If women can get abortions, men should be able to opt out of fatherhood

Duh! But since the woman is the one getting impregnated and it's her body going through the pregnancy the male is far more impacted by her decision than the other way around, so it would be prudent for a guy not to put the baby inside her in the first place if he doesn't want one.

Honest to God, I don't know why you people are having such a difficult time understanding the logic of this. It's not that hard.

Why is it so hard for you to understand that a man shouldn't have any responsibility for a choice he has no control over?

So every time a man has sex he's being raped by the woman?

I swear, you people must have a cumulative IQ of 50. I'm done with this discussion. Waste of time.
Duh! But since the woman is the one getting impregnated and it's her body going through the pregnancy the male is far more impacted by her decision than the other way around, so it would be prudent for a guy not to put the baby inside her in the first place if he doesn't want one.

Honest to God, I don't know why you people are having such a difficult time understanding the logic of this. It's not that hard.

Why is it so hard for you to understand that a man shouldn't have any responsibility for a choice he has no control over?

So every time a man has sex he's being raped by the woman?

I swear, you people must have a cumulative IQ of 50. I'm done with this discussion. Waste of time.

It is nit picky arguments like that do nothing to further the conversation. He obviously didn't mean sex, women and men have an equal ability to have or not have sex. He meant that once a woman is pregnant, the man has no choices and can be forced into things, while the woman has every choice and can be forced into basically nothing.
Well the case of abortion to save the mother's life, in the USA, is so unlikely I don't even think that to be worth considering.

You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about...

The historical level of maternal deaths is probably around 1 in 100 births.[13] Mortality rates reached very high levels in maternity institutions in the 1800s, sometimes climbing to 40 percent of birthgiving women (see Historical mortality rates of puerperal fever). At the beginning of the 1900s, maternal death rates were around 1 in 100 for live births. The number in 2005 in the United States was 11 in 100,000, a decline by two orders of magnitude,[14] although that figure has begun to rise in recent years, having nearly tripled over the decade up to 2010 in California.[15] A maternal mortality rate for the U.S. of 24 per 100,000 was reported for 2008.[11] This change might not actually reflect an increase, due to a change in reporting methods by the CDC in 1999.[16]

Well the case of abortion to save the mother's life, in the USA, is so unlikely I don't even think that to be worth considering.

You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about...

The historical level of maternal deaths is probably around 1 in 100 births.[13] Mortality rates reached very high levels in maternity institutions in the 1800s, sometimes climbing to 40 percent of birthgiving women (see Historical mortality rates of puerperal fever). At the beginning of the 1900s, maternal death rates were around 1 in 100 for live births. The number in 2005 in the United States was 11 in 100,000, a decline by two orders of magnitude,[14] although that figure has begun to rise in recent years, having nearly tripled over the decade up to 2010 in California.[15] A maternal mortality rate for the U.S. of 24 per 100,000 was reported for 2008.[11] This change might not actually reflect an increase, due to a change in reporting methods by the CDC in 1999.[16]


So Wikipedia agrees with me that the number is extremely low?
I think men opting out of fatherhood and shirking their responsibility is probably a leading cause of unwanted pregnancy.

The greatest cause of unwanted pregnancy is the irresponsibly indulging in sex for instant gratification. Men and women are equally to be blamed.
I find it highly hypocritical that a woman can get an abortion, without notifying the man who impregnated her, and without even justifying it. Yet if a woman gets pregnant, keeps the baby, the male now has to pay child support. That is insane. Men should be able to opt out completely from being involved in raising the child and not have to pay a dime of child support since women can do the same thing via abortion.

its called Dontputyourtdickin
It's not a double standard, it's nature. If you don't like the way our biology is take it up with God. The child has to be cared for, period. That is the issue here and that is the purpose of child support. Whether or not you find that fair is completely irrelevant because it's not about you or men versus women, it's about the child. Don't get someone pregnant if you aren't ready to be a father and then you'll never have to deal with this situation. It's really quite a simple concept.

You are confusing biology with how an individual is treated under the law. They are not one in the same. The law says a woman can carry to term and keep the child or she can terminate the pregnancy, as it stands now the potential father has no choices under the law. If he wants the child he cannot compell her to carry to term, if doesn't want the child he cannot compell her to terminate. How would you say that legally squares with his 14th Amendment rights for equal protection under the law?

I haven't confused anything. Last I checked, men don't get pregnant, so like I said, if you have a problem with that take it up with your god. Mother Nature isn't fair and you can't legislate biology.

I see, your problem is with comprehension, go figure.

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