If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

Here's the part you idiots will never get: It would not have made a bit of difference what the motive behind the attack on the consulate was as far as how it affected the election.

Whether it was a terrorist attack or was related to all the other protests at our embassies in the Middle East over the video, the hack right wing media's attempts to lay culpability on Obama utterly failed.

The hacks made up lies about the attack. But you rubes conveniently forget that part.
I see you've actually missed the point here. No surprise.
The point, in case you forgot, is that Obama lied. He was trying to claim that he had won the war on terror and that "al Qaeda is on the run."

Please provide evidence Obama said he had won the war on terror.

The Benghazi attack put the lie to that statement. That is why he put out the story it was a spontaneous uprising due to a video when in fact it was a well planned terrorist attack that he had adequate warning about.

Another lie. He had no warning of the terrorist attack on the consulate.
FLASHBACK Obama Al Qaeda is on a path to defeat calls for resetting terror policy - Washington Times

JW Obama Admin Knew About Benghazi Before It Happened

Why do you bother? I eat your lunch every time because I know the facts here and you are merely blowing shit out of your ass.
God, how did I know you would use that second one as evidence? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Read it, dumbass. You and Judicial Watch have a reading comprehension problem. The State Department documents say the attack was planned 10 days ahead. It does not say Obama knew 10 days ahead.

Well done, parrot! You just regurgitated a total fabrication unquestioningly! Squaaawwwwwk! Polly want a cracker?

Sorry to make your butt hurt.

Oh, and that first link? Please quote the part where Obama says he has won the war on terror.

Good luck with that.
And these following statements by Rice on network news..6 weeks before the election which if this was downplayed i.e.
"it was a spontaneous" and not planned it would not be a terrorist attack and war on terror was over!
Remember Obama running for re-election based on "Osama dead, GM Alive"... meaning Obama success in war on terror.

ABC’s “This Week”:

MS. RICE: Well, Jake, first of all, it’s important to know that there’s an FBI investigation that has begun and will take some time to be completed. That will tell us with certainty what transpired.
But our current best assessment, based on the information that we have at present, is that, in fact, what this began as, it was a spontaneous — not a premeditated — response to what had transpired in Cairo. In Cairo, as you know, a few hours earlier, there was a violent protest that was undertaken in reaction to this very offensive video that was disseminated.

CBS’s “Face the Nation”
MS. RICE: So we’ll want to see the results of that [FBI] investigation to draw any definitive conclusions. But based on the best information we have to date, what our assessment is as of the present is in fact what began spontaneously in Benghazi as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo where, of course, as you know, there was a violent protest outside of our embassy– –sparked by this hateful video. But soon after that spontaneous protest began outside of our consulate in Benghazi, we believe that it looks like extremist elements, individuals, joined in that– in that effort with heavy weapons of the sort that are, unfortunately, readily now available in Libya post-revolution. And that it spun from there into something much, much more violent.

BOB SCHIEFFER: But you do not agree with him that this was something that had been plotted out several months ago?

MS. RICE: We do not– we do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned.

“Fox News Sunday”

The top Libyan official says that the attack on Tuesday was, quote, his words “preplanned”. Al Qaeda says the operation was revenge for our killing a top Al Qaeda leader.

MS. RICE: Well, first of all, Chris, we are obviously investigating this very closely. The FBI has a lead in this investigation. The information, the best information and the best assessment we have today is that in fact this was not a preplanned, premeditated attack. That what happened initially was that it was a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired in Cairo as a consequence of the video. People gathered outside the embassy and then it grew very violent and those with extremist ties joined the fray and came with heavy

But we don’t see at this point signs this was a coordinated plan, premeditated attack. Obviously, we will wait for the results of the investigation and we don’t want to jump to conclusions before then. But I do think it’s important for the American people to know our best current assessment.

NBC’s “Meet the Press”
DAVID GREGORY: Well, let’s talk– talk about– well, you talked about this as spontaneous. Can you say definitively that the attacks on– on our consulate in Libya that killed ambassador Stevens and others there security personnel, that was spontaneous, was it a planned attack? Was there a terrorist element to it?

