If you are anti-abortion you should be pro-vaccine

So you are saying those who support abortion that saves lives don't value human life?

There are only 2 outcomes to an ectopic pregnancy.

1. The woman has an abortion. She lives.
2. The woman doesn't have an abortion. She dies.

That are the only 2 outcomes to an ectopic pregnancy. There are 68 thousand ectopic pregnancies in America every year.

Are you saying that people who's fetus has serious complications and will die after birth so they have an abortion don't value life?

There are many reasons for abortion. Many of those reasons saves lives.

No one likes abortion. No one wants to have one but sometimes it's necessary and no, it's not having no value of human life.
I guess abortions must be allowed if there is a medical necessity.

I am not a policy maker.
The Fauci Jab seems to be designed to promote long term disease in addition to known short term conditions such as heart attack, paralysis, etc.

I guess abortions must be allowed if there is a medical necessity.

I am not a policy maker.

You don't make those choices.

That choice is left up to the people who are involved.

Not a complete stranger on the internet or the government.

You have no say in this.

It's not up to you to "allow" anything.

As for your statement about those who get an abortion not valuing human life, that's not up to you to determine or judge either.

It's none of your business.

You can make those choices for yourself only.

No one else.

When it's not your body, you have no say. Much less "allow" anyone to do anything.
Horseshit. We are not pro abortion. We are pro choice. There is a difference. We believe that abortion is not something that should be used as a form of birth control and taken lightly, but that there are timers when it it necessary and appropriate. An embrto [sic] at 6 weeks is not a human being but the woman who dies because she is forced to go to a back ally butcher to get and abortion is. You morons think, or pretent [sic] to think that outlawing abortion will end abortions. The fact is tha [sic] both legal abortion and the vaccine saves lives

You believe that in certain circumstances, one should be allowed the “choice” to murder an innocents human being in cold blood.

But do you believe we should be allowed the choice of whether or not we will have a dangerous, experimental drug injected into us, under the fraudulent guise of “protecting” us from a disease that itself poses no risk to the vast majority of us?

The fact is tha [sic] both legal abortion and the vaccine saves lives

  • War is peace!
  • Freedom is slavery!
  • Ignorance is strength!
  • Murder saves lives!
  • Being injected with dangerous experimental drugs saves lives!
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The sad thing there is nothing to reverse the Fauci Jab once a person gets the first, second, third, fourth, etc.
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You don't make those choices.

That choice is left up to the people who are involved.

Not a complete stranger on the internet or the government.

You have no say in this.

It's not up to you to "allow" anything.
Agreed. I will not do anything illegal. But I will support pro-life candidates -- with words and possibly donations.
Back on topic, I notice after almost two years of the Fauci Flu bullshit there are no mandates for air filtration systems and UV disinfecting lights, both of which kill basically any virus and bacteria including the virus Fauci financed at that lab in China.
You don't make those choices.

That choice is left up to the people who are involved.

Not a complete stranger on the internet or the government.

You have no say in this.

It's not up to you to "allow" anything.

As for your statement about those who get an abortion not valuing human life, that's not up to you to determine or judge either.

It's none of your business.

You can make those choices for yourself only.

No one else.

When it's not your body, you have no say. Much less "allow" anyone to do anything.
Tell me a baby can speak for himself when he is aborted at birth???? Your side is fine with that . When someone cant speak for themselves others have to say stop murderung them.

All laws in red states are further in development and DO NOT SAY Rape victims cant get an abortion. They also require Parental concent if you are a minor.

And now my body my choice goes away with vaccines.

If you are anti-abortion you should be pro-vaccine.
If you value human life, you should take the vaccine to save people from dying of COVID. The science, clearly shows, that the more vaccinated, the fewer die. It is not just those who are vaccinated. There are less deaths for all, especially the most vulnerable.
Anti-abortion rely on science to make their arguments. If you rely on science then, you should rely on science for COVID.
One could also say that if you are pro choice you should be anti vaccine mandate. My body my choice but the problem with either assertion is that it sets up an appearl to hypocrisy . They are separate issues and should not be tied together. One should make their argument for or against abortion, and for or against vaccines on their own merits andsaparatly

If you are anti-abortion you should be pro-vaccine.
If you value human life, you should take the vaccine to save people from dying of COVID. The science, clearly shows, that the more vaccinated, the fewer die. It is not just those who are vaccinated. There are less deaths for all, especially the most vulnerable.
Anti-abortion rely on science to make their arguments. If you rely on science then, you should rely on science for COVID.
And if you're pro choice, you should be anti vaccine.

Your logic. Not mine.
Back on topic, I notice after almost two years of the Fauci Flu bullshit there are no mandates for air filtration systems and UV disinfecting lights, both of which kill basically any virus and bacteria including the virus Fauci financed at that lab in China.
Yea, and no mandate that we all drink bleach.
If you are anti-abortion you should be pro-vaccine.
If you value human life, you should take the vaccine to save people from dying of COVID. The science, clearly shows, that the more vaccinated, the fewer die. It is not just those who are vaccinated. There are less deaths for all, especially the most vulnerable.
Anti-abortion rely on science to make their arguments. If you rely on science then, you should rely on science for COVID.

^^ This argument is a stretch to the likes that has never been seen on USMB. Please tell us you didn't think of this all on your own.

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