If Winning Is The Only Thing That Counts…

Explain why there is so much bragging that republicans will kill the impeachment in the senate but very little effort to defend Trump's actions in the light of your winning at all costs rant.

Can you provide the laws he broke? How about the lives he lost? Or better yet any proof he has done this to enhance his own fortune?

Where have you been? DC is a cess pool of self loathing hypocrites who only inflate there own well being! The purpose behind the Revolution was to gain freedom from this same mentality, I find it astonishing how so many didn’t learn this from our Public Education system....

because sadly our public education system and most of our colleges are run by far left lunatics who have no idea how the world works.
12. The Socialist Savoir of the Church of the Democrat Party, Franklin Roosevelt, not only was an anti-Semite….but worked assiduously to make certain that Jews were killed.

"... Roosevelt’s embedded anti-Semitism was not confined to jokes. It was displayed in the refusal of the American government in 1939 to admit the desperate refugees on board the S.S. St. Louis,who were returned to Germany [to their deaths] – or to even fill the quotas that authorized the limited admission of Germans.

It was revealed in American government suppression of information about the mass murder of European Jews.

The White House [read 'Roosevelt'] opposed a resolution to create the War Refugee Board and delayed its establishment for fourteen months.

Orders to bomb railroad tracks leading to the extermination camps were never given, although Nazi facilities merely five miles away were destroyed. And special American missions were launched to rescue art treasures – and performing Lipizzaner horses."
[But not Jews.]

Betrayal: FDR and the Jews

." Why did the administration actively seek to discourage and disqualify Jewish refugees from coming to the United States? Why didn't the president quietly tell his State Department (which administered the immigration system) to fill the quotas for Germany and Axis-occupied countries to the legal limit? That alone could have saved 190,000 lives. It would not have required a fight with Congress or the anti-immigration forces; it would have involved minimal political risk to the president."FDR's troubling view of Jews

The same strain exists in today's Democrat Party......notice how they embraced the anti-Semite llhan Omar.
Last edited:
Republicans don't have a win at all costs mentality?

Thats right. We don't ship in millions of illegal aliens to change the voting landscape like the Left does

I bet you would if they were voting for Republicans.

Another dunce basing his reasoning on

And the recent Democrat President, and his pals, the same as FDR when it comes to anti-Semitism….

13. “Seven House Democrats Have Direct Ties To Notorious Anti-Semite

  • At least seven House Democrats are known to have direct ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
  • Farrakhan is a notorious anti-Semite and racist
  • A photo shows Barack Obama smiling with Farrakhan at a Congressional Black Caucus meeting in 2005
…Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite and racist who has called Jews “satanic” and said white people “deserve to die.”

California Reps. Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee, Illinois Rep. Danny Davis, Indiana Rep. Andre Carson, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, New York Rep. Gregory Meeks and Texas Rep. Al Green have all attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, according to photos, videos and witness accounts of the meetings reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Ellison, the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), repeatedly attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, according to photos and videos reviewed by TheDCNF and Farrakhan’s own statements.


Now...here's a surprise:

“Terrorists who gunned down Jews in a Jersey City kosher market were inspired by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Andre Carson, Ilhan Omar, Cory Booker et al — antisemites who have fomented this encouraged this hatred.”
Terrorists who gunned down Jews in a Jersey City kosher market were inspired by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan - DC Clothesline
…then, how can one criticize the Soviet Communists, or Mao,. Or Hitler????

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.

1.There are several aspects of Democrat’s ‘yellow brick road’ that support the above conclusion.

a. In their plan to win elections, the Democrat tactic is to replace the American electorate with third-worlders, and illegal aliens, with their chief executive actually telling illegals ‘when you vote, you’re a citizen yourself.’

b. Ignoring the glaring difference between Sharia and our Constitution, the Democrat’s policy was to flood the nation with millions of unvetted Muslim refugees bred for warfare.

c. As they would never win a national election without the black vote, they and their media allies will never acknowledge an embedded evil in the African-American populace: anti-Semitism.

2. Counting on the historic affiliation of American Jews and the Democrat Party, clearly unwavering no matter how insulting the Party is to their Jewish voters, the Democrats have openly allied themselves with anti-Jewish groups no matter their hue.

3. “In its annual Hate Crime Statistics Act report, the FBI found …. 57% of those religious hate crimes - 920 overall - were motivated by offenders’ anti-Jewish bias, the FBI said. A record number of anti-Jewish crimes were violent in nature - 105 in total, up from 73 in 2017.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Jews have been the most common victims of religiously-motivated hate crimes every year since the FBI began such reports in 1991. Fifteen percent of religiously-motivated hate crimes were victims of anti-Muslim bias…” Jews Were Victims Of More Than Half Of All Religious Hate Crimes: FBI

4. “(CNN)This week's deadly kosher market attack and the killing of a detective in New Jersey are being investigated as acts of domestic terrorism "fueled by both anti-Semitism and anti-law enforcement beliefs," the state attorney general said Thursday.

