If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

The moment this tragedy happened, the right wing was salivating with GLEE that they could use the deaths of these patriots, to try to hurt Obama....

THE LIES from the right wing were despicable...traitorous...

"Obama was rubbing his hands with glee as he watched via Drone footage, live, as Ambassador Stephens was killed"

"Ambassador Stevens was raped and dragged through the streets by his rapists"

"Obama TOLD help to Stand Down"

YOU ALL are the lying scum of the Earth....

the official record proves that all of those things actually happened. Sorry, but you messiah is a false prophet who has lied to you constantly, and you are too stupid to see that he has made a fool of you. quite pathetic.

Great, then you can link to the official record, and while you're at it, prove that's it's official.
Please provide evidence Obama said he had won the war on terror.

Another lie. He had no warning of the terrorist attack on the consulate.
FLASHBACK Obama Al Qaeda is on a path to defeat calls for resetting terror policy - Washington Times

JW Obama Admin Knew About Benghazi Before It Happened

Why do you bother? I eat your lunch every time because I know the facts here and you are merely blowing shit out of your ass.
God, how did I know you would use that second one as evidence? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Read it, dumbass. You and Judicial Watch have a reading comprehension problem. The State Department documents say the attack was planned 10 days ahead. It does not say Obama knew 10 days ahead.

Well done, parrot! You just regurgitated a total fabrication unquestioningly! Squaaawwwwwk! Polly want a cracker?

Sorry to make your butt hurt.

Oh, and that first link? Please quote the part where Obama says he has won the war on terror.

Good luck with that.
You need to read the link;. All of it. I'm done with you. You are a fucking tool bag.

You can't even read your OWN link. LOL

But it does appear that as early as 9-16-12 there was information that it was not all about a spontaneous protest over the stupid video. And, Susan Rice may have not been given all the intelligence before being sent out on the Sunday talking head shows.

But in the end, it really doesn't matter. Although, I've yet to hear anyone at the Dept of State say anything like "that's the last time an ambassador gets directly involved with a CIA operation."
At this point, what difference does it make?

Tell us what difference it makes.
I guess the whole Benghazi thing is just to appeal to the right wing crazy base- because it has never resonated with the public in general.

It was obvious from the beginning that the Republicans were far more interested in blaming Obama and blaming Clinton- than on what actually happened.

Far more interested in blame- rather than finding out what happened and then using that to improve the security of our diplomats.

Its not going to resonate now either.
FLASHBACK Obama Al Qaeda is on a path to defeat calls for resetting terror policy - Washington Times

JW Obama Admin Knew About Benghazi Before It Happened

Why do you bother? I eat your lunch every time because I know the facts here and you are merely blowing shit out of your ass.
God, how did I know you would use that second one as evidence? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Read it, dumbass. You and Judicial Watch have a reading comprehension problem. The State Department documents say the attack was planned 10 days ahead. It does not say Obama knew 10 days ahead.

Well done, parrot! You just regurgitated a total fabrication unquestioningly! Squaaawwwwwk! Polly want a cracker?

Sorry to make your butt hurt.

Oh, and that first link? Please quote the part where Obama says he has won the war on terror.

Good luck with that.
You need to read the link;. All of it. I'm done with you. You are a fucking tool bag.

You can't even read your OWN link. LOL

But it does appear that as early as 9-16-12 there was information that it was not all about a spontaneous protest over the stupid video. And, Susan Rice may have not been given all the intelligence before being sent out on the Sunday talking head shows.

But in the end, it really doesn't matter. Although, I've yet to hear anyone at the Dept of State say anything like "that's the last time an ambassador gets directly involved with a CIA operation."
At this point, what difference does it make?

Tell us what difference it makes.

There were a few people obviously not many that believe Obama's bumper sticker "Osama's dead..GM Alive"... and that meant war on terror was going well...BUT when it was an obvious deliberate terror attack on a US embassy and NOT a spontaneous event due to a video...
a few people 6 weeks later may question Obama's ineptness in handling the war on terror at the polls. Since Obama doesn't think there really is a war of civilizations between a people that crucify gays, hang babies, i.e. ISIS... and the good guys (again Obama doesn't think
we are the good guys!!!) he calls ISIS the JV... not a big deal to him.

People that don't make up Gruber's Stupidity of American Voter bloc knew Obama's ineptness over all and the ONLY thing he was
adept at was fooling people even to the point he admits it his book
"Dreams from My Father"...
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.

Obama has fooled a lot of people some more easily then others as he has totally flummoxed you!
Bad guys attacked us and killed four Americans

Whether their motive was a video or terrorism, does it impact whether they need to be brought to justice?
Obama lied about the incident to further his political career. At this point does it "impact" whether he ought to be impeached or not?