MS. RICE: Well, let us– let me tell you the– the best information we have at present. First of all, there’s an FBI investigation which is ongoing. And we look to that investigation to give us the definitive word as to what transpired. But putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of– of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video.

Now would you people that believed Obama was successful in the War on terror because "Osama dead, GM Alive" bumper sticker
still have voted KNOWING that sticker was NOT indicative of the reason for Benghazi???
You really think Libtards give a shit if their magic neeeeeeeeeegro lies to save his own ass? I doubt it...in fact I know you don't.
Lies parroted by the rubes:

"Obama watched through the eyes of a drone while they died."

"A stand down order was given".

Those are far more pernicious lies than any confusion over the video, hypocrites. The right wing media did its very best to affect the election and manufactured complete bullshit to do it.
"Right wing media" :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
I see you are unable to discredit the New York Times or provide evidence Obama said he had won the war on terror.

You rubes just keep on rolling out the manufactured bullshit! You have a lot of nerve calling Obama a liar.
I just discredited you. You started out as a decent poster. Now you're merely another Obama knee pad wearing troll.
Nope. You just made a fool of yourself.
No stand down order.

No 10 days notice of the attack.

Obama did not watch the attack through the eyes of a drone.

You hypocrites have a lot of nerve whining about other people lying.
What's funny, in a non-humorous way, is back then I wondered terrorists or protesters and decided it didn't really matter.
It didn't. And it doesn't.

What matters is how our leaders opted to originally blame an American exercising his right to free speech for political expediency...

If anything, they should have bent over backwards to not blame the first amendment. Instead, they forced it.
A new study has just found that there are exactly 541,377 election criteria actually more important than Benfuckingghazi.

Who knew.

Probably no topic is more relevant to my current sigline than this idiotic malarkey. It's hard to believe we're so sheeped-up that somebody actually bought this crap.
Actually, if you were take you partisan glasses off, you would see what the Benghazi situation exposed.
If Hillary Clinton and her underlings (such as Rice) had simply said "there is an investigation and a few theories, but we will not rush to judgment until all evidence is in......there would be no reason to care about Benghazi.
But something very serious has been exposed...

Hillary Clinton, who wants to be the leader of the USA had no issue whatsoever with prematurely blaming an American Citizen who was exercising his right to free speech for an attack on Americans.

Think about it. She had a choice to NOT blame an American...and only had to if and when the evidence proved an American deserved the blame....but she opted to blame that American off the cuff.

Do you feel comfortable electing a President who is so quick to tell the world that it was one of our most sacred rights that caused the attack on Benghazi?

Isn't a President supposed to support our rights....not find ways to announce their flaws?
I find it interesting that I have mentioned this (above) 4 times on this site over the last several days....and not one person on the left has tried to challenge it.
I wonder if that is because they agree that a Presidential hopeful should never blame a killing on the first amendment unless the evidence 100% proves it.

Of course, we will get the Bendogs and Pogos who will say..."no one responds to it because it isn't worth responding to.

But that doesn't change the fact that Hillary Clinton opted to blame one of our most sacred rights on the killing of an American...even though most of her advisors told her otherwise.


I imagine everybody ignores it because it's mindless.
Back that up, big boy. Go ahead. Back it up.

Did Hillary Clinton and her staff (Rice) prematurely blame an American Citizen exercising his right to free speech? Yes or no?

Did Hillary Clinton have several options to choose from....American exercising his right to free speech; planned terrorist attack; not sure, we are waiting for the investigation to be complete........yes or no?

Never mind. You are a mindless putz.
If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

Here's the part you idiots will never get: It would not have made a bit of difference what the motive behind the attack on the consulate was as far as how it affected the election.

Whether it was a terrorist attack or was related to all the other protests at our embassies in the Middle East over the video, the hack right wing media's attempts to lay culpability on Obama utterly failed.

