If you are disliked because of your race...

That doesn't actually answer the question. Feeling guilty, reasonable or not, is not the same as considering one's self a second class citizen.

As of July 1 of last year, the US Census Bureau estimated that just under 77% of the population was white, or just over 61% if you take out Hispanics/Latinos. U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: UNITED STATES Even if every minority person considers whites to be second class citizens, it would still require quite a few whites to think of themselves as second class in order for a majority to feel that way. If you are going to say that society considers whites to be second class citizens, I would think that at least half the population should agree. Of course, I am certain not all Americans who are members of racial minorities feel that way, which would raise the number of whites who need to feel that way for society in general to.

The reality is, many whites think they ought to be second class citizens. Probably most whites think they should be second class citizens.

To begin with, in terms of raw numbers, there are more Democrats than Republicans. The Democrats are dissatisfied with America. They hate every facet of its culture, which is in part - based upon race. The unalienable Rights our forefathers fought, bled and died in order to secure are treated like a joke by the majority of Americans. Self hating and self loathing whites do not appreciate their culture and, as a result, support ideologies that are foreign to white culture.

That's not to say that a lot of whites do not deserve some of the treatment they receive from their own who are dissatisfied with their heritage. I mean they willingly do things like drugs. Nobody is forcing the white activists to act like morons either. If the best they can do are neo-nazis, the alt - right, White Nationalists, KKK, and Donald Trump they probably deserve what they're getting.

I don't feel that I'm being treated like a second class citizen; I am treated like a second class citizen. In my lifetime, when the government did not like the policies of Bob Jones University (a Christian university, they told them either change their tenets of faith or lose their tax exempt status. And so the precedent was set: Those churches that are a reflection of our heritage will be unfairly taxed and treated differently. Meanwhile the black people are never criticized when they have schools like Morehouse where one would have to struggle hard to find any white students.

Atlanta used to boast of an all black city council. They boasted about it! It might still be that way for all I know. But, the point is, NOBODY criticized them. By contrast, when my county commissioner dared criticize U.S. Rep. John Lewis (who isn't even a representative in our district) the blacks came in and shut this county down over a county official. Nothing our county officials do affects the legislative abilities of a U.S. Representative in another district.

I could multiply the examples, but they would only be marginalized and denied. That only adds insult to injury when one is already being denied the equal protection of the laws as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.

Democrats hate every facet of American culture? That's a ridiculous statement and clearly untrue.

You would have to define 'white culture' for most whites to not appreciate it. I think if you took random people from around the country and asked them to define white culture, you'd get quite a bit of conflicting answers.

People of all races do drugs, and always have. It has nothing to do with race. What is the racial connection there?

What does Bob Jones University have to do with whites being treated as second class citizens? How was it "unfairly taxed" or "treated differently"? What was it treated differently than?

I don't see the connection between the Atlanta city council and your county commissioner. You brought up two seemingly unrelated examples.

None of the examples you have given seem to indicate whites being treated as second class citizens. Maybe you should define what you mean by second class citizen, because it does not seem to fit your narrative at all.

OMG. Tell me you're kidding. Please tell me you're not that stupid. Please. This is the 21st century. If you're going to try and pick a board fight, make sure you know what you're talking about. Limit your criticisms because I will not answer them all in one post.

Because of the founding of America, part of our culture rests with our race.

1790 marked the year that we had our first laws regarding citizenship. Bottom line: citizenship was limited to whites. While immigration was open and virtually everybody on God's green earth came here, citizenship was limited to whites.

Most, if not all, of our early state constitutions limited the ability to hold public office to whites of the Protestant faith. Our Declaration of Independence was signed by all white males and was probably inspired by the Magna Charta... except that the Declaration of Independence states that your Rights are unalienable and bestowed upon you by a Creator.

Our laws are based upon the English Common Law and biblical principles (again those came from white countries.)

Today, on the surface, the Democrat / liberal / left tries to tell you they want to be more inclusive, but that's a lie. What they really seek to do is to change every facet of our government on the installment plan and lock the posterity of the founding fathers out of the nation our forefathers fought, bled and died establishing.

Do you think I'm stupid for not knowing how you define white culture, or for not agreeing with your broad generalization of Democrats?

This post does not define white culture. It does little but provide a bit of history of the country. Are you saying that white culture only allows whites to be citizens? Are you saying that white culture is Protestant? Are you saying white culture follows English law?

I don't agree that Democrats want to change every facet of our government. Why would they? The current system keeps them in power close to half of the time. More, your original statement was that Democrats hate every facet of American culture, not government. Do you honestly believe that the millions of Democrats in this country all hate every facet of the culture?

I'm not sure why you think I would follow your demand that I "limit [my] criticisms." If you don't want to respond to my entire post, that is entirely up to you, but I'm under no obligation to limit my responses to what you prefer, particularly as I was simply responding to your post point by point. Odd that you seem to think it is fine for you to make as many different points as you like in a post, but want me to avoid responding to them all.

Do you think American culture is the same now as it was at the founding of the country?

The first thing you have to do is get off your high horse. I didn't presume that you're stupid. Had I thought that, I would treat you like the little children who think they rule this site. As I recall, I showed you both respect and courtesy.

1) I don't recall that defining white culture was a prerequisite to a conversation

2) You cannot ask for the definition for a term that imprecise, but you cannot discount the reality of the founding of America

3) Obviously, anyone can become a citizen today; however, not in the founding of this country can you make that case

4) The majority of our founders were Protestant AND most of the early state constitutions required one to be white and Protestant (a few used the word Christian.) For example in my home state of Georgia, the 1777 state constitution provided:

"ART. IX. All male white inhabitants, of the age of twenty-one years, and possessed in his own right of ten pounds value, and liable to pay tax in this State, or being of any mechanic trade, and shall have been resident six months in this State, shall have a right to vote at all elections for representatives, or any other officers, herein agreed to be chosen by the people at large; and every person having a right to vote at any election shall vote by ballot personally."

The Avalon Project : Constitution of Georgia; February 5, 1777

Another article expounds on the history of our jurisprudence (since you asked about it as well):

"So where does law come from? In America, our law system came from Great Britain. The settlers of the original thirteen colonies came from Europe, and they brought with them their own set of rules and principles to be used in their new society.

The English common law was the system of law in England at that time and was quickly adopted throughout the colonies. The English common law is rooted in centuries of English history. Much of the common law was formed in the years between the Norman Conquest of England in the early 11th century and the settlement of the American colonies in the early 17th century

American Law: History & Origins from English Common Law - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com

Is American culture the same as it was during the founding? Of course not. But, just because we have become inclusive, the liberals think it should be a pretext for committing a subtle form of genocide against that culture that is responsible for the founding of this nation.

Finally, when you examine what the left wing / liberal / Democrats want, it is antithetical to the foundational principles upon which this nation was founded. From gun control to the assaults on religious Liberties and from the Nanny State to socialism, the Dems have no use for the concept of unalienable Rights. Disagree all you like; it is your Right as an American... one I will gladly defend for you (even at the risk of my own life.)

But, now that you see that just to give you examples of a FEW of the many things you wanted to challenge can you appreciate that we cannot cover the world in every posting. You don't have to be like the children either that make six off topic posts to me or about me every time I post. Heaven forbid they need a babysitter and I don't want to take the time to give them a bottle and put a diaper on them.

This is "respect and courtesy"?
OMG. Tell me you're kidding. Please tell me you're not that stupid. Please.

Certainly, you could have been much harsher, but you seem to be giving yourself a bit more credit than is warranted. That's just regarding this post, as well; if you look at previous posts, "respect and courtesy" have not always been obvious.

I can't ask for a definition for white culture? First of all, obviously I can and have. You would be more accurate to say you can't provide such a definition because it is too imprecise. Second, if you are going to claim that self-hating whites don't appreciate their culture, and "support ideologies that are foreign to white culture," it would be helpful to know what you mean by 'white culture.' So far you've given the impression that white culture is the culture of the US at its founding.

As I understand it, early state constitutions required public office holders to be Christian, or specifically Protestant. Voting and testifying in a trial were also things that might require a degree of faith. I'd appreciate examples of citizenship requiring Protestant faith.

I'm only interested in English law as it relates to white culture, at least in the context of this conversation. You seem to be connecting the two, and I'm trying to figure out just what you mean when you talk about whites supporting ideologies other than white culture.

You continue to make very broad generalizations about a significant portion of the population in claiming Democrats or liberals hate every facet of American culture. Of course, that's not at all uncommon on this site. :p

I don't expect to "cover the world in every posting." I'm not bringing up unrelated topics, I'm responding to the things you have posted. I'm sorry if you have a problem with me responding to the things you type. I'm not creating unreasonably long posts, nor am I inserting subjects you have not already brought up into the conversation. I will continue to respond to the things I read in posts. Clearly you can respond or not as you wish.
Unfortunately, in many places just being black makes you look suspicious.

And where I live whites are stereotyped (though some of it was deserved) and they are looked upon with suspicion.
Never really thought about white stereotypes. I suppose it would include the idea that they are extremely self-involved, uneducated about people other than themselves, and are unable to understand the complicated ways in which people who are not white live.

Regardless of ethnicity or race, stereotyping is unfair because it is the antithesis of individuality. Stereotyping is the easy and often inaccurate way of forming an opinion of a person or group.

Thank you for staying on point.

Prejudice is when people develop an opinion absent thought, knowledge, or reason.

At some levels I believe that whites incur an unfavorable stereotype due to their own actions. Over 80 percent of the world's opioids are consumed in the United States. In one article:

"The rate of heroin use among white adults increased by 114% between 2004 and 2013, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The rate among nonwhite adults remained relatively unchanged during that same period."

The opioid addiction epidemic has a racial divide—fewer minorities prescribed opioids

On this one issue alone, and there are many, white people show up for jobs looking like... drug addicts. Proportionately, they are. Having changed their culture over the last several decades, stereotypes are being developed and it's not all unfair.

