If Winning Is The Only Thing That Counts…

Can't find any examples?????
You're kidding?
Recuse yourself just like the McConnell slime should

See: United States v. Nixon. In that matter Justice Rehnquist recused himself because he served as AAG under the Nixon Administration.

Will Gorsuch and Kavanaugh have the integrity to do so?
LOL They'll have as much integrity as Barr Trump or McConnell have,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NONE

It seems that lack of integrity has infected the entire Republican Party.

If so, you're not the one to prove it, huh?

But.....it is hard to find a Democrat with an IQ over double digits.
It's not your IQ PC it's your I WILL
You're kidding?
Recuse yourself just like the McConnell slime should

See: United States v. Nixon. In that matter Justice Rehnquist recused himself because he served as AAG under the Nixon Administration.

Will Gorsuch and Kavanaugh have the integrity to do so?
LOL They'll have as much integrity as Barr Trump or McConnell have,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NONE

It seems that lack of integrity has infected the entire Republican Party.

If so, you're not the one to prove it, huh?

But.....it is hard to find a Democrat with an IQ over double digits.
It's not your IQ PC it's your I WILL

Don't worry, eddie.....I left you a bequeath in my will.



Think kindly of me when I'm gone.....
…then, how can one criticize the Soviet Communists, or Mao,. Or Hitler????

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.

1.There are several aspects of Democrat’s ‘yellow brick road’ that support the above conclusion.

a. In their plan to win elections, the Democrat tactic is to replace the American electorate with third-worlders, and illegal aliens, with their chief executive actually telling illegals ‘when you vote, you’re a citizen yourself.’

b. Ignoring the glaring difference between Sharia and our Constitution, the Democrat’s policy was to flood the nation with millions of unvetted Muslim refugees bred for warfare.

c. As they would never win a national election without the black vote, they and their media allies will never acknowledge an embedded evil in the African-American populace: anti-Semitism.

2. Counting on the historic affiliation of American Jews and the Democrat Party, clearly unwavering no matter how insulting the Party is to their Jewish voters, the Democrats have openly allied themselves with anti-Jewish groups no matter their hue.

3. “In its annual Hate Crime Statistics Act report, the FBI found …. 57% of those religious hate crimes - 920 overall - were motivated by offenders’ anti-Jewish bias, the FBI said. A record number of anti-Jewish crimes were violent in nature - 105 in total, up from 73 in 2017.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Jews have been the most common victims of religiously-motivated hate crimes every year since the FBI began such reports in 1991. Fifteen percent of religiously-motivated hate crimes were victims of anti-Muslim bias…” Jews Were Victims Of More Than Half Of All Religious Hate Crimes: FBI

4. “(CNN)This week's deadly kosher market attack and the killing of a detective in New Jersey are being investigated as acts of domestic terrorism "fueled by both anti-Semitism and anti-law enforcement beliefs," the state attorney general said Thursday.

"We believe the suspects held views that reflected hatred of the Jewish people, as well as a hatred of law enforcement," New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal said, citing evidence and witness interviews.”
Jersey City shooters had hatred of Jews and law enforcement, state attorney general says - CNN

A careful reading of the CNN report reveals the attempt to hide the real basis of the killings.

5. “Black-Jewish Relations: … Anti-Semitism High in Black Community African-Americans continue to be significantly more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Jewish beliefs. As with whites, education level is the most important factor affecting the attitudes of blacks toward Jews.

Confirming the three previous studies, black Americans remain considerably more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Semitic views. In the 1998 survey, blacks (34%) are nearly four times as likely as whites (9%) to fall into the most anti-Semitic category.” ADL Survey Finds Anti-Semitism High in Black Community

Revealing and opposing this fact might impinge on the Democrat electoral victories.

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.

Democrats ARE Nazis. That has been established
…then, how can one criticize the Soviet Communists, or Mao,. Or Hitler????

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.

1.There are several aspects of Democrat’s ‘yellow brick road’ that support the above conclusion.

a. In their plan to win elections, the Democrat tactic is to replace the American electorate with third-worlders, and illegal aliens, with their chief executive actually telling illegals ‘when you vote, you’re a citizen yourself.’

b. Ignoring the glaring difference between Sharia and our Constitution, the Democrat’s policy was to flood the nation with millions of unvetted Muslim refugees bred for warfare.

c. As they would never win a national election without the black vote, they and their media allies will never acknowledge an embedded evil in the African-American populace: anti-Semitism.

2. Counting on the historic affiliation of American Jews and the Democrat Party, clearly unwavering no matter how insulting the Party is to their Jewish voters, the Democrats have openly allied themselves with anti-Jewish groups no matter their hue.

3. “In its annual Hate Crime Statistics Act report, the FBI found …. 57% of those religious hate crimes - 920 overall - were motivated by offenders’ anti-Jewish bias, the FBI said. A record number of anti-Jewish crimes were violent in nature - 105 in total, up from 73 in 2017.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Jews have been the most common victims of religiously-motivated hate crimes every year since the FBI began such reports in 1991. Fifteen percent of religiously-motivated hate crimes were victims of anti-Muslim bias…” Jews Were Victims Of More Than Half Of All Religious Hate Crimes: FBI

4. “(CNN)This week's deadly kosher market attack and the killing of a detective in New Jersey are being investigated as acts of domestic terrorism "fueled by both anti-Semitism and anti-law enforcement beliefs," the state attorney general said Thursday.

