If White guilt was an actual thing being pushed, It would be justified

Everyone is scared to say anything, or laugh at jokes, or even say their own opinion for fear of being branded a racist. True racists are a shrinking minority, dying off with old age, and better values being instilled into children.

How old is the OP?
Behind closed doors, virtually all of you are racists. Black folks know it. You know it. We know you know it. You know that you know that you know it.

I remember I had a white "friend" in high school who was like the only white dude in our school(crt confirmed). He would tell me about how his dad would tell him "turn that N***%*% music off" when he played rap music. He came over our house one day and he shook my hand with a great big, fake white man smile on his face. He was conversing with my mom downstairs and I could hear him laughing HARD at every lame statement my mom would make. He was so friendly! But turn that N word music down lol. You look at people like Pewdiepie or Hulk Hogan; Hogan gave off the public image that everyone was his Bru-ther, "I can't be racist, I wrestle with black guys". But when no one is watching, he's telling his daughter not to date n($($($@. "Listen here Bru-ther"? More like "Listen here N$&*&%*". You have a judge in the privacy of her home casually using the N word with her family like it's normal(it is). . As a kid I was called the N word pretty much every day getting on Xbox live, where the whites could see me on certain games that allowed you to use your camera. I have actually never seen a white person being racist in public, it is only when they have the veil of anonymity is when they show their default nature.

That's basically a microcosm of white people in 2022. They smile in ya face, all the time they wanna take ya place, they're backstabber......backstabbers! They haven't became less racist, they have, however, became better at hiding it. Subterfuge has always been a skill maxed trait of white people. You look at how white people smiled at the Indians right before backstabbing them. Even the term Machiavelli is based on an actual white man who put theory behind such deceptions. Ultimately, the detractors know we woke are correct. They aren't mad that we are saying anything that is untrue, but that we refuse to submit to their white supremacy. If you know any white people who remotely have anything wrong with trying to combat racism, you know they are racist. They simply want to maintain white nationalism. This is all to say that, I don't encourage my white constituents not to have white guilt. You are in fact guilty and you should in fact repent. That goes for a majority of white people. White guilt is admissible. With that said, I'm not a big advocate of these woke movements that are predicated on white permission, approval, and validation. Racism should be handled the same way everything else is, and that's with coercive intervention. We don't barter with terrorists, we don't need a precedent where we do so with the white ones. Racist should be punished and made to submit, and gulag those who do not. Fuck that diversity and integration bullshit. Don't try and educate them, just throw em in jail.

I don't give a shit about about what black people think about me, but it makes me very happy you are obsessed about what white people think about you. Please, don't ever stop. :)
Behind closed doors, virtually all of you are racists. Black folks know it. You know it. We know you know it. You know that you know that you know it.

I remember I had a white "friend" in high school who was like the only white dude in our school(crt confirmed). He would tell me about how his dad would tell him "turn that N***%*% music off" when he played rap music. He came over our house one day and he shook my hand with a great big, fake white man smile on his face. He was conversing with my mom downstairs and I could hear him laughing HARD at every lame statement my mom would make. He was so friendly! But turn that N word music down lol. You look at people like Pewdiepie or Hulk Hogan; Hogan gave off the public image that everyone was his Bru-ther, "I can't be racist, I wrestle with black guys". But when no one is watching, he's telling his daughter not to date n($($($@. "Listen here Bru-ther"? More like "Listen here N$&*&%*". You have a judge in the privacy of her home casually using the N word with her family like it's normal(it is). . As a kid I was called the N word pretty much every day getting on Xbox live, where the whites could see me on certain games that allowed you to use your camera. I have actually never seen a white person being racist in public, it is only when they have the veil of anonymity is when they show their default nature.