Whites, being the founding race of this country and having access to a lot of its wealth, have no excuse for what they have done to themselves. But they do it and they do this stuff in droves. Since they get hooked on drugs, they end up in prison. As stated before, America has more people in prison than any nation on this planet. So, millions of white people (a disproportionate amount) have a criminal record and are locked out of the job market.

Before long, most non-whites and probably the bulk of foreigners see a race covered in body piercings, tattoos, wearing clothes that look like they were discarded by homeless people in a ghetto. They might not say it, but where I live at you can tell. Whites, as a race, do not garner the respect they once could. Much of it is our own fault.

We allow our people to become low lifes and then there is a resistance to rehabilitating those who have fallen by the wayside. But, we are all judged by those who get to be our ambassadors. Adding insult to injury, not having a credible leadership, the masses have allowed people like the alt-right, White Nationalists, KKK, neo-nazis, and Donald Trump types to represent them.

Yes, whites ARE being treated like second class citizens. But, it's our own damn fault more than half the time.
Stereotyping is never fair or deserved unless the stereotype applies to everyone in the group. It is most damaging when it is practiced by people who make decisions that seriously effect people's lives such a person hiring, firing, renting property, or policing. Judging each person based on their own personal merits at times is hard and may require more work, but given time it will solve most of our social problems.

Fair or unfair, in a de jure / constitutional Republic such as our forefathers founded, it is the prerogative of an employer to hire whomever they think is the best candidate for the job. Since the employer owns the job, it should be the employer's decision as to who they hire or fire.

The same holds true for property owners. One of the great hallmarks of a free nation is the Right to own property.

On those counts I have no problem. But, when the government creates their own equivalent of a religion (in this case equality by force) and they lock out an entire segment of the country from an equal participation in the legal / political process AND the ability to exercise their unalienable Rights, I have a personal issue with it.

Are you claiming that whites have been locked out of equal participation in the legal / political process?
The reality is, many whites think they ought to be second class citizens. Probably most whites think they should be second class citizens.

To begin with, in terms of raw numbers, there are more Democrats than Republicans. The Democrats are dissatisfied with America. They hate every facet of its culture, which is in part - based upon race. The unalienable Rights our forefathers fought, bled and died in order to secure are treated like a joke by the majority of Americans. Self hating and self loathing whites do not appreciate their culture and, as a result, support ideologies that are foreign to white culture.

That's not to say that a lot of whites do not deserve some of the treatment they receive from their own who are dissatisfied with their heritage. I mean they willingly do things like drugs. Nobody is forcing the white activists to act like morons either. If the best they can do are neo-nazis, the alt - right, White Nationalists, KKK, and Donald Trump they probably deserve what they're getting.

I don't feel that I'm being treated like a second class citizen; I am treated like a second class citizen. In my lifetime, when the government did not like the policies of Bob Jones University (a Christian university, they told them either change their tenets of faith or lose their tax exempt status. And so the precedent was set: Those churches that are a reflection of our heritage will be unfairly taxed and treated differently. Meanwhile the black people are never criticized when they have schools like Morehouse where one would have to struggle hard to find any white students.

Atlanta used to boast of an all black city council. They boasted about it! It might still be that way for all I know. But, the point is, NOBODY criticized them. By contrast, when my county commissioner dared criticize U.S. Rep. John Lewis (who isn't even a representative in our district) the blacks came in and shut this county down over a county official. Nothing our county officials do affects the legislative abilities of a U.S. Representative in another district.

I could multiply the examples, but they would only be marginalized and denied. That only adds insult to injury when one is already being denied the equal protection of the laws as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.

Democrats hate every facet of American culture? That's a ridiculous statement and clearly untrue.

You would have to define 'white culture' for most whites to not appreciate it. I think if you took random people from around the country and asked them to define white culture, you'd get quite a bit of conflicting answers.

People of all races do drugs, and always have. It has nothing to do with race. What is the racial connection there?

What does Bob Jones University have to do with whites being treated as second class citizens? How was it "unfairly taxed" or "treated differently"? What was it treated differently than?

I don't see the connection between the Atlanta city council and your county commissioner. You brought up two seemingly unrelated examples.

None of the examples you have given seem to indicate whites being treated as second class citizens. Maybe you should define what you mean by second class citizen, because it does not seem to fit your narrative at all.

OMG. Tell me you're kidding. Please tell me you're not that stupid. Please. This is the 21st century. If you're going to try and pick a board fight, make sure you know what you're talking about. Limit your criticisms because I will not answer them all in one post.

Because of the founding of America, part of our culture rests with our race.

1790 marked the year that we had our first laws regarding citizenship. Bottom line: citizenship was limited to whites. While immigration was open and virtually everybody on God's green earth came here, citizenship was limited to whites.

Most, if not all, of our early state constitutions limited the ability to hold public office to whites of the Protestant faith. Our Declaration of Independence was signed by all white males and was probably inspired by the Magna Charta... except that the Declaration of Independence states that your Rights are unalienable and bestowed upon you by a Creator.

Our laws are based upon the English Common Law and biblical principles (again those came from white countries.)

Today, on the surface, the Democrat / liberal / left tries to tell you they want to be more inclusive, but that's a lie. What they really seek to do is to change every facet of our government on the installment plan and lock the posterity of the founding fathers out of the nation our forefathers fought, bled and died establishing.

Do you think I'm stupid for not knowing how you define white culture, or for not agreeing with your broad generalization of Democrats?

This post does not define white culture. It does little but provide a bit of history of the country. Are you saying that white culture only allows whites to be citizens? Are you saying that white culture is Protestant? Are you saying white culture follows English law?

I don't agree that Democrats want to change every facet of our government. Why would they? The current system keeps them in power close to half of the time. More, your original statement was that Democrats hate every facet of American culture, not government. Do you honestly believe that the millions of Democrats in this country all hate every facet of the culture?

I'm not sure why you think I would follow your demand that I "limit [my] criticisms." If you don't want to respond to my entire post, that is entirely up to you, but I'm under no obligation to limit my responses to what you prefer, particularly as I was simply responding to your post point by point. Odd that you seem to think it is fine for you to make as many different points as you like in a post, but want me to avoid responding to them all.

Do you think American culture is the same now as it was at the founding of the country?

The first thing you have to do is get off your high horse. I didn't presume that you're stupid. Had I thought that, I would treat you like the little children who think they rule this site. As I recall, I showed you both respect and courtesy.

1) I don't recall that defining white culture was a prerequisite to a conversation

2) You cannot ask for the definition for a term that imprecise, but you cannot discount the reality of the founding of America

3) Obviously, anyone can become a citizen today; however, not in the founding of this country can you make that case

4) The majority of our founders were Protestant AND most of the early state constitutions required one to be white and Protestant (a few used the word Christian.) For example in my home state of Georgia, the 1777 state constitution provided:

"ART. IX. All male white inhabitants, of the age of twenty-one years, and possessed in his own right of ten pounds value, and liable to pay tax in this State, or being of any mechanic trade, and shall have been resident six months in this State, shall have a right to vote at all elections for representatives, or any other officers, herein agreed to be chosen by the people at large; and every person having a right to vote at any election shall vote by ballot personally."

The Avalon Project : Constitution of Georgia; February 5, 1777

Another article expounds on the history of our jurisprudence (since you asked about it as well):

"So where does law come from? In America, our law system came from Great Britain. The settlers of the original thirteen colonies came from Europe, and they brought with them their own set of rules and principles to be used in their new society.

The English common law was the system of law in England at that time and was quickly adopted throughout the colonies. The English common law is rooted in centuries of English history. Much of the common law was formed in the years between the Norman Conquest of England in the early 11th century and the settlement of the American colonies in the early 17th century

American Law: History & Origins from English Common Law - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com

Is American culture the same as it was during the founding? Of course not. But, just because we have become inclusive, the liberals think it should be a pretext for committing a subtle form of genocide against that culture that is responsible for the founding of this nation.

Finally, when you examine what the left wing / liberal / Democrats want, it is antithetical to the foundational principles upon which this nation was founded. From gun control to the assaults on religious Liberties and from the Nanny State to socialism, the Dems have no use for the concept of unalienable Rights. Disagree all you like; it is your Right as an American... one I will gladly defend for you (even at the risk of my own life.)

But, now that you see that just to give you examples of a FEW of the many things you wanted to challenge can you appreciate that we cannot cover the world in every posting. You don't have to be like the children either that make six off topic posts to me or about me every time I post. Heaven forbid they need a babysitter and I don't want to take the time to give them a bottle and put a diaper on them.

This is "respect and courtesy"?
OMG. Tell me you're kidding. Please tell me you're not that stupid. Please.

Certainly, you could have been much harsher, but you seem to be giving yourself a bit more credit than is warranted. That's just regarding this post, as well; if you look at previous posts, "respect and courtesy" have not always been obvious.

I can't ask for a definition for white culture? First of all, obviously I can and have. You would be more accurate to say you can't provide such a definition because it is too imprecise. Second, if you are going to claim that self-hating whites don't appreciate their culture, and "support ideologies that are foreign to white culture," it would be helpful to know what you mean by 'white culture.' So far you've given the impression that white culture is the culture of the US at its founding.

As I understand it, early state constitutions required public office holders to be Christian, or specifically Protestant. Voting and testifying in a trial were also things that might require a degree of faith. I'd appreciate examples of citizenship requiring Protestant faith.

I'm only interested in English law as it relates to white culture, at least in the context of this conversation. You seem to be connecting the two, and I'm trying to figure out just what you mean when you talk about whites supporting ideologies other than white culture.

