If white racism is a thing of the past.....

Look at any of his post to white people. He constantly berates whites for every ailment or misfortune experienced by blacks. He also agreed with another post that killing whites in africa is ok since blacks in africa were killed by whites IN THE PAST
Don't tell me to "look".

Present one of such posts.

Notice, I only asked for ONE, just ONE.

You post as if he's the definition of racism, yet you can't seem to present just ONE of such posts.

Why is that?
yes I would commit genocide to whites in SA. I would rape there women. I would kill there kids in front if them. I would burn there houses down with them inside. I would do all sorts.

You don't debate with a white supremacist. A white supremacist went into Memphis last night n killed three black people in a waffle house. The usually cowardly shit that white supremacist do.

He did not care whether they were good or bad black people and now the police can't find him ?

The white supremacist can find a sharks tooth at the bottom of the ocean. But he can't find a man who is on foot ? Fk outta here.

If that was a black man his whole family would have been arrested n that's only in the unlikely situation that they could not find him in five mins.
Im2 saw nothing wrong with this post by paul essien

And you have seen nothing wrong with shooter at Waffle house or any other racist white murderer. You are fine with the 100 years of white atrocities on Africans Essen was referring to when he made the original comment, because he was comparing what whites had done which apparently you were fine with, to how Africans feel and how he would feel if he was African. You don't seem to understand that whites raped, murdered and killed tens of thousands pf African men, women and children. If you had the intelligence to go back to the original post when he made the comments in the first line,, you would see that I said I would not condone the violence personally. But you can't do that. You live in a lunatic world where everybody must just take whiteys bullshit ad never complain. Well fuck that. You were asked to show a racist comment by me, you didn't because you can't.

I'm not going to throw Essen under the bus because your white ass doesn't like what he says. He's a black man who has had to endure the bullshit whites like you do. If he's angry about it, he has the right to be. I agree with him as I am a black man and have endured what he has. You don't like what we say? Stop the racism. This fight is going to be for as long as it takes. Until whites end their racism we're fighting. Looking around making up racism in other people only prolongs the fight. We ain't going to be submissive so we can be called the model minority.
I have posted many times how i abhor slavery and mistreatment of blacks.

No you haven't. You've denied the fact that racism still continues. That is why you asked the question:

What public policy today is racist?
Who says it is a thing of the past, you fucking psychopath?

Apparently you can't read.

Why do you love talking to yourself so much? Why is 50% of the race board at any given time populated by your garbage? You seem to care about a person's skin color at least several times more than the average person. Technically, that doesn't make you a racist. It does, however, make you an obsessed idiot. Good for laughing at, at the very least.

If I am talking I'm replying to what people say to me johnnie by. I'm looking at maybe at thousands of threads by whites like you denigrating a group of people based on color and you make a comment like his. Son you have mental issues.
So because this guy called Bill Bass says so. Then in your opinion it's true. Right ?

When a forensic anthropologist is invited to a scene, their job is to ascertain the sex, height, weight, and race of the person. Anthropology shows that race isn't only skin deep.



Race is made up.

If you look up race in the dictionary...

Race: breed, a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits

Why does the obvious bother people so?


Race is an artificial construct that did not show up until the 1600's. It's fake news. Along with that came scientific racism.

Simply put, scientific racism is the use of scientific theories to justify racial superiority or inferiority. It creates a belief in the natural superiority of a race or genetic superiority.
If only you guys would listen to this woman.


Why do we have to listen to an idiot that validates white racist views?
When a forensic anthropologist is invited to a scene, their job is to ascertain the sex, height, weight, and race of the person. Anthropology shows that race isn't only skin deep.



Race is made up.

If you look up race in the dictionary...

Race: breed, a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits

Why does the obvious bother people so?


Race is an artificial construct that did not show up until the 1600's. It's fake news. Along with that came scientific racism.

Simply put, scientific racism is the use of scientific theories to justify racial superiority or inferiority. It creates a belief in the natural superiority of a race or genetic superiority.
If only you guys would listen to this woman.


Why do we have to listen to an idiot that validates white racist views?
Yeah...just believe what the D Party and leftist ruling class tell you.

You are the one stuck with white racist views.
Race is made up.

If you look up race in the dictionary...

Race: breed, a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits

Why does the obvious bother people so?