"We believe the suspects held views that reflected hatred of the Jewish people, as well as a hatred of law enforcement," New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal said, citing evidence and witness interviews.”
Jersey City shooters had hatred of Jews and law enforcement, state attorney general says - CNN

A careful reading of the CNN report reveals the attempt to hide the real basis of the killings.

5. “Black-Jewish Relations: … Anti-Semitism High in Black Community African-Americans continue to be significantly more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Jewish beliefs. As with whites, education level is the most important factor affecting the attitudes of blacks toward Jews.

Confirming the three previous studies, black Americans remain considerably more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Semitic views. In the 1998 survey, blacks (34%) are nearly four times as likely as whites (9%) to fall into the most anti-Semitic category.” ADL Survey Finds Anti-Semitism High in Black Community

Revealing and opposing this fact might impinge on the Democrat electoral victories.

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.

Democrats ARE Nazis. That has been established

Just because they oppose free speech, free elections, and any opposing views?????

Hmmmm....I guess you're right.
this thread is proof 40% of rw's are slime bags-

Trump does anything illegal, lies through his teeth, blames Democrats, declares victory and his drones follow suit.

American integrity down the shit chute into he sewer. WINNING AT ANY/ALL COST.

this thread is proof 40% of rw's are slime bags-

Trump does anything illegal, lies through his teeth, blames Democrats, declares victory and his drones follow suit.

American integrity down the shit chute into he sewer. WINNING AT ANY/ALL COST.


Any lies comparable to these?

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

Did you post about those?

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.
…then, how can one criticize the Soviet Communists, or Mao,. Or Hitler????

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.

1.There are several aspects of Democrat’s ‘yellow brick road’ that support the above conclusion.

a. In their plan to win elections, the Democrat tactic is to replace the American electorate with third-worlders, and illegal aliens, with their chief executive actually telling illegals ‘when you vote, you’re a citizen yourself.’

b. Ignoring the glaring difference between Sharia and our Constitution, the Democrat’s policy was to flood the nation with millions of unvetted Muslim refugees bred for warfare.

c. As they would never win a national election without the black vote, they and their media allies will never acknowledge an embedded evil in the African-American populace: anti-Semitism.

2. Counting on the historic affiliation of American Jews and the Democrat Party, clearly unwavering no matter how insulting the Party is to their Jewish voters, the Democrats have openly allied themselves with anti-Jewish groups no matter their hue.

3. “In its annual Hate Crime Statistics Act report, the FBI found …. 57% of those religious hate crimes - 920 overall - were motivated by offenders’ anti-Jewish bias, the FBI said. A record number of anti-Jewish crimes were violent in nature - 105 in total, up from 73 in 2017.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Jews have been the most common victims of religiously-motivated hate crimes every year since the FBI began such reports in 1991. Fifteen percent of religiously-motivated hate crimes were victims of anti-Muslim bias…” Jews Were Victims Of More Than Half Of All Religious Hate Crimes: FBI

4. “(CNN)This week's deadly kosher market attack and the killing of a detective in New Jersey are being investigated as acts of domestic terrorism "fueled by both anti-Semitism and anti-law enforcement beliefs," the state attorney general said Thursday.

"We believe the suspects held views that reflected hatred of the Jewish people, as well as a hatred of law enforcement," New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal said, citing evidence and witness interviews.”
Jersey City shooters had hatred of Jews and law enforcement, state attorney general says - CNN

A careful reading of the CNN report reveals the attempt to hide the real basis of the killings.

5. “Black-Jewish Relations: … Anti-Semitism High in Black Community African-Americans continue to be significantly more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Jewish beliefs. As with whites, education level is the most important factor affecting the attitudes of blacks toward Jews.

Confirming the three previous studies, black Americans remain considerably more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Semitic views. In the 1998 survey, blacks (34%) are nearly four times as likely as whites (9%) to fall into the most anti-Semitic category.” ADL Survey Finds Anti-Semitism High in Black Community

Revealing and opposing this fact might impinge on the Democrat electoral victories.

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.

Democrats ARE Nazis. That has been established
Just for terri
Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies
The author, Burt Neuborne, is one of America’s top civil liberties lawyers, and questions whether federal government can contain Trump and GOP power grabs.
Steven Rosenfeld

We’re used to thinking of Hitler’s Third Reich as the incomparably evil tyranny that it undoubtedly was. But Hitler didn’t take power by force. He used a set of rhetorical tropes codified in Trump’s bedside reading that persuaded enough Germans to welcome Hitler as a populist leader. (Photo: photolibrarian/Flickr/cc)

A new book by one of the nation’s foremost civil liberties lawyers powerfully describes how America’s constitutional checks and balances are being pushed to the brink by a president who is consciously following Adolf Hitler’s extremist propaganda and policy template from the early 1930s—when the Nazis took power in Germany.

In When at Times the Mob Is Swayed: A Citizen’s Guide to Defending Our Republic, Burt Neuborne mostly focuses on how America’s constitutional foundation in 2019—an unrepresentative Congress, the Electoral College and a right-wing Supreme Court majority—is not positioned to withstand Trump’s extreme polarization and GOP power grabs. However, its second chapter, “Why the Sudden Concern About Fixing the Brakes?,” extensively details Trump’s mimicry of Hitler’s pre-war rhetoric and strategies.

Neuborne doesn’t make this comparison lightly. His 55-year career began by challenging the constitutionality of the Vietnam War in the 1960s. He became the ACLU’s national legal director in the 1980s under Ronald Reagan. He was founding legal director of the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School in the 1990s. He has been part of more than 200 Supreme Court cases and Holocaust reparation litigation.

