If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

Here's the part you idiots will never get: It would not have made a bit of difference what the motive behind the attack on the consulate was as far as how it affected the election.

Whether it was a terrorist attack or was related to all the other protests at our embassies in the Middle East over the video, the hack right wing media's attempts to lay culpability on Obama utterly failed.

The hacks made up lies about the attack. But you rubes conveniently forget that part.
I see you've actually missed the point here. No surprise.
The point, in case you forgot, is that Obama lied. He was trying to claim that he had won the war on terror and that "al Qaeda is on the run." The Benghazi attack put the lie to that statement. That is why he put out the story it was a spontaneous uprising due to a video when in fact it was a well planned terrorist attack that he had adequate warning about.
If you know your president is a liar who will sacrifice American lives for his own re-election do you still vote for him? IN your case the answer is obviously yes.
It shouldn't have. But I'm pretty sure Mitt would have been yelling "I wouldn't have let that poor ambassador be sacrificed"
I am certain Obama was dancing up and down with joy when he saw pics of the ambassador being raped and murdered. He hates white people.
If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

The video was just a silly distraction, typical of the petty lies the Left tells as part of their agenda. They never want to be held responsible for ANY of the disasters they cause, so you get silly little fibs like that when they want to fool the American people into thinking their enemy is not their enemy.

A more relevant question would be:

If you as a voter knew in 2012 that the Obama administration had deliberately cut back on security in several embassies and consulates in troubled areas in the middle East and north Africa, at a time when terrorist attacks were actually being carried out week after week at some of those places and getting progressively worse, even as he spent lavishly on swimming pools and ornate furniture at other similar embassies and consulates, just so he could pretend before a major election that he had actually defeated al Qaeda when the opposite was true, and the result was three Americans killed (including a U.S. Ambassador) and a consulate completely destroyed by a long-planned attack.....

....would you have voted for Obama in that major election?
A Deadly Mix in Benghazi

Reports of the video were just beginning to spread on Sept. 9 when Mr. McFarland, then the officer normally in charge of politics and economics at the United States Embassy in Tripoli, had his meeting with the Benghazi militia leaders. Among them were some of the same men who had greeted Mr. Stevens when he arrived in Benghazi at the start of the revolt, including Mr. Gharabi, 39, a heavyset former Abu Salim inmate who ran a local sandwich truck before becoming the leader of the Rafallah al-Sehati. Another was Wissam bin Hamid, also 39, a slim and slightly hunched mechanic known for his skill with American cars who by then had become the leader of Libya Shield, considered one of the strongest militias in Libya.

In an interview, Mr. Gharabi said that he had known about the building rage in Egypt over the video, but that, “We did not know if it was going to reach us here.”
Mr. McFarland seemed most concerned about the big militia leaders. “'How do the revolutionaries feel about having relationships with Western countries? What is your opinion about the United States?'” the Americans asked, according to Mr. Gharabi. It was “an interrogation,” he said.

“We told them that we hoped that the countries which helped us during the war would now help us in development,” he said. “And America was at the top of the pyramid.”

But Mr. Gharabi and two other Libyan militia leaders present said separately that they tried to warn Mr. McFarland. “We told them, ‘Weapons are everywhere, in every home, and there is no real control,' ” Mr. Bin Hamid of Libya Shield said.

Mr. McFarland struggled to make sense of their contradictory signals. “The message was, ‘Don’t come here because there is no security, but come right away because we need you,' ” Mr. McFarland later told colleagues.

The militia leaders seemed unable to get their stories straight, his colleagues said, and the vague warnings amounted to a reminder of what the diplomats already knew: Post-revolutionary Benghazi was a dangerous place.

Around dusk, the Pan-Arab satellite networks began broadcasting footage of protesters breaching the walls of the American Embassy in Cairo, pulling down the American flag and running up the black banner of militant Islam. Young men around Benghazi began calling one another with the news, several said, and many learned of the video for the first time.

There is no doubt that anger over the video motivated many attackers. A Libyan journalist working for The New York Times was blocked from entering by the sentries outside, and he learned of the film from the fighters who stopped him. Other Libyan witnesses, too, said they received lectures from the attackers about the evil of the film and the virtue of defending the prophet.
How many times have we recently heard reporters badgering GOP candidates
"knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the invasion?"