"We believe the suspects held views that reflected hatred of the Jewish people, as well as a hatred of law enforcement," New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal said, citing evidence and witness interviews.”
Jersey City shooters had hatred of Jews and law enforcement, state attorney general says - CNN

A careful reading of the CNN report reveals the attempt to hide the real basis of the killings.

5. “Black-Jewish Relations: … Anti-Semitism High in Black Community African-Americans continue to be significantly more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Jewish beliefs. As with whites, education level is the most important factor affecting the attitudes of blacks toward Jews.

Confirming the three previous studies, black Americans remain considerably more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Semitic views. In the 1998 survey, blacks (34%) are nearly four times as likely as whites (9%) to fall into the most anti-Semitic category.” ADL Survey Finds Anti-Semitism High in Black Community

Revealing and opposing this fact might impinge on the Democrat electoral victories.

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.
Your premise starts by building on very poor examples, like a house built upon the sand. Whatever makes you think anyone believes Soviet Communism, Mao, or Hitler? are examples of winning? To start with a straw-man proposition is fallacious, at best. Haven't been around here all that long, but have seen your writing/reasoning. This is not your best work.

You couldn't be more wrong.

Careful application of the English language.....of which, it appears, I am more facile than your are....even though English is not my first language....would indicate that the post showed that winning is all-important to the Soviet Communists, or Mao. Or Hitler.

The slaughter of millions indicates so.

Read more carefully in the future.

It also appears that allowing you to judge my writing would not be provident.
Nice try, but no cigar. Your opening statement smacked of propaganda that insults the mind. I was trained to resist inductive propaganda. So, I rejected yours. Effective propaganda starts not with a frontal assault, but by luring the susceptible in with comfortable truths before planting the seeds of half truths. You supported with a, b, c that were not clear unquestionable facts. I have not seen evidence that Democrats would ever try to (win) if you choose to call it that by killing millions. Your command of my native language is admirable, possibly more agile rather than facile. If I was briefly in your country (when I was much younger) I usually only knew enough language to navigate the transportation required, negotiate price of goods and order food when there wasn't an easily understood menu. I have learned much from people I considered less skilled. You might also.

BTW, love your avatar. she's hot. Did you know her? Did she shave her legs? And, just what is your native language?
And the recent Democrat President, and his pals, the same as FDR when it comes to anti-Semitism….
13. “Seven House Democrats Have Direct Ties To Notorious Anti-Semite
  • At least seven House Democrats are known to have direct ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
  • Farrakhan is a notorious anti-Semite and racist
  • A photo shows Barack Obama smiling with Farrakhan at a Congressional Black Caucus meeting in 2005
…Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite and racist who has called Jews “satanic” and said white people “deserve to die.”

California Reps. Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee, Illinois Rep. Danny Davis, Indiana Rep. Andre Carson, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, New York Rep. Gregory Meeks and Texas Rep. Al Green have all attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, according to photos, videos and witness accounts of the meetings reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Ellison, the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), repeatedly attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, according to photos and videos reviewed by TheDCNF and Farrakhan’s own statements.


Now...here's a surprise:

“Terrorists who gunned down Jews in a Jersey City kosher market were inspired by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Andre Carson, Ilhan Omar, Cory Booker et al — antisemites who have fomented this encouraged this hatred.”
Terrorists who gunned down Jews in a Jersey City kosher market were inspired by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan - DC Clothesline
Hm. I thought Louis Farrakhan et al were pals of Barack Obama. lol
…then, how can one criticize the Soviet Communists, or Mao,. Or Hitler????

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.

1.There are several aspects of Democrat’s ‘yellow brick road’ that support the above conclusion.

a. In their plan to win elections, the Democrat tactic is to replace the American electorate with third-worlders, and illegal aliens, with their chief executive actually telling illegals ‘when you vote, you’re a citizen yourself.’

b. Ignoring the glaring difference between Sharia and our Constitution, the Democrat’s policy was to flood the nation with millions of unvetted Muslim refugees bred for warfare.

c. As they would never win a national election without the black vote, they and their media allies will never acknowledge an embedded evil in the African-American populace: anti-Semitism.

2. Counting on the historic affiliation of American Jews and the Democrat Party, clearly unwavering no matter how insulting the Party is to their Jewish voters, the Democrats have openly allied themselves with anti-Jewish groups no matter their hue.

3. “In its annual Hate Crime Statistics Act report, the FBI found …. 57% of those religious hate crimes - 920 overall - were motivated by offenders’ anti-Jewish bias, the FBI said. A record number of anti-Jewish crimes were violent in nature - 105 in total, up from 73 in 2017.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Jews have been the most common victims of religiously-motivated hate crimes every year since the FBI began such reports in 1991. Fifteen percent of religiously-motivated hate crimes were victims of anti-Muslim bias…” Jews Were Victims Of More Than Half Of All Religious Hate Crimes: FBI

4. “(CNN)This week's deadly kosher market attack and the killing of a detective in New Jersey are being investigated as acts of domestic terrorism "fueled by both anti-Semitism and anti-law enforcement beliefs," the state attorney general said Thursday.