No he didn't.
Ten Repblican led investigations since have revealed he didn't

Can't wait for what the eleventh reveals
Link? I mean this is all over the news. The Dems here are going with pure denial.
If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

That assumes that I buy into all the republican nonsense wrt to that tragedy.

You obviously can't afford to pay attention, so who gives a fuck what you buy?

Wow, that made no sense at all. What does "affording" have to do with it? (This should be good)
The guy that made the video was not arrested and sent back to prison for making the film, according to his parole, he was not to have any internet use...He was on probation for fraud by internet.......
The guy that made the video was not arrested and sent back to prison for making the film, according to his parole, he was not to have any internet use...He was on probation for fraud by internet.......
If you believe that I have a bridge you might like to invest in.
"Obama watched through the eyes of a drone while they died."
"A stand down order was given".
Check it out. When the liberal fanatics can't refute what conservatives say, they make up other things they didn't say, pretend the conservatives in the thread said them, and bash them for that instead.

Can these people get any more futile and silly?
If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

The video was just a silly distraction, typical of the petty lies the Left tells as part of their agenda. They never want to be held responsible for ANY of the disasters they cause, so you get silly little fibs like that when they want to fool the American people into thinking their enemy is not their enemy.

A more relevant question would be:

If you as a voter knew in 2012 that the Obama administration had deliberately cut back on security in several embassies and consulates in troubled areas in the middle East and north Africa, at a time when terrorist attacks were actually being carried out week after week at some of those places and getting progressively worse, even as he spent lavishly on swimming pools and ornate furniture at other similar embassies and consulates, just so he could pretend before a major election that he had actually defeated al Qaeda when the opposite was true, and the result was three Americans killed (including a U.S. Ambassador) and a consulate completely destroyed by a long-planned attack.....

....would you have voted for Obama in that major election?
God, how did I know you would use that second one as evidence? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Read it, dumbass. You and Judicial Watch have a reading comprehension problem. The State Department documents say the attack was planned 10 days ahead. It does not say Obama knew 10 days ahead.

Well done, parrot! You just regurgitated a total fabrication unquestioningly! Squaaawwwwwk! Polly want a cracker?

Sorry to make your butt hurt.

Oh, and that first link? Please quote the part where Obama says he has won the war on terror.

Good luck with that.
You need to read the link;. All of it. I'm done with you. You are a fucking tool bag.

You can't even read your OWN link. LOL

But it does appear that as early as 9-16-12 there was information that it was not all about a spontaneous protest over the stupid video. And, Susan Rice may have not been given all the intelligence before being sent out on the Sunday talking head shows.

But in the end, it really doesn't matter. Although, I've yet to hear anyone at the Dept of State say anything like "that's the last time an ambassador gets directly involved with a CIA operation."
At this point, what difference does it make?

Tell us what difference it makes.

There were a few people obviously not many that believe Obama's bumper sticker "Osama's dead..GM Alive"... and that meant war on terror was going well...BUT when it was an obvious deliberate terror attack on a US embassy and NOT a spontaneous event due to a video...
a few people 6 weeks later may question Obama's ineptness in handling the war on terror at the polls. Since Obama doesn't think there really is a war of civilizations between a people that crucify gays, hang babies, i.e. ISIS... and the good guys (again Obama doesn't think
we are the good guys!!!) he calls ISIS the JV... not a big deal to him.

People that don't make up Gruber's Stupidity of American Voter bloc knew Obama's ineptness over all and the ONLY thing he was
adept at was fooling people even to the point he admits it his book
"Dreams from My Father"...
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.

Obama has fooled a lot of people some more easily then others as he has totally flummoxed you!
Yeah, people would have to be Gruber stupid to fall for Obama's feeble attempt to make it seem like the war on terror was under control. Who could fall for a trick like that?

If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

The video was just a silly distraction, typical of the petty lies the Left tells as part of their agenda. They never want to be held responsible for ANY of the disasters they cause, so you get silly little fibs like that when they want to fool the American people into thinking their enemy is not their enemy.

A more relevant question would be:

If you as a voter knew in 2012 that the Obama administration had deliberately cut back on security in several embassies and consulates in troubled areas in the middle East and north Africa, at a time when terrorist attacks were actually being carried out week after week at some of those places and getting progressively worse, even as he spent lavishly on swimming pools and ornate furniture at other similar embassies and consulates, just so he could pretend before a major election that he had actually defeated al Qaeda when the opposite was true, and the result was three Americans killed (including a U.S. Ambassador) and a consulate completely destroyed by a long-planned attack.....

....would you have voted for Obama in that major election?
Is your conspiracy theory: Obama did not staff Benghazi because HE WANTED IT TO BE ATTACKED before the election? That is what you are saying...you are actually saying that Obama KNEW where, when and how we would be attacked and he purposely did not staff those that he knew for certain would be attacked SO THEY COULD BE killed?