You continue to make very broad generalizations about a significant portion of the population in claiming Democrats or liberals hate every facet of American culture. Of course, that's not at all uncommon on this site. :p

I don't expect to "cover the world in every posting." I'm not bringing up unrelated topics, I'm responding to the things you have posted. I'm sorry if you have a problem with me responding to the things you type. I'm not creating unreasonably long posts, nor am I inserting subjects you have not already brought up into the conversation. I will continue to respond to the things I read in posts. Clearly you can respond or not as you wish.

I have stated that nobody can give you a precise definition of white culture. And they can't. Still, even in the mainstream there is this vague idea of America.

Our nation was founded on the idea of unalienable Rights. NO other nation on earth and at no time ever asserted such a position AND backed it up with legal guarantees (Bill of Rights) that protect the individual from government tyranny. Those precepts have roots going back to other white countries and Anglo Saxon laws.

White culture, for purposes of this discussion, have their primary roots in the founding of this country, but the founders got their ideas from other whites. Our system of government and our basic values were derived from white countries and the Christian religion. United States Supreme Court Justice David Brewer put the basic idea into perspective relative to our religion being a part of our culture (as differentiated from a theocracy.)

Full text of "The United States a Christian nation"

One would argue (and I expect that you will) that many societies share similar values; however, ours came to us by way of Anglo Saxon laws and customs that the founders brought with them. At some level it is as much a part of our being as the blood that flows through our veins.

There is no generalization there. Our primary values were rooted in our racial and religious experience. It was handed down from generation to generation. Today, many non-white political activists hate, loathe, and / or despise the whites and all that they represent. They are joined by misguided whites that are detached from the achievements and contributions of their ancestors.

So, do you want to focus on the elements of white culture OR the people who seek to destroy the America envisioned by the founders?

Finally, I chided you mainly because I was being trolled by children and thought you might be headed down the same path with them. If I came on too strong, I apologize. It is very difficult to get a realistic and meaningful dialogue going when so many people are using the boards for amusement rather than to have a real discussion. I don't expect you to agree or accept what I'm saying, but you will gain an understanding as to why some people hold similar views as I do. No group of people support all of what I say, so be forewarned.
And where I live whites are stereotyped (though some of it was deserved) and they are looked upon with suspicion.
Never really thought about white stereotypes. I suppose it would include the idea that they are extremely self-involved, uneducated about people other than themselves, and are unable to understand the complicated ways in which people who are not white live.

Regardless of ethnicity or race, stereotyping is unfair because it is the antithesis of individuality. Stereotyping is the easy and often inaccurate way of forming an opinion of a person or group.

Thank you for staying on point.

Prejudice is when people develop an opinion absent thought, knowledge, or reason.

At some levels I believe that whites incur an unfavorable stereotype due to their own actions. Over 80 percent of the world's opioids are consumed in the United States. In one article:

"The rate of heroin use among white adults increased by 114% between 2004 and 2013, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The rate among nonwhite adults remained relatively unchanged during that same period."

The opioid addiction epidemic has a racial divide—fewer minorities prescribed opioids

On this one issue alone, and there are many, white people show up for jobs looking like... drug addicts. Proportionately, they are. Having changed their culture over the last several decades, stereotypes are being developed and it's not all unfair.

Whites, being the founding race of this country and having access to a lot of its wealth, have no excuse for what they have done to themselves. But they do it and they do this stuff in droves. Since they get hooked on drugs, they end up in prison. As stated before, America has more people in prison than any nation on this planet. So, millions of white people (a disproportionate amount) have a criminal record and are locked out of the job market.

Before long, most non-whites and probably the bulk of foreigners see a race covered in body piercings, tattoos, wearing clothes that look like they were discarded by homeless people in a ghetto. They might not say it, but where I live at you can tell. Whites, as a race, do not garner the respect they once could. Much of it is our own fault.

We allow our people to become low lifes and then there is a resistance to rehabilitating those who have fallen by the wayside. But, we are all judged by those who get to be our ambassadors. Adding insult to injury, not having a credible leadership, the masses have allowed people like the alt-right, White Nationalists, KKK, neo-nazis, and Donald Trump types to represent them.

Yes, whites ARE being treated like second class citizens. But, it's our own damn fault more than half the time.
Stereotyping is never fair or deserved unless the stereotype applies to everyone in the group. It is most damaging when it is practiced by people who make decisions that seriously effect people's lives such a person hiring, firing, renting property, or policing. Judging each person based on their own personal merits at times is hard and may require more work, but given time it will solve most of our social problems.

Fair or unfair, in a de jure / constitutional Republic such as our forefathers founded, it is the prerogative of an employer to hire whomever they think is the best candidate for the job. Since the employer owns the job, it should be the employer's decision as to who they hire or fire.

The same holds true for property owners. One of the great hallmarks of a free nation is the Right to own property.

On those counts I have no problem. But, when the government creates their own equivalent of a religion (in this case equality by force) and they lock out an entire segment of the country from an equal participation in the legal / political process AND the ability to exercise their unalienable Rights, I have a personal issue with it.

Are you claiming that whites have been locked out of equal participation in the legal / political process?

Most have. When the best they can do is Donald Trump, it should be obvious that one segment of society is without leadership and influence of any kind.
Never really thought about white stereotypes. I suppose it would include the idea that they are extremely self-involved, uneducated about people other than themselves, and are unable to understand the complicated ways in which people who are not white live.

Regardless of ethnicity or race, stereotyping is unfair because it is the antithesis of individuality. Stereotyping is the easy and often inaccurate way of forming an opinion of a person or group.

Thank you for staying on point.

Prejudice is when people develop an opinion absent thought, knowledge, or reason.

At some levels I believe that whites incur an unfavorable stereotype due to their own actions. Over 80 percent of the world's opioids are consumed in the United States. In one article:

"The rate of heroin use among white adults increased by 114% between 2004 and 2013, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The rate among nonwhite adults remained relatively unchanged during that same period."

The opioid addiction epidemic has a racial divide—fewer minorities prescribed opioids

On this one issue alone, and there are many, white people show up for jobs looking like... drug addicts. Proportionately, they are. Having changed their culture over the last several decades, stereotypes are being developed and it's not all unfair.

Whites, being the founding race of this country and having access to a lot of its wealth, have no excuse for what they have done to themselves. But they do it and they do this stuff in droves. Since they get hooked on drugs, they end up in prison. As stated before, America has more people in prison than any nation on this planet. So, millions of white people (a disproportionate amount) have a criminal record and are locked out of the job market.

Before long, most non-whites and probably the bulk of foreigners see a race covered in body piercings, tattoos, wearing clothes that look like they were discarded by homeless people in a ghetto. They might not say it, but where I live at you can tell. Whites, as a race, do not garner the respect they once could. Much of it is our own fault.

We allow our people to become low lifes and then there is a resistance to rehabilitating those who have fallen by the wayside. But, we are all judged by those who get to be our ambassadors. Adding insult to injury, not having a credible leadership, the masses have allowed people like the alt-right, White Nationalists, KKK, neo-nazis, and Donald Trump types to represent them.

Yes, whites ARE being treated like second class citizens. But, it's our own damn fault more than half the time.
Stereotyping is never fair or deserved unless the stereotype applies to everyone in the group. It is most damaging when it is practiced by people who make decisions that seriously effect people's lives such a person hiring, firing, renting property, or policing. Judging each person based on their own personal merits at times is hard and may require more work, but given time it will solve most of our social problems.

Fair or unfair, in a de jure / constitutional Republic such as our forefathers founded, it is the prerogative of an employer to hire whomever they think is the best candidate for the job. Since the employer owns the job, it should be the employer's decision as to who they hire or fire.

The same holds true for property owners. One of the great hallmarks of a free nation is the Right to own property.

On those counts I have no problem. But, when the government creates their own equivalent of a religion (in this case equality by force) and they lock out an entire segment of the country from an equal participation in the legal / political process AND the ability to exercise their unalienable Rights, I have a personal issue with it.

Are you claiming that whites have been locked out of equal participation in the legal / political process?

Most have. When the best they can do is Donald Trump, it should be obvious that one segment of society is without leadership and influence of any kind.

Being without leadership is a far different thing than being locked out of equal participation in politics. The vast majority of representatives are Christian white men. There are 535 members of Congress. The 115th Congress, sworn in in January, had 104 women, 102 minorities, and only 39 non-Christians. 115th Congress will be most racially diverse in history

If there is a lack of equality in the political process, it seems to swing toward whites, men, and Christians at the federal level. Having 19% of Congress made up of minority representatives makes it the most racially diverse Congress in history, and it still leaves minorities under-represented based on population numbers: 38% of the country is made up of minorities. 115th Congress sets new high for racial, ethnic diversity

Since representation at the federal level is overwhelmingly made up of whites, what makes you say that whites are locked out of equal participation in the political process?
Democrats hate every facet of American culture? That's a ridiculous statement and clearly untrue.

You would have to define 'white culture' for most whites to not appreciate it. I think if you took random people from around the country and asked them to define white culture, you'd get quite a bit of conflicting answers.

People of all races do drugs, and always have. It has nothing to do with race. What is the racial connection there?

What does Bob Jones University have to do with whites being treated as second class citizens? How was it "unfairly taxed" or "treated differently"? What was it treated differently than?

I don't see the connection between the Atlanta city council and your county commissioner. You brought up two seemingly unrelated examples.

None of the examples you have given seem to indicate whites being treated as second class citizens. Maybe you should define what you mean by second class citizen, because it does not seem to fit your narrative at all.

OMG. Tell me you're kidding. Please tell me you're not that stupid. Please. This is the 21st century. If you're going to try and pick a board fight, make sure you know what you're talking about. Limit your criticisms because I will not answer them all in one post.

Because of the founding of America, part of our culture rests with our race.

1790 marked the year that we had our first laws regarding citizenship. Bottom line: citizenship was limited to whites. While immigration was open and virtually everybody on God's green earth came here, citizenship was limited to whites.