"We believe the suspects held views that reflected hatred of the Jewish people, as well as a hatred of law enforcement," New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal said, citing evidence and witness interviews.”
Jersey City shooters had hatred of Jews and law enforcement, state attorney general says - CNN

A careful reading of the CNN report reveals the attempt to hide the real basis of the killings.

5. “Black-Jewish Relations: … Anti-Semitism High in Black Community African-Americans continue to be significantly more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Jewish beliefs. As with whites, education level is the most important factor affecting the attitudes of blacks toward Jews.

Confirming the three previous studies, black Americans remain considerably more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Semitic views. In the 1998 survey, blacks (34%) are nearly four times as likely as whites (9%) to fall into the most anti-Semitic category.” ADL Survey Finds Anti-Semitism High in Black Community

Revealing and opposing this fact might impinge on the Democrat electoral victories.

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.
Your premise starts by building on very poor examples, like a house built upon the sand. Whatever makes you think anyone believes Soviet Communism, Mao, or Hitler? are examples of winning? To start with a straw-man proposition is fallacious, at best. Haven't been around here all that long, but have seen your writing/reasoning. This is not your best work.

You couldn't be more wrong.

Careful application of the English language.....of which, it appears, I am more facile than your are....even though English is not my first language....would indicate that the post showed that winning is all-important to the Soviet Communists, or Mao. Or Hitler.

The slaughter of millions indicates so.

Read more carefully in the future.

It also appears that allowing you to judge my writing would not be provident.
Nice try, but no cigar. Your opening statement smacked of propaganda that insults the mind. I was trained to resist inductive propaganda. So, I rejected yours. Effective propaganda starts not with a frontal assault, but by luring the susceptible in with comfortable truths before planting the seeds of half truths. You supported with a, b, c that were not clear unquestionable facts. I have not seen evidence that Democrats would ever try to (win) if you choose to call it that by killing millions. Your command of my native language is admirable, possibly more agile rather than facile. If I was briefly in your country (when I was much younger) I usually only knew enough language to navigate the transportation required, negotiate price of goods and order food when there wasn't an easily understood menu. I have learned much from people I considered less skilled. You might also.

BTW, love your avatar. she's hot. Did you know her? Did she shave her legs? And, just what is your native language?

She too good for you, buster. :cranky:
Explain why there is so much bragging that republicans will kill the impeachment in the senate but very little effort to defend Trump's actions in the light of your winning at all costs rant.

Can you provide the laws he broke? How about the lives he lost? Or better yet any proof he has done this to enhance his own fortune?

Where have you been? DC is a cess pool of self loathing hypocrites who only inflate there own well being! The purpose behind the Revolution was to gain freedom from this same mentality, I find it astonishing how so many didn’t learn this from our Public Education system....
The emolument clause for one

And that would be???
…then, how can one criticize the Soviet Communists, or Mao,. Or Hitler????

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.

1.There are several aspects of Democrat’s ‘yellow brick road’ that support the above conclusion.

a. In their plan to win elections, the Democrat tactic is to replace the American electorate with third-worlders, and illegal aliens, with their chief executive actually telling illegals ‘when you vote, you’re a citizen yourself.’

b. Ignoring the glaring difference between Sharia and our Constitution, the Democrat’s policy was to flood the nation with millions of unvetted Muslim refugees bred for warfare.

c. As they would never win a national election without the black vote, they and their media allies will never acknowledge an embedded evil in the African-American populace: anti-Semitism.

2. Counting on the historic affiliation of American Jews and the Democrat Party, clearly unwavering no matter how insulting the Party is to their Jewish voters, the Democrats have openly allied themselves with anti-Jewish groups no matter their hue.

3. “In its annual Hate Crime Statistics Act report, the FBI found …. 57% of those religious hate crimes - 920 overall - were motivated by offenders’ anti-Jewish bias, the FBI said. A record number of anti-Jewish crimes were violent in nature - 105 in total, up from 73 in 2017.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Jews have been the most common victims of religiously-motivated hate crimes every year since the FBI began such reports in 1991. Fifteen percent of religiously-motivated hate crimes were victims of anti-Muslim bias…” Jews Were Victims Of More Than Half Of All Religious Hate Crimes: FBI

4. “(CNN)This week's deadly kosher market attack and the killing of a detective in New Jersey are being investigated as acts of domestic terrorism "fueled by both anti-Semitism and anti-law enforcement beliefs," the state attorney general said Thursday.

"We believe the suspects held views that reflected hatred of the Jewish people, as well as a hatred of law enforcement," New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal said, citing evidence and witness interviews.”
Jersey City shooters had hatred of Jews and law enforcement, state attorney general says - CNN

A careful reading of the CNN report reveals the attempt to hide the real basis of the killings.