The hacks made up lies about the attack. But you rubes conveniently forget that part.
I see you've actually missed the point here. No surprise.
The point, in case you forgot, is that Obama lied. He was trying to claim that he had won the war on terror and that "al Qaeda is on the run."

Please provide evidence Obama said he had won the war on terror.

The Benghazi attack put the lie to that statement. That is why he put out the story it was a spontaneous uprising due to a video when in fact it was a well planned terrorist attack that he had adequate warning about.

Another lie. He had no warning of the terrorist attack on the consulate.
FLASHBACK Obama Al Qaeda is on a path to defeat calls for resetting terror policy - Washington Times

JW Obama Admin Knew About Benghazi Before It Happened

Why do you bother? I eat your lunch every time because I know the facts here and you are merely blowing shit out of your ass.
God, how did I know you would use that second one as evidence? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Read it, dumbass. You and Judicial Watch have a reading comprehension problem. The State Department documents say the attack was planned 10 days ahead. It does not say Obama knew 10 days ahead.

Well done, parrot! You just regurgitated a total fabrication unquestioningly! Squaaawwwwwk! Polly want a cracker?

Sorry to make your butt hurt.

Oh, and that first link? Please quote the part where Obama says he has won the war on terror.

Good luck with that.
You need to read the link;. All of it. I'm done with you. You are a fucking tool bag.
Absolutely, no choice, after the way the GOP and their propaganda wing acted while the attacks and riots were still going on. Unpatriotic and disgusting.
It was a very reasonable assumption the attack in Benghazi was just another in a whole lot of protests over the video happening in the same period.

Iraqi militia threatens U.S. interests over film Reuters

An Iraqi militia that carried out some of the most prominent attacks on foreigners during the Iraq war on Thursday threatened U.S. interests in the country over a film that has triggered protests in Libya, Egypt and Yemen.

Egyptians angry at film scale U.S. embassy walls Reuters

Egyptian protesters scaled the walls of the U.S. embassy on Tuesday, tore down the American flag and burned it during a protest over what they said was a film being produced in the United States that insulted Prophet Mohammad.

Anti-American Protests Flare Beyond the Mideast

Anti-American rage that began this week over a video insult to Islam spread to nearly 20 countries across the Middle East and beyond on Friday, with violent and sometimes deadly protests that convulsed the birthplaces of the Arab Spring revolutions, breached two more United States Embassies and targeted diplomatic properties of Germany and Britain.

Seven dead as anti-Islam film protests widen - BBC News

At least seven people were killed on Friday in demonstrations over a film made in the US that mocks Islam - as protests spread around the world.

Three people were killed when the US embassy in Khartoum was attacked, Sudanese state radio said.

In Tunisia, two people were killed after crowds breached the US embassy compound in Tunis. There was one death in Egypt and one in Lebanon.

Hundreds of angry Afghans protest anti-Islam film The Seattle Times

Hundreds of Afghans – some shouting “Death to America” – burned the U.S. flag and an effigy of President Barack Obama on Friday during a protest against an anti-Islam film outside the eastern city of Jalalabad.

Video Protesters burn flags outside US embassy in London - Telegraph

Some 200 demonstrators gathered outside the US embassy in London on Friday to vent their anger over a film that is said to insult the Prophet Mohammed.

Absolutely, no choice, after the way the GOP and their propaganda wing acted while the attacks and riots were still going on. Unpatriotic and disgusting.
Oh bite me. Sanctimonious twit. It wouldnt matter what the GOP did you'd still vote for that failure.
It was a very reasonable assumption the attack in Benghazi was just another in a whole lot of protests over the video happening in the same period.

Iraqi militia threatens U.S. interests over film Reuters

An Iraqi militia that carried out some of the most prominent attacks on foreigners during the Iraq war on Thursday threatened U.S. interests in the country over a film that has triggered protests in Libya, Egypt and Yemen.