Race is an artificial construct that did not show up until the 1600's. It's fake news. Along with that came scientific racism.

Simply put, scientific racism is the use of scientific theories to justify racial superiority or inferiority. It creates a belief in the natural superiority of a race or genetic superiority.
If only you guys would listen to this woman.


Why do we have to listen to an idiot that validates white racist views?
Yeah...just believe what the D Party and leftist ruling class tell you.

You are the one stuck with white racist views.

Nah. I just don't let white people like you tell me who I should listen to.

You republicans here post up pages of racism then tell us the democrats are racists. Your race has and continues getting the most handouts in US history and yet tell dumb blacks like the woman you cited about how we blacks need to stop depending on handouts and she's stupid enough to repeat it. The simple reality of this situation is I'm too intelligent to be fooled by your racist bullshit you simpleton.
If you look up race in the dictionary...

Race: breed, a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits

Why does the obvious bother people so?


Race is an artificial construct that did not show up until the 1600's. It's fake news. Along with that came scientific racism.

Simply put, scientific racism is the use of scientific theories to justify racial superiority or inferiority. It creates a belief in the natural superiority of a race or genetic superiority.
If only you guys would listen to this woman.


Why do we have to listen to an idiot that validates white racist views?
Yeah...just believe what the D Party and leftist ruling class tell you.

You are the one stuck with white racist views.

Nah. I just don't let white people like you tell me who I should listen to.

You republicans here post up pages of racism then tell us the democrats are racists. Your race has and continues getting the most handouts in US history and yet tell dumb blacks like the woman you cited about how we blacks need to stop depending on handouts and she's stupid enough to repeat it. The simple reality of this situation is I'm too intelligent to be fooled by your racist bullshit you simpleton.
Yeah...you let white liberal racists tell you who you should listen to...and you dutifully abide.
Race is an artificial construct that did not show up until the 1600's. It's fake news. Along with that came scientific racism.

Simply put, scientific racism is the use of scientific theories to justify racial superiority or inferiority. It creates a belief in the natural superiority of a race or genetic superiority.
If only you guys would listen to this woman.


Why do we have to listen to an idiot that validates white racist views?
Yeah...just believe what the D Party and leftist ruling class tell you.

You are the one stuck with white racist views.

Nah. I just don't let white people like you tell me who I should listen to.

You republicans here post up pages of racism then tell us the democrats are racists. Your race has and continues getting the most handouts in US history and yet tell dumb blacks like the woman you cited about how we blacks need to stop depending on handouts and she's stupid enough to repeat it. The simple reality of this situation is I'm too intelligent to be fooled by your racist bullshit you simpleton.
Yeah...you let white liberal racists tell you who you should listen to...and you dutifully abide.

It doesn't work like that simpleton. No one tells me what I see and who to listen to.
If only you guys would listen to this woman.


Why do we have to listen to an idiot that validates white racist views?
Yeah...just believe what the D Party and leftist ruling class tell you.

You are the one stuck with white racist views.

Nah. I just don't let white people like you tell me who I should listen to.

You republicans here post up pages of racism then tell us the democrats are racists. Your race has and continues getting the most handouts in US history and yet tell dumb blacks like the woman you cited about how we blacks need to stop depending on handouts and she's stupid enough to repeat it. The simple reality of this situation is I'm too intelligent to be fooled by your racist bullshit you simpleton.
Yeah...you let white liberal racists tell you who you should listen to...and you dutifully abide.

It doesn't work like that simpleton. No one tells me what I see and who to listen to.
Elite white liberals tell you what to believe and you BELIEVE.
I keep getting told how white racism is a thing of the past. But I see no poof of it. A bunch of people repeating a claim over and over again is not proof. Information from THIS DECADE shows it's not a thing of the past. But I'm going to give the white racists here a chance to prove their claim. All they need to do is:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.

Your feelings and opinions are not satisfactory. Peer reviewed evidence must be presented detailing the end of white racism in America.


Bye Dinosaur ... :bye1:
Better luck in the afterlife.


Normally someone who isn't educated on the brain and addiction recovery would not disagree with you..

But... I am a counselor who helped pregnant woman get off the streets , God gave them hope, they got their GED's , clean and sober and many went on to have a sober baby.