“Why does an ignorant, narcissistic buffoon like Trump trigger such anxiety? Why do so many Americans feel it existentially (not just politically) important to resist our forty-fifth president?” he writes. “Partly it’s just aesthetics. Trump is such a coarse and appalling man that it’s hard to stomach his presence in Abraham Lincoln’s house. But that’s not enough to explain the intensity of my dread. LBJ was coarse. Gerald Ford and George W. Bush were dumb as rocks. Richard Nixon was an anti-Semite. Bill Clinton’s mistreatment of women dishonored his office. Ronald Reagan was a dangerous ideologue. I opposed each of them when they appeared to exceed their constitutional powers. But I never felt a sense of existential dread. I never sensed that the very existence of a tolerant democracy was in play.”

A younger Trump, according to his first wife’s divorce filings, kept and studied a book translating and annotating Adolf Hitler’s pre-World War II speeches in a locked bedside cabinet, Neuborne noted. The English edition of My New Order, published in 1941, also had analyses of the speeches’ impact on his era’s press and politics. “Ugly and appalling as they are, those speeches are masterpieces of demagogic manipulation,” Neuborne says.

“Watching Trump work his crowds, though, I see a dangerously manipulative narcissist unleashing the demagogic spells that he learned from studying Hitler’s speeches—spells that he cannot control and that are capable of eroding the fabric of American democracy,” Neuborne says. “You see, we’ve seen what these rhetorical techniques can do. Much of Trump’s rhetoric—as a candidate and in office—mirrors the strategies, even the language, used by Adolf Hitler in the early 1930s to erode German democracy.”

Many Americans may seize or condemn Neuborne’s analysis, which has more than 20 major points of comparison. The author repeatedly says his goal is not “equating” the men—as “it trivializes Hitler’s obscene crimes to compare them to Trump’s often pathetic foibles.”

Indeed, the book has a larger frame: whether federal checks and balances—Congress, the Supreme Court, the Electoral College—can contain the havoc that Trump thrives on and the Republican Party at large has embraced. But the Trump-Hitler compilation is a stunning warning, because, as many Holocaust survivors have said, few Germans or Europeans expected what unfolded in the years after Hitler amassed power.

Here’s how Neuborne introduces this section. Many recent presidents have been awful, “But then there was Donald Trump, the only president in recent American history to openly despise the twin ideals—individual dignity and fundamental equality—upon which the contemporary United States is built. When you confront the reality of a president like Trump, the state of both sets of brakes—internal [constitutional] and external [public resistance]—become hugely important because Donald Trump’s political train runs on the most potent and dangerous fuel of all: a steady diet of fear, greed, loathing, lies, and envy. It’s a toxic mixture that has destroyed democracies before, and can do so again.

“Give Trump credit,” he continues. “He did his homework well and became the twenty-first-century master of divisive rhetoric. We’re used to thinking of Hitler’s Third Reich as the incomparably evil tyranny that it undoubtedly was. But Hitler didn’t take power by force. He used a set of rhetorical tropes codified in Trump’s bedside reading that persuaded enough Germans to welcome Hitler as a populist leader. The Nazis did not overthrow the Weimar Republic. It fell into their hands as the fruit of Hitler’s satanic ability to mesmerize enough Germans to trade their birthright for a pottage of scapegoating, short-term economic gain, xenophobia, and racism. It could happen here.”

20 Common Themes, Rhetorical Tactics and Dangerous Policies

Here are 20 serious points of comparison between the early Hitler and Trump.

1. Neither was elected by a majority. Trump lost the popular vote by 2.9 million votes, receiving votes by 25.3 percent of all eligible American voters. “That’s just a little less than the percentage of the German electorate that turned to the Nazi Party in 1932–33,” Neuborne writes. “Unlike the low turnouts in the United States, turnout in Weimar Germany averaged just over 80 percent of eligible voters.” He continues, “Once installed as a minority chancellor in January 1933, Hitler set about demonizing his political opponents, and no one—not the vaunted, intellectually brilliant German judiciary; not the respected, well-trained German police; not the revered, aristocratic German military; not the widely admired, efficient German government bureaucracy; not the wealthy, immensely powerful leaders of German industry; and not the powerful center-right political leaders of the Reichstag—mounted a serious effort to stop him.”

2. Both found direct communication channels to their base. By 1936’s Olympics, Nazi narratives dominated German cultural and political life. “How on earth did Hitler pull it off? What satanic magic did Trump find in Hitler’s speeches?” Neuborne asks. He addresses Hitler’s extreme rhetoric soon enough, but notes that Hitler found a direct communication pathway—the Nazi Party gave out radios with only one channel, tuned to Hitler’s voice, bypassing Germany’s news media. Trump has an online equivalent.

“Donald Trump’s tweets, often delivered between midnight and dawn, are the twenty-first century’s technological embodiment of Hitler’s free plastic radios,” Neuborne says. “Trump’s Twitter account, like Hitler’s radios, enables a charismatic leader to establish and maintain a personal, unfiltered line of communication with an adoring political base of about 30–40 percent of the population, many (but not all) of whom are only too willing, even anxious, to swallow Trump’s witches’ brew of falsehoods, half-truths, personal invective, threats, xenophobia, national security scares, religious bigotry, white racism, exploitation of economic insecurity, and a never ending-search for scapegoats.”