So based on these quotes:
According to Woods the father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was killed by terrorists on 9/11/12 in Benghazi, Libya., after offering her condolences on the loss of his son, Clinton told him that the U.S. government would “make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted
Hillary Clinton to father of American murdered in Libya We ll make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted RedState

Now the question to those of you that voted for Obama...
If you knew in Sept 18,2012 that the bumper sticker "Osama dead, GM Alive" i.e. war on terrorism
WAS NOT going well i.e. Benghazi was done by well organized terrorists group AND not the video that Hillary told the above was the cause...would you still vote for Obama???
Sure...because the cause of Benghazi isn't the big thing....just like RWrs don't dwell on the causes of 9/11.
A Deadly Mix in Benghazi

Reports of the video were just beginning to spread on Sept. 9 when Mr. McFarland, then the officer normally in charge of politics and economics at the United States Embassy in Tripoli, had his meeting with the Benghazi militia leaders. Among them were some of the same men who had greeted Mr. Stevens when he arrived in Benghazi at the start of the revolt, including Mr. Gharabi, 39, a heavyset former Abu Salim inmate who ran a local sandwich truck before becoming the leader of the Rafallah al-Sehati. Another was Wissam bin Hamid, also 39, a slim and slightly hunched mechanic known for his skill with American cars who by then had become the leader of Libya Shield, considered one of the strongest militias in Libya.

In an interview, Mr. Gharabi said that he had known about the building rage in Egypt over the video, but that, “We did not know if it was going to reach us here.”
Mr. McFarland seemed most concerned about the big militia leaders. “'How do the revolutionaries feel about having relationships with Western countries? What is your opinion about the United States?'” the Americans asked, according to Mr. Gharabi. It was “an interrogation,” he said.

“We told them that we hoped that the countries which helped us during the war would now help us in development,” he said. “And America was at the top of the pyramid.”

But Mr. Gharabi and two other Libyan militia leaders present said separately that they tried to warn Mr. McFarland. “We told them, ‘Weapons are everywhere, in every home, and there is no real control,' ” Mr. Bin Hamid of Libya Shield said.

Mr. McFarland struggled to make sense of their contradictory signals. “The message was, ‘Don’t come here because there is no security, but come right away because we need you,' ” Mr. McFarland later told colleagues.

The militia leaders seemed unable to get their stories straight, his colleagues said, and the vague warnings amounted to a reminder of what the diplomats already knew: Post-revolutionary Benghazi was a dangerous place.

Around dusk, the Pan-Arab satellite networks began broadcasting footage of protesters breaching the walls of the American Embassy in Cairo, pulling down the American flag and running up the black banner of militant Islam. Young men around Benghazi began calling one another with the news, several said, and many learned of the video for the first time.

There is no doubt that anger over the video motivated many attackers. A Libyan journalist working for The New York Times was blocked from entering by the sentries outside, and he learned of the film from the fighters who stopped him. Other Libyan witnesses, too, said they received lectures from the attackers about the evil of the film and the virtue of defending the prophet.
That was the NYTimes obvious whitewash article ahead of Hillary's announcement she was running. It is totally discredited.
Lies parroted by the rubes:

"Obama watched through the eyes of a drone while they died."

"A stand down order was given".

Those are far more pernicious lies than any confusion over the video, hypocrites. The right wing media did its very best to affect the election and manufactured complete bullshit to do it.
Hate to be so blunt, but most Dear Leader voters are dumb Entitlement Moochers and dumb White Communists/Progressives. They would have voted for him no matter what.