Egyptians angry at film scale U.S. embassy walls Reuters

Egyptian protesters scaled the walls of the U.S. embassy on Tuesday, tore down the American flag and burned it during a protest over what they said was a film being produced in the United States that insulted Prophet Mohammad.

Anti-American Protests Flare Beyond the Mideast

Anti-American rage that began this week over a video insult to Islam spread to nearly 20 countries across the Middle East and beyond on Friday, with violent and sometimes deadly protests that convulsed the birthplaces of the Arab Spring revolutions, breached two more United States Embassies and targeted diplomatic properties of Germany and Britain.

Seven dead as anti-Islam film protests widen - BBC News

At least seven people were killed on Friday in demonstrations over a film made in the US that mocks Islam - as protests spread around the world.

Three people were killed when the US embassy in Khartoum was attacked, Sudanese state radio said.

In Tunisia, two people were killed after crowds breached the US embassy compound in Tunis. There was one death in Egypt and one in Lebanon.

Hundreds of angry Afghans protest anti-Islam film The Seattle Times

Hundreds of Afghans – some shouting “Death to America” – burned the U.S. flag and an effigy of President Barack Obama on Friday during a protest against an anti-Islam film outside the eastern city of Jalalabad.

Video Protesters burn flags outside US embassy in London - Telegraph

Some 200 demonstrators gathered outside the US embassy in London on Friday to vent their anger over a film that is said to insult the Prophet Mohammed.
Except they knew within minutes it was a terrorist attack. Why is this hard for you to understand?
Here's the part you idiots will never get: It would not have made a bit of difference what the motive behind the attack on the consulate was as far as how it affected the election.

Whether it was a terrorist attack or was related to all the other protests at our embassies in the Middle East over the video, the hack right wing media's attempts to lay culpability on Obama utterly failed.

The hacks made up lies about the attack. But you rubes conveniently forget that part.
I see you've actually missed the point here. No surprise.
The point, in case you forgot, is that Obama lied. He was trying to claim that he had won the war on terror and that "al Qaeda is on the run."

Please provide evidence Obama said he had won the war on terror.

The Benghazi attack put the lie to that statement. That is why he put out the story it was a spontaneous uprising due to a video when in fact it was a well planned terrorist attack that he had adequate warning about.

Another lie. He had no warning of the terrorist attack on the consulate.
FLASHBACK Obama Al Qaeda is on a path to defeat calls for resetting terror policy - Washington Times

JW Obama Admin Knew About Benghazi Before It Happened

Why do you bother? I eat your lunch every time because I know the facts here and you are merely blowing shit out of your ass.
God, how did I know you would use that second one as evidence? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Read it, dumbass. You and Judicial Watch have a reading comprehension problem. The State Department documents say the attack was planned 10 days ahead. It does not say Obama knew 10 days ahead.

Well done, parrot! You just regurgitated a total fabrication unquestioningly! Squaaawwwwwk! Polly want a cracker?

Sorry to make your butt hurt.

Oh, and that first link? Please quote the part where Obama says he has won the war on terror.

Good luck with that.
You need to read the link;. All of it. I'm done with you. You are a fucking tool bag.

You can't even read your OWN link. LOL

But it does appear that as early as 9-16-12 there was information that it was not all about a spontaneous protest over the stupid video. And, Susan Rice may have not been given all the intelligence before being sent out on the Sunday talking head shows.

But in the end, it really doesn't matter. Although, I've yet to hear anyone at the Dept of State say anything like "that's the last time an ambassador gets directly involved with a CIA operation."
Last edited:
A new study has just found that there are exactly 541,377 election criteria actually more important than Benfuckingghazi.

Who knew.

Probably no topic is more relevant to my current sigline than this idiotic malarkey. It's hard to believe we're so sheeped-up that somebody actually bought this crap.
Actually, if you were take you partisan glasses off, you would see what the Benghazi situation exposed.
If Hillary Clinton and her underlings (such as Rice) had simply said "there is an investigation and a few theories, but we will not rush to judgment until all evidence is in......there would be no reason to care about Benghazi.
But something very serious has been exposed...