3. Both blame others and divide on racial lines. As Neuborne notes, “Hitler used his single-frequency radios to wax hysterical to his adoring base about his pathological racial and religious fantasies glorifying Aryans and demonizing Jews, blaming Jews (among other racial and religious scapegoats) for German society’s ills.” That is comparable to “Trump’s tweets and public statements, whether dealing with black-led demonstrations against police violence, white-led racist mob violence, threats posed by undocumented aliens, immigration policy generally, protests by black and white professional athletes, college admission policies, hate speech, even response to hurricane damage in Puerto Rico,” he says. Again and again, Trump uses “racially tinged messages calculated to divide whites from people of color.”

4. Both relentlessly demonize opponents. “Hitler’s radio harangues demonized his domestic political opponents, calling them parasites, criminals, cockroaches, and various categories of leftist scum,” Neuborne notes. “Trump’s tweets and speeches similarly demonize his political opponents. Trump talks about the country being ‘infested’ with dangerous aliens of color. He fantasizes about jailing Hillary Clinton, calls Mexicans rapists, refers to ‘shithole countries,’ degrades anyone who disagrees with him, and dreams of uprooting thousands of allegedly disloyal bureaucrats in the State Department, the Environmental Protection Agency, the FBI, and the CIA, who he calls ‘the deep state’ and who, he claims, are sabotaging American greatness.”

5. They unceasingly attack objective truth. “Both Trump and Hitler maintained a relentless assault on the very idea of objective truth,” he continues. “Each began the assault by seeking to delegitimize the mainstream press. Hitler quickly coined the epithet Lügenpresse (literally ‘lying press’) to denigrate the mainstream press. Trump uses a paraphrase of Hitler’s lying press epithet—‘fake news’—cribbed, no doubt, from one of Hitler’s speeches. For Trump, the mainstream press is a ‘lying press’ that publishes ‘fake news.’” Hitler attacked his opponents as spreading false information to undermine his positions, Neuborne says, just as Trump has attacked “elites” for disseminating false news, “especially his possible links to the Kremlin.”

6. They relentlessly attack mainstream media. Trump’s assaults on the media echo Hitler’s, Neuborne says, noting that he “repeatedly attacks the ‘failing New York Times,’ leads crowds in chanting ‘CNN sucks,’ [and] is personally hostile to most reporters.” He cites the White House’s refusal to fly the flag at half-mast after the murder of five journalists in Annapolis in June 2018, Trump’s efforts to punish CNN by blocking a merger of its corporate parent, and trying to revoke federal Postal Service contracts held by Amazon, which was founded by Jeff Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post.

7. Their attacks on truth include science. Neuborne notes, “Both Trump and Hitler intensified their assault on objective truth by deriding scientific experts, especially academics who question Hitler’s views on race or Trump’s views on climate change, immigration, or economics. For both Trump and Hitler, the goal is (and was) to eviscerate the very idea of objective truth, turning everything into grist for a populist jury subject to manipulation by a master puppeteer. In both Trump’s and Hitler’s worlds, public opinion ultimately defines what is true and what is false.”

8. Their lies blur reality—and supporters spread them. “Trump’s pathological penchant for repeatedly lying about his behavior can only succeed in a world where his supporters feel free to embrace Trump’s ‘alternative facts’ and treat his hyperbolic exaggerations as the gospel truth,” Neuborne says. “Once Hitler had delegitimized the mainstream media by a series of systematic attacks on its integrity, he constructed a fawning alternative mass media designed to reinforce his direct radio messages and enhance his personal power. Trump is following the same path, simultaneously launching bitter attacks on the mainstream press while embracing the so-called alt-right media, co-opting both Sinclair Broadcasting and the Rupert Murdoch–owned Fox Broadcasting Company as, essentially, a Trump Broadcasting Network.”

9. Both orchestrated mass rallies to show status. “Once Hitler had cemented his personal communications link with his base via free radios and a fawning media and had badly eroded the idea of objective truth, he reinforced his emotional bond with his base by holding a series of carefully orchestrated mass meetings dedicated to cementing his status as a charismatic leader, or Führer,” Neuborne writes. “The powerful personal bonds nurtured by Trump’s tweets and Fox’s fawning are also systematically reinforced by periodic, carefully orchestrated mass rallies (even going so far as to co-opt a Boy Scout Jamboree in 2017), reinforcing Trump’s insatiable narcissism and his status as a charismatic leader.”

10. They embrace extreme nationalism. “Hitler’s strident appeals to the base invoked an extreme version of German nationalism, extolling a brilliant German past and promising to restore Germany to its rightful place as a preeminent nation,” Neuborne says. “Trump echoes Hitler’s jingoistic appeal to ultranationalist fervor, extolling American exceptionalism right down to the slogan ‘Make America Great Again,’ a paraphrase of Hitler’s promise to restore German greatness.”

11. Both made closing borders a centerpiece. “Hitler all but closed Germany’s borders, freezing non-Aryan migration into the country and rendering it impossible for Germans to escape without official permission. Like Hitler, Trump has also made closed borders a centerpiece of his administration,” Neuborne continues. “Hitler barred Jews. Trump bars Muslims and seekers of sanctuary from Central America. When the lower courts blocked Trump’s Muslim travel ban, he unilaterally issued executive orders replacing it with a thinly disguised substitute that ultimately narrowly won Supreme Court approval under a theory of extreme deference to the president.”