5. “Black-Jewish Relations: … Anti-Semitism High in Black Community African-Americans continue to be significantly more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Jewish beliefs. As with whites, education level is the most important factor affecting the attitudes of blacks toward Jews.

Confirming the three previous studies, black Americans remain considerably more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Semitic views. In the 1998 survey, blacks (34%) are nearly four times as likely as whites (9%) to fall into the most anti-Semitic category.” ADL Survey Finds Anti-Semitism High in Black Community

Revealing and opposing this fact might impinge on the Democrat electoral victories.

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.
Winninig doesn't count if the "game" itself sucks to begin with; when you lose, you lose, and when you "win"... you still lose, because the game itself is terrible and wasted your precious time.

One could always merely opt to play a different game altogether.

I'm almost at the point that I believe that politics, at least in its current incarnation is just an archaic replacement for competitive sports and games, and that if most people could play sports (including "esports"), there would be no politics, just as if everyone was "good", there would be no government.
…then, how can one criticize the Soviet Communists, or Mao,. Or Hitler????

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.

1.There are several aspects of Democrat’s ‘yellow brick road’ that support the above conclusion.

a. In their plan to win elections, the Democrat tactic is to replace the American electorate with third-worlders, and illegal aliens, with their chief executive actually telling illegals ‘when you vote, you’re a citizen yourself.’

b. Ignoring the glaring difference between Sharia and our Constitution, the Democrat’s policy was to flood the nation with millions of unvetted Muslim refugees bred for warfare.

c. As they would never win a national election without the black vote, they and their media allies will never acknowledge an embedded evil in the African-American populace: anti-Semitism.

2. Counting on the historic affiliation of American Jews and the Democrat Party, clearly unwavering no matter how insulting the Party is to their Jewish voters, the Democrats have openly allied themselves with anti-Jewish groups no matter their hue.

3. “In its annual Hate Crime Statistics Act report, the FBI found …. 57% of those religious hate crimes - 920 overall - were motivated by offenders’ anti-Jewish bias, the FBI said. A record number of anti-Jewish crimes were violent in nature - 105 in total, up from 73 in 2017.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Jews have been the most common victims of religiously-motivated hate crimes every year since the FBI began such reports in 1991. Fifteen percent of religiously-motivated hate crimes were victims of anti-Muslim bias…” Jews Were Victims Of More Than Half Of All Religious Hate Crimes: FBI

4. “(CNN)This week's deadly kosher market attack and the killing of a detective in New Jersey are being investigated as acts of domestic terrorism "fueled by both anti-Semitism and anti-law enforcement beliefs," the state attorney general said Thursday.

"We believe the suspects held views that reflected hatred of the Jewish people, as well as a hatred of law enforcement," New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal said, citing evidence and witness interviews.”
Jersey City shooters had hatred of Jews and law enforcement, state attorney general says - CNN

A careful reading of the CNN report reveals the attempt to hide the real basis of the killings.

5. “Black-Jewish Relations: … Anti-Semitism High in Black Community African-Americans continue to be significantly more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Jewish beliefs. As with whites, education level is the most important factor affecting the attitudes of blacks toward Jews.

Confirming the three previous studies, black Americans remain considerably more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Semitic views. In the 1998 survey, blacks (34%) are nearly four times as likely as whites (9%) to fall into the most anti-Semitic category.” ADL Survey Finds Anti-Semitism High in Black Community

Revealing and opposing this fact might impinge on the Democrat electoral victories.

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.
Your premise starts by building on very poor examples, like a house built upon the sand. Whatever makes you think anyone believes Soviet Communism, Mao, or Hitler? are examples of winning? To start with a straw-man proposition is fallacious, at best. Haven't been around here all that long, but have seen your writing/reasoning. This is not your best work.

You couldn't be more wrong.

Careful application of the English language.....of which, it appears, I am more facile than your are....even though English is not my first language....would indicate that the post showed that winning is all-important to the Soviet Communists, or Mao. Or Hitler.

The slaughter of millions indicates so.

Read more carefully in the future.

It also appears that allowing you to judge my writing would not be provident.
Nice try, but no cigar. Your opening statement smacked of propaganda that insults the mind. I was trained to resist inductive propaganda. So, I rejected yours. Effective propaganda starts not with a frontal assault, but by luring the susceptible in with comfortable truths before planting the seeds of half truths. You supported with a, b, c that were not clear unquestionable facts. I have not seen evidence that Democrats would ever try to (win) if you choose to call it that by killing millions. Your command of my native language is admirable, possibly more agile rather than facile. If I was briefly in your country (when I was much younger) I usually only knew enough language to navigate the transportation required, negotiate price of goods and order food when there wasn't an easily understood menu. I have learned much from people I considered less skilled. You might also.