Do you have any idea how far out there and deranged this conspiracy is of yours and the right wing's?

Because you are saying Obama PURPOSELY did not staff with extra security, the Benghazi region on the one hand and also saying they knew there was going to be an attack on Benghazi and when it would be....

All so he didn't have to show us that he added security... because we would then think he added security because of AlQaeda?

And you think, that Obama and the State Department thought that an attack on the Benghazi consulate annex without the proper security WOULD ACTUALLY HELP HIM in the election?

Little Acorn, seek help....You are letting politics, mess up your brain.

You have not thought your conspiracy theory thru.
It was a very reasonable assumption the attack in Benghazi was just another in a whole lot of protests over the video happening in the same period.

Iraqi militia threatens U.S. interests over film Reuters

An Iraqi militia that carried out some of the most prominent attacks on foreigners during the Iraq war on Thursday threatened U.S. interests in the country over a film that has triggered protests in Libya, Egypt and Yemen.

Egyptians angry at film scale U.S. embassy walls Reuters

Egyptian protesters scaled the walls of the U.S. embassy on Tuesday, tore down the American flag and burned it during a protest over what they said was a film being produced in the United States that insulted Prophet Mohammad.

Anti-American Protests Flare Beyond the Mideast

Anti-American rage that began this week over a video insult to Islam spread to nearly 20 countries across the Middle East and beyond on Friday, with violent and sometimes deadly protests that convulsed the birthplaces of the Arab Spring revolutions, breached two more United States Embassies and targeted diplomatic properties of Germany and Britain.

Seven dead as anti-Islam film protests widen - BBC News

At least seven people were killed on Friday in demonstrations over a film made in the US that mocks Islam - as protests spread around the world.

Three people were killed when the US embassy in Khartoum was attacked, Sudanese state radio said.

In Tunisia, two people were killed after crowds breached the US embassy compound in Tunis. There was one death in Egypt and one in Lebanon.

Hundreds of angry Afghans protest anti-Islam film The Seattle Times

Hundreds of Afghans – some shouting “Death to America” – burned the U.S. flag and an effigy of President Barack Obama on Friday during a protest against an anti-Islam film outside the eastern city of Jalalabad.

Video Protesters burn flags outside US embassy in London - Telegraph

Some 200 demonstrators gathered outside the US embassy in London on Friday to vent their anger over a film that is said to insult the Prophet Mohammed.
How stupid, ignorant, and brainwashed can hater dupes get?
A new study has just found that there are exactly 541,377 election criteria actually more important than Benfuckingghazi.

Who knew.

Probably no topic is more relevant to my current sigline than this idiotic malarkey. It's hard to believe we're so sheeped-up that somebody actually bought this crap.

Meaning that YOU as Dem care not at all whether or not your Leaders have any integrity because you have none.

You don't that Obama lied, Hillary lied, you don't care that he was running care that Obama was running guns to Syria and that THAT is why Stevens was there.

You don't care that we now know that Hillary lied to the parents of the dead men about the video......in short Dems are for the most part people full of hatred, intolerance and deception.

In short none of you can be trusted with anything.
It was a very reasonable assumption the attack in Benghazi was just another in a whole lot of protests over the video happening in the same period.

Iraqi militia threatens U.S. interests over film Reuters

An Iraqi militia that carried out some of the most prominent attacks on foreigners during the Iraq war on Thursday threatened U.S. interests in the country over a film that has triggered protests in Libya, Egypt and Yemen.

Egyptians angry at film scale U.S. embassy walls Reuters

Egyptian protesters scaled the walls of the U.S. embassy on Tuesday, tore down the American flag and burned it during a protest over what they said was a film being produced in the United States that insulted Prophet Mohammad.

Anti-American Protests Flare Beyond the Mideast

Anti-American rage that began this week over a video insult to Islam spread to nearly 20 countries across the Middle East and beyond on Friday, with violent and sometimes deadly protests that convulsed the birthplaces of the Arab Spring revolutions, breached two more United States Embassies and targeted diplomatic properties of Germany and Britain.

Seven dead as anti-Islam film protests widen - BBC News

At least seven people were killed on Friday in demonstrations over a film made in the US that mocks Islam - as protests spread around the world.

Three people were killed when the US embassy in Khartoum was attacked, Sudanese state radio said.

In Tunisia, two people were killed after crowds breached the US embassy compound in Tunis. There was one death in Egypt and one in Lebanon.

Hundreds of angry Afghans protest anti-Islam film The Seattle Times

Hundreds of Afghans – some shouting “Death to America” – burned the U.S. flag and an effigy of President Barack Obama on Friday during a protest against an anti-Islam film outside the eastern city of Jalalabad.

Video Protesters burn flags outside US embassy in London - Telegraph

Some 200 demonstrators gathered outside the US embassy in London on Friday to vent their anger over a film that is said to insult the Prophet Mohammed.
How stupid, ignorant, and brainwashed can hater dupes get?