12. They embraced mass detention and deportations. “Hitler promised to make Germany free from Jews and Slavs. Trump promises to slow, stop, and even reverse the flow of non-white immigrants, substituting Muslims, Africans, Mexicans, and Central Americans of color for Jews and Slavs as scapegoats for the nation’s ills. Trump’s efforts to cast dragnets to arrest undocumented aliens where they work, live, and worship, followed by mass deportation… echo Hitler’s promise to defend Germany’s racial identity,” he writes, also noting that Trump has “stooped to tearing children from their parents [as Nazis in World War II would do] to punish desperate efforts by migrants to find a better life.”
…then, how can one criticize the Soviet Communists, or Mao,. Or Hitler????

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.

1.There are several aspects of Democrat’s ‘yellow brick road’ that support the above conclusion.

a. In their plan to win elections, the Democrat tactic is to replace the American electorate with third-worlders, and illegal aliens, with their chief executive actually telling illegals ‘when you vote, you’re a citizen yourself.’

b. Ignoring the glaring difference between Sharia and our Constitution, the Democrat’s policy was to flood the nation with millions of unvetted Muslim refugees bred for warfare.

c. As they would never win a national election without the black vote, they and their media allies will never acknowledge an embedded evil in the African-American populace: anti-Semitism.

2. Counting on the historic affiliation of American Jews and the Democrat Party, clearly unwavering no matter how insulting the Party is to their Jewish voters, the Democrats have openly allied themselves with anti-Jewish groups no matter their hue.

3. “In its annual Hate Crime Statistics Act report, the FBI found …. 57% of those religious hate crimes - 920 overall - were motivated by offenders’ anti-Jewish bias, the FBI said. A record number of anti-Jewish crimes were violent in nature - 105 in total, up from 73 in 2017.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Jews have been the most common victims of religiously-motivated hate crimes every year since the FBI began such reports in 1991. Fifteen percent of religiously-motivated hate crimes were victims of anti-Muslim bias…” Jews Were Victims Of More Than Half Of All Religious Hate Crimes: FBI

4. “(CNN)This week's deadly kosher market attack and the killing of a detective in New Jersey are being investigated as acts of domestic terrorism "fueled by both anti-Semitism and anti-law enforcement beliefs," the state attorney general said Thursday.

"We believe the suspects held views that reflected hatred of the Jewish people, as well as a hatred of law enforcement," New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal said, citing evidence and witness interviews.”
Jersey City shooters had hatred of Jews and law enforcement, state attorney general says - CNN

A careful reading of the CNN report reveals the attempt to hide the real basis of the killings.

5. “Black-Jewish Relations: … Anti-Semitism High in Black Community African-Americans continue to be significantly more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Jewish beliefs. As with whites, education level is the most important factor affecting the attitudes of blacks toward Jews.

Confirming the three previous studies, black Americans remain considerably more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Semitic views. In the 1998 survey, blacks (34%) are nearly four times as likely as whites (9%) to fall into the most anti-Semitic category.” ADL Survey Finds Anti-Semitism High in Black Community

Revealing and opposing this fact might impinge on the Democrat electoral victories.

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.

Democrats ARE Nazis. That has been established
Just for terri
Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies
The author, Burt Neuborne, is one of America’s top civil liberties lawyers, and questions whether federal government can contain Trump and GOP power grabs.
Steven Rosenfeld

We’re used to thinking of Hitler’s Third Reich as the incomparably evil tyranny that it undoubtedly was. But Hitler didn’t take power by force. He used a set of rhetorical tropes codified in Trump’s bedside reading that persuaded enough Germans to welcome Hitler as a populist leader. (Photo: photolibrarian/Flickr/cc)

A new book by one of the nation’s foremost civil liberties lawyers powerfully describes how America’s constitutional checks and balances are being pushed to the brink by a president who is consciously following Adolf Hitler’s extremist propaganda and policy template from the early 1930s—when the Nazis took power in Germany.

In When at Times the Mob Is Swayed: A Citizen’s Guide to Defending Our Republic, Burt Neuborne mostly focuses on how America’s constitutional foundation in 2019—an unrepresentative Congress, the Electoral College and a right-wing Supreme Court majority—is not positioned to withstand Trump’s extreme polarization and GOP power grabs. However, its second chapter, “Why the Sudden Concern About Fixing the Brakes?,” extensively details Trump’s mimicry of Hitler’s pre-war rhetoric and strategies.

Neuborne doesn’t make this comparison lightly. His 55-year career began by challenging the constitutionality of the Vietnam War in the 1960s. He became the ACLU’s national legal director in the 1980s under Ronald Reagan. He was founding legal director of the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School in the 1990s. He has been part of more than 200 Supreme Court cases and Holocaust reparation litigation.

“Why does an ignorant, narcissistic buffoon like Trump trigger such anxiety? Why do so many Americans feel it existentially (not just politically) important to resist our forty-fifth president?” he writes. “Partly it’s just aesthetics. Trump is such a coarse and appalling man that it’s hard to stomach his presence in Abraham Lincoln’s house. But that’s not enough to explain the intensity of my dread. LBJ was coarse. Gerald Ford and George W. Bush were dumb as rocks. Richard Nixon was an anti-Semite. Bill Clinton’s mistreatment of women dishonored his office. Ronald Reagan was a dangerous ideologue. I opposed each of them when they appeared to exceed their constitutional powers. But I never felt a sense of existential dread. I never sensed that the very existence of a tolerant democracy was in play.”

A younger Trump, according to his first wife’s divorce filings, kept and studied a book translating and annotating Adolf Hitler’s pre-World War II speeches in a locked bedside cabinet, Neuborne noted. The English edition of My New Order, published in 1941, also had analyses of the speeches’ impact on his era’s press and politics. “Ugly and appalling as they are, those speeches are masterpieces of demagogic manipulation,” Neuborne says.