BTW, love your avatar. she's hot. Did you know her? Did she shave her legs? And, just what is your native language?

I can't help you.....this is why you should have waited 'til at least the fifth grade to drop out.
Explain why there is so much bragging that republicans will kill the impeachment in the senate but very little effort to defend Trump's actions in the light of your winning at all costs rant.

Can you provide the laws he broke? How about the lives he lost? Or better yet any proof he has done this to enhance his own fortune?

Where have you been? DC is a cess pool of self loathing hypocrites who only inflate there own well being! The purpose behind the Revolution was to gain freedom from this same mentality, I find it astonishing how so many didn’t learn this from our Public Education system....
The emolument clause for one

And that would be???
Oh you don't know what that is ? Don't feel bad ,rump evidently doesn't either
…then, how can one criticize the Soviet Communists, or Mao,. Or Hitler????

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.

1.There are several aspects of Democrat’s ‘yellow brick road’ that support the above conclusion.

a. In their plan to win elections, the Democrat tactic is to replace the American electorate with third-worlders, and illegal aliens, with their chief executive actually telling illegals ‘when you vote, you’re a citizen yourself.’

b. Ignoring the glaring difference between Sharia and our Constitution, the Democrat’s policy was to flood the nation with millions of unvetted Muslim refugees bred for warfare.

c. As they would never win a national election without the black vote, they and their media allies will never acknowledge an embedded evil in the African-American populace: anti-Semitism.

2. Counting on the historic affiliation of American Jews and the Democrat Party, clearly unwavering no matter how insulting the Party is to their Jewish voters, the Democrats have openly allied themselves with anti-Jewish groups no matter their hue.

3. “In its annual Hate Crime Statistics Act report, the FBI found …. 57% of those religious hate crimes - 920 overall - were motivated by offenders’ anti-Jewish bias, the FBI said. A record number of anti-Jewish crimes were violent in nature - 105 in total, up from 73 in 2017.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Jews have been the most common victims of religiously-motivated hate crimes every year since the FBI began such reports in 1991. Fifteen percent of religiously-motivated hate crimes were victims of anti-Muslim bias…” Jews Were Victims Of More Than Half Of All Religious Hate Crimes: FBI

4. “(CNN)This week's deadly kosher market attack and the killing of a detective in New Jersey are being investigated as acts of domestic terrorism "fueled by both anti-Semitism and anti-law enforcement beliefs," the state attorney general said Thursday.

"We believe the suspects held views that reflected hatred of the Jewish people, as well as a hatred of law enforcement," New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal said, citing evidence and witness interviews.”
Jersey City shooters had hatred of Jews and law enforcement, state attorney general says - CNN

A careful reading of the CNN report reveals the attempt to hide the real basis of the killings.

5. “Black-Jewish Relations: … Anti-Semitism High in Black Community African-Americans continue to be significantly more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Jewish beliefs. As with whites, education level is the most important factor affecting the attitudes of blacks toward Jews.

Confirming the three previous studies, black Americans remain considerably more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Semitic views. In the 1998 survey, blacks (34%) are nearly four times as likely as whites (9%) to fall into the most anti-Semitic category.” ADL Survey Finds Anti-Semitism High in Black Community

Revealing and opposing this fact might impinge on the Democrat electoral victories.

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.
Winninig doesn't count if the "game" itself sucks to begin with; when you lose, you lose, and when you "win"... you still lose, because the game itself is terrible and wasted your precious time.

One could always merely opt to play a different game altogether.

I'm almost at the point that I believe that politics, at least in its current incarnation is just an archaic replacement for competitive sports and games, and that if most people could play sports (including "esports"), there would be no politics, just as if everyone was "good", there would be no government.

I didn't say it did.

You seem to never miss an opportunity to miss the point.
Explain why there is so much bragging that republicans will kill the impeachment in the senate but very little effort to defend Trump's actions in the light of your winning at all costs rant.

Can you provide the laws he broke? How about the lives he lost? Or better yet any proof he has done this to enhance his own fortune?

Where have you been? DC is a cess pool of self loathing hypocrites who only inflate there own well being! The purpose behind the Revolution was to gain freedom from this same mentality, I find it astonishing how so many didn’t learn this from our Public Education system....
The emolument clause for one

And that would be???
Oh you don't know what that is ? Don't feel bad ,rump evidently doesn't either

Child, I’m well aware of the “Emoluments Clause” and what it means, mine was a question that obviously went over your head, again, what is it that he violated of the clause, can you state the facts with proof or are you just another robot repeating the hatred of the LMSM?
Seems that the anti-Semitism applies to lots of Democrats…..