Most Americans still don't realize that our Ambassador was murdered by thugs funded & armed by our own Government. So to answer your question, yes, those who voted for him would have under any circumstances. They're just that dumb.
A Deadly Mix in Benghazi

Reports of the video were just beginning to spread on Sept. 9 when Mr. McFarland, then the officer normally in charge of politics and economics at the United States Embassy in Tripoli, had his meeting with the Benghazi militia leaders. Among them were some of the same men who had greeted Mr. Stevens when he arrived in Benghazi at the start of the revolt, including Mr. Gharabi, 39, a heavyset former Abu Salim inmate who ran a local sandwich truck before becoming the leader of the Rafallah al-Sehati. Another was Wissam bin Hamid, also 39, a slim and slightly hunched mechanic known for his skill with American cars who by then had become the leader of Libya Shield, considered one of the strongest militias in Libya.

In an interview, Mr. Gharabi said that he had known about the building rage in Egypt over the video, but that, “We did not know if it was going to reach us here.”
Mr. McFarland seemed most concerned about the big militia leaders. “'How do the revolutionaries feel about having relationships with Western countries? What is your opinion about the United States?'” the Americans asked, according to Mr. Gharabi. It was “an interrogation,” he said.

“We told them that we hoped that the countries which helped us during the war would now help us in development,” he said. “And America was at the top of the pyramid.”

But Mr. Gharabi and two other Libyan militia leaders present said separately that they tried to warn Mr. McFarland. “We told them, ‘Weapons are everywhere, in every home, and there is no real control,' ” Mr. Bin Hamid of Libya Shield said.

Mr. McFarland struggled to make sense of their contradictory signals. “The message was, ‘Don’t come here because there is no security, but come right away because we need you,' ” Mr. McFarland later told colleagues.

The militia leaders seemed unable to get their stories straight, his colleagues said, and the vague warnings amounted to a reminder of what the diplomats already knew: Post-revolutionary Benghazi was a dangerous place.

Around dusk, the Pan-Arab satellite networks began broadcasting footage of protesters breaching the walls of the American Embassy in Cairo, pulling down the American flag and running up the black banner of militant Islam. Young men around Benghazi began calling one another with the news, several said, and many learned of the video for the first time.

There is no doubt that anger over the video motivated many attackers. A Libyan journalist working for The New York Times was blocked from entering by the sentries outside, and he learned of the film from the fighters who stopped him. Other Libyan witnesses, too, said they received lectures from the attackers about the evil of the film and the virtue of defending the prophet.
That was the NYTimes obvious whitewash article ahead of Hillary's announcement she was running. It is totally discredited.
Go ahead and discredit it. If you can.
Lies parroted by the rubes:

"Obama watched through the eyes of a drone while they died."

"A stand down order was given".

Those are far more pernicious lies than any confusion over the video, hypocrites. The right wing media did its very best to affect the election and manufactured complete bullshit to do it.
There were troops ready to go in and save that poor lamb.
A new study has just found that there are exactly 541,377 election criteria actually more important than Benfuckingghazi.

Who knew.

Probably no topic is more relevant to my current sigline than this idiotic malarkey. It's hard to believe we're so sheeped-up that somebody actually bought this crap.

Lying to the american people is not important?

It's important to be aware of, sure. That's why I never watch Fox Noise and its bullshit stories of Benghazi and ACORN and Jeremiah Wright and hip hop barbecues and fucking "New Black Panthers" and "knockout games". But that's all easily ignored. You should try it.

I guess not to you because you still support obozo after his lie of the century "if you like your policy you can keep it"

Yeah ummm... link to where I've posted anything remotely like that is ... where again?

you may ignore the truth about what is happening in our country, thats your choice.

It makes you an ignorant fool, but thats also your choice.

So you can't find one, you just made it up, got called on it and busted.

What a shocker.
A new study has just found that there are exactly 541,377 election criteria actually more important than Benfuckingghazi.

Who knew.

Probably no topic is more relevant to my current sigline than this idiotic malarkey. It's hard to believe we're so sheeped-up that somebody actually bought this crap.
Actually, if you were take you partisan glasses off, you would see what the Benghazi situation exposed.
If Hillary Clinton and her underlings (such as Rice) had simply said "there is an investigation and a few theories, but we will not rush to judgment until all evidence is in......there would be no reason to care about Benghazi.
But something very serious has been exposed...

Hillary Clinton, who wants to be the leader of the USA had no issue whatsoever with prematurely blaming an American Citizen who was exercising his right to free speech for an attack on Americans.

