If you are a regular man, and you do not want to date a transgender woman, are you transphobic?

A lot of the LGBTQ claims you are transphobic if you do not want to date a transwoman.

I claim this is ridiculous and the far left is off the rails.

I do not like any penis but mine. Why does that make me transphobic?

It's ok to have preferences.

I don't want to date a chick with a dick, or a black woman, or feminist progressive liberal Democrat, or a obese woman, or a stick thin woman, a slob of a woman, a woman with no hygiene, a gold digger, or a woman thats a bitch.

Those are my preferences and none of those make me a bad person. I have standards for myself is all.

I dislike trannies, that is not the same thing as being transphobic. If I was transphobic that would mean I am afraid of them, but I'm not afraid of them. I think they are immoral creatures that are mentally ill fags.

Those people chose to be a freak that the vast majority of society has no interest in beyond giving thumbs up to on social media. In a real relationship no one will take them serious or want to be with them. So their only choice are other freaks like them. So they are responsible for not getting dates. If I shit my pants all the time and never cleaned it up I can't complain when no one wants to be around me.
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A lot of the LGBTQ claims you are transphobic if you do not want to date a transwoman.

I claim this is ridiculous and the far left is off the rails.

I do not like any penis but mine. Why does that make me transphobic?
Nope. You are allowed to like what ya like. You become phobic when ya don't allow others to like what they like. I am sure there are heterophobics also. Lol it boils down to you do you and I will do me. If both parties mind their own business there is no problem.
It's ok to have preferences.

I don't want to date a chick with a dick, or a black woman, or feminist liberal Democrat, or a obese woman, or a stick thin woman, a slob of a woman, a woman with no hygiene, a gold digger, or a woman that bitch.

Those are my preferences and none of those make me a bad person. I have standards for myself is all.

I dislike trannies, that is not the same thing as being transphobic. If I was transphobic that would mean I am afraid of them, but I'm not afraid of them. I think they are immoral creatures that are mentally ill fags.

You are infinitiphobic. Just infinite phobia.

Blair White a physically attractive TRANS (IMO)

HOWEVER. I like vaginas. Why cant I like vaginas and just be left alone?
You are infinitiphobic. Just infinite phobia.

Blair White a physically attractive TRANS (IMO)

HOWEVER. I like vaginas. Why cant I like vaginas and just be left alone?
Because this has moved far beyond wanting mere acceptance and has moved into demanding affirmation.
The issue is when they try to push this is schools to someone else's kids.

Don't you realize that's when the blowback really started?
Something becomes an issue when a group purposely sets out to make it an issue likely because some sort of offense is taken. Life isn't fair, but some believe it's much fairer for some than others. :dunno:
Because this has moved far beyond wanting mere acceptance and has moved into demanding affirmation.

It is the TRANS MAFIA.

LGBTQ is bullshit.

My uncle is a gay man in a 40 year monogamous relationship. He is conservative. He is NOTHING IN COMMON WITH A MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGER.
If we believe in biology and or the Bible we are homophobic bigots.

If we think that equality among black people and white people means that they should both stand consequences for their actions we are racists.

If we stand for our constitution and support Donald Trump we are American haters.

Yet the left claims until they're blue in the face that they are the party of equality, love, and acceptance towards everybody. Give me a break! They're delusional racist American and God hating commie bigots.
It's ok to have preferences.

I don't want to date a chick with a dick, or a black woman, or feminist progressive liberal Democrat, or a obese woman, or a stick thin woman, a slob of a woman, a woman with no hygiene, a gold digger, or a woman thats a bitch.

Those are my preferences and none of those make me a bad person. I have standards for myself is all.

I dislike trannies, that is not the same thing as being transphobic. If I was transphobic that would mean I am afraid of them, but I'm not afraid of them. I think they are immoral creatures that are mentally ill fags.

Those people chose to be a freak that the vast majority of society has no interest in beyond giving thumbs up to on social media. In a real relationship no one will take them serious or want to be with them. So their only choice are other freaks like them. So they are responsible for not getting dates. If I shit my pants all the time and never cleaned it up I can't complain when no one wants to be around me.

The only thing the nasty leftist swine need to remember.


If you are a regular man, and you do not want to date a transgender woman, are you transphobic?​

What a stupid question.

If you are straight and won't date a man, does that make you homophobic?


Next dumb question.
If we believe in biology and or the Bible we are homophobic bigots.
If you support a man who has been married three times and commits adultery on all three wives, steals the life savings of the elderly at his fake university, and steals from cancer kids, and made his fortune from gambling houses, yet you claim to be bible-compliant, you are a raging hypocrite.

AND a homophobic bigot.

A lot of the LGBTQ claims you are transphobic if you do not want to date a transwoman.

I claim this is ridiculous and the far left is off the rails.

I do not like any penis but mine. Why does that make me transphobic?
I read a story not too long ago about this trans who turned himself into a woman and he had lots of liberal friends who supported his transiness. But, he complained that none of his male friends, even though they totally supported him, would date him/her. "He" said they were hypocrites for totally supporting him and then would not date him. In a way the tranny had a point. His friends were discriminating against him because he was trans.
Just because Queer Barry had a tranny for a husband doesn't mean the rest of us should do the same.
It's a valid question. Does anyone other than yourself have standing to insist you have to be attracted to anyone else?
The OP is a shrimp boat captain. You can sail away with him and I won't care.
I read a story not too long ago about this trans who turned himself into a woman and he had lots of liberal friends who supported his transiness. But, he complained that none of his male friends, even though they totally supported him, would date him/her. "He" said they were hypocrites for totally supporting him and then would not date him. In a way the tranny had a point. His friends were discriminating against him because he was trans.

Because it was all virtue signalling in the first place.

Cult fucks lie just to go along. They are FOS AND LIE all the time.

Even most male cult fucks do want to play with another penis….as limp wristed as gay as they all seem.
If you support a man who has been married three times and commits adultery on all three wives, steals the life savings of the elderly at his fake university, and steals from cancer kids, and made his fortune from gambling houses, yet you claim to be bible-compliant, you are a raging hypocrite.

AND a homophobic bigot.
Lol, the cheating on the wife started with you loons telling us a man's sex life is nobody's business but his. The rest is you being a lying drama queen. Anyway maybe you shouldn't support a guy who took inappropriate showers with his daughter.

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