If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

How many times have we recently heard reporters badgering GOP candidates
"knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the invasion?"

So based on these quotes:
According to Woods the father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was killed by terrorists on 9/11/12 in Benghazi, Libya., after offering her condolences on the loss of his son, Clinton told him that the U.S. government would “make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted
Hillary Clinton to father of American murdered in Libya We ll make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted RedState

Now the question to those of you that voted for Obama...
If you knew in Sept 18,2012 that the bumper sticker "Osama dead, GM Alive" i.e. war on terrorism
WAS NOT going well i.e. Benghazi was done by well organized terrorists group AND not the video that Hillary told the above was the cause...would you still vote for Obama???

It would have had zero influence on my vote. Just as this question on Iraq will have zero influence for me in the next election.
If you vote for HRC, you support the Iraqi war, pure and simple.
And the deliberate, premeditated reduction of crucial security forces, giving aid to an attacking enemy during a time of war (which they declared on us), regardless of American deaths it might (and did) cause, for the sake of boosting the incumbent's chance of election.
"If you ignore all the endless litany of "whereas" after "whereas", and skip to the end of the 2002 Authorization To Use Military Force, it seems Congress approved a conditional AUMF, not a blank check." is a lie. It was a blank check for Bush to invade Iraq and everyone knew it. Vote against HRC. Did Congress REALLY Vote For The Iraq War Thom Hartmann
The "vote for the war" was a vote to intimidate Saddam that Cheney ran with, the stupid greedy a-hole...change the channel, morons.
Well, that's what Hillary wants us to believe. If you actually buy her schtick about W coming back to congress for second vote, you're smoking weed. The only way to stop that trainwreck was to publically say "hold on a minute," and she didn't want to get in front of that train. Why?
Because the tidal wave of Boooshcrap was running the country, through imperialist running dogs/RW morons/ugly American chumps like you...

Did Congress REALLY Vote For The Iraq War Thom Hartmann
If you vote for HRC, you support the Iraqi war, pure and simple.
And the manipulation of needed security forces, giving aid to an attacking enemy during a time of war (which they declared on us), regardless of American deaths it might (and did) cause, for the sake of boosting the incumbent's chance of election.
And now for a distraction from the partisan.
If you vote for HRC, you support the Iraqi war, pure and simple.
And the manipulation of needed security forces, giving aid to an attacking enemy during a time of war (which they declared on us), regardless of American deaths it might (and did) cause, for the sake of boosting the incumbent's chance of election.
And nearly destroying our AR and NG force establishment and effectiveness.

BHO stood up to Bush, HRC did not.
The "vote for the war" was a vote to intimidate Saddam that Cheney ran with, the stupid greedy a-hole...change the channel, morons.
Well, that's what Hillary wants us to believe. If you actually buy her schtick about W coming back to congress for second vote, you're smoking weed. The only way to stop that trainwreck was to publically say "hold on a minute," and she didn't want to get in front of that train. Why?
Because the tidal wave of Boooshcrap was running the country, through imperialist running dogs/RW morons/ugly American chumps like you...

Did Congress REALLY Vote For The Iraq War Thom Hartmann
Fuck you, Frank. I was never for Iraq. But hill did NOT have a moment in courage there.
If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

The video was just a silly distraction, typical of the petty lies the Left tells as part of their agenda. They never want to be held responsible for ANY of the disasters they cause, so you get silly little fibs like that when they want to fool the American people into thinking their enemy is not their enemy.

A more relevant question would be:

If you as a voter knew in 2012 that the Obama administration had deliberately cut back on security in several embassies and consulates in troubled areas in the middle East and north Africa, at a time when terrorist attacks were actually being carried out week after week at some of those places and getting progressively worse, even as he spent lavishly on swimming pools and ornate furniture at other similar embassies and consulates, just so he could pretend before a major election that he had actually defeated al Qaeda when the opposite was true, and the result was three Americans killed (including a U.S. Ambassador) and a consulate completely destroyed by a long-planned attack.....