“Watching Trump work his crowds, though, I see a dangerously manipulative narcissist unleashing the demagogic spells that he learned from studying Hitler’s speeches—spells that he cannot control and that are capable of eroding the fabric of American democracy,” Neuborne says. “You see, we’ve seen what these rhetorical techniques can do. Much of Trump’s rhetoric—as a candidate and in office—mirrors the strategies, even the language, used by Adolf Hitler in the early 1930s to erode German democracy.”

Many Americans may seize or condemn Neuborne’s analysis, which has more than 20 major points of comparison. The author repeatedly says his goal is not “equating” the men—as “it trivializes Hitler’s obscene crimes to compare them to Trump’s often pathetic foibles.”

Indeed, the book has a larger frame: whether federal checks and balances—Congress, the Supreme Court, the Electoral College—can contain the havoc that Trump thrives on and the Republican Party at large has embraced. But the Trump-Hitler compilation is a stunning warning, because, as many Holocaust survivors have said, few Germans or Europeans expected what unfolded in the years after Hitler amassed power.

Here’s how Neuborne introduces this section. Many recent presidents have been awful, “But then there was Donald Trump, the only president in recent American history to openly despise the twin ideals—individual dignity and fundamental equality—upon which the contemporary United States is built. When you confront the reality of a president like Trump, the state of both sets of brakes—internal [constitutional] and external [public resistance]—become hugely important because Donald Trump’s political train runs on the most potent and dangerous fuel of all: a steady diet of fear, greed, loathing, lies, and envy. It’s a toxic mixture that has destroyed democracies before, and can do so again.

“Give Trump credit,” he continues. “He did his homework well and became the twenty-first-century master of divisive rhetoric. We’re used to thinking of Hitler’s Third Reich as the incomparably evil tyranny that it undoubtedly was. But Hitler didn’t take power by force. He used a set of rhetorical tropes codified in Trump’s bedside reading that persuaded enough Germans to welcome Hitler as a populist leader. The Nazis did not overthrow the Weimar Republic. It fell into their hands as the fruit of Hitler’s satanic ability to mesmerize enough Germans to trade their birthright for a pottage of scapegoating, short-term economic gain, xenophobia, and racism. It could happen here.”

20 Common Themes, Rhetorical Tactics and Dangerous Policies

Here are 20 serious points of comparison between the early Hitler and Trump.

1. Neither was elected by a majority. Trump lost the popular vote by 2.9 million votes, receiving votes by 25.3 percent of all eligible American voters. “That’s just a little less than the percentage of the German electorate that turned to the Nazi Party in 1932–33,” Neuborne writes. “Unlike the low turnouts in the United States, turnout in Weimar Germany averaged just over 80 percent of eligible voters.” He continues, “Once installed as a minority chancellor in January 1933, Hitler set about demonizing his political opponents, and no one—not the vaunted, intellectually brilliant German judiciary; not the respected, well-trained German police; not the revered, aristocratic German military; not the widely admired, efficient German government bureaucracy; not the wealthy, immensely powerful leaders of German industry; and not the powerful center-right political leaders of the Reichstag—mounted a serious effort to stop him.”

2. Both found direct communication channels to their base. By 1936’s Olympics, Nazi narratives dominated German cultural and political life. “How on earth did Hitler pull it off? What satanic magic did Trump find in Hitler’s speeches?” Neuborne asks. He addresses Hitler’s extreme rhetoric soon enough, but notes that Hitler found a direct communication pathway—the Nazi Party gave out radios with only one channel, tuned to Hitler’s voice, bypassing Germany’s news media. Trump has an online equivalent.

“Donald Trump’s tweets, often delivered between midnight and dawn, are the twenty-first century’s technological embodiment of Hitler’s free plastic radios,” Neuborne says. “Trump’s Twitter account, like Hitler’s radios, enables a charismatic leader to establish and maintain a personal, unfiltered line of communication with an adoring political base of about 30–40 percent of the population, many (but not all) of whom are only too willing, even anxious, to swallow Trump’s witches’ brew of falsehoods, half-truths, personal invective, threats, xenophobia, national security scares, religious bigotry, white racism, exploitation of economic insecurity, and a never ending-search for scapegoats.”

3. Both blame others and divide on racial lines. As Neuborne notes, “Hitler used his single-frequency radios to wax hysterical to his adoring base about his pathological racial and religious fantasies glorifying Aryans and demonizing Jews, blaming Jews (among other racial and religious scapegoats) for German society’s ills.” That is comparable to “Trump’s tweets and public statements, whether dealing with black-led demonstrations against police violence, white-led racist mob violence, threats posed by undocumented aliens, immigration policy generally, protests by black and white professional athletes, college admission policies, hate speech, even response to hurricane damage in Puerto Rico,” he says. Again and again, Trump uses “racially tinged messages calculated to divide whites from people of color.”

4. Both relentlessly demonize opponents. “Hitler’s radio harangues demonized his domestic political opponents, calling them parasites, criminals, cockroaches, and various categories of leftist scum,” Neuborne notes. “Trump’s tweets and speeches similarly demonize his political opponents. Trump talks about the country being ‘infested’ with dangerous aliens of color. He fantasizes about jailing Hillary Clinton, calls Mexicans rapists, refers to ‘shithole countries,’ degrades anyone who disagrees with him, and dreams of uprooting thousands of allegedly disloyal bureaucrats in the State Department, the Environmental Protection Agency, the FBI, and the CIA, who he calls ‘the deep state’ and who, he claims, are sabotaging American greatness.”