You now know that Obama and Hillary knew almost 2 full weeks ahead of the attack that it was imminent, THAT make you the "hater dupe".
A new study has just found that there are exactly 541,377 election criteria actually more important than Benfuckingghazi.

Who knew.

Probably no topic is more relevant to my current sigline than this idiotic malarkey. It's hard to believe we're so sheeped-up that somebody actually bought this crap.
Actually, if you were take you partisan glasses off, you would see what the Benghazi situation exposed.
If Hillary Clinton and her underlings (such as Rice) had simply said "there is an investigation and a few theories, but we will not rush to judgment until all evidence is in......there would be no reason to care about Benghazi.
But something very serious has been exposed...

Hillary Clinton, who wants to be the leader of the USA had no issue whatsoever with prematurely blaming an American Citizen who was exercising his right to free speech for an attack on Americans.

Think about it. She had a choice to NOT blame an American...and only had to if and when the evidence proved an American deserved the blame....but she opted to blame that American off the cuff.

Do you feel comfortable electing a President who is so quick to tell the world that it was one of our most sacred rights that caused the attack on Benghazi?

Isn't a President supposed to support our rights....not find ways to announce their flaws?
I find it interesting that I have mentioned this (above) 4 times on this site over the last several days....and not one person on the left has tried to challenge it.
I wonder if that is because they agree that a Presidential hopeful should never blame a killing on the first amendment unless the evidence 100% proves it.

Of course, we will get the Bendogs and Pogos who will say..."no one responds to it because it isn't worth responding to.

But that doesn't change the fact that Hillary Clinton opted to blame one of our most sacred rights on the killing of an American...even though most of her advisors told her otherwise.


I imagine everybody ignores it because it's mindless.
Back that up, big boy. Go ahead. Back it up.

Did Hillary Clinton and her staff (Rice) prematurely blame an American Citizen exercising his right to free speech? Yes or no?

Did Hillary Clinton have several options to choose from....American exercising his right to free speech; planned terrorist attack; not sure, we are waiting for the investigation to be complete........yes or no?

Never mind. You are a mindless putz.

A new study has just found that there are exactly 541,377 election criteria actually more important than Benfuckingghazi.

Who knew.

Probably no topic is more relevant to my current sigline than this idiotic malarkey. It's hard to believe we're so sheeped-up that somebody actually bought this crap.

Meaning that YOU as Dem care not at all whether or not your Leaders have any integrity because you have none.

You don't that Obama lied, Hillary lied, you don't care that he was running care that Obama was running guns to Syria and that THAT is why Stevens was there.

You don't care that we now know that Hillary lied to the parents of the dead men about the video......in short Dems are for the most part people full of hatred, intolerance and deception.

In short none of you can be trusted with anything.

Uh -- I'm not a "Dem", Brainiac.

Now what were you saying about "integrity"? :rofl:
A new study has just found that there are exactly 541,377 election criteria actually more important than Benfuckingghazi.

Who knew.

Probably no topic is more relevant to my current sigline than this idiotic malarkey. It's hard to believe we're so sheeped-up that somebody actually bought this crap.

Meaning that YOU as Dem care not at all whether or not your Leaders have any integrity because you have none.

You don't that Obama lied, Hillary lied, you don't care that he was running care that Obama was running guns to Syria and that THAT is why Stevens was there.

You don't care that we now know that Hillary lied to the parents of the dead men about the video......in short Dems are for the most part people full of hatred, intolerance and deception.

In short none of you can be trusted with anything.

Uh -- I'm not a "Dem", Brainiac.

Now what were you saying about "integrity"? :rofl:

Oh aren't you the bright one?

I am betting you believed Obama and Hillary when they blamed it on the video no matter what you are ;)
A new study has just found that there are exactly 541,377 election criteria actually more important than Benfuckingghazi.

Who knew.

Probably no topic is more relevant to my current sigline than this idiotic malarkey. It's hard to believe we're so sheeped-up that somebody actually bought this crap.

Meaning that YOU as Dem care not at all whether or not your Leaders have any integrity because you have none.

You don't that Obama lied, Hillary lied, you don't care that he was running care that Obama was running guns to Syria and that THAT is why Stevens was there.

You don't care that we now know that Hillary lied to the parents of the dead men about the video......in short Dems are for the most part people full of hatred, intolerance and deception.

In short none of you can be trusted with anything.

Uh -- I'm not a "Dem", Brainiac.

Now what were you saying about "integrity"? :rofl:

Oh aren't you the bright one?

I am betting you believed Obama and Hillary when they blamed it on the video no matter what you are ;)

If that's the way you make bets, I'm sure you're broke. And no, you can't borrow money.

Hey, I'm just not impressed with fake news stories. They're for the gullible.

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