If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

I know it asshole. But I didn't buy that shite then or now. The flat out truth is Hillary will do anything to not answer why she didn't stand up in the spring of 03, when America's leaders failed the nation. Obama stood up. I don't like a lot about him, but guts isn't lacking in the egotist.
Obama was NOT in the US Senate then, he was in Illinois, and Obama was not privileged to the information Congress was fed....

Yes he did speak out against the decision as an OUTSIDER....

We truly don't know how he would have voted if he were a part of the US Senate and fed the same incorrect info as the rest of Congress.
A new study has just found that there are exactly 541,377 election criteria actually more important than Benfuckingghazi.

Who knew.

Probably no topic is more relevant to my current sigline than this idiotic malarkey. It's hard to believe we're so sheeped-up that somebody actually bought this crap.
Actually, if you were take you partisan glasses off, you would see what the Benghazi situation exposed.
If Hillary Clinton and her underlings (such as Rice) had simply said "there is an investigation and a few theories, but we will not rush to judgment until all evidence is in......there would be no reason to care about Benghazi.
But something very serious has been exposed...

Hillary Clinton, who wants to be the leader of the USA had no issue whatsoever with prematurely blaming an American Citizen who was exercising his right to free speech for an attack on Americans.

Think about it. She had a choice to NOT blame an American...and only had to if and when the evidence proved an American deserved the blame....but she opted to blame that American off the cuff.

Do you feel comfortable electing a President who is so quick to tell the world that it was one of our most sacred rights that caused the attack on Benghazi?

Isn't a President supposed to support our rights....not find ways to announce their flaws?
A new study has just found that there are exactly 541,377 election criteria actually more important than Benfuckingghazi.

Who knew.

Probably no topic is more relevant to my current sigline than this idiotic malarkey. It's hard to believe we're so sheeped-up that somebody actually bought this crap.

Lying to the american people is not important?

It's important to be aware of, sure. That's why I never watch Fox Noise and its bullshit stories of Benghazi and ACORN and Jeremiah Wright and hip hop barbecues and fucking "New Black Panthers" and "knockout games". But that's all easily ignored. You should try it.

I guess not to you because you still support obozo after his lie of the century "if you like your policy you can keep it"

Yeah ummm... link to where I've posted anything remotely like that is ... where again?

you may ignore the truth about what is happening in our country, thats your choice.

It makes you an ignorant fool, but thats also your choice.
Of all the reasons to vote against HRC, Benghazi is not one.

Voting for the Iraq invasion is the primary reason to deny her the presidency.


She had the courage to say what none of the pubs will - that she made a mistake.

And, would you say the same about the many Repubs who are running?
I don't care if she does a back flip while saying it.

HRC is not to be trusted, not to be voted for.

You said "Voting for the Iraq invasion is the primary reason to deny her the presidency."

Do you say the same about Rs who are running or may run?
Everyone with a brain knows it was the video that triggered the attack...- like all the others earlier that day. It was planned for about an hour lol. But keep it up, hater dupes....Hillary landslide!!:beer:
Again... YOU ALL are missing the point!

It's OK to ask GOP about Iraq
BUT... NO one is to ask any Democrat if blaming Benghazi on a video was done to HIDE the Obama f..k up War on Terrorism!

That's the point.

Also, it seems the "optics" of Obama administration was so important right... blamed deaths on a video right? Benghazi caused
as Hillary said "that hateful video"!

Then why not the same "optics" be blamed when the following traitors that said:

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Remember Kerry EARLIER wanted Bush to: "Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ....
"Kerry , JanS. 23. 2003

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
NOTE: Do you not believe the terrorists LOVED to hear our troops were cold blooded killers???

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

then Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

So those of you that say the above statements DIDN"T do as a Harvard study proved, encouraged terrorists,
can't then BLAME Benghazi on the "hateful video"... you can't have it both ways!

Again... Obama used the video to blame Benghazi because the election was 6 weeks away and he couldn't have his
war on terror success questioned!

How many investigations of Bush have there been over Iraq?
A new study has just found that there are exactly 541,377 election criteria actually more important than Benfuckingghazi.

Who knew.

Probably no topic is more relevant to my current sigline than this idiotic malarkey. It's hard to believe we're so sheeped-up that somebody actually bought this crap.
Actually, if you were take you partisan glasses off, you would see what the Benghazi situation exposed.
If Hillary Clinton and her underlings (such as Rice) had simply said "there is an investigation and a few theories, but we will not rush to judgment until all evidence is in......there would be no reason to care about Benghazi.
But something very serious has been exposed...

Hillary Clinton, who wants to be the leader of the USA had no issue whatsoever with prematurely blaming an American Citizen who was exercising his right to free speech for an attack on Americans.