Most, if not all, of our early state constitutions limited the ability to hold public office to whites of the Protestant faith. Our Declaration of Independence was signed by all white males and was probably inspired by the Magna Charta... except that the Declaration of Independence states that your Rights are unalienable and bestowed upon you by a Creator.

Our laws are based upon the English Common Law and biblical principles (again those came from white countries.)

Today, on the surface, the Democrat / liberal / left tries to tell you they want to be more inclusive, but that's a lie. What they really seek to do is to change every facet of our government on the installment plan and lock the posterity of the founding fathers out of the nation our forefathers fought, bled and died establishing.

Do you think I'm stupid for not knowing how you define white culture, or for not agreeing with your broad generalization of Democrats?

This post does not define white culture. It does little but provide a bit of history of the country. Are you saying that white culture only allows whites to be citizens? Are you saying that white culture is Protestant? Are you saying white culture follows English law?

I don't agree that Democrats want to change every facet of our government. Why would they? The current system keeps them in power close to half of the time. More, your original statement was that Democrats hate every facet of American culture, not government. Do you honestly believe that the millions of Democrats in this country all hate every facet of the culture?

I'm not sure why you think I would follow your demand that I "limit [my] criticisms." If you don't want to respond to my entire post, that is entirely up to you, but I'm under no obligation to limit my responses to what you prefer, particularly as I was simply responding to your post point by point. Odd that you seem to think it is fine for you to make as many different points as you like in a post, but want me to avoid responding to them all.

Do you think American culture is the same now as it was at the founding of the country?

The first thing you have to do is get off your high horse. I didn't presume that you're stupid. Had I thought that, I would treat you like the little children who think they rule this site. As I recall, I showed you both respect and courtesy.

1) I don't recall that defining white culture was a prerequisite to a conversation

2) You cannot ask for the definition for a term that imprecise, but you cannot discount the reality of the founding of America

3) Obviously, anyone can become a citizen today; however, not in the founding of this country can you make that case

4) The majority of our founders were Protestant AND most of the early state constitutions required one to be white and Protestant (a few used the word Christian.) For example in my home state of Georgia, the 1777 state constitution provided:

"ART. IX. All male white inhabitants, of the age of twenty-one years, and possessed in his own right of ten pounds value, and liable to pay tax in this State, or being of any mechanic trade, and shall have been resident six months in this State, shall have a right to vote at all elections for representatives, or any other officers, herein agreed to be chosen by the people at large; and every person having a right to vote at any election shall vote by ballot personally."

The Avalon Project : Constitution of Georgia; February 5, 1777

Another article expounds on the history of our jurisprudence (since you asked about it as well):

"So where does law come from? In America, our law system came from Great Britain. The settlers of the original thirteen colonies came from Europe, and they brought with them their own set of rules and principles to be used in their new society.

The English common law was the system of law in England at that time and was quickly adopted throughout the colonies. The English common law is rooted in centuries of English history. Much of the common law was formed in the years between the Norman Conquest of England in the early 11th century and the settlement of the American colonies in the early 17th century

American Law: History & Origins from English Common Law - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com

Is American culture the same as it was during the founding? Of course not. But, just because we have become inclusive, the liberals think it should be a pretext for committing a subtle form of genocide against that culture that is responsible for the founding of this nation.

Finally, when you examine what the left wing / liberal / Democrats want, it is antithetical to the foundational principles upon which this nation was founded. From gun control to the assaults on religious Liberties and from the Nanny State to socialism, the Dems have no use for the concept of unalienable Rights. Disagree all you like; it is your Right as an American... one I will gladly defend for you (even at the risk of my own life.)

But, now that you see that just to give you examples of a FEW of the many things you wanted to challenge can you appreciate that we cannot cover the world in every posting. You don't have to be like the children either that make six off topic posts to me or about me every time I post. Heaven forbid they need a babysitter and I don't want to take the time to give them a bottle and put a diaper on them.

This is "respect and courtesy"?
OMG. Tell me you're kidding. Please tell me you're not that stupid. Please.

Certainly, you could have been much harsher, but you seem to be giving yourself a bit more credit than is warranted. That's just regarding this post, as well; if you look at previous posts, "respect and courtesy" have not always been obvious.

I can't ask for a definition for white culture? First of all, obviously I can and have. You would be more accurate to say you can't provide such a definition because it is too imprecise. Second, if you are going to claim that self-hating whites don't appreciate their culture, and "support ideologies that are foreign to white culture," it would be helpful to know what you mean by 'white culture.' So far you've given the impression that white culture is the culture of the US at its founding.

As I understand it, early state constitutions required public office holders to be Christian, or specifically Protestant. Voting and testifying in a trial were also things that might require a degree of faith. I'd appreciate examples of citizenship requiring Protestant faith.

I'm only interested in English law as it relates to white culture, at least in the context of this conversation. You seem to be connecting the two, and I'm trying to figure out just what you mean when you talk about whites supporting ideologies other than white culture.

You continue to make very broad generalizations about a significant portion of the population in claiming Democrats or liberals hate every facet of American culture. Of course, that's not at all uncommon on this site. :p

I don't expect to "cover the world in every posting." I'm not bringing up unrelated topics, I'm responding to the things you have posted. I'm sorry if you have a problem with me responding to the things you type. I'm not creating unreasonably long posts, nor am I inserting subjects you have not already brought up into the conversation. I will continue to respond to the things I read in posts. Clearly you can respond or not as you wish.

I have stated that nobody can give you a precise definition of white culture. And they can't. Still, even in the mainstream there is this vague idea of America.

Our nation was founded on the idea of unalienable Rights. NO other nation on earth and at no time ever asserted such a position AND backed it up with legal guarantees (Bill of Rights) that protect the individual from government tyranny. Those precepts have roots going back to other white countries and Anglo Saxon laws.

White culture, for purposes of this discussion, have their primary roots in the founding of this country, but the founders got their ideas from other whites. Our system of government and our basic values were derived from white countries and the Christian religion. United States Supreme Court Justice David Brewer put the basic idea into perspective relative to our religion being a part of our culture (as differentiated from a theocracy.)

Full text of "The United States a Christian nation"

One would argue (and I expect that you will) that many societies share similar values; however, ours came to us by way of Anglo Saxon laws and customs that the founders brought with them. At some level it is as much a part of our being as the blood that flows through our veins.

There is no generalization there. Our primary values were rooted in our racial and religious experience. It was handed down from generation to generation. Today, many non-white political activists hate, loathe, and / or despise the whites and all that they represent. They are joined by misguided whites that are detached from the achievements and contributions of their ancestors.

So, do you want to focus on the elements of white culture OR the people who seek to destroy the America envisioned by the founders?

Finally, I chided you mainly because I was being trolled by children and thought you might be headed down the same path with them. If I came on too strong, I apologize. It is very difficult to get a realistic and meaningful dialogue going when so many people are using the boards for amusement rather than to have a real discussion. I don't expect you to agree or accept what I'm saying, but you will gain an understanding as to why some people hold similar views as I do. No group of people support all of what I say, so be forewarned.

I don't like the concept of racial culture. There is no culture inherent in being white, or black, or Asian, etc. I would argue that culture can include race, but race does not include culture. Certainly the cultures of the US and Soviet Union during the Cold War were quite different, but both nations were majority white.

The history of our founding, of the English law and culture brought with the colonists, does have a strong influence on today's American culture, but does not define it. Cultures are in an almost constant state of flux, particularly since the Industrial Revolution, I think. As such, American culture is far from where it began. I agree, though, that where it began has played a large role in where it has come.

I may be wrong, but you seem to be desiring a return to the culture of more than 2 centuries ago. That's not going to happen. The world is too different. While not all the cultural changes that have occurred have been positive, I think many have been. And whether you are talking about American culture or white culture, I don't foresee a return to the past.
Thank you for staying on point.

Prejudice is when people develop an opinion absent thought, knowledge, or reason.

At some levels I believe that whites incur an unfavorable stereotype due to their own actions. Over 80 percent of the world's opioids are consumed in the United States. In one article:

"The rate of heroin use among white adults increased by 114% between 2004 and 2013, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The rate among nonwhite adults remained relatively unchanged during that same period."

The opioid addiction epidemic has a racial divide—fewer minorities prescribed opioids

On this one issue alone, and there are many, white people show up for jobs looking like... drug addicts. Proportionately, they are. Having changed their culture over the last several decades, stereotypes are being developed and it's not all unfair.

Whites, being the founding race of this country and having access to a lot of its wealth, have no excuse for what they have done to themselves. But they do it and they do this stuff in droves. Since they get hooked on drugs, they end up in prison. As stated before, America has more people in prison than any nation on this planet. So, millions of white people (a disproportionate amount) have a criminal record and are locked out of the job market.

Before long, most non-whites and probably the bulk of foreigners see a race covered in body piercings, tattoos, wearing clothes that look like they were discarded by homeless people in a ghetto. They might not say it, but where I live at you can tell. Whites, as a race, do not garner the respect they once could. Much of it is our own fault.

We allow our people to become low lifes and then there is a resistance to rehabilitating those who have fallen by the wayside. But, we are all judged by those who get to be our ambassadors. Adding insult to injury, not having a credible leadership, the masses have allowed people like the alt-right, White Nationalists, KKK, neo-nazis, and Donald Trump types to represent them.

Yes, whites ARE being treated like second class citizens. But, it's our own damn fault more than half the time.
Stereotyping is never fair or deserved unless the stereotype applies to everyone in the group. It is most damaging when it is practiced by people who make decisions that seriously effect people's lives such a person hiring, firing, renting property, or policing. Judging each person based on their own personal merits at times is hard and may require more work, but given time it will solve most of our social problems.

