If you are anti-abortion you should be pro-vaccine

1) All Humans are valuable.
2) Most of those killed by guns are suicides -- they are not criminals.

Perhaps, but you consider subhuman criminal pieces of shit to be human beings, and on that basis, oppose the right of actual human beings to defend ourselves against them.

Ultimately, this puts you on the side of subhuman criminal pieces of shit, and against the side of actual human beings.

Is there any reason at all why any actual human being should; give you any credence whatsoever, with regard to the relative rights of humans vs. criminals?
There has been absolutely NO science or factual information of any sort presented re: this scamdemic. It is clearly evidenced by the continuous contradictions and back tracking of Fauci, the CDC and WHO. But, unlike you, I DGAF what you do. Just stay out of my life and my business. Follow your science. LMAO
Concerned American knows there is no factual information on COVID. But 99% of medical and scientists, worldwide say different.
This dumbass does not know the world is bigger than the USA. How can someone be so fricking stupid.
If so, logic dictates that pro-abortion people should be anti-vaccine. Are you?
Horseshit. We are not pro abortion. We are pro choice. There is a difference. We believe that abortion is not something that should be used as a form of birth control and taken lightly, but that there are timers when it it necessary and appropriate. An embrto at 6 weeks is not a human being but the woman who dies because she is forced to go to a back ally butcher to get and abortion is. You morons think, or pretent to think that outlawing abortion will end abortions. The fact is tha both legal abortion and the vaccine saves lives
If you are anti-abortion you should be pro-vaccine.
If you value human life, you should take the vaccine to save people from dying of COVID. The science, clearly shows, that the more vaccinated, the fewer die. It is not just those who are vaccinated. There are less deaths for all, especially the most vulnerable.
Anti-abortion rely on science to make their arguments. If you rely on science then, you should rely on science for COVID.

They should love mandates too.

They have no problem with having the government force women to carry a pregnancy to term even if she was raped or survived incest so they should have no problem with government forcing people to do things.

They should have absolutely no problem with vaccines and mandates.

That is IF they aren't hypocrites.

IF they actually cared about life, which they don't and never have, they would be lining up in droves for the vaccine.

They don't give a flying fig about life beyond their ability to exploit it for their own personal and political gan.
Horseshit. We are not pro abortion. We are pro choice. There is a difference. We believe that abortion is not something that should be used as a form of birth control and taken lightly, but that there are timers when it it necessary and appropriate.
Progressives who support abortion like Conservatives who support guns do not value Human Life.
They should love mandates too.

They have no problem with having the government force women to carry a pregnancy to term even if she was raped or survived incest so they should have no problem with government forcing people to do things.

They should have absolutely no problem with vaccines and mandates.

That is IF they aren't hypocrites.

IF they actually cared about life, which they don't and never have, they would be lining up in droves for the vaccine.

They don't give a flying fig about life beyond their ability to exploit it for their own personal and political gan.
Virtue Signaling Drama Award here. The facts of laws passed in Red States says YOU ARE LYING or DELUSIONAL.
They should love mandates too.

They have no problem with having the government force women to carry a pregnancy to term even if she was raped or survived incest so they should have no problem with government forcing people to do things.

They should have absolutely no problem with vaccines and mandates.
I am vaccinated and support vaccines.

I oppose guns and illegal drugs.
I read a recent write up concerning that sports guy named Mike Fisher. He says that he is allergic to whatever is in them vaccination injections. To me, anyone who thinks that he should be getting vaccinated anyway should be arrested for attempted murder.

God bless you and him always!!!

I read a recent write up concerning that sports guy named Mike Fisher. He says that he is allergic to whatever is in them vaccination injections. To me, anyone who thinks that he should be getting vaccinated anyway should be arrested for attempted murder.

God bless you and him always!!!

It's called PEG..
I read a recent write up concerning that sports guy named Mike Fisher. He says that he is allergic to whatever is in them vaccination injections. To me, anyone who thinks that he should be getting vaccinated anyway should be arrested for attempted murder.

God bless you and him always!!!

There are multiple vaccines with very different ingrediants.
Horseshit. We are not pro abortion. We are pro choice. There is a difference. We believe that abortion is not something that should be used as a form of birth control and taken lightly, but that there are timers when it it necessary and appropriate. An embrto at 6 weeks is not a human being but the woman who dies because she is forced to go to a back ally butcher to get and abortion is. You morons think, or pretent to think that outlawing abortion will end abortions. The fact is tha both legal abortion and the vaccine saves lives
There is a good chance that there will be less abortions if it were legal. It allows counciling, education. Resources for those who are thinking about having sex or having sex.
There was more speak easies and drinking during prohibition than bars and drinking when drinking was legal.
AN ABSOLUTE LIE. Do you people ever tell the truth. Do you know the difference between truth and a lie?
J&J does not contain PEG.
Quit lying asshole.
  • PEG is an ingredient in the mRNA vaccines, and polysorbate is an ingredient in the J&J/Janssen vaccine. If you are allergic to PEG, you should not get an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. Ask your doctor if you can get the J&J/Janssen vaccine. If you are allergic to polysorbate, you should not get the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccine.
Well every once and a while you get lucky lol

I thought PEG was in all 3 and stand corrected. That is not a LIE. A honest mistake.
Progressives who support abortion like Conservatives who support guns do not value Human Life.

So you are saying those who support abortion that saves lives don't value human life?

There are only 2 outcomes to an ectopic pregnancy.

1. The woman has an abortion. She lives.
2. The woman doesn't have an abortion. She dies.

That are the only 2 outcomes to an ectopic pregnancy. There are 68 thousand ectopic pregnancies in America every year.

Are you saying that people who's fetus has serious complications and will die after birth so they have an abortion don't value life?

There are many reasons for abortion. Many of those reasons saves lives.

No one likes abortion. No one wants to have one but sometimes it's necessary and no, it's not having no value of human life.

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