Hillary Clinton, who wants to be the leader of the USA had no issue whatsoever with prematurely blaming an American Citizen who was exercising his right to free speech for an attack on Americans.

Think about it. She had a choice to NOT blame an American...and only had to if and when the evidence proved an American deserved the blame....but she opted to blame that American off the cuff.

Do you feel comfortable electing a President who is so quick to tell the world that it was one of our most sacred rights that caused the attack on Benghazi?

Isn't a President supposed to support our rights....not find ways to announce their flaws?
I find it interesting that I have mentioned this (above) 4 times on this site over the last several days....and not one person on the left has tried to challenge it.
I wonder if that is because they agree that a Presidential hopeful should never blame a killing on the first amendment unless the evidence 100% proves it.

Of course, we will get the Bendogs and Pogos who will say..."no one responds to it because it isn't worth responding to.

But that doesn't change the fact that Hillary Clinton opted to blame one of our most sacred rights on the killing of an American...even though most of her advisors told her otherwise.

It is certainly too stupid to respond to, but to s
How many times have we recently heard reporters badgering GOP candidates
"knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the invasion?"

So based on these quotes:
According to Woods the father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was killed by terrorists on 9/11/12 in Benghazi, Libya., after offering her condolences on the loss of his son, Clinton told him that the U.S. government would “make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted
Hillary Clinton to father of American murdered in Libya We ll make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted RedState

Now the question to those of you that voted for Obama...
If you knew in Sept 18,2012 that the bumper sticker "Osama dead, GM Alive" i.e. war on terrorism
WAS NOT going well i.e. Benghazi was done by well organized terrorists group AND not the video that Hillary told the above was the cause...would you still vote for Obama???
This is the problem. Currently we know that Hillary took bribes in exchange for favorable decisions in the State Department. We know she illegally kept a separate private email account. We know she illegally wiped that clean. We know she knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack even though she persisted for 2 weeks in blaming an Internet video. We know she has a decades long history of lying, destroying evidence, and taking bribes.
And yet she is the front runner for the Democratic Party and polls at high support levels.

The only conclusion is that character does not matter to Democrats, honesty does not matter, ethics do not matter. They are attracted to celebrities who tell them what they want to hear and who promise them free shit. That's it. Nothng else is important. Kiss the Republic good bye.

We know those are accusations that the right has made. Just few of the many unfounded claims from the pathetic right . Come up with a little proof beyond "fox said so" and you might have something.
Here's the part you idiots will never get: It would not have made a bit of difference what the motive behind the attack on the consulate was as far as how it affected the election.

Whether it was a terrorist attack or was related to all the other protests at our embassies in the Middle East over the video, the hack right wing media's attempts to lay culpability on Obama utterly failed.

The hacks made up lies about the attack. But you rubes conveniently forget that part.
I see you've actually missed the point here. No surprise.
The point, in case you forgot, is that Obama lied. He was trying to claim that he had won the war on terror and that "al Qaeda is on the run."

Please provide evidence Obama said he had won the war on terror.

The Benghazi attack put the lie to that statement. That is why he put out the story it was a spontaneous uprising due to a video when in fact it was a well planned terrorist attack that he had adequate warning about.

Another lie. He had no warning of the terrorist attack on the consulate.
FLASHBACK Obama Al Qaeda is on a path to defeat calls for resetting terror policy - Washington Times

JW Obama Admin Knew About Benghazi Before It Happened

Why do you bother? I eat your lunch every time because I know the facts here and you are merely blowing shit out of your ass.
God, how did I know you would use that second one as evidence? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Read it, dumbass. You and Judicial Watch have a reading comprehension problem. The State Department documents say the attack was planned 10 days ahead. It does not say Obama knew 10 days ahead.

Well done, parrot! You just regurgitated a total fabrication unquestioningly! Squaaawwwwwk! Polly want a cracker?

Sorry to make your butt hurt.