5. They unceasingly attack objective truth. “Both Trump and Hitler maintained a relentless assault on the very idea of objective truth,” he continues. “Each began the assault by seeking to delegitimize the mainstream press. Hitler quickly coined the epithet Lügenpresse (literally ‘lying press’) to denigrate the mainstream press. Trump uses a paraphrase of Hitler’s lying press epithet—‘fake news’—cribbed, no doubt, from one of Hitler’s speeches. For Trump, the mainstream press is a ‘lying press’ that publishes ‘fake news.’” Hitler attacked his opponents as spreading false information to undermine his positions, Neuborne says, just as Trump has attacked “elites” for disseminating false news, “especially his possible links to the Kremlin.”

6. They relentlessly attack mainstream media. Trump’s assaults on the media echo Hitler’s, Neuborne says, noting that he “repeatedly attacks the ‘failing New York Times,’ leads crowds in chanting ‘CNN sucks,’ [and] is personally hostile to most reporters.” He cites the White House’s refusal to fly the flag at half-mast after the murder of five journalists in Annapolis in June 2018, Trump’s efforts to punish CNN by blocking a merger of its corporate parent, and trying to revoke federal Postal Service contracts held by Amazon, which was founded by Jeff Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post.

7. Their attacks on truth include science. Neuborne notes, “Both Trump and Hitler intensified their assault on objective truth by deriding scientific experts, especially academics who question Hitler’s views on race or Trump’s views on climate change, immigration, or economics. For both Trump and Hitler, the goal is (and was) to eviscerate the very idea of objective truth, turning everything into grist for a populist jury subject to manipulation by a master puppeteer. In both Trump’s and Hitler’s worlds, public opinion ultimately defines what is true and what is false.”

8. Their lies blur reality—and supporters spread them. “Trump’s pathological penchant for repeatedly lying about his behavior can only succeed in a world where his supporters feel free to embrace Trump’s ‘alternative facts’ and treat his hyperbolic exaggerations as the gospel truth,” Neuborne says. “Once Hitler had delegitimized the mainstream media by a series of systematic attacks on its integrity, he constructed a fawning alternative mass media designed to reinforce his direct radio messages and enhance his personal power. Trump is following the same path, simultaneously launching bitter attacks on the mainstream press while embracing the so-called alt-right media, co-opting both Sinclair Broadcasting and the Rupert Murdoch–owned Fox Broadcasting Company as, essentially, a Trump Broadcasting Network.”

9. Both orchestrated mass rallies to show status. “Once Hitler had cemented his personal communications link with his base via free radios and a fawning media and had badly eroded the idea of objective truth, he reinforced his emotional bond with his base by holding a series of carefully orchestrated mass meetings dedicated to cementing his status as a charismatic leader, or Führer,” Neuborne writes. “The powerful personal bonds nurtured by Trump’s tweets and Fox’s fawning are also systematically reinforced by periodic, carefully orchestrated mass rallies (even going so far as to co-opt a Boy Scout Jamboree in 2017), reinforcing Trump’s insatiable narcissism and his status as a charismatic leader.”

10. They embrace extreme nationalism. “Hitler’s strident appeals to the base invoked an extreme version of German nationalism, extolling a brilliant German past and promising to restore Germany to its rightful place as a preeminent nation,” Neuborne says. “Trump echoes Hitler’s jingoistic appeal to ultranationalist fervor, extolling American exceptionalism right down to the slogan ‘Make America Great Again,’ a paraphrase of Hitler’s promise to restore German greatness.”

11. Both made closing borders a centerpiece. “Hitler all but closed Germany’s borders, freezing non-Aryan migration into the country and rendering it impossible for Germans to escape without official permission. Like Hitler, Trump has also made closed borders a centerpiece of his administration,” Neuborne continues. “Hitler barred Jews. Trump bars Muslims and seekers of sanctuary from Central America. When the lower courts blocked Trump’s Muslim travel ban, he unilaterally issued executive orders replacing it with a thinly disguised substitute that ultimately narrowly won Supreme Court approval under a theory of extreme deference to the president.”

12. They embraced mass detention and deportations. “Hitler promised to make Germany free from Jews and Slavs. Trump promises to slow, stop, and even reverse the flow of non-white immigrants, substituting Muslims, Africans, Mexicans, and Central Americans of color for Jews and Slavs as scapegoats for the nation’s ills. Trump’s efforts to cast dragnets to arrest undocumented aliens where they work, live, and worship, followed by mass deportation… echo Hitler’s promise to defend Germany’s racial identity,” he writes, also noting that Trump has “stooped to tearing children from their parents [as Nazis in World War II would do] to punish desperate efforts by migrants to find a better life.”

Hitler was a collectivist, as are the Democrats.

See the difference?
…then, how can one criticize the Soviet Communists, or Mao,. Or Hitler????

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.

1.There are several aspects of Democrat’s ‘yellow brick road’ that support the above conclusion.

a. In their plan to win elections, the Democrat tactic is to replace the American electorate with third-worlders, and illegal aliens, with their chief executive actually telling illegals ‘when you vote, you’re a citizen yourself.’

b. Ignoring the glaring difference between Sharia and our Constitution, the Democrat’s policy was to flood the nation with millions of unvetted Muslim refugees bred for warfare.

c. As they would never win a national election without the black vote, they and their media allies will never acknowledge an embedded evil in the African-American populace: anti-Semitism.