Think about it. She had a choice to NOT blame an American...and only had to if and when the evidence proved an American deserved the blame....but she opted to blame that American off the cuff.

Do you feel comfortable electing a President who is so quick to tell the world that it was one of our most sacred rights that caused the attack on Benghazi?

Isn't a President supposed to support our rights....not find ways to announce their flaws?
I find it interesting that I have mentioned this (above) 4 times on this site over the last several days....and not one person on the left has tried to challenge it.
I wonder if that is because they agree that a Presidential hopeful should never blame a killing on the first amendment unless the evidence 100% proves it.

Of course, we will get the Bendogs and Pogos who will say..."no one responds to it because it isn't worth responding to.

But that doesn't change the fact that Hillary Clinton opted to blame one of our most sacred rights on the killing of an American...even though most of her advisors told her otherwise.
A new study has just found that there are exactly 541,377 election criteria actually more important than Benfuckingghazi.

Who knew.

Probably no topic is more relevant to my current sigline than this idiotic malarkey. It's hard to believe we're so sheeped-up that somebody actually bought this crap.
Actually, if you were take you partisan glasses off, you would see what the Benghazi situation exposed.
If Hillary Clinton and her underlings (such as Rice) had simply said "there is an investigation and a few theories, but we will not rush to judgment until all evidence is in......there would be no reason to care about Benghazi.
But something very serious has been exposed...

Hillary Clinton, who wants to be the leader of the USA had no issue whatsoever with prematurely blaming an American Citizen who was exercising his right to free speech for an attack on Americans.

Think about it. She had a choice to NOT blame an American...and only had to if and when the evidence proved an American deserved the blame....but she opted to blame that American off the cuff.

Do you feel comfortable electing a President who is so quick to tell the world that it was one of our most sacred rights that caused the attack on Benghazi?

Isn't a President supposed to support our rights....not find ways to announce their flaws?
I find it interesting that I have mentioned this (above) 4 times on this site over the last several days....and not one person on the left has tried to challenge it.
I wonder if that is because they agree that a Presidential hopeful should never blame a killing on the first amendment unless the evidence 100% proves it.

Of course, we will get the Bendogs and Pogos who will say..."no one responds to it because it isn't worth responding to.

But that doesn't change the fact that Hillary Clinton opted to blame one of our most sacred rights on the killing of an American...even though most of her advisors told her otherwise.

Yup and she was advised of it as it was happening. The CIA knew immediately that it was a terrorist attack.

Her State Department had months of warnings via the amabassador. A man who wanted security beefed up which State refused to do.

No one in State got fired or even reprimmanded for the total incompetance of State over Benghazi. Human life doesn't seem to mean much to those working in the State Department. Hillary showed exactly what she's made of. She's someone who should never make it to the WH.

Her answer to Benghazi. "What difference does it make". That says it all right there.
If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

The video was just a silly distraction, typical of the petty lies the Left tells as part of their agenda. They never want to be held responsible for ANY of the disasters they cause.
Again... YOU ALL are missing the point!

It's OK to ask GOP about Iraq
BUT... NO one is to ask any Democrat if blaming Benghazi on a video was done to HIDE the Obama f..k up War on Terrorism!

That's the point.

Also, it seems the "optics" of Obama administration was so important right... blamed deaths on a video right? Benghazi caused
as Hillary said "that hateful video"!

Then why not the same "optics" be blamed when the following traitors that said:

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Remember Kerry EARLIER wanted Bush to: "Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ....
"Kerry , JanS. 23. 2003

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
NOTE: Do you not believe the terrorists LOVED to hear our troops were cold blooded killers???

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

then Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

So those of you that say the above statements DIDN"T do as a Harvard study proved, encouraged terrorists,
can't then BLAME Benghazi on the "hateful video"... you can't have it both ways!

Again... Obama used the video to blame Benghazi because the election was 6 weeks away and he couldn't have his
war on terror success questioned!

The right is still desperate to explain why most of the country just doesn't go along with their goals. They think that if they can somehow blame the whole thing on Benghazi, they don't have to admit their ideas are just too dumb to convince the American public. People voted for Obama because he was the best man for the job. Nothing more, nothing less.
How many times have we recently heard reporters badgering GOP candidates
"knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the invasion?"

So based on these quotes:
According to Woods the father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was killed by terrorists on 9/11/12 in Benghazi, Libya., after offering her condolences on the loss of his son, Clinton told him that the U.S. government would “make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted
Hillary Clinton to father of American murdered in Libya We ll make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted RedState

Now the question to those of you that voted for Obama...
If you knew in Sept 18,2012 that the bumper sticker "Osama dead, GM Alive" i.e. war on terrorism
WAS NOT going well i.e. Benghazi was done by well organized terrorists group AND not the video that Hillary told the above was the cause...would you still vote for Obama???
This is the problem. Currently we know that Hillary took bribes in exchange for favorable decisions in the State Department. We know she illegally kept a separate private email account. We know she illegally wiped that clean. We know she knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack even though she persisted for 2 weeks in blaming an Internet video. We know she has a decades long history of lying, destroying evidence, and taking bribes.
And yet she is the front runner for the Democratic Party and polls at high support levels.