14. “One Third of Democrats Blame the Financial Crisis on the Jews

You wouldn’t think that theories like that would receive wide-spread acceptance in the United States. Unfortunately it has. Over 18% of all non Jewish Republicans blame the Jews for the financial crisis and almost one-third of Democrats blame the Jews:

Anti-Semitism and the economic crisis Neil Malhotra and Yotam Margalit

The media coverage of the Bernard Madoff scandal made extensive reference to Madoff’s ethnic and religious background and his prominent role in the Jewish community. Because the scandal broke at a time of great public outcry against financial institutions, some, including Brad Greenberg in The Christian Science Monitor and Mark Seal in Vanity Fair, have reported on its potential to generate a wave of anti-Semitism."
One Third of Democrats Blame the Financial Crisis on the Jews - The Lid


Boston Review — State of the Nation

Winning is so important to the Democrat Party, that embracing anti-Semitism is more than acceptable, it is de rigueur.
…then, how can one criticize the Soviet Communists, or Mao,. Or Hitler????

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.

1.There are several aspects of Democrat’s ‘yellow brick road’ that support the above conclusion.

a. In their plan to win elections, the Democrat tactic is to replace the American electorate with third-worlders, and illegal aliens, with their chief executive actually telling illegals ‘when you vote, you’re a citizen yourself.’

b. Ignoring the glaring difference between Sharia and our Constitution, the Democrat’s policy was to flood the nation with millions of unvetted Muslim refugees bred for warfare.

c. As they would never win a national election without the black vote, they and their media allies will never acknowledge an embedded evil in the African-American populace: anti-Semitism.

2. Counting on the historic affiliation of American Jews and the Democrat Party, clearly unwavering no matter how insulting the Party is to their Jewish voters, the Democrats have openly allied themselves with anti-Jewish groups no matter their hue.

3. “In its annual Hate Crime Statistics Act report, the FBI found …. 57% of those religious hate crimes - 920 overall - were motivated by offenders’ anti-Jewish bias, the FBI said. A record number of anti-Jewish crimes were violent in nature - 105 in total, up from 73 in 2017.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Jews have been the most common victims of religiously-motivated hate crimes every year since the FBI began such reports in 1991. Fifteen percent of religiously-motivated hate crimes were victims of anti-Muslim bias…” Jews Were Victims Of More Than Half Of All Religious Hate Crimes: FBI

4. “(CNN)This week's deadly kosher market attack and the killing of a detective in New Jersey are being investigated as acts of domestic terrorism "fueled by both anti-Semitism and anti-law enforcement beliefs," the state attorney general said Thursday.

"We believe the suspects held views that reflected hatred of the Jewish people, as well as a hatred of law enforcement," New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal said, citing evidence and witness interviews.”
Jersey City shooters had hatred of Jews and law enforcement, state attorney general says - CNN

A careful reading of the CNN report reveals the attempt to hide the real basis of the killings.

5. “Black-Jewish Relations: … Anti-Semitism High in Black Community African-Americans continue to be significantly more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Jewish beliefs. As with whites, education level is the most important factor affecting the attitudes of blacks toward Jews.

Confirming the three previous studies, black Americans remain considerably more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Semitic views. In the 1998 survey, blacks (34%) are nearly four times as likely as whites (9%) to fall into the most anti-Semitic category.” ADL Survey Finds Anti-Semitism High in Black Community

Revealing and opposing this fact might impinge on the Democrat electoral victories.

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.
Your premise starts by building on very poor examples, like a house built upon the sand. Whatever makes you think anyone believes Soviet Communism, Mao, or Hitler? are examples of winning? To start with a straw-man proposition is fallacious, at best. Haven't been around here all that long, but have seen your writing/reasoning. This is not your best work.

You couldn't be more wrong.

Careful application of the English language.....of which, it appears, I am more facile than your are....even though English is not my first language....would indicate that the post showed that winning is all-important to the Soviet Communists, or Mao. Or Hitler.

The slaughter of millions indicates so.

Read more carefully in the future.

It also appears that allowing you to judge my writing would not be provident.
Nice try, but no cigar. Your opening statement smacked of propaganda that insults the mind. I was trained to resist inductive propaganda. So, I rejected yours. Effective propaganda starts not with a frontal assault, but by luring the susceptible in with comfortable truths before planting the seeds of half truths. You supported with a, b, c that were not clear unquestionable facts. I have not seen evidence that Democrats would ever try to (win) if you choose to call it that by killing millions. Your command of my native language is admirable, possibly more agile rather than facile. If I was briefly in your country (when I was much younger) I usually only knew enough language to navigate the transportation required, negotiate price of goods and order food when there wasn't an easily understood menu. I have learned much from people I considered less skilled. You might also.

BTW, love your avatar. she's hot. Did you know her? Did she shave her legs? And, just what is your native language?

She too good for you, buster. :cranky:
That sounds like idle snobbery. Cheer up.
…then, how can one criticize the Soviet Communists, or Mao,. Or Hitler????

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.