2. Counting on the historic affiliation of American Jews and the Democrat Party, clearly unwavering no matter how insulting the Party is to their Jewish voters, the Democrats have openly allied themselves with anti-Jewish groups no matter their hue.

3. “In its annual Hate Crime Statistics Act report, the FBI found …. 57% of those religious hate crimes - 920 overall - were motivated by offenders’ anti-Jewish bias, the FBI said. A record number of anti-Jewish crimes were violent in nature - 105 in total, up from 73 in 2017.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Jews have been the most common victims of religiously-motivated hate crimes every year since the FBI began such reports in 1991. Fifteen percent of religiously-motivated hate crimes were victims of anti-Muslim bias…” Jews Were Victims Of More Than Half Of All Religious Hate Crimes: FBI

4. “(CNN)This week's deadly kosher market attack and the killing of a detective in New Jersey are being investigated as acts of domestic terrorism "fueled by both anti-Semitism and anti-law enforcement beliefs," the state attorney general said Thursday.

"We believe the suspects held views that reflected hatred of the Jewish people, as well as a hatred of law enforcement," New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal said, citing evidence and witness interviews.”
Jersey City shooters had hatred of Jews and law enforcement, state attorney general says - CNN

A careful reading of the CNN report reveals the attempt to hide the real basis of the killings.

5. “Black-Jewish Relations: … Anti-Semitism High in Black Community African-Americans continue to be significantly more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Jewish beliefs. As with whites, education level is the most important factor affecting the attitudes of blacks toward Jews.

Confirming the three previous studies, black Americans remain considerably more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Semitic views. In the 1998 survey, blacks (34%) are nearly four times as likely as whites (9%) to fall into the most anti-Semitic category.” ADL Survey Finds Anti-Semitism High in Black Community

Revealing and opposing this fact might impinge on the Democrat electoral victories.

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.
Your premise starts by building on very poor examples, like a house built upon the sand. Whatever makes you think anyone believes Soviet Communism, Mao, or Hitler? are examples of winning? To start with a straw-man proposition is fallacious, at best. Haven't been around here all that long, but have seen your writing/reasoning. This is not your best work.
…then, how can one criticize the Soviet Communists, or Mao,. Or Hitler????

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.

1.There are several aspects of Democrat’s ‘yellow brick road’ that support the above conclusion.

a. In their plan to win elections, the Democrat tactic is to replace the American electorate with third-worlders, and illegal aliens, with their chief executive actually telling illegals ‘when you vote, you’re a citizen yourself.’

b. Ignoring the glaring difference between Sharia and our Constitution, the Democrat’s policy was to flood the nation with millions of unvetted Muslim refugees bred for warfare.

c. As they would never win a national election without the black vote, they and their media allies will never acknowledge an embedded evil in the African-American populace: anti-Semitism.

2. Counting on the historic affiliation of American Jews and the Democrat Party, clearly unwavering no matter how insulting the Party is to their Jewish voters, the Democrats have openly allied themselves with anti-Jewish groups no matter their hue.

3. “In its annual Hate Crime Statistics Act report, the FBI found …. 57% of those religious hate crimes - 920 overall - were motivated by offenders’ anti-Jewish bias, the FBI said. A record number of anti-Jewish crimes were violent in nature - 105 in total, up from 73 in 2017.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Jews have been the most common victims of religiously-motivated hate crimes every year since the FBI began such reports in 1991. Fifteen percent of religiously-motivated hate crimes were victims of anti-Muslim bias…” Jews Were Victims Of More Than Half Of All Religious Hate Crimes: FBI

4. “(CNN)This week's deadly kosher market attack and the killing of a detective in New Jersey are being investigated as acts of domestic terrorism "fueled by both anti-Semitism and anti-law enforcement beliefs," the state attorney general said Thursday.

"We believe the suspects held views that reflected hatred of the Jewish people, as well as a hatred of law enforcement," New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal said, citing evidence and witness interviews.”
Jersey City shooters had hatred of Jews and law enforcement, state attorney general says - CNN

A careful reading of the CNN report reveals the attempt to hide the real basis of the killings.

5. “Black-Jewish Relations: … Anti-Semitism High in Black Community African-Americans continue to be significantly more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Jewish beliefs. As with whites, education level is the most important factor affecting the attitudes of blacks toward Jews.

Confirming the three previous studies, black Americans remain considerably more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Semitic views. In the 1998 survey, blacks (34%) are nearly four times as likely as whites (9%) to fall into the most anti-Semitic category.” ADL Survey Finds Anti-Semitism High in Black Community

Revealing and opposing this fact might impinge on the Democrat electoral victories.

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.
Your premise starts by building on very poor examples, like a house built upon the sand. Whatever makes you think anyone believes Soviet Communism, Mao, or Hitler? are examples of winning? To start with a straw-man proposition is fallacious, at best. Haven't been around here all that long, but have seen your writing/reasoning. This is not your best work.

You couldn't be more wrong.

Careful application of the English language.....of which, it appears, I am more facile than your are....even though English is not my first language....would indicate that the post showed that winning is all-important to the Soviet Communists, or Mao. Or Hitler.

The slaughter of millions indicates so.

Read more carefully in the future.

It also appears that allowing you to judge my writing would not be provident.
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I guess PC when a Dem is President and asks a foreign country for help in taking down his main opponent you won't mind a bit You won't mind if he refuses aid to that country in need unless they do his bidding ...

probably, but its an academic question since trump never did that-----------------but Hillary did, so you support prosecuting her?

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