The only conclusion is that character does not matter to Democrats, honesty does not matter, ethics do not matter. They are attracted to celebrities who tell them what they want to hear and who promise them free shit. That's it. Nothng else is important. Kiss the Republic good bye.
If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

The video was just a silly distraction, typical of the petty lies the Left tells as part of their agenda. They never want to be held responsible for ANY of the disasters they cause.

Seriously - anybody who would vote one way or the other depending o whether a video was the catalyst for some terrorist yahoos doing their thing or not, really isn't qualified to be voting at all.
If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

Here's the part you idiots will never get: It would not have made a bit of difference what the motive behind the attack on the consulate was as far as how it affected the election.

Whether it was a terrorist attack or was related to all the other protests at our embassies in the Middle East over the video, the hack right wing media's attempts to lay culpability on Obama utterly failed.

The hacks in the right wing media made up lies about the attack. But you rubes conveniently forget that part because you parroted those lies FOR YEARS.
It would not have mattered one way or the other, why should it have....? Our intelligence community has "missed" many attacks, even though they had intelligence saying they were coming, starting with 9/11.... it is what it is....and as the saying goes...

Hind sight is 20/20.

we can only hope our intelligence gets better...at being able to pin point an attack ahead of time....

It's that PIN POINTING of precisely where, when, and how that usually is lacking.
Benghazi is no different than a myriad of attacks that have happen in my lifetime.
I know it asshole. But I didn't buy that shite then or now. The flat out truth is Hillary will do anything to not answer why she didn't stand up in the spring of 03, when America's leaders failed the nation. Obama stood up. I don't like a lot about him, but guts isn't lacking in the egotist.
Obama was NOT in the US Senate then, he was in Illinois, and Obama was not privileged to the information Congress was fed....

Yes he did speak out against the decision as an OUTSIDER....

We truly don't know how he would have voted if he were a part of the US Senate and fed the same incorrect info as the rest of Congress.

ONE MORE TIME. I don't, and neither should, give a tinker's damn how anyone voted on the authorization of force. Without it, Blix and el-baradi never would have gotten in to find out that Saddam's military was in no shape to be a threat to Iran .... let alone the US. However, don't for a second buy any democrat's claim "Oh, I cast that vote without knowing W would invade without coming back for a second vote...." Everyone knew W was planning to topple Saddam no matter what Blix and el-Baradi found, or in this case didn't find.

The only way to prevent that war was IN THE SPRING OF O3, yell out loud as anyone could "W is leading us into to unnecessary shite-storm." Obama did that. Hillary did not.

Obama, Wilson, Brent Snowcroft, Scott Ritter, some unnamed Generals on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a couple of retired Generals. Shinseki spoke up to power and told them the army wasn't big enough, anymore, to occupy Iraq. You may notice some of those guys didn't fare too well after the powers that were got done with them. Things like having a wife outed as a CIA operative, or being accused of being a pedophile.

Ted and Feingold didn't vote for authorization either.
How many times have we recently heard reporters badgering GOP candidates
"knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the invasion?"

So based on these quotes:
According to Woods the father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was killed by terrorists on 9/11/12 in Benghazi, Libya., after offering her condolences on the loss of his son, Clinton told him that the U.S. government would “make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted
Hillary Clinton to father of American murdered in Libya We ll make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted RedState

Now the question to those of you that voted for Obama...
If you knew in Sept 18,2012 that the bumper sticker "Osama dead, GM Alive" i.e. war on terrorism
WAS NOT going well i.e. Benghazi was done by well organized terrorists group AND not the video that Hillary told the above was the cause...would you still vote for Obama???
This is the problem. Currently we know that Hillary took bribes in exchange for favorable decisions in the State Department. We know she illegally kept a separate private email account. We know she illegally wiped that clean. We know she knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack even though she persisted for 2 weeks in blaming an Internet video. We know she has a decades long history of lying, destroying evidence, and taking bribes.
And yet she is the front runner for the Democratic Party and polls at high support levels.

The only conclusion is that character does not matter to Democrats, honesty does not matter, ethics do not matter. They are attracted to celebrities who tell them what they want to hear and who promise them free shit. That's it. Nothng else is important. Kiss the Republic good bye.

This just in: Hillary Rodham Clinton to disrupt 239-year tradition of honest politicians.

Film at 11.

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