That's basically a microcosm of white people in 2022. They smile in ya face, all the time they wanna take ya place, they're backstabber......backstabbers! They haven't became less racist, they have, however, became better at hiding it. Subterfuge has always been a skill maxed trait of white people. You look at how white people smiled at the Indians right before backstabbing them. Even the term Machiavelli is based on an actual white man who put theory behind such deceptions. Ultimately, the detractors know we woke are correct. They aren't mad that we are saying anything that is untrue, but that we refuse to submit to their white supremacy. If you know any white people who remotely have anything wrong with trying to combat racism, you know they are racist. They simply want to maintain white nationalism. This is all to say that, I don't encourage my white constituents not to have white guilt. You are in fact guilty and you should in fact repent. That goes for a majority of white people. White guilt is admissible. With that said, I'm not a big advocate of these woke movements that are predicated on white permission, approval, and validation. Racism should be handled the same way everything else is, and that's with coercive intervention. We don't barter with terrorists, we don't need a precedent where we do so with the white ones. Racist should be punished and made to submit, and gulag those who do not. Fuck that diversity and integration bullshit. Don't try and educate them, just throw em in jail.

If we were really all racists you'd all still either be in chains, dead, or deported back to Africa long before any of us were born.
No one is turning anything. I admit that I am an angry black man because of racism. Every black person is the sum total of their experiences in a racialist society.
why are you angry? us whites give you welfare from cradle to grave. We give you literally EVERYTHING you wear,EAT, use and drive. YOUR WELCOME.
why are you angry? us whites give you welfare from cradle to grave. We give you literally EVERYTHING you wear,EAT, use and drive. YOUR WELCOME.
Apparently he's mad because he was denied a chance to grow up like this.


Everyone is scared to say anything, or laugh at jokes, or even say their own opinion for fear of being branded a racist. True racists are a shrinking minority, dying off with old age, and better values being instilled into children.
That's a damn lie. Look at this forum.
why are you angry? us whites give you welfare from cradle to grave. We give you literally EVERYTHING you wear,EAT, use and drive. YOUR WELCOME.
Wrong. We gave you what you have.

In the 1830s, powerful Southern slaveowners wanted to import capital into their states so they could buy more slaves. They came up with a new, two-part idea: mortgaging slaves; and then turning the mortgages into bonds that could be marketed all over the world.

First, American planters organized new banks, usually in new states like Mississippi and Louisiana. Drawing up lists of slaves for collateral, the planters then mortgaged them to the banks they had created, enabling themselves to buy additional slaves to expand cotton production. To provide capital for those loans, the banks sold bonds to investors from around the globe — London, New York, Amsterdam, Paris. The bond buyers, many of whom lived in countries where slavery was illegal, didn’t own individual slaves — just bonds backed by their value. Planters’ mortgage payments paid the interest and the principle on these bond payments. Enslaved human beings had been, in modern financial lingo, “securitized.”

As slave-backed mortgages became paper bonds, everybody profited — except, obviously, enslaved African Americans whose forced labor repaid owners’ mortgages. But investors owed a piece of slave-earned income. Older slave states such as Maryland and Virginia sold slaves to the new cotton states, at securitization-inflated prices, resulting in slave asset bubble. Cotton factor firms like the now-defunct Lehman Brothers — founded in Alabama — became wildly successful. Lehman moved to Wall Street, and for all these firms, every transaction in slave-earned money flowing in and out of the U.S. earned Wall Street firms a fee.

The infant American financial industry nourished itself on profits taken from financing slave traders, cotton brokers and underwriting slave-backed bonds. But though slavery ended in 1865, in the years after the Civil War, black entrepreneurs would find themselves excluded from a financial system originally built on their bodies.
Edward E. Baptist and Louis Hyman, American Finance Grew on the Back of Slaves

On February 25th, 1913, the 16th Amendment of the United States Constitution was ratified. This amendment created the income tax. Today, every working American must pay income tax unless their income is below a certain level. Since 1913 blacks have paid federal income taxes to help finance programs and policies that have excluded us. Most states began income taxes during Jim Crow Apartheid, and working blacks paid income taxes that helped states implement policies enforcing apartheid.