Fair or unfair, in a de jure / constitutional Republic such as our forefathers founded, it is the prerogative of an employer to hire whomever they think is the best candidate for the job. Since the employer owns the job, it should be the employer's decision as to who they hire or fire.

The same holds true for property owners. One of the great hallmarks of a free nation is the Right to own property.

On those counts I have no problem. But, when the government creates their own equivalent of a religion (in this case equality by force) and they lock out an entire segment of the country from an equal participation in the legal / political process AND the ability to exercise their unalienable Rights, I have a personal issue with it.

Are you claiming that whites have been locked out of equal participation in the legal / political process?

Most have. When the best they can do is Donald Trump, it should be obvious that one segment of society is without leadership and influence of any kind.

Being without leadership is a far different thing than being locked out of equal participation in politics. The vast majority of representatives are Christian white men. There are 535 members of Congress. The 115th Congress, sworn in in January, had 104 women, 102 minorities, and only 39 non-Christians. 115th Congress will be most racially diverse in history

If there is a lack of equality in the political process, it seems to swing toward whites, men, and Christians at the federal level. Having 19% of Congress made up of minority representatives makes it the most racially diverse Congress in history, and it still leaves minorities under-represented based on population numbers: 38% of the country is made up of minorities. 115th Congress sets new high for racial, ethnic diversity

Since representation at the federal level is overwhelmingly made up of whites, what makes you say that whites are locked out of equal participation in the political process?

We're going to keep coming back to the same argument. It's like watching a rodent on a treadmill.

The average white man lives in fear and I mean complete fear of supporting his fellow man that is opposed to the NEW WORLD ORDER / ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

If whites do speak out, the media tries to bully, intimidate and shame them for what they believe in. You don't find the same actions being taken against someone like Socialist Bernie Sanders. Trump, even surrounding himself with One Worlders was held up and ridiculed for saying that some of the participants in the Charlottesville rally were good people. You and I know there probably a lot of decent people among them.

I can identify with some of the problems that those people were complaining about, but I differ with the spokesmen as to the right solutions. But, for those who look at Congress and ask themselves which of those political propaganda prostitutes would have offered some compromise toward preserving our heritage they come up dry.

What leader is standing up to those who envision a One World Government and saying that the culture of the white people will be preserved. Instead what you have is an all out assault on our monuments, statues and memorials. In Georgia they removed Confederate statues and then replaced one with a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr. - and he was a far left Democrat that was associated with communists. Let's not even focus on the fact that he was supposedly a preacher and was bringing his religious views into the political arena. We don't allow that for white people.

What white leader on Capitol Hill is advocating that the Rights of unpopular white viewpoints be protected? No - instead we're allowing Internet Service Providers to kick unpopular whites off the Internet. YouTube enlisted the help of the ADL to monitor that venue and get rid of objectionable whites. Isn't there supposed to be a First Amendment to protect the equivalent of Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech along with Freedom of Association? Which white legislator in Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption is protecting white culture?

Amazingly, the two presidential candidates running for president that wanted to preserve our cultural heritage were Latinos... Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. It's a complex dynamic. The Latino guys understand and appreciate a culture that was developed outside their race. So they openly embrace perpetuating the idea that Liberty is worth supporting. By contrast, the other white guys pay the subject lip service and sell out to the idea of a One World Government on the installment plan.

The non-whites and the liberals dominate the thinking process of the whites so that even those who agree with the principles upon which our nation was built (and by which race is an integral part) are too spineless to stand up for what is right.

The thing for me is that you cannot tear down our statues, monuments, and memorials; tell our churches what tenets of faith they can and cannot believe; allow a Muslim to wear their head gear while working on a government job while prohibiting a Christian from wearing a cross on a necklace on the same job; lock us out of the political process via a controlled news / entertainment media all the while creating stereotypes that cannot defend themselves and then deny that I have a legitimate issue.
OMG. Tell me you're kidding. Please tell me you're not that stupid. Please. This is the 21st century. If you're going to try and pick a board fight, make sure you know what you're talking about. Limit your criticisms because I will not answer them all in one post.

Because of the founding of America, part of our culture rests with our race.

1790 marked the year that we had our first laws regarding citizenship. Bottom line: citizenship was limited to whites. While immigration was open and virtually everybody on God's green earth came here, citizenship was limited to whites.

Most, if not all, of our early state constitutions limited the ability to hold public office to whites of the Protestant faith. Our Declaration of Independence was signed by all white males and was probably inspired by the Magna Charta... except that the Declaration of Independence states that your Rights are unalienable and bestowed upon you by a Creator.

Our laws are based upon the English Common Law and biblical principles (again those came from white countries.)

Today, on the surface, the Democrat / liberal / left tries to tell you they want to be more inclusive, but that's a lie. What they really seek to do is to change every facet of our government on the installment plan and lock the posterity of the founding fathers out of the nation our forefathers fought, bled and died establishing.

Do you think I'm stupid for not knowing how you define white culture, or for not agreeing with your broad generalization of Democrats?

This post does not define white culture. It does little but provide a bit of history of the country. Are you saying that white culture only allows whites to be citizens? Are you saying that white culture is Protestant? Are you saying white culture follows English law?

I don't agree that Democrats want to change every facet of our government. Why would they? The current system keeps them in power close to half of the time. More, your original statement was that Democrats hate every facet of American culture, not government. Do you honestly believe that the millions of Democrats in this country all hate every facet of the culture?

I'm not sure why you think I would follow your demand that I "limit [my] criticisms." If you don't want to respond to my entire post, that is entirely up to you, but I'm under no obligation to limit my responses to what you prefer, particularly as I was simply responding to your post point by point. Odd that you seem to think it is fine for you to make as many different points as you like in a post, but want me to avoid responding to them all.

Do you think American culture is the same now as it was at the founding of the country?

The first thing you have to do is get off your high horse. I didn't presume that you're stupid. Had I thought that, I would treat you like the little children who think they rule this site. As I recall, I showed you both respect and courtesy.

1) I don't recall that defining white culture was a prerequisite to a conversation

2) You cannot ask for the definition for a term that imprecise, but you cannot discount the reality of the founding of America

3) Obviously, anyone can become a citizen today; however, not in the founding of this country can you make that case

4) The majority of our founders were Protestant AND most of the early state constitutions required one to be white and Protestant (a few used the word Christian.) For example in my home state of Georgia, the 1777 state constitution provided:

"ART. IX. All male white inhabitants, of the age of twenty-one years, and possessed in his own right of ten pounds value, and liable to pay tax in this State, or being of any mechanic trade, and shall have been resident six months in this State, shall have a right to vote at all elections for representatives, or any other officers, herein agreed to be chosen by the people at large; and every person having a right to vote at any election shall vote by ballot personally."

The Avalon Project : Constitution of Georgia; February 5, 1777

Another article expounds on the history of our jurisprudence (since you asked about it as well):

"So where does law come from? In America, our law system came from Great Britain. The settlers of the original thirteen colonies came from Europe, and they brought with them their own set of rules and principles to be used in their new society.

The English common law was the system of law in England at that time and was quickly adopted throughout the colonies. The English common law is rooted in centuries of English history. Much of the common law was formed in the years between the Norman Conquest of England in the early 11th century and the settlement of the American colonies in the early 17th century

American Law: History & Origins from English Common Law - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com

Is American culture the same as it was during the founding? Of course not. But, just because we have become inclusive, the liberals think it should be a pretext for committing a subtle form of genocide against that culture that is responsible for the founding of this nation.

Finally, when you examine what the left wing / liberal / Democrats want, it is antithetical to the foundational principles upon which this nation was founded. From gun control to the assaults on religious Liberties and from the Nanny State to socialism, the Dems have no use for the concept of unalienable Rights. Disagree all you like; it is your Right as an American... one I will gladly defend for you (even at the risk of my own life.)

But, now that you see that just to give you examples of a FEW of the many things you wanted to challenge can you appreciate that we cannot cover the world in every posting. You don't have to be like the children either that make six off topic posts to me or about me every time I post. Heaven forbid they need a babysitter and I don't want to take the time to give them a bottle and put a diaper on them.

This is "respect and courtesy"?
OMG. Tell me you're kidding. Please tell me you're not that stupid. Please.

Certainly, you could have been much harsher, but you seem to be giving yourself a bit more credit than is warranted. That's just regarding this post, as well; if you look at previous posts, "respect and courtesy" have not always been obvious.

I can't ask for a definition for white culture? First of all, obviously I can and have. You would be more accurate to say you can't provide such a definition because it is too imprecise. Second, if you are going to claim that self-hating whites don't appreciate their culture, and "support ideologies that are foreign to white culture," it would be helpful to know what you mean by 'white culture.' So far you've given the impression that white culture is the culture of the US at its founding.

As I understand it, early state constitutions required public office holders to be Christian, or specifically Protestant. Voting and testifying in a trial were also things that might require a degree of faith. I'd appreciate examples of citizenship requiring Protestant faith.

I'm only interested in English law as it relates to white culture, at least in the context of this conversation. You seem to be connecting the two, and I'm trying to figure out just what you mean when you talk about whites supporting ideologies other than white culture.

You continue to make very broad generalizations about a significant portion of the population in claiming Democrats or liberals hate every facet of American culture. Of course, that's not at all uncommon on this site. :p

I don't expect to "cover the world in every posting." I'm not bringing up unrelated topics, I'm responding to the things you have posted. I'm sorry if you have a problem with me responding to the things you type. I'm not creating unreasonably long posts, nor am I inserting subjects you have not already brought up into the conversation. I will continue to respond to the things I read in posts. Clearly you can respond or not as you wish.

I have stated that nobody can give you a precise definition of white culture. And they can't. Still, even in the mainstream there is this vague idea of America.

Our nation was founded on the idea of unalienable Rights. NO other nation on earth and at no time ever asserted such a position AND backed it up with legal guarantees (Bill of Rights) that protect the individual from government tyranny. Those precepts have roots going back to other white countries and Anglo Saxon laws.