1.There are several aspects of Democrat’s ‘yellow brick road’ that support the above conclusion.

a. In their plan to win elections, the Democrat tactic is to replace the American electorate with third-worlders, and illegal aliens, with their chief executive actually telling illegals ‘when you vote, you’re a citizen yourself.’

b. Ignoring the glaring difference between Sharia and our Constitution, the Democrat’s policy was to flood the nation with millions of unvetted Muslim refugees bred for warfare.

c. As they would never win a national election without the black vote, they and their media allies will never acknowledge an embedded evil in the African-American populace: anti-Semitism.

2. Counting on the historic affiliation of American Jews and the Democrat Party, clearly unwavering no matter how insulting the Party is to their Jewish voters, the Democrats have openly allied themselves with anti-Jewish groups no matter their hue.

3. “In its annual Hate Crime Statistics Act report, the FBI found …. 57% of those religious hate crimes - 920 overall - were motivated by offenders’ anti-Jewish bias, the FBI said. A record number of anti-Jewish crimes were violent in nature - 105 in total, up from 73 in 2017.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Jews have been the most common victims of religiously-motivated hate crimes every year since the FBI began such reports in 1991. Fifteen percent of religiously-motivated hate crimes were victims of anti-Muslim bias…” Jews Were Victims Of More Than Half Of All Religious Hate Crimes: FBI

4. “(CNN)This week's deadly kosher market attack and the killing of a detective in New Jersey are being investigated as acts of domestic terrorism "fueled by both anti-Semitism and anti-law enforcement beliefs," the state attorney general said Thursday.

"We believe the suspects held views that reflected hatred of the Jewish people, as well as a hatred of law enforcement," New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal said, citing evidence and witness interviews.”
Jersey City shooters had hatred of Jews and law enforcement, state attorney general says - CNN

A careful reading of the CNN report reveals the attempt to hide the real basis of the killings.

5. “Black-Jewish Relations: … Anti-Semitism High in Black Community African-Americans continue to be significantly more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Jewish beliefs. As with whites, education level is the most important factor affecting the attitudes of blacks toward Jews.

Confirming the three previous studies, black Americans remain considerably more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Semitic views. In the 1998 survey, blacks (34%) are nearly four times as likely as whites (9%) to fall into the most anti-Semitic category.” ADL Survey Finds Anti-Semitism High in Black Community

Revealing and opposing this fact might impinge on the Democrat electoral victories.

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.
Your premise starts by building on very poor examples, like a house built upon the sand. Whatever makes you think anyone believes Soviet Communism, Mao, or Hitler? are examples of winning? To start with a straw-man proposition is fallacious, at best. Haven't been around here all that long, but have seen your writing/reasoning. This is not your best work.

You couldn't be more wrong.

Careful application of the English language.....of which, it appears, I am more facile than your are....even though English is not my first language....would indicate that the post showed that winning is all-important to the Soviet Communists, or Mao. Or Hitler.

The slaughter of millions indicates so.

Read more carefully in the future.

It also appears that allowing you to judge my writing would not be provident.
Nice try, but no cigar. Your opening statement smacked of propaganda that insults the mind. I was trained to resist inductive propaganda. So, I rejected yours. Effective propaganda starts not with a frontal assault, but by luring the susceptible in with comfortable truths before planting the seeds of half truths. You supported with a, b, c that were not clear unquestionable facts. I have not seen evidence that Democrats would ever try to (win) if you choose to call it that by killing millions. Your command of my native language is admirable, possibly more agile rather than facile. If I was briefly in your country (when I was much younger) I usually only knew enough language to navigate the transportation required, negotiate price of goods and order food when there wasn't an easily understood menu. I have learned much from people I considered less skilled. You might also.

BTW, love your avatar. she's hot. Did you know her? Did she shave her legs? And, just what is your native language?

I can't help you.....this is why you should have waited 'til at least the fifth grade to drop out.

Never asked you for help. Maybe you would be more effective from your native country if you aren't there right now.

It was clear to all that you required same.
…then, how can one criticize the Soviet Communists, or Mao,. Or Hitler????

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.

1.There are several aspects of Democrat’s ‘yellow brick road’ that support the above conclusion.

a. In their plan to win elections, the Democrat tactic is to replace the American electorate with third-worlders, and illegal aliens, with their chief executive actually telling illegals ‘when you vote, you’re a citizen yourself.’

b. Ignoring the glaring difference between Sharia and our Constitution, the Democrat’s policy was to flood the nation with millions of unvetted Muslim refugees bred for warfare.

c. As they would never win a national election without the black vote, they and their media allies will never acknowledge an embedded evil in the African-American populace: anti-Semitism.

2. Counting on the historic affiliation of American Jews and the Democrat Party, clearly unwavering no matter how insulting the Party is to their Jewish voters, the Democrats have openly allied themselves with anti-Jewish groups no matter their hue.