Oh, and that first link? Please quote the part where Obama says he has won the war on terror.

Good luck with that.
You need to read the link;. All of it. I'm done with you. You are a fucking tool bag.
I knew you wouldn't be able to find the part where he says he won the war on terror!
It would not have mattered one way or the other, why should it have....? Our intelligence community has "missed" many attacks, even though they had intelligence saying they were coming, starting with 9/11.... it is what it is....and as the saying goes...

Hind sight is 20/20.

we can only hope our intelligence gets better...at being able to pin point an attack ahead of time....

It's that PIN POINTING of precisely where, when, and how that usually is lacking.
Benghazi is no different than a myriad of attacks that have happen in my lifetime.

One difference is that many more have been killed in other attacks.
It was a very reasonable assumption the attack in Benghazi was just another in a whole lot of protests over the video happening in the same period.

Iraqi militia threatens U.S. interests over film Reuters

An Iraqi militia that carried out some of the most prominent attacks on foreigners during the Iraq war on Thursday threatened U.S. interests in the country over a film that has triggered protests in Libya, Egypt and Yemen.

Egyptians angry at film scale U.S. embassy walls Reuters

Egyptian protesters scaled the walls of the U.S. embassy on Tuesday, tore down the American flag and burned it during a protest over what they said was a film being produced in the United States that insulted Prophet Mohammad.

Anti-American Protests Flare Beyond the Mideast

Anti-American rage that began this week over a video insult to Islam spread to nearly 20 countries across the Middle East and beyond on Friday, with violent and sometimes deadly protests that convulsed the birthplaces of the Arab Spring revolutions, breached two more United States Embassies and targeted diplomatic properties of Germany and Britain.

Seven dead as anti-Islam film protests widen - BBC News

At least seven people were killed on Friday in demonstrations over a film made in the US that mocks Islam - as protests spread around the world.

Three people were killed when the US embassy in Khartoum was attacked, Sudanese state radio said.

In Tunisia, two people were killed after crowds breached the US embassy compound in Tunis. There was one death in Egypt and one in Lebanon.

Hundreds of angry Afghans protest anti-Islam film The Seattle Times

Hundreds of Afghans – some shouting “Death to America” – burned the U.S. flag and an effigy of President Barack Obama on Friday during a protest against an anti-Islam film outside the eastern city of Jalalabad.

Video Protesters burn flags outside US embassy in London - Telegraph

Some 200 demonstrators gathered outside the US embassy in London on Friday to vent their anger over a film that is said to insult the Prophet Mohammed.

Except they knew almost immediately that it was a terrorist attack. They'd been getting warnings for months.

Benghazi Timeline

The question surfaced again on Oct. 25 — more than six weeks after the incident — when government emails showed the White House and the State Department were told even as the attack was going on that Ansar al-Sharia, a little-known militant group, had claimed credit for it.

General Hamm happened to be at the Pentagon and was in his office within 15 minutes of the attack. They all knew it was a terrorist attack and Obama was advised immediately.

The Benghazi Transcripts Top Defense officials briefed Obama on attack not video or protest Fox News
I had a long, long list of reasons not to vote for Obama. And guess what? Benghazi was not one of them.
How many times have we recently heard reporters badgering GOP candidates
"knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the invasion?"

So based on these quotes:
According to Woods the father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was killed by terrorists on 9/11/12 in Benghazi, Libya., after offering her condolences on the loss of his son, Clinton told him that the U.S. government would “make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted
Hillary Clinton to father of American murdered in Libya We ll make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted RedState

Now the question to those of you that voted for Obama...
If you knew in Sept 18,2012 that the bumper sticker "Osama dead, GM Alive" i.e. war on terrorism
WAS NOT going well i.e. Benghazi was done by well organized terrorists group AND not the video that Hillary told the above was the cause...would you still vote for Obama???

Yes, for the same reason so many voted to re-elect Reagan after he allowed 241 Americans to die in Lebanon because he refused to allow them to be armed at the gates.

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