White culture, for purposes of this discussion, have their primary roots in the founding of this country, but the founders got their ideas from other whites. Our system of government and our basic values were derived from white countries and the Christian religion. United States Supreme Court Justice David Brewer put the basic idea into perspective relative to our religion being a part of our culture (as differentiated from a theocracy.)

Full text of "The United States a Christian nation"

One would argue (and I expect that you will) that many societies share similar values; however, ours came to us by way of Anglo Saxon laws and customs that the founders brought with them. At some level it is as much a part of our being as the blood that flows through our veins.

There is no generalization there. Our primary values were rooted in our racial and religious experience. It was handed down from generation to generation. Today, many non-white political activists hate, loathe, and / or despise the whites and all that they represent. They are joined by misguided whites that are detached from the achievements and contributions of their ancestors.

So, do you want to focus on the elements of white culture OR the people who seek to destroy the America envisioned by the founders?

Finally, I chided you mainly because I was being trolled by children and thought you might be headed down the same path with them. If I came on too strong, I apologize. It is very difficult to get a realistic and meaningful dialogue going when so many people are using the boards for amusement rather than to have a real discussion. I don't expect you to agree or accept what I'm saying, but you will gain an understanding as to why some people hold similar views as I do. No group of people support all of what I say, so be forewarned.

I don't like the concept of racial culture. There is no culture inherent in being white, or black, or Asian, etc. I would argue that culture can include race, but race does not include culture. Certainly the cultures of the US and Soviet Union during the Cold War were quite different, but both nations were majority white.

The history of our founding, of the English law and culture brought with the colonists, does have a strong influence on today's American culture, but does not define it. Cultures are in an almost constant state of flux, particularly since the Industrial Revolution, I think. As such, American culture is far from where it began. I agree, though, that where it began has played a large role in where it has come.

I may be wrong, but you seem to be desiring a return to the culture of more than 2 centuries ago. That's not going to happen. The world is too different. While not all the cultural changes that have occurred have been positive, I think many have been. And whether you are talking about American culture or white culture, I don't foresee a return to the past.

I think that history is cyclical. I don't see a return to the past. The best that can be hoped for is that whites will wake up and see their America going south.

Societies that try to mix races, cultures, religions, and political persuasions perish. At this juncture in history Liberty is under attack. Those who hate it and despise it tend to be non-white. Whites don't hate it, but take the dim view that because we cannot go back in time, we are doomed to accept the One World utopia that will end our existence.

Unless and until the whites get off the drugs, quit defiling their bodies with poisons, alcohol, tattoos, body piercings and junk food that is killing them, they have no hope. If they are not willing to separate themselves from the current system and work on becoming self sufficient (by learning trades) they are pretty much up the creek. If they do not learn their history and their destiny, they are doomed. In the interim, most of them have been stereotyped - and stereotyping has some truth in it. But, they've done it to themselves. Non-whites look at the white man with disgust and disdain. The whites have become weak, lazy, self serving, and stupid. So, when the average person sees a white person, they see what I realize many of them have become.

Societies that try to mix races, cultures, religions, and political persuasions perish. ....

The United States is the greatest society ever seen on earth, and has ALWAYS been a mixture of races, cultures, religions, and political persuasions.
Stereotyping is never fair or deserved unless the stereotype applies to everyone in the group. It is most damaging when it is practiced by people who make decisions that seriously effect people's lives such a person hiring, firing, renting property, or policing. Judging each person based on their own personal merits at times is hard and may require more work, but given time it will solve most of our social problems.

Fair or unfair, in a de jure / constitutional Republic such as our forefathers founded, it is the prerogative of an employer to hire whomever they think is the best candidate for the job. Since the employer owns the job, it should be the employer's decision as to who they hire or fire.

The same holds true for property owners. One of the great hallmarks of a free nation is the Right to own property.

On those counts I have no problem. But, when the government creates their own equivalent of a religion (in this case equality by force) and they lock out an entire segment of the country from an equal participation in the legal / political process AND the ability to exercise their unalienable Rights, I have a personal issue with it.

Are you claiming that whites have been locked out of equal participation in the legal / political process?

Most have. When the best they can do is Donald Trump, it should be obvious that one segment of society is without leadership and influence of any kind.

Being without leadership is a far different thing than being locked out of equal participation in politics. The vast majority of representatives are Christian white men. There are 535 members of Congress. The 115th Congress, sworn in in January, had 104 women, 102 minorities, and only 39 non-Christians. 115th Congress will be most racially diverse in history

If there is a lack of equality in the political process, it seems to swing toward whites, men, and Christians at the federal level. Having 19% of Congress made up of minority representatives makes it the most racially diverse Congress in history, and it still leaves minorities under-represented based on population numbers: 38% of the country is made up of minorities. 115th Congress sets new high for racial, ethnic diversity

Since representation at the federal level is overwhelmingly made up of whites, what makes you say that whites are locked out of equal participation in the political process?

We're going to keep coming back to the same argument. It's like watching a rodent on a treadmill.

The average white man lives in fear and I mean complete fear of supporting his fellow man that is opposed to the NEW WORLD ORDER / ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

If whites do speak out, the media tries to bully, intimidate and shame them for what they believe in. You don't find the same actions being taken against someone like Socialist Bernie Sanders. Trump, even surrounding himself with One Worlders was held up and ridiculed for saying that some of the participants in the Charlottesville rally were good people. You and I know there probably a lot of decent people among them.

I can identify with some of the problems that those people were complaining about, but I differ with the spokesmen as to the right solutions. But, for those who look at Congress and ask themselves which of those political propaganda prostitutes would have offered some compromise toward preserving our heritage they come up dry.

What leader is standing up to those who envision a One World Government and saying that the culture of the white people will be preserved. Instead what you have is an all out assault on our monuments, statues and memorials. In Georgia they removed Confederate statues and then replaced one with a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr. - and he was a far left Democrat that was associated with communists. Let's not even focus on the fact that he was supposedly a preacher and was bringing his religious views into the political arena. We don't allow that for white people.

What white leader on Capitol Hill is advocating that the Rights of unpopular white viewpoints be protected? No - instead we're allowing Internet Service Providers to kick unpopular whites off the Internet. YouTube enlisted the help of the ADL to monitor that venue and get rid of objectionable whites. Isn't there supposed to be a First Amendment to protect the equivalent of Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech along with Freedom of Association? Which white legislator in Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption is protecting white culture?

Amazingly, the two presidential candidates running for president that wanted to preserve our cultural heritage were Latinos... Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. It's a complex dynamic. The Latino guys understand and appreciate a culture that was developed outside their race. So they openly embrace perpetuating the idea that Liberty is worth supporting. By contrast, the other white guys pay the subject lip service and sell out to the idea of a One World Government on the installment plan.

The non-whites and the liberals dominate the thinking process of the whites so that even those who agree with the principles upon which our nation was built (and by which race is an integral part) are too spineless to stand up for what is right.

The thing for me is that you cannot tear down our statues, monuments, and memorials; tell our churches what tenets of faith they can and cannot believe; allow a Muslim to wear their head gear while working on a government job while prohibiting a Christian from wearing a cross on a necklace on the same job; lock us out of the political process via a controlled news / entertainment media all the while creating stereotypes that cannot defend themselves and then deny that I have a legitimate issue.

I don't think the average white man, or man of any race, or adult in this country, thinks all that much about the new world order or one world government. ;)

Confederate statues = white statues? I imagine there are plenty of whites who disagree that Confederate statues are in any way representative of them or their culture.

Whites aren't allowed to bring religious views into politics? Are you talking about the Johnson Amendment which prevents religious organizations from supporting or opposing a political candidate while retaining their IRS classification as a non-profit? I'm not sure how that applies to MLK.

Whites remain the majority in this country, and remain in the vast majority of power positions in this country. Perhaps you don't like what they are doing in those positions, but that doesn't mean whites do not have most of the power and control.
Do you think I'm stupid for not knowing how you define white culture, or for not agreeing with your broad generalization of Democrats?

This post does not define white culture. It does little but provide a bit of history of the country. Are you saying that white culture only allows whites to be citizens? Are you saying that white culture is Protestant? Are you saying white culture follows English law?

I don't agree that Democrats want to change every facet of our government. Why would they? The current system keeps them in power close to half of the time. More, your original statement was that Democrats hate every facet of American culture, not government. Do you honestly believe that the millions of Democrats in this country all hate every facet of the culture?

I'm not sure why you think I would follow your demand that I "limit [my] criticisms." If you don't want to respond to my entire post, that is entirely up to you, but I'm under no obligation to limit my responses to what you prefer, particularly as I was simply responding to your post point by point. Odd that you seem to think it is fine for you to make as many different points as you like in a post, but want me to avoid responding to them all.

Do you think American culture is the same now as it was at the founding of the country?

The first thing you have to do is get off your high horse. I didn't presume that you're stupid. Had I thought that, I would treat you like the little children who think they rule this site. As I recall, I showed you both respect and courtesy.

1) I don't recall that defining white culture was a prerequisite to a conversation

2) You cannot ask for the definition for a term that imprecise, but you cannot discount the reality of the founding of America

3) Obviously, anyone can become a citizen today; however, not in the founding of this country can you make that case

4) The majority of our founders were Protestant AND most of the early state constitutions required one to be white and Protestant (a few used the word Christian.) For example in my home state of Georgia, the 1777 state constitution provided:

"ART. IX. All male white inhabitants, of the age of twenty-one years, and possessed in his own right of ten pounds value, and liable to pay tax in this State, or being of any mechanic trade, and shall have been resident six months in this State, shall have a right to vote at all elections for representatives, or any other officers, herein agreed to be chosen by the people at large; and every person having a right to vote at any election shall vote by ballot personally."