Do you think it mattered who they blamed addiction on..? We teach them to take responsibility, while you are sitting here giving all of them an excuse to continue pointing the finger and I promise you the excuse makers usually go out and use again..

God doesn't see the color of your skin, and judge you on how you look.

When you get brain cancer and take a CT scan , it doesn't say I am black or white.... It says cancer. and fight your ass off. in both of those situations it is your attitude and mindset that is going to fight for you..giving anyone a reason to not fight the brains will find a way to make an excuse to go use or die..

Now the place I worked at didn't see your skin or brain , but the world does.. So how do you get past that? You find peace with your situation and in my beliefs you give it to God because it is out of your control..

We can not sit back and control what happened to us, and it sucks.. but you have to find peace with it.

I appreciate what you do for people in need. I've done work with such people, We all teach the same thing. But you are not talking about public policy. Public policy is something that can be controlled. Public policy is something that can determine the outcomes of peoples lives. If your public policy is racist, which for the most part American public policy has been, it creates some of the very problems you address on your job. These racists won't discuss public policy with the exception of some distorted version of AA that doesn't exist. They can't because it destroys their racist argument of natural white supremacy. Public policy can be controlled and we can create the positive outcomes we seek through public policy.
What public policy today is racist?

No Molly your racist ass doesn't get ask me any questions until you can do this:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
Normally someone who isn't educated on the brain and addiction recovery would not disagree with you..

But... I am a counselor who helped pregnant woman get off the streets , God gave them hope, they got their GED's , clean and sober and many went on to have a sober baby.

Do you think it mattered who they blamed addiction on..? We teach them to take responsibility, while you are sitting here giving all of them an excuse to continue pointing the finger and I promise you the excuse makers usually go out and use again..

God doesn't see the color of your skin, and judge you on how you look.

When you get brain cancer and take a CT scan , it doesn't say I am black or white.... It says cancer. and fight your ass off. in both of those situations it is your attitude and mindset that is going to fight for you..giving anyone a reason to not fight the brains will find a way to make an excuse to go use or die..

Now the place I worked at didn't see your skin or brain , but the world does.. So how do you get past that? You find peace with your situation and in my beliefs you give it to God because it is out of your control..

We can not sit back and control what happened to us, and it sucks.. but you have to find peace with it.

I appreciate what you do for people in need. I've done work with such people, We all teach the same thing. But you are not talking about public policy. Public policy is something that can be controlled. Public policy is something that can determine the outcomes of peoples lives. If your public policy is racist, which for the most part American public policy has been, it creates some of the very problems you address on your job. These racists won't discuss public policy with the exception of some distorted version of AA that doesn't exist. They can't because it destroys their racist argument of natural white supremacy. Public policy can be controlled and we can create the positive outcomes we seek through public policy.
What public policy today is racist?

No Molly your racist ass doesn't get ask me any questions until you can do this:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
Your post prove you are a miserable black asshole. When did i say racism ended? I am not racist and nobe ok my post indicate that. And yes, i can ask questions regardless of what you think are the criteria for asking them. You cant answer my question because you lied

No my post shows that I can't stand dumb ass miserable white racist bitches like you.

"You can make anything become racist if your mind is set on it, which it is. You and your kind LOOK for racism where it doesn't exist. Pity, you can't just live your life and enjoy it, instead you look for reasons to blame others for your misery."

This is a racist statement Molly. Made by you.. One of many you have made. Like this one.

"IM2 and others think that because blacks were forbidden to have privileges that whites had in the PAST, that whites need to feel the same oppression to make it even. His mindset is a bit or a lot skewed."

This is why I say you are a racist. I can answer the question but you ask that question because you think there is no more racism. So prove it or shut up.
OK... this is something that bothers me..

For instance Beyonce used the 49er football 1/2 time show in my are slamming white cops... But then she used my tax dollars having the white cops escort her to the airport..

I grew up with and loved Prince and i heard him in an interview during his later years hate on white people like me who supported him.

Jada and Will Smith used Will popularity and now only make all black movies

We have Black only award shows, but if whites had one we are called racist...which I don't care to see anyway but just making a point.

I respect the people who are real like B.I.G and Tupac... they started out writing about the cops and racism.

now mind you, we may hay had a better start if Obama was treated fairly , it seems that all of the racist mentally ill came out for instance the birthers, and RW leaders like Mitch McConnell.

