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If you are a Christian, you should pray for your President....

There is "well wishing" and there are prayers of intercession. Praying that a Leader will have God's will revealed to that Leader for the benefit of that person and (perhaps) the Country (if that be God's will).

If you are a non-Christian, of course, vengeance is yours.
But God says it is His.

The only powers I've ever found that are meaningfully useful in changing the minds of others are FEAR and PAIN. Then again I have so little respect or faith in any political leaders that even if they had an Epiphany I'd still be reluctant to believe them in any matter.

I've seen the Christian God's "Intercessions" (or lack thereof) and really don't expect much from Him when it comes to matters of any importance.

Doesn't seem like mayhem and violence are doing much........

Just something to think about... our time here on Earth, living in these bodies is nothing compared to eternity.
Do you believe in a life beyond this physical one?
Doesn't seem like mayhem and violence are doing much........ Thoughts?

There's a wonderful line in a movie that goes like this..... "Nothing wrong with shooting people. Just so long as the right people get shot." We've got too much of hte wrong people getting shot and not enough of the right people getting shot.

Just something to think about... our time here on Earth, living in these bodies is nothing compared to eternity.
Do you believe in a life beyond this physical one?

Yes, I do believe there are several potential lives after this one. Including scenarios where one or more of those lives are back here on Earth. I believe this life is nothing more than a testing ground for the Soul. At the end the Soul is judged and either found to be worthy of moving on to a Higher existance, to be unworthy of another chance and sent to the Lower Places or within acceptable limits to be re-educated and sent back to test again.
Yes, I do believe there are several potential lives after this one. Including scenarios where one or more of those lives are back here on Earth. I believe this life is nothing more than a testing ground for the Soul. At the end the Soul is judged and either found to be worthy of moving on to a Higher existance, to be unworthy of another chance and sent to the Lower Places or within acceptable limits to be re-educated and sent back to test again.

Is that an "organized religion" philosophy/belief or something you just believe on your own based on life knowledge and experiences?
Is that an "organized religion" philosophy/belief or something you just believe on your own based on life knowledge and experiences?

It's not part of an organized religion. I don't believe organized religion is appropriate. It's based on my own beliefs, life experiences, etc....

I believe in two things.... RIGHT and WRONG. I believe they are so deeply engrained into the Soul that religion is unnecessary, unless the Soul chooses to ignore them; at which point religion is worthless beause is not going to change the Soul's course of action anyway.
Is that an "organized religion" philosophy/belief or something you just believe on your own based on life knowledge and experiences?

It's not part of an organized religion. I don't believe organized religion is appropriate. It's based on my own beliefs, life experiences, etc....

I believe in two things.... RIGHT and WRONG. I believe they are so deeply engrained into the Soul that religion is unnecessary, unless the Soul chooses to ignore them; at which point religion is worthless beause is not going to change the Soul's course of action anyway.

How do you explain to someone that feels homosexuality is RIGHT in their soul.
Yet another person feels homosexuality is WRONG in their soul?
How do you explain to someone that feels homosexuality is RIGHT in their soul.
Yet another person feels homosexuality is WRONG in their soul?

It all goes back to whether or not that Soul has accepted the proper definitions of RIGHT and WRONG. It is my belief that every soul is taught RIGHT and WRONG at the instant that it is created. This life is a means for The Divine to determine whether each Soul has accepted RIGHT and WRONG, and is thus prepared to move on to bigger and better things or if it is beyond redemption and must be cast into the Eternal Darkness of the Abyss. Most Souls get more than one opportunity to take the test because it often takes time for them to comprehend the real meaning of RIGHT and WRONG. All too often they focus on things like Happiness, Fun, Enjoyment, or what they Want to do rather than Rightness and what they Should do. Some foresake Rightness alltogether and are quickly cast into Eternal Darkness after only one or two lives. Others learn from their mistakes and eventually earn their way to move on.
Bonzi, one does not improve the world by wishing their enemies well. One improves the world by destroying their enemies by whatever means are necessary.

Exactly what Jesus said.........

Oh wait- the exact opposite of what Jesus said....
Exactly what Jesus said......... Oh wait- the exact opposite of what Jesus said....

Which would only be meaningful if I was a Christian. I rode that train to nowhere for a quarter century before I got smart and got off it.
Bonzi, one does not improve the world by wishing their enemies well. One improves the world by destroying their enemies by whatever means are necessary.

Exactly what Jesus said.........

Oh wait- the exact opposite of what Jesus said....

No, Jesus never said wish your enemies well.
He said to love them.
Which is not the same thing.
Exactly what Jesus said......... Oh wait- the exact opposite of what Jesus said....

Which would only be meaningful if I was a Christian. I rode that train to nowhere for a quarter century before I got smart and got off it.

Then what the hell are you doing replying in this thread?

Did you even read what the title of the thread is?
Bonzi, one does not improve the world by wishing their enemies well. One improves the world by destroying their enemies by whatever means are necessary.

Exactly what Jesus said.........

Oh wait- the exact opposite of what Jesus said....

No, Jesus never said wish your enemies well.
He said to love them.
Which is not the same thing.

Jesus never said 'destroy your enemies by whatever means are necessary'.

What did Jesus say?

43“You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’r and hate your enemy. 44But I say, love your enemies!s Pray for those who persecute you! 45In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. 46If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. 47If you are kind only to your friends,t how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. 48But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.

I am no Christian- but I can recognize how wise these words are- and these words really answer the question of the OP. Those who truly are Christians and who disagree with President Obama, should be praying for him.
1 Timothy 2Amplified Bible (AMP)
2 First of all, then, I admonish and urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all men,

2 For kings and all who are in positions of authority or high responsibility, that [outwardly] we may pass a quiet and undisturbed life [and inwardly] a peaceable one in all godliness and reverence and seriousness in every way
Is that an "organized religion" philosophy/belief or something you just believe on your own based on life knowledge and experiences?

It's not part of an organized religion. I don't believe organized religion is appropriate. It's based on my own beliefs, life experiences, etc....

I believe in two things.... RIGHT and WRONG. I believe they are so deeply engrained into the Soul that religion is unnecessary, unless the Soul chooses to ignore them; at which point religion is worthless beause is not going to change the Soul's course of action anyway.

How do you explain to someone that feels homosexuality is RIGHT in their soul.
Yet another person feels homosexuality is WRONG in their soul?

By explaining to them that morality is entirely subjective​
do you agree?

No matter who is in office, you should pray for your President and God's will for your Country.

You may disagree etc. with others, but instead of trashing them, perhaps you should pray for them....
I've heard Pastors in the pulpit call out former President's (referring to one as "Slick Willy") and to me, very un-Christian like to be name calling, especially behind a pulpit........

yes I pray for Barry that he gets the fuck out.
I pray for it everyday.

Psalm 109:8

“Let his days be few; and let another take his office.”

Strange that you use the Hebrew bible given to the Jews and does not have anything to do with the christer goyim
It is part of the christian bible. It is packaged as such. Most christian sects have scripture readings out of both books during services.

If you are going to use hebrew you should use more words than just that one. For my advice you can tell me Toda. (thank you) To which I reply Bevakasha (You are welcome)
I am not in the habit of allowing others to determine for me how I "should" pray, who I should pray to, or what I should pray about...​
Or when to do the hoochie-coochie dance..

I was fascinated by her eyes. You do believe me, dontcha?

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