3. “In its annual Hate Crime Statistics Act report, the FBI found …. 57% of those religious hate crimes - 920 overall - were motivated by offenders’ anti-Jewish bias, the FBI said. A record number of anti-Jewish crimes were violent in nature - 105 in total, up from 73 in 2017.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Jews have been the most common victims of religiously-motivated hate crimes every year since the FBI began such reports in 1991. Fifteen percent of religiously-motivated hate crimes were victims of anti-Muslim bias…” Jews Were Victims Of More Than Half Of All Religious Hate Crimes: FBI

4. “(CNN)This week's deadly kosher market attack and the killing of a detective in New Jersey are being investigated as acts of domestic terrorism "fueled by both anti-Semitism and anti-law enforcement beliefs," the state attorney general said Thursday.

"We believe the suspects held views that reflected hatred of the Jewish people, as well as a hatred of law enforcement," New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal said, citing evidence and witness interviews.”
Jersey City shooters had hatred of Jews and law enforcement, state attorney general says - CNN

A careful reading of the CNN report reveals the attempt to hide the real basis of the killings.

5. “Black-Jewish Relations: … Anti-Semitism High in Black Community African-Americans continue to be significantly more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Jewish beliefs. As with whites, education level is the most important factor affecting the attitudes of blacks toward Jews.

Confirming the three previous studies, black Americans remain considerably more likely than white Americans to hold anti-Semitic views. In the 1998 survey, blacks (34%) are nearly four times as likely as whites (9%) to fall into the most anti-Semitic category.” ADL Survey Finds Anti-Semitism High in Black Community

Revealing and opposing this fact might impinge on the Democrat electoral victories.

And for the Democrat Party….winning is the only thing that counts.
Your premise starts by building on very poor examples, like a house built upon the sand. Whatever makes you think anyone believes Soviet Communism, Mao, or Hitler? are examples of winning? To start with a straw-man proposition is fallacious, at best. Haven't been around here all that long, but have seen your writing/reasoning. This is not your best work.

You couldn't be more wrong.

Careful application of the English language.....of which, it appears, I am more facile than your are....even though English is not my first language....would indicate that the post showed that winning is all-important to the Soviet Communists, or Mao. Or Hitler.

The slaughter of millions indicates so.

Read more carefully in the future.

It also appears that allowing you to judge my writing would not be provident.
Nice try, but no cigar. Your opening statement smacked of propaganda that insults the mind. I was trained to resist inductive propaganda. So, I rejected yours. Effective propaganda starts not with a frontal assault, but by luring the susceptible in with comfortable truths before planting the seeds of half truths. You supported with a, b, c that were not clear unquestionable facts. I have not seen evidence that Democrats would ever try to (win) if you choose to call it that by killing millions. Your command of my native language is admirable, possibly more agile rather than facile. If I was briefly in your country (when I was much younger) I usually only knew enough language to navigate the transportation required, negotiate price of goods and order food when there wasn't an easily understood menu. I have learned much from people I considered less skilled. You might also.

BTW, love your avatar. she's hot. Did you know her? Did she shave her legs? And, just what is your native language?

I can't help you.....this is why you should have waited 'til at least the fifth grade to drop out.

Never asked you for help. Maybe you would be more effective from your native country if you aren't there right now.
She's as American as I am, buster. Consider yourself slapped with a pair of gloves on the chin.
Explain why there is so much bragging that republicans will kill the impeachment in the senate but very little effort to defend Trump's actions in the light of your winning at all costs rant.

Can you provide the laws he broke? How about the lives he lost? Or better yet any proof he has done this to enhance his own fortune?

Where have you been? DC is a cess pool of self loathing hypocrites who only inflate there own well being! The purpose behind the Revolution was to gain freedom from this same mentality, I find it astonishing how so many didn’t learn this from our Public Education system....
The emolument clause for one

And that would be???
Oh you don't know what that is ? Don't feel bad ,rump evidently doesn't either

Child, I’m well aware of the “Emoluments Clause” and what it means, mine was a question that obviously went over your head, again, what is it that he violated of the clause, can you state the facts with proof or are you just another robot repeating the hatred of the LMSM?

Maybe this will help you sonny
Trump’s Business Ties and the Problem With Emoluments
Explain why there is so much bragging that republicans will kill the impeachment in the senate but very little effort to defend Trump's actions in the light of your winning at all costs rant.

Can you provide the laws he broke? How about the lives he lost? Or better yet any proof he has done this to enhance his own fortune?

Where have you been? DC is a cess pool of self loathing hypocrites who only inflate there own well being! The purpose behind the Revolution was to gain freedom from this same mentality, I find it astonishing how so many didn’t learn this from our Public Education system....
The emolument clause for one

And that would be???
Oh you don't know what that is ? Don't feel bad ,rump evidently doesn't either

Child, I’m well aware of the “Emoluments Clause” and what it means, mine was a question that obviously went over your head, again, what is it that he violated of the clause, can you state the facts with proof or are you just another robot repeating the hatred of the LMSM?
Only LMSM belong to repubs Limpaw FOX and OAN,,,,and you blame the smartest people in the room while supporting pos like trump graham McConnell etc etc??

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