....would you have voted for Obama in that major election?
A new study has just found that there are exactly 541,377 election criteria actually more important than Benfuckingghazi.

Who knew.

Probably no topic is more relevant to my current sigline than this idiotic malarkey. It's hard to believe we're so sheeped-up that somebody actually bought this crap.

Lying to the american people is not important? I guess not to you because you still support obozo after his lie of the century "if you like your policy you can keep it"
How many times have we recently heard reporters badgering GOP candidates
"knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the invasion?"

So based on these quotes:
According to Woods the father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was killed by terrorists on 9/11/12 in Benghazi, Libya., after offering her condolences on the loss of his son, Clinton told him that the U.S. government would “make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted
Hillary Clinton to father of American murdered in Libya We ll make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted RedState

Now the question to those of you that voted for Obama...
If you knew in Sept 18,2012 that the bumper sticker "Osama dead, GM Alive" i.e. war on terrorism
WAS NOT going well i.e. Benghazi was done by well organized terrorists group AND not the video that Hillary told the above was the cause...would you still vote for Obama???

Whether it was caused by the video, partly caused by the video, indirectly caused by the video, connected to the video protests elsewhere, or having nothing to do with the video,

none of that matters.

OK, tell us why lying to the american people doesn't matter. I can't wait for your answer after you continually post bullshit about Bush lied people died.

so lying is OK if dems do it and terrible is pubs do it? is that your belief?
Lying to the american people is not important? I guess not to you because you still support obozo after his lie of the century "if you like your policy you can keep it"
Giving aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of war is not important?

Apparently not to liberals. Keeping political power is much more important than that to them.

The Constitution has a specific name for what the Obama administration did in 2012.
The "vote for the war" was a vote to intimidate Saddam that Cheney ran with, the stupid greedy a-hole...change the channel, morons.
Well, that's what Hillary wants us to believe. If you actually buy her schtick about W coming back to congress for second vote, you're smoking weed. The only way to stop that trainwreck was to publically say "hold on a minute," and she didn't want to get in front of that train. Why?
Because the tidal wave of Boooshcrap was running the country, through imperialist running dogs/RW morons/ugly American chumps like you...

Did Congress REALLY Vote For The Iraq War Thom Hartmann
Fuck you, Frank. I was never for Iraq. But hill did NOT have a moment in courage there.
80% of the country thought Saddam was in on 9/11...now you can't find anyone who did lol...that's Francophile. Ils avaient raison comme toujours..."Les Americains, ils sont fous!". Mais c'est vraiment les sales Republicains...
Of all the reasons to vote against HRC, Benghazi is not one.

Voting for the Iraq invasion is the primary reason to deny her the presidency.


She had the courage to say what none of the pubs will - that she made a mistake.

And, would you say the same about the many Repubs who are running?
the petty lies the Left tells as part of their agenda. They never want to be held responsible for ANY of the disasters they cause
Whether it was caused by the video, partly caused by the video, indirectly caused by the video, connected to the video protests elsewhere, or having nothing to do with the video, none of that matters.
Of all the reasons to vote against HRC, Benghazi is not one.

Voting for the Iraq invasion is the primary reason to deny her the presidency.


She had the courage to say what none of the pubs will - that she made a mistake.

And, would you say the same about the many Repubs who are running?
I don't care if she does a back flip while saying it.

HRC is not to be trusted, not to be voted for.
A new study has just found that there are exactly 541,377 election criteria actually more important than Benfuckingghazi.

Who knew.

Probably no topic is more relevant to my current sigline than this idiotic malarkey. It's hard to believe we're so sheeped-up that somebody actually bought this crap.

Lying to the american people is not important?

It's important to be aware of, sure. That's why I never watch Fox Noise and its bullshit stories of Benghazi and ACORN and Jeremiah Wright and hip hop barbecues and fucking "New Black Panthers" and "knockout games". But that's all easily ignored. You should try it.

I guess not to you because you still support obozo after his lie of the century "if you like your policy you can keep it"

Yeah ummm... link to where I've posted anything remotely like that is ... where again?

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