Think about it. She had a choice to NOT blame an American...and only had to if and when the evidence proved an American deserved the blame....but she opted to blame that American off the cuff.

Do you feel comfortable electing a President who is so quick to tell the world that it was one of our most sacred rights that caused the attack on Benghazi?

Isn't a President supposed to support our rights....not find ways to announce their flaws?
I find it interesting that I have mentioned this (above) 4 times on this site over the last several days....and not one person on the left has tried to challenge it.
I wonder if that is because they agree that a Presidential hopeful should never blame a killing on the first amendment unless the evidence 100% proves it.

Of course, we will get the Bendogs and Pogos who will say..."no one responds to it because it isn't worth responding to.

But that doesn't change the fact that Hillary Clinton opted to blame one of our most sacred rights on the killing of an American...even though most of her advisors told her otherwise.


I imagine everybody ignores it because it's mindless.
If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

Here's the part you idiots will never get: It would not have made a bit of difference what the motive behind the attack on the consulate was as far as how it affected the election.

Whether it was a terrorist attack or was related to all the other protests at our embassies in the Middle East over the video, the hack right wing media's attempts to lay culpability on Obama utterly failed.

The hacks made up lies about the attack. But you rubes conveniently forget that part.
I see you've actually missed the point here. No surprise.
The point, in case you forgot, is that Obama lied. He was trying to claim that he had won the war on terror and that "al Qaeda is on the run."

Please provide evidence Obama said he had won the war on terror.

The Benghazi attack put the lie to that statement. That is why he put out the story it was a spontaneous uprising due to a video when in fact it was a well planned terrorist attack that he had adequate warning about.

Another lie. He had no warning of the terrorist attack on the consulate.
Lies parroted by the rubes:

"Obama watched through the eyes of a drone while they died."

"A stand down order was given".

Those are far more pernicious lies than any confusion over the video, hypocrites. The right wing media did its very best to affect the election and manufactured complete bullshit to do it.
"Right wing media" :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
Lies parroted by the rubes:

"Obama watched through the eyes of a drone while they died."

"A stand down order was given".

Those are far more pernicious lies than any confusion over the video, hypocrites. The right wing media did its very best to affect the election and manufactured complete bullshit to do it.
"Right wing media" :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
I see you are unable to discredit the New York Times or provide evidence Obama said he had won the war on terror.

You rubes just keep on rolling out the manufactured bullshit! You have a lot of nerve whining about Obama being a liar.
If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

Here's the part you idiots will never get: It would not have made a bit of difference what the motive behind the attack on the consulate was as far as how it affected the election.

Whether it was a terrorist attack or was related to all the other protests at our embassies in the Middle East over the video, the hack right wing media's attempts to lay culpability on Obama utterly failed.

The hacks made up lies about the attack. But you rubes conveniently forget that part.
I see you've actually missed the point here. No surprise.
The point, in case you forgot, is that Obama lied. He was trying to claim that he had won the war on terror and that "al Qaeda is on the run."

Please provide evidence Obama said he had won the war on terror.

The Benghazi attack put the lie to that statement. That is why he put out the story it was a spontaneous uprising due to a video when in fact it was a well planned terrorist attack that he had adequate warning about.

Another lie. He had no warning of the terrorist attack on the consulate.
FLASHBACK Obama Al Qaeda is on a path to defeat calls for resetting terror policy - Washington Times

JW Obama Admin Knew About Benghazi Before It Happened

Why do you bother? I eat your lunch every time because I know the facts here and you are merely blowing shit out of your ass.
Lies parroted by the rubes:

"Obama watched through the eyes of a drone while they died."

"A stand down order was given".

Those are far more pernicious lies than any confusion over the video, hypocrites. The right wing media did its very best to affect the election and manufactured complete bullshit to do it.
"Right wing media" :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
I see you are unable to discredit the New York Times or provide evidence Obama said he had won the war on terror.

You rubes just keep on rolling out the manufactured bullshit! You have a lot of nerve calling Obama a liar.
I just discredited you. You started out as a decent poster. Now you're merely another Obama knee pad wearing troll.

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