If you aren't lying, you don't have to practice.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Joe Biden in holed up for the next 3 days to get ready for the debate. Trump is out on the campaign trail.

When you plan to lie your ass off in front of millions of voters, you'd better get your argument straight. A huge pack of lies can easily get exposed if you aren't fully ready. you need to spend time making sure your lies don't contradict each other and you need to have a back up plan if your opponent challenges your lies. That takes time to practice.

If you only tell the truth, you don't have to practice, you simply tell the truth as it is. you can spend time doing other things like campaigning.
Joe Biden in holed up for the next 3 days to get ready for the debate. Trump is out on the campaign trail.

When you plan to lie your ass off in front of millions of voters, you'd better get your argument straight. A huge pack of lies can easily get exposed if you aren't fully ready. you need to spend time making sure your lies don't contradict each other and you need to have a back up plan if your opponent challenges your lies. That takes time to practice.

If you only tell the truth, you don't have to practice, you simply tell the truth as it is. you can spend time doing other things like campaigning.
Well, Biden is backed up by CNN, who will be doing their best to expose Trump's "lies" while not calling out Biden for any of his. And, the left already believe Biden's lies. I imagine Biden is mainly going to be practicing trying to look alert and not senile and they will also be practicing which dose of uppers works best on him for 90 minutes.
Joe Biden in holed up for the next 3 days to get ready for the debate. Trump is out on the campaign trail.

When you plan to lie your ass off in front of millions of voters, you'd better get your argument straight. A huge pack of lies can easily get exposed if you aren't fully ready. you need to spend time making sure your lies don't contradict each other and you need to have a back up plan if your opponent challenges your lies. That takes time to practice.

If you only tell the truth, you don't have to practice, you simply tell the truth as it is. you can spend time doing other things like campaigning.
And in this case I'm pretty sure they are conditioning him to be able to stand for 90 minutes without wandering off.
If you are just making shit up you dont have to think about what you are saying. If you want to be accurate, then you review all your numbers and positions.

Trump rambling about sharks and boat batteries and washing machines not washing dishes are about all the practice he needs.
FJB better be out there on the stump because time's a wastin' ....Trump did more effective stumping while he was stuck in that NYC kangaroo court than FJB has.....And now he's holed-up at Camp David on his own violation.
His basement worked in 2020--its all he has. There is definitely no record to run on beyond a train wreck/dumpster fire cover-up for 3+ years.
If you are just making shit up you dont have to think about what you are saying. If you want to be accurate, then you review all your numbers and positions.

Trump rambling about sharks and boat batteries and washing machines not washing dishes are about all the practice he needs.
Yeah...this is the bizarro world that the blob and his supporters live in. If you have to work for it, it's not worth doing.
If you are just making shit up you dont have to think about what you are saying. If you want to be accurate, then you review all your numbers and positions.

Trump rambling about sharks and boat batteries and washing machines not washing dishes are about all the practice he needs.

If you are lying your ass off, you have to practice.
If you are lying your ass off, you have to practice.
When I go to speak to our company’s board once a quarter, I prepare. I dont just wing it even though I am very knowledgeable about my business. Instead, I make sure that I have the specifics on instant recall and can explain every variance in the presentation and P&L. That’s normal in a professional world.
You don't have to "work" for the truth. You simply have to say it.
Have you worked up the courage to admit your blob lost?
"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." ~ Attributed to Mark Twain
Either that or you can do what your blob did; find a bunch of rubes who enjoy being lied to. That is what Trump did and you guys have been voting against your own self interest since then.
When I go to speak to our company’s board once a quarter, I prepare. I dont just wing it even though I am very knowledgeable about my business. Instead, I make sure that I have the specifics on instant recall and can explain every variance in the presentation and P&L. That’s normal in a professional world.
But how much cocaine do you snort? Trump alleged that Biden is doing cocaine. Yet amazingly, the lowlifes in this nation find that allegation to be something to be applauded.
You don't have to "work" for the truth. You simply have to say it.

"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." ~ Attributed to Mark Twain

If one is speaking in basic generalities, then you are correct.

If one is speaking in specifics then it is important to get them correct, which takes work.

Back in my time in the Marines, I as a Sgt, gave the Commanding General a brief on the readiness of his Air Wing once a month based on the SORTS report I produced using the input from the 32 units of the Wing.

You had better believe it took work to speak the facts when a specific question was asked.

Have you ever had a real job?
When I go to speak to our company’s board once a quarter, I prepare. I dont just wing it even though I am very knowledgeable about my business. Instead, I make sure that I have the specifics on instant recall and can explain every variance in the presentation and P&L. That’s normal in a professional world.
"Prepare" and "practice" are two different things. Does it take you 4 days to prepare?
Have you worked up the courage to admit your blob lost?

Either that or you can do what your blob did; find a bunch of rubes who enjoy being lied to. That is what Trump did and you guys have been voting against your own self interest since then.
Why would I admit something that isn't true? the rest of your post is irrelevant nonsense.
If one is speaking in basic generalities, then you are correct.

If one is speaking in specifics then it is important to get them correct, which takes work.

Generalities are all they will have time for and the American people don't have the attention span for specifics.

Back in my time in the Marines, I as a Sgt, gave the Commanding General a brief on the readiness of his Air Wing once a month based on the SORTS report I produced using the input from the 32 units of the Wing.

You had better believe it took work to speak the facts when a specific question was asked.'

Did it take you 4 days to prepare? if so, you suck at it.
Have you ever had a real job?

For 40 years, I've been a medical professional. I have been an instructor in multiple healthcare related fields. I am certified by the department of Homeland Security as an instructor in Disaster Response First Receiver and have given too many reports and briefings to count. Some of my reports I've given a dozen times and don't even need to consult any notes at all.

Do you suck badly at your job? Are you senile like your president?

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