Normally someone who isn't educated on the brain and addiction recovery would not disagree with you..

But... I am a counselor who helped pregnant woman get off the streets , God gave them hope, they got their GED's , clean and sober and many went on to have a sober baby.

Do you think it mattered who they blamed addiction on..? We teach them to take responsibility, while you are sitting here giving all of them an excuse to continue pointing the finger and I promise you the excuse makers usually go out and use again..

God doesn't see the color of your skin, and judge you on how you look.

When you get brain cancer and take a CT scan , it doesn't say I am black or white.... It says cancer. and fight your ass off. in both of those situations it is your attitude and mindset that is going to fight for you..giving anyone a reason to not fight the brains will find a way to make an excuse to go use or die..

Now the place I worked at didn't see your skin or brain , but the world does.. So how do you get past that? You find peace with your situation and in my beliefs you give it to God because it is out of your control..

We can not sit back and control what happened to us, and it sucks.. but you have to find peace with it.

I appreciate what you do for people in need. I've done work with such people, We all teach the same thing. But you are not talking about public policy. Public policy is something that can be controlled. Public policy is something that can determine the outcomes of peoples lives. If your public policy is racist, which for the most part American public policy has been, it creates some of the very problems you address on your job. These racists won't discuss public policy with the exception of some distorted version of AA that doesn't exist. They can't because it destroys their racist argument of natural white supremacy. Public policy can be controlled and we can create the positive outcomes we seek through public policy.
What public policy today is racist?

No Molly your racist ass doesn't get ask me any questions until you can do this:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
Normally someone who isn't educated on the brain and addiction recovery would not disagree with you..

But... I am a counselor who helped pregnant woman get off the streets , God gave them hope, they got their GED's , clean and sober and many went on to have a sober baby.

Do you think it mattered who they blamed addiction on..? We teach them to take responsibility, while you are sitting here giving all of them an excuse to continue pointing the finger and I promise you the excuse makers usually go out and use again..

God doesn't see the color of your skin, and judge you on how you look.

When you get brain cancer and take a CT scan , it doesn't say I am black or white.... It says cancer. and fight your ass off. in both of those situations it is your attitude and mindset that is going to fight for you..giving anyone a reason to not fight the brains will find a way to make an excuse to go use or die..

Now the place I worked at didn't see your skin or brain , but the world does.. So how do you get past that? You find peace with your situation and in my beliefs you give it to God because it is out of your control..

We can not sit back and control what happened to us, and it sucks.. but you have to find peace with it.

I appreciate what you do for people in need. I've done work with such people, We all teach the same thing. But you are not talking about public policy. Public policy is something that can be controlled. Public policy is something that can determine the outcomes of peoples lives. If your public policy is racist, which for the most part American public policy has been, it creates some of the very problems you address on your job. These racists won't discuss public policy with the exception of some distorted version of AA that doesn't exist. They can't because it destroys their racist argument of natural white supremacy. Public policy can be controlled and we can create the positive outcomes we seek through public policy.
What public policy today is racist?

No Molly your racist ass doesn't get ask me any questions until you can do this:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
Your post prove you are a miserable black asshole. When did i say racism ended? I am not racist and nobe ok my post indicate that. And yes, i can ask questions regardless of what you think are the criteria for asking them. You cant answer my question because you lied

No my post shows that I can't stand dumb ass miserable white racist bitches like you.

"You can make anything become racist if your mind is set on it, which it is. You and your kind LOOK for racism where it doesn't exist. Pity, you can't just live your life and enjoy it, instead you look for reasons to blame others for your misery."

This is a racist statement Molly. Made by you.. One of many you have made. Like this one.

"IM2 and others think that because blacks were forbidden to have privileges that whites had in the PAST, that whites need to feel the same oppression to make it even. His mindset is a bit or a lot skewed."

This is why I say you are a racist. I can answer the question but you ask that question because you think there is no more racism. So prove it or shut up.

Now what is going to make it even? See the truth of your intentions all come out in that one sentence....What we need are black politicians , and I think that we will see more..this time

People like MLK wanted change not to be even..stop voting in people like Roy Moore, or those fake christian sex liars in the south who are a racist, this is the way Obama is showing us...

