If you believe blacks had no culture in Africa, check PBS now

The little black kid wanted to buy his grandma a present, so he went to the hardware store. Then he asked the clerk there:

"I wanna by my grandma a present and she loves gardening."

Then the clerk asked him, "Does she need a hoe?"

And he said, "No. My sista is a ho so we already got one of those in the family."

^^^^^^^ Cartoon pictures do not prove anything. ...... :cool:

what do you expect, they can't read
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Beat Augustus, tallest skyscrapers, etc. Google Meroe for pyramids. Great job by racist archaeologists all this time...
They (the show) are counting Egyptians as "Africans".

Egyptians are NOT Africans.

Egyptians are Egyptians. They are the original indigenous peoples of North Africa.

Then to the south of Egypt there is a huge desert now called the Sahara.

Further to the south of this practically impenetrable desert is jungle and what is called Black Africa.

Africans come from Black Africa.

This show is bullsh!t.

If you believe bullsh!t then you are simply ignorant of history and geography.

don't ruin their fantasy world

cuz dey be Jipshunz n sheet
Beat Augustus, tallest skyscrapers, etc. Google Meroe for pyramids. Great job by racist archaeologists all this time...
They (the show) are counting Egyptians as "Africans".

Egyptians are NOT Africans.

Egyptians are Egyptians. They are the original indigenous peoples of North Africa.

Then to the south of Egypt there is a huge desert now called the Sahara.

Further to the south of this practically impenetrable desert is jungle and what is called Black Africa.

Africans come from Black Africa.

This show is bullsh!t.

If you believe bullsh!t then you are simply ignorant of history and geography.

don't ruin their fantasy world

cuz dey be Jipshunz n sheet
South of Egypt is black. NUBIANS, Aksum, Meroe, Ethiopia, racist dumbasses. Next week, further south.
^^^^^^^ Cartoon pictures do not prove anything. ...... :cool:

what do you expect, they can't read
See PHOTOS, bird brain. And much more discoveries to come, despite racist colonialism and archaeology burying it....

if african kultchu so great, why racist colonialism?

millions of darkies could not handle a couple dozen caucasians?
Guns beat no guns, stupid racist. Here's to you fuzzy wuzzy, you broke the British square...
On again tonite, 9 o'clock. Learn something for a change.
^^^^^^^ Cartoon pictures do not prove anything. ...