If you are a regular man, and you do not want to date a transgender woman, are you transphobic?

You are at least racist by default, and probably a woman hater and Trump supporter and thus an enema of the state. So don't do it.
There's that denial again. Then why comment in a thread about it if you are going to be ignorant about the topic at hand?
Why cosplay as if you're an expert on things you're most certainly not an expert on? What's next? Are you going to explain the plight of minorities? Women? Being a quadriplegic in today's society, perhaps?
Why cosplay as if you're an expert on things you're most certainly not an expert on? What's next? Are you going to explain the plight of minorities? Women? Being a quadriplegic in today's society, perhaps?

Arguing the topic isn't claiming agency on an identity you dumb fuck.

And when they demand acceptance, they make it everyone's business.

A lot of the LGBTQ claims you are transphobic if you do not want to date a transwoman.

I claim this is ridiculous and the far left is off the rails.

I do not like any penis but mine. Why does that make me transphobic?
You are just your normal disgusting person.
as to what you imply but are too sissy to say (being one of those males)
I would not date anyone with a mental problem esp one that they were proud of

A lot of the LGBTQ claims you are transphobic if you do not want to date a transwoman.

I claim this is ridiculous and the far left is off the rails.

I do not like any penis but mine. Why does that make me transphobic?
No, that isn’t transphobic….just penile-selective 👍🏻
If you support a man who has been married three times and commits adultery on all three wives, steals the life savings of the elderly at his fake university, and steals from cancer kids, and made his fortune from gambling houses, yet you claim to be bible-compliant, you are a raging hypocrite.

AND a homophobic bigot.
You should take the issues you have with this with the elite establishment Republicans who treat their voters with contempt. That is why Donald Trump became a power broker in politics. And only his force of will has kept him in political circles. Most men would have wilted from what he has gone through. None of the arrogant Progs would have lasted a week. There is a story of Sen. Menendez of New Jersey having a money relationship with Qatar. And there supposedly are terrorist and missiles active against others including Americans from Qatar right now. Related I do not know. However, Menendez supposedly is corrupted and if treated like the accusation Trump has, we would have the Sen. Menendez all channels beatdown every day. Lifetime/Longterm politicians need to end.
You should take the issues you have with this with the elite establishment Republicans who treat their voters with contempt. That is why Donald Trump became a power broker in politics. And only his force of will has kept him in political circles. Most men would have wilted from what he has gone through. None of the arrogant Progs would have lasted a week. There is a story of Sen. Menendez of New Jersey having a money relationship with Qatar. And there supposedly are terrorist and missiles active against others including Americans from Qatar right now. Related I do not know. However, Menendez supposedly is corrupted and if treated like the accusation Trump has, we would have the Sen. Menendez all channels beatdown every day. Lifetime/Longterm politicians need to end.
How quickly you fools forget the abuse heaped on Obama during his entire presidency, including by birther tard Donald Trump.


But this is about bible-compliance. Anyone who uses the bible as a weapon against gays yet supports the most depraved president in history is a raging hypocrite.

Simple fact.

If Obama had said or done one fifth of the things Trump has done, the bible thumpers would be at his house with pitchforks and torches, and you damn well know it.


"Grab them by the pussy"
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