worthy of response does not mean I didn't hear. Often it means I heard all too well.

Take the recent discussion between you and Ding. It hasn't been about you respecting the take he presents. It's all about you telling him how wrong the Catholic take is. You see no beauty in it, which is one thing, but you see filth. I am not interested in wading through the filth you see. Are you listening? Do you understand?

I have had many discussions over the years that have been very informative of why some see it one way, others another, and even reach beyond the usual. No one agrees, but we all understand each other better. Very different from those who wade in filth and are stubbornly determined to stay right there.
I just presented the scientific evidence for energy being created from two sources. It's literally the basis of the Big Bang.

Your beliefs have a very Star Trekie edge to them. This universe definitely had a beginning and the atoms in your body were created from nothing ~14 billion years ago.
The two sources already existed. Where did they come from? Another dimension or universe. See, you can’t say two “sources” without those sources existing. And, they must be some source of energy.
Tis true. Its all a bit ridiculous in many ways.

Especially this. Like the ritual of pretending to eat a 2k year old dead mans flesh and drink his blood.
There are two worlds, the physical and the spiritual. We live in the physical and have some understand of how things work. The spiritual is largely a mystery to us.

One of the significant problems which exists in understanding anything pertaining to the teaching and doctrine of the the Scripture is a failure to adequately and effectively distinguish between the physical world and the spiritual world. These two worlds are not the same, and though man inhabits both, there is sparse understanding of these worlds and their differences and distinctions. Man actually knows very little about the physical world that is apparent and seemingly plain to us. We know far, far less about the spiritual world, though we are actually two parts spiritual (soul and spirit) and only one part physical (the body). Without dwelling too much on it, the reason this disparity exists is because man is dominated by what he perceives in the physical, while largely ignoring the spiritual.

as stated, the bb is cyclical by the finite angle of trajectory of the matter dispersed that will without changing direction bring all matter back to its origin at the same time for momentous compaction till converted back to pure energy and a new moment of singularity.

as offered previously ...


you have failed to project a response for the simple experiment to verify the boomerang theory ... pull the pin on a motionless handgranade in deep space and record the shrapnel's trajectory and destination till its motion is completed. which would be the reconstituted handgranade, possibly inside out.
The two sources already existed. Where did they come from? Another dimension or universe. See, you can’t say two “sources” without those sources existing. And, they must be some source of energy.
The sources are citations. The universe itself was created through paired particle production. The particles did not previously exist but popped into existence You have probably never of this because it's mainstream science which they probably don't teach in the Mormon church.

One Source:

Two Source:
The sources are citations. The universe itself was created through paired particle production. The particles did not previously exist but popped into existence You have probably never of this because it's mainstream science which they probably don't teach in the Mormon church.

One Source:

Two Source:

Popped into existence. How? From where? Particles have mass or energy. The other nonsense is that a universe has size. It does exist. This closed sphere universe means it exists and has size. Quantum particles exist and science will eventually come to the realization energy or particles have always existed. This universe has not. But it came into existence from external sources. How? We don’t know and it’s not important to our salvation.
Popped into existence. How? From where? Particles have mass or energy. The other nonsense is that a universe has size. It does exist. This closed sphere universe means it exists and has size. Quantum particles exist and science will eventually come to the realization energy or particles have always existed. This universe has not. But it came into existence from external sources. How? We don’t know and it’s not important to our salvation.
Study the link. Listen to the video.
Popped into existence. How? From where? Particles have mass or energy. The other nonsense is that a universe has size. It does exist. This closed sphere universe means it exists and has size. Quantum particles exist and science will eventually come to the realization energy or particles have always existed. This universe has not. But it came into existence from external sources. How? We don’t know and it’s not important to our salvation.
How many Mormons have become gods?
There are two worlds, the physical and the spiritual. We live in the physical and have some understand of how things work. The spiritual is largely a mystery to us.

One of the significant problems which exists in understanding anything pertaining to the teaching and doctrine of the the Scripture is a failure to adequately and effectively distinguish between the physical world and the spiritual world. These two worlds are not the same, and though man inhabits both, there is sparse understanding of these worlds and their differences and distinctions. Man actually knows very little about the physical world that is apparent and seemingly plain to us. We know far, far less about the spiritual world, though we are actually two parts spiritual (soul and spirit) and only one part physical (the body). Without dwelling too much on it, the reason this disparity exists is because man is dominated by what he perceives in the physical, while largely ignoring the spiritual.

Speculation and completely unproveable
Study the link. Listen to the video.
I did. And, I come to the same conclusion. For their to be quantum particles, there has to be a universe. To produce a quantum particle or a spark to create a closed sphere universe needs a spark. Call it God. I would. As I've said, God obtained Celestial Glory to be given his own universe with his wife or wives to populate with energy outside and/or inside our closed universe. The question is, is our universe inside God's universe from which he lives and came from. Or, is our universe outside His Celestial Kingdom. Or, are they somehow attached?

I'd also point out that he was clear that these are just abstract theories and shouldn't be used as truth. Perhaps particles pop in and out of our universe back to God's universe. Just a theory. Hawkins proposed this theory of yours and was shut down because of the same things, where did the spark or particle come from? Personally, I don't think it was. It was lots of matter yet formed pushed down into a singularity and then exploded. Are we closed or open? There isn't a consensus yet on that either. Science is not absolute. Math is. But, math is just math and has no physical property by itself.
I did. And, I come to the same conclusion. For their to be quantum particles, there has to be a universe. To produce a quantum particle or a spark to create a closed sphere universe needs a spark. Call it God. I would. As I've said, God obtained Celestial Glory to be given his own universe with his wife or wives to populate with energy outside and/or inside our closed universe. The question is, is our universe inside God's universe from which he lives and came from. Or, is our universe outside His Celestial Kingdom. Or, are they somehow attached?

I'd also point out that he was clear that these are just abstract theories and shouldn't be used as truth. Perhaps particles pop in and out of our universe back to God's universe. Just a theory. Hawkins proposed this theory of yours and was shut down because of the same things, where did the spark or particle come from? Personally, I don't think it was. It was lots of matter yet formed pushed down into a singularity and then exploded. Are we closed or open? There isn't a consensus yet on that either. Science is not absolute. Math is. But, math is just math and has no physical property by itself.
If you did, then you'd know your belief that they existed somewhere prior to popping into existence is idiotic.
If you did, then you'd know your belief that they existed somewhere prior to popping into existence is idiotic.
Your asserts that something comes from nothing is idiotic. Again, where did the quantum particle or spark come from that created a closed universe of enormous amounts of matter and energy?

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