The Avalon Project : Constitution of Georgia; February 5, 1777

Another article expounds on the history of our jurisprudence (since you asked about it as well):

"So where does law come from? In America, our law system came from Great Britain. The settlers of the original thirteen colonies came from Europe, and they brought with them their own set of rules and principles to be used in their new society.

The English common law was the system of law in England at that time and was quickly adopted throughout the colonies. The English common law is rooted in centuries of English history. Much of the common law was formed in the years between the Norman Conquest of England in the early 11th century and the settlement of the American colonies in the early 17th century

American Law: History & Origins from English Common Law - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com

Is American culture the same as it was during the founding? Of course not. But, just because we have become inclusive, the liberals think it should be a pretext for committing a subtle form of genocide against that culture that is responsible for the founding of this nation.

Finally, when you examine what the left wing / liberal / Democrats want, it is antithetical to the foundational principles upon which this nation was founded. From gun control to the assaults on religious Liberties and from the Nanny State to socialism, the Dems have no use for the concept of unalienable Rights. Disagree all you like; it is your Right as an American... one I will gladly defend for you (even at the risk of my own life.)

But, now that you see that just to give you examples of a FEW of the many things you wanted to challenge can you appreciate that we cannot cover the world in every posting. You don't have to be like the children either that make six off topic posts to me or about me every time I post. Heaven forbid they need a babysitter and I don't want to take the time to give them a bottle and put a diaper on them.

This is "respect and courtesy"?
OMG. Tell me you're kidding. Please tell me you're not that stupid. Please.

Certainly, you could have been much harsher, but you seem to be giving yourself a bit more credit than is warranted. That's just regarding this post, as well; if you look at previous posts, "respect and courtesy" have not always been obvious.

I can't ask for a definition for white culture? First of all, obviously I can and have. You would be more accurate to say you can't provide such a definition because it is too imprecise. Second, if you are going to claim that self-hating whites don't appreciate their culture, and "support ideologies that are foreign to white culture," it would be helpful to know what you mean by 'white culture.' So far you've given the impression that white culture is the culture of the US at its founding.

As I understand it, early state constitutions required public office holders to be Christian, or specifically Protestant. Voting and testifying in a trial were also things that might require a degree of faith. I'd appreciate examples of citizenship requiring Protestant faith.

I'm only interested in English law as it relates to white culture, at least in the context of this conversation. You seem to be connecting the two, and I'm trying to figure out just what you mean when you talk about whites supporting ideologies other than white culture.

You continue to make very broad generalizations about a significant portion of the population in claiming Democrats or liberals hate every facet of American culture. Of course, that's not at all uncommon on this site. :p

I don't expect to "cover the world in every posting." I'm not bringing up unrelated topics, I'm responding to the things you have posted. I'm sorry if you have a problem with me responding to the things you type. I'm not creating unreasonably long posts, nor am I inserting subjects you have not already brought up into the conversation. I will continue to respond to the things I read in posts. Clearly you can respond or not as you wish.

I have stated that nobody can give you a precise definition of white culture. And they can't. Still, even in the mainstream there is this vague idea of America.

Our nation was founded on the idea of unalienable Rights. NO other nation on earth and at no time ever asserted such a position AND backed it up with legal guarantees (Bill of Rights) that protect the individual from government tyranny. Those precepts have roots going back to other white countries and Anglo Saxon laws.

White culture, for purposes of this discussion, have their primary roots in the founding of this country, but the founders got their ideas from other whites. Our system of government and our basic values were derived from white countries and the Christian religion. United States Supreme Court Justice David Brewer put the basic idea into perspective relative to our religion being a part of our culture (as differentiated from a theocracy.)

Full text of "The United States a Christian nation"

One would argue (and I expect that you will) that many societies share similar values; however, ours came to us by way of Anglo Saxon laws and customs that the founders brought with them. At some level it is as much a part of our being as the blood that flows through our veins.

There is no generalization there. Our primary values were rooted in our racial and religious experience. It was handed down from generation to generation. Today, many non-white political activists hate, loathe, and / or despise the whites and all that they represent. They are joined by misguided whites that are detached from the achievements and contributions of their ancestors.

So, do you want to focus on the elements of white culture OR the people who seek to destroy the America envisioned by the founders?

Finally, I chided you mainly because I was being trolled by children and thought you might be headed down the same path with them. If I came on too strong, I apologize. It is very difficult to get a realistic and meaningful dialogue going when so many people are using the boards for amusement rather than to have a real discussion. I don't expect you to agree or accept what I'm saying, but you will gain an understanding as to why some people hold similar views as I do. No group of people support all of what I say, so be forewarned.

I don't like the concept of racial culture. There is no culture inherent in being white, or black, or Asian, etc. I would argue that culture can include race, but race does not include culture. Certainly the cultures of the US and Soviet Union during the Cold War were quite different, but both nations were majority white.

The history of our founding, of the English law and culture brought with the colonists, does have a strong influence on today's American culture, but does not define it. Cultures are in an almost constant state of flux, particularly since the Industrial Revolution, I think. As such, American culture is far from where it began. I agree, though, that where it began has played a large role in where it has come.

I may be wrong, but you seem to be desiring a return to the culture of more than 2 centuries ago. That's not going to happen. The world is too different. While not all the cultural changes that have occurred have been positive, I think many have been. And whether you are talking about American culture or white culture, I don't foresee a return to the past.

I think that history is cyclical. I don't see a return to the past. The best that can be hoped for is that whites will wake up and see their America going south.

Societies that try to mix races, cultures, religions, and political persuasions perish. At this juncture in history Liberty is under attack. Those who hate it and despise it tend to be non-white. Whites don't hate it, but take the dim view that because we cannot go back in time, we are doomed to accept the One World utopia that will end our existence.

Unless and until the whites get off the drugs, quit defiling their bodies with poisons, alcohol, tattoos, body piercings and junk food that is killing them, they have no hope. If they are not willing to separate themselves from the current system and work on becoming self sufficient (by learning trades) they are pretty much up the creek. If they do not learn their history and their destiny, they are doomed. In the interim, most of them have been stereotyped - and stereotyping has some truth in it. But, they've done it to themselves. Non-whites look at the white man with disgust and disdain. The whites have become weak, lazy, self serving, and stupid. So, when the average person sees a white person, they see what I realize many of them have become.

Human history shows that all societies perish.

Yes, whites ARE being treated like second class citizens. .....

That is not the case. White individuals in America are treated as individuals, good or bad. Liberals try to insist that all others must be faceless members of some 'category' rather than individuals.
America was founded upon universal principles. The inherent hypocrisy of slavery and laws and institutions that run contrary to those principles has been a point of contention (and also growth) throughout our history as we work continuously toward a more perfect union.
"America stands unique in the world: the only country not founded on race but on a way, an ideal. Not in spite of but because of our polyglot background, we have had all the strength in the world. That is the American way."

- Ronald Reagan
Racism is not about one person not liking you. It is about a system based on laws and policies that gave advantages to whites over everyone else and still does.
It would be nice if some people would quit trying to find excuses for racism.
You mean like Affirmative Action?

Whites have benefitted the most from this policy. Try again.
So what laws give advantages to whites? I can't think of any.

That's because you can't think at all. So figure it out.
Does BLM wanting whites to sit at the back of the bus count?
"America stands unique in the world: the only country not founded on race but on a way, an ideal. Not in spite of but because of our polyglot background, we have had all the strength in the world. That is the American way."

- Ronald Reagan
Must have been when he was starting to get dementia.
America was founded upon universal principles. The inherent hypocrisy of slavery and laws and institutions that run contrary to those principles has been a point of contention (and also growth) throughout our history as we work continuously toward a more perfect union.

How does Balkanization lead to a more perfect union?

How do universal principles imply Balkanization?
Fair or unfair, in a de jure / constitutional Republic such as our forefathers founded, it is the prerogative of an employer to hire whomever they think is the best candidate for the job. Since the employer owns the job, it should be the employer's decision as to who they hire or fire.

The same holds true for property owners. One of the great hallmarks of a free nation is the Right to own property.

On those counts I have no problem. But, when the government creates their own equivalent of a religion (in this case equality by force) and they lock out an entire segment of the country from an equal participation in the legal / political process AND the ability to exercise their unalienable Rights, I have a personal issue with it.

Are you claiming that whites have been locked out of equal participation in the legal / political process?

Most have. When the best they can do is Donald Trump, it should be obvious that one segment of society is without leadership and influence of any kind.

Being without leadership is a far different thing than being locked out of equal participation in politics. The vast majority of representatives are Christian white men. There are 535 members of Congress. The 115th Congress, sworn in in January, had 104 women, 102 minorities, and only 39 non-Christians. 115th Congress will be most racially diverse in history

If there is a lack of equality in the political process, it seems to swing toward whites, men, and Christians at the federal level. Having 19% of Congress made up of minority representatives makes it the most racially diverse Congress in history, and it still leaves minorities under-represented based on population numbers: 38% of the country is made up of minorities. 115th Congress sets new high for racial, ethnic diversity

Since representation at the federal level is overwhelmingly made up of whites, what makes you say that whites are locked out of equal participation in the political process?

We're going to keep coming back to the same argument. It's like watching a rodent on a treadmill.

The average white man lives in fear and I mean complete fear of supporting his fellow man that is opposed to the NEW WORLD ORDER / ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

If whites do speak out, the media tries to bully, intimidate and shame them for what they believe in. You don't find the same actions being taken against someone like Socialist Bernie Sanders. Trump, even surrounding himself with One Worlders was held up and ridiculed for saying that some of the participants in the Charlottesville rally were good people. You and I know there probably a lot of decent people among them.

I can identify with some of the problems that those people were complaining about, but I differ with the spokesmen as to the right solutions. But, for those who look at Congress and ask themselves which of those political propaganda prostitutes would have offered some compromise toward preserving our heritage they come up dry.