Things are slowly happening like the Thomas Jefferson children fighting for the truth of who their true father is after the years of lies from the whites saying he wasn't..
If only you guys would listen to this woman.

OK. The floor is yours what should black people in a system where all the jobs, criminal justise system, land, economy, the entire world is controlled by the white supremacists
  • Thanks
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I appreciate what you do for people in need. I've done work with such people, We all teach the same thing. But you are not talking about public policy. Public policy is something that can be controlled. Public policy is something that can determine the outcomes of peoples lives. If your public policy is racist, which for the most part American public policy has been, it creates some of the very problems you address on your job. These racists won't discuss public policy with the exception of some distorted version of AA that doesn't exist. They can't because it destroys their racist argument of natural white supremacy. Public policy can be controlled and we can create the positive outcomes we seek through public policy.
What public policy today is racist?

No Molly your racist ass doesn't get ask me any questions until you can do this:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
I appreciate what you do for people in need. I've done work with such people, We all teach the same thing. But you are not talking about public policy. Public policy is something that can be controlled. Public policy is something that can determine the outcomes of peoples lives. If your public policy is racist, which for the most part American public policy has been, it creates some of the very problems you address on your job. These racists won't discuss public policy with the exception of some distorted version of AA that doesn't exist. They can't because it destroys their racist argument of natural white supremacy. Public policy can be controlled and we can create the positive outcomes we seek through public policy.
What public policy today is racist?

No Molly your racist ass doesn't get ask me any questions until you can do this:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
Your post prove you are a miserable black asshole. When did i say racism ended? I am not racist and nobe ok my post indicate that. And yes, i can ask questions regardless of what you think are the criteria for asking them. You cant answer my question because you lied

No my post shows that I can't stand dumb ass miserable white racist bitches like you.

"You can make anything become racist if your mind is set on it, which it is. You and your kind LOOK for racism where it doesn't exist. Pity, you can't just live your life and enjoy it, instead you look for reasons to blame others for your misery."

This is a racist statement Molly. Made by you.. One of many you have made. Like this one.

"IM2 and others think that because blacks were forbidden to have privileges that whites had in the PAST, that whites need to feel the same oppression to make it even. His mindset is a bit or a lot skewed."

This is why I say you are a racist. I can answer the question but you ask that question because you think there is no more racism. So prove it or shut up.
OK... this is something that bothers me..

For instance Beyonce used the 49er football 1/2 time show in my are slamming white cops... But then she used my tax dollars having the white cops escort her to the airport..

I grew up with and loved Prince and i heard him in an interview during his later years hate on white people like me who supported him.

Jada and Will Smith used Will popularity and now only make all black movies

We have Black only award shows, but if whites had one we are called racist...which I don't care to see anyway but just making a point.

I respect the people who are real like B.I.G and Tupac... they started out writing about the cops and racism.

now mind you, we may hay had a better start if Obama was treated fairly , it seems that all of the racist mentally ill came out for instance the birthers, and RW leaders like Mitch McConnell.


The racist mentality has been part of America since America began. And really do you not understand the reason why there are back award shows? Prince was slamming white racists, are you a racist? If not then he wasn't slamming you. Beyonce slammed cops who ar murdering unarmed people. Police are public servants and Beyonce pays taxes like you do. Will and Jada don't make black only movies but I guess you ignore the years of whites only movies here in America. And who is Kanye West? He's a loon.

We don't owe any gratitude to whites. We have the right to air our grievances peacefully and if white racists are part of that grievance we have he right as blacks no matter what kind if celebrity we are..No matter how many tickets or CD's whites buy, blacks have that right as citizens of this country. So when you find a constitutional amendment that states black entertainers and athletes shall not peacefully air their grievances after whites buy 1 million tickets to your movies and games or your CD's, then you really have no right to be bothered.

Blacks have made all kinds of white racists millionaires, and they don't stop being racists no matter how much money we have spent.
And Kanye West turning his back and supporting Trump..

He always does stuff like this when his album about to drop.

But then. It went back in his face


So he tried to take it bk


Translations: My White wife called me and reminded me that I am still a black man.

He's been sucking up to white supremacists for a while now


The white guy flashing white power sign in the selfie.