More than 50 billion dollars (based on 1930’s value) was spent on The New Deal and Servicemen's Readjustment Act. Both programs are credited with providing a significant boost to wealth accumulation in America. Both policies excluded vast numbers of black who worked and paid taxes. Federal housing policies kept blacks segregated in poorly built or maintained property using tax dollars working blacks paid. Education, paid for by tax dollars blacks pay into the system, continues underfunding schools in black neighborhoods. Blacks pay taxes to fund law enforcement who kill blacks at three times our population, even as whites are more than double the arrests. Tax money working blacks pay into the system allocated for social services or community development are not equally invested in organizations, services, or policies that would increase positive outcomes in black communities.
Everyone is scared to say anything, or laugh at jokes, or even say their own opinion for fear of being branded a racist. True racists are a shrinking minority, dying off with old age, and better values being instilled into children.
I disagree racism is growing rapidly in the black community the youth are taught it's ok to hate whites solely because they are white. What we have know is institutional racism.
Since the left is determined to stir up the shit and make non-whites hate whites, are they prepared for the violence that will result once they've succeeded?

We saw a taste of it with all the rioting in summer 2020. Leftists, are you proud of what you did?
Behind closed doors, virtually all of you are racists. Black folks know it. You know it. We know you know it. You know that you know that you know it.

I remember I had a white "friend" in high school who was like the only white dude in our school(crt confirmed). He would tell me about how his dad would tell him "turn that N***%*% music off" when he played rap music. He came over our house one day and he shook my hand with a great big, fake white man smile on his face. He was conversing with my mom downstairs and I could hear him laughing HARD at every lame statement my mom would make. He was so friendly! But turn that N word music down lol. You look at people like Pewdiepie or Hulk Hogan; Hogan gave off the public image that everyone was his Bru-ther, "I can't be racist, I wrestle with black guys". But when no one is watching, he's telling his daughter not to date n($($($@. "Listen here Bru-ther"? More like "Listen here N$&*&%*". You have a judge in the privacy of her home casually using the N word with her family like it's normal(it is). . As a kid I was called the N word pretty much every day getting on Xbox live, where the whites could see me on certain games that allowed you to use your camera. I have actually never seen a white person being racist in public, it is only when they have the veil of anonymity is when they show their default nature.

That's basically a microcosm of white people in 2022. They smile in ya face, all the time they wanna take ya place, they're backstabber......backstabbers! They haven't became less racist, they have, however, became better at hiding it. Subterfuge has always been a skill maxed trait of white people. You look at how white people smiled at the Indians right before backstabbing them. Even the term Machiavelli is based on an actual white man who put theory behind such deceptions. Ultimately, the detractors know we woke are correct. They aren't mad that we are saying anything that is untrue, but that we refuse to submit to their white supremacy. If you know any white people who remotely have anything wrong with trying to combat racism, you know they are racist. They simply want to maintain white nationalism. This is all to say that, I don't encourage my white constituents not to have white guilt. You are in fact guilty and you should in fact repent. That goes for a majority of white people. White guilt is admissible. With that said, I'm not a big advocate of these woke movements that are predicated on white permission, approval, and validation. Racism should be handled the same way everything else is, and that's with coercive intervention. We don't barter with terrorists, we don't need a precedent where we do so with the white ones. Racist should be punished and made to submit, and gulag those who do not. Fuck that diversity and integration bullshit. Don't try and educate them, just throw em in jail.

I don't feel guilty of anything, especially if government tells me to. If I don't like someone it's usually because they're an asshole, and that's not racist. If I don't like someone then I don't associate with them. In reading your OP I can see you need to reflect on your own thoughts and reactions. If you don't or can't then I wont have any sympathy for your feelings and that you deserve everything you perceive to be directed at you. You seem to exist just to stir up trouble and discord. You appear to me to be one of the people to announce to the world that you want respect. I am here to tell you that respect is something you can not demand. It can only be earned.

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