What leader is standing up to those who envision a One World Government and saying that the culture of the white people will be preserved. Instead what you have is an all out assault on our monuments, statues and memorials. In Georgia they removed Confederate statues and then replaced one with a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr. - and he was a far left Democrat that was associated with communists. Let's not even focus on the fact that he was supposedly a preacher and was bringing his religious views into the political arena. We don't allow that for white people.

What white leader on Capitol Hill is advocating that the Rights of unpopular white viewpoints be protected? No - instead we're allowing Internet Service Providers to kick unpopular whites off the Internet. YouTube enlisted the help of the ADL to monitor that venue and get rid of objectionable whites. Isn't there supposed to be a First Amendment to protect the equivalent of Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech along with Freedom of Association? Which white legislator in Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption is protecting white culture?

Amazingly, the two presidential candidates running for president that wanted to preserve our cultural heritage were Latinos... Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. It's a complex dynamic. The Latino guys understand and appreciate a culture that was developed outside their race. So they openly embrace perpetuating the idea that Liberty is worth supporting. By contrast, the other white guys pay the subject lip service and sell out to the idea of a One World Government on the installment plan.

The non-whites and the liberals dominate the thinking process of the whites so that even those who agree with the principles upon which our nation was built (and by which race is an integral part) are too spineless to stand up for what is right.

The thing for me is that you cannot tear down our statues, monuments, and memorials; tell our churches what tenets of faith they can and cannot believe; allow a Muslim to wear their head gear while working on a government job while prohibiting a Christian from wearing a cross on a necklace on the same job; lock us out of the political process via a controlled news / entertainment media all the while creating stereotypes that cannot defend themselves and then deny that I have a legitimate issue.

I don't think the average white man, or man of any race, or adult in this country, thinks all that much about the new world order or one world government. ;)

Confederate statues = white statues? I imagine there are plenty of whites who disagree that Confederate statues are in any way representative of them or their culture.

Whites aren't allowed to bring religious views into politics? Are you talking about the Johnson Amendment which prevents religious organizations from supporting or opposing a political candidate while retaining their IRS classification as a non-profit? I'm not sure how that applies to MLK.

Whites remain the majority in this country, and remain in the vast majority of power positions in this country. Perhaps you don't like what they are doing in those positions, but that doesn't mean whites do not have most of the power and control.

You mistake people that are lap dogs for power brokers as having power and control. They are eye candy so that you remain blind to the elite that DO have the control.
The first thing you have to do is get off your high horse. I didn't presume that you're stupid. Had I thought that, I would treat you like the little children who think they rule this site. As I recall, I showed you both respect and courtesy.

1) I don't recall that defining white culture was a prerequisite to a conversation

2) You cannot ask for the definition for a term that imprecise, but you cannot discount the reality of the founding of America

3) Obviously, anyone can become a citizen today; however, not in the founding of this country can you make that case

4) The majority of our founders were Protestant AND most of the early state constitutions required one to be white and Protestant (a few used the word Christian.) For example in my home state of Georgia, the 1777 state constitution provided:

"ART. IX. All male white inhabitants, of the age of twenty-one years, and possessed in his own right of ten pounds value, and liable to pay tax in this State, or being of any mechanic trade, and shall have been resident six months in this State, shall have a right to vote at all elections for representatives, or any other officers, herein agreed to be chosen by the people at large; and every person having a right to vote at any election shall vote by ballot personally."

The Avalon Project : Constitution of Georgia; February 5, 1777

Another article expounds on the history of our jurisprudence (since you asked about it as well):

"So where does law come from? In America, our law system came from Great Britain. The settlers of the original thirteen colonies came from Europe, and they brought with them their own set of rules and principles to be used in their new society.

The English common law was the system of law in England at that time and was quickly adopted throughout the colonies. The English common law is rooted in centuries of English history. Much of the common law was formed in the years between the Norman Conquest of England in the early 11th century and the settlement of the American colonies in the early 17th century

American Law: History & Origins from English Common Law - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com

Is American culture the same as it was during the founding? Of course not. But, just because we have become inclusive, the liberals think it should be a pretext for committing a subtle form of genocide against that culture that is responsible for the founding of this nation.

Finally, when you examine what the left wing / liberal / Democrats want, it is antithetical to the foundational principles upon which this nation was founded. From gun control to the assaults on religious Liberties and from the Nanny State to socialism, the Dems have no use for the concept of unalienable Rights. Disagree all you like; it is your Right as an American... one I will gladly defend for you (even at the risk of my own life.)

But, now that you see that just to give you examples of a FEW of the many things you wanted to challenge can you appreciate that we cannot cover the world in every posting. You don't have to be like the children either that make six off topic posts to me or about me every time I post. Heaven forbid they need a babysitter and I don't want to take the time to give them a bottle and put a diaper on them.

This is "respect and courtesy"?
OMG. Tell me you're kidding. Please tell me you're not that stupid. Please.

Certainly, you could have been much harsher, but you seem to be giving yourself a bit more credit than is warranted. That's just regarding this post, as well; if you look at previous posts, "respect and courtesy" have not always been obvious.

I can't ask for a definition for white culture? First of all, obviously I can and have. You would be more accurate to say you can't provide such a definition because it is too imprecise. Second, if you are going to claim that self-hating whites don't appreciate their culture, and "support ideologies that are foreign to white culture," it would be helpful to know what you mean by 'white culture.' So far you've given the impression that white culture is the culture of the US at its founding.

As I understand it, early state constitutions required public office holders to be Christian, or specifically Protestant. Voting and testifying in a trial were also things that might require a degree of faith. I'd appreciate examples of citizenship requiring Protestant faith.

I'm only interested in English law as it relates to white culture, at least in the context of this conversation. You seem to be connecting the two, and I'm trying to figure out just what you mean when you talk about whites supporting ideologies other than white culture.

You continue to make very broad generalizations about a significant portion of the population in claiming Democrats or liberals hate every facet of American culture. Of course, that's not at all uncommon on this site. :p

I don't expect to "cover the world in every posting." I'm not bringing up unrelated topics, I'm responding to the things you have posted. I'm sorry if you have a problem with me responding to the things you type. I'm not creating unreasonably long posts, nor am I inserting subjects you have not already brought up into the conversation. I will continue to respond to the things I read in posts. Clearly you can respond or not as you wish.

I have stated that nobody can give you a precise definition of white culture. And they can't. Still, even in the mainstream there is this vague idea of America.

Our nation was founded on the idea of unalienable Rights. NO other nation on earth and at no time ever asserted such a position AND backed it up with legal guarantees (Bill of Rights) that protect the individual from government tyranny. Those precepts have roots going back to other white countries and Anglo Saxon laws.

White culture, for purposes of this discussion, have their primary roots in the founding of this country, but the founders got their ideas from other whites. Our system of government and our basic values were derived from white countries and the Christian religion. United States Supreme Court Justice David Brewer put the basic idea into perspective relative to our religion being a part of our culture (as differentiated from a theocracy.)

Full text of "The United States a Christian nation"

One would argue (and I expect that you will) that many societies share similar values; however, ours came to us by way of Anglo Saxon laws and customs that the founders brought with them. At some level it is as much a part of our being as the blood that flows through our veins.

There is no generalization there. Our primary values were rooted in our racial and religious experience. It was handed down from generation to generation. Today, many non-white political activists hate, loathe, and / or despise the whites and all that they represent. They are joined by misguided whites that are detached from the achievements and contributions of their ancestors.

So, do you want to focus on the elements of white culture OR the people who seek to destroy the America envisioned by the founders?

Finally, I chided you mainly because I was being trolled by children and thought you might be headed down the same path with them. If I came on too strong, I apologize. It is very difficult to get a realistic and meaningful dialogue going when so many people are using the boards for amusement rather than to have a real discussion. I don't expect you to agree or accept what I'm saying, but you will gain an understanding as to why some people hold similar views as I do. No group of people support all of what I say, so be forewarned.

I don't like the concept of racial culture. There is no culture inherent in being white, or black, or Asian, etc. I would argue that culture can include race, but race does not include culture. Certainly the cultures of the US and Soviet Union during the Cold War were quite different, but both nations were majority white.

The history of our founding, of the English law and culture brought with the colonists, does have a strong influence on today's American culture, but does not define it. Cultures are in an almost constant state of flux, particularly since the Industrial Revolution, I think. As such, American culture is far from where it began. I agree, though, that where it began has played a large role in where it has come.

I may be wrong, but you seem to be desiring a return to the culture of more than 2 centuries ago. That's not going to happen. The world is too different. While not all the cultural changes that have occurred have been positive, I think many have been. And whether you are talking about American culture or white culture, I don't foresee a return to the past.

I think that history is cyclical. I don't see a return to the past. The best that can be hoped for is that whites will wake up and see their America going south.

Societies that try to mix races, cultures, religions, and political persuasions perish. At this juncture in history Liberty is under attack. Those who hate it and despise it tend to be non-white. Whites don't hate it, but take the dim view that because we cannot go back in time, we are doomed to accept the One World utopia that will end our existence.

Unless and until the whites get off the drugs, quit defiling their bodies with poisons, alcohol, tattoos, body piercings and junk food that is killing them, they have no hope. If they are not willing to separate themselves from the current system and work on becoming self sufficient (by learning trades) they are pretty much up the creek. If they do not learn their history and their destiny, they are doomed. In the interim, most of them have been stereotyped - and stereotyping has some truth in it. But, they've done it to themselves. Non-whites look at the white man with disgust and disdain. The whites have become weak, lazy, self serving, and stupid. So, when the average person sees a white person, they see what I realize many of them have become.

Human history shows that all societies perish.

Not before amalgamating races, religions, political persuasions, and economic viewpoints into one body politic - which makes them ripe for a takeover by a more homogeneous people.

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