So, you can't tell a Nigerian from a Swede from a China-man?
Yes you can tell the difference.

So what you are saying is this : A black cow and a white cow are not cows. They are different species. So only the white cow is a real cow but the black cow is something different totally.

A white man from Sweden according to you a different species than a black man from Nigeria or an Asian man from China.

So you are saying that there is no single human race ?

There are just different races which just happen to look little bit alike. And a black German Shepherd dog is not a same race as a black-brown German Shepherd dog. A black mouse is not the same mouse as the grey mouse. Really ?

Nobody says that humans don’t have physiological variation that we use as part of the definition for race that is often rooted in geographical regions. But race is not an absolute, like height, or weight, that can be measured or scientifically defined in humans. That’s the score, and it ain’t changing.

There is no resistance to accept race as a biological concept. The point is there is no scientific proof for it. Full stop. Many scientists worked really hard on finding working definition of race as a biological fact.

They all failed.

Every last one of them now matter what their scientific credentials were.

They all failed not because genetic differences can’t be observed between various humans (after all, if there weren’t mDNA differences, we wouldn’t know much about human maternal ancestry).

They all failed because genetic differences do not support social races, races that divide people into (pardon my words) “black”, “white”, “yellow” and “red”.

However, the fact that is truly remarkable in all of this is how keen certain people are on proving the biological validity. Or to see it proven.

All that effort would be much better invested in research for genetically based disorders.
I appreciate what you do for people in need. I've done work with such people, We all teach the same thing. But you are not talking about public policy. Public policy is something that can be controlled. Public policy is something that can determine the outcomes of peoples lives. If your public policy is racist, which for the most part American public policy has been, it creates some of the very problems you address on your job. These racists won't discuss public policy with the exception of some distorted version of AA that doesn't exist. They can't because it destroys their racist argument of natural white supremacy. Public policy can be controlled and we can create the positive outcomes we seek through public policy.
What public policy today is racist?

No Molly your racist ass doesn't get ask me any questions until you can do this:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
I appreciate what you do for people in need. I've done work with such people, We all teach the same thing. But you are not talking about public policy. Public policy is something that can be controlled. Public policy is something that can determine the outcomes of peoples lives. If your public policy is racist, which for the most part American public policy has been, it creates some of the very problems you address on your job. These racists won't discuss public policy with the exception of some distorted version of AA that doesn't exist. They can't because it destroys their racist argument of natural white supremacy. Public policy can be controlled and we can create the positive outcomes we seek through public policy.
What public policy today is racist?

No Molly your racist ass doesn't get ask me any questions until you can do this:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
Your post prove you are a miserable black asshole. When did i say racism ended? I am not racist and nobe ok my post indicate that. And yes, i can ask questions regardless of what you think are the criteria for asking them. You cant answer my question because you lied

No my post shows that I can't stand dumb ass miserable white racist bitches like you.

"You can make anything become racist if your mind is set on it, which it is. You and your kind LOOK for racism where it doesn't exist. Pity, you can't just live your life and enjoy it, instead you look for reasons to blame others for your misery."

This is a racist statement Molly. Made by you.. One of many you have made. Like this one.

"IM2 and others think that because blacks were forbidden to have privileges that whites had in the PAST, that whites need to feel the same oppression to make it even. His mindset is a bit or a lot skewed."

This is why I say you are a racist. I can answer the question but you ask that question because you think there is no more racism. So prove it or shut up.

Now what is going to make it even? See the truth of your intentions all come out in that one sentence....What we need are black politicians , and I think that we will see more..this time

People like MLK wanted change not to be even..stop voting in people like Roy Moore, or those fake christian sex liars in the south who are a racist, this is the way Obama is showing us...

Things are slowly happening like the Thomas Jefferson children fighting for the truth of who their true father is after the years of lies from the whites saying he wasn't..

Don't tell me what King wanted. You don't know what King wanted. Slowly happening is not satisfactory. Whites did not get such things slowly. It did not take 241 years and whites are still fighting for equality. We don't just need black politicians. Black politicians existed before Obama. What Obama showed us is a black man can be president if he says things like white people want hear it. Not the truth but how they want to hear it. And he certainly cannot push black community development as a major part of his platform if he expects t win. And even then he got an average of 41 percent of the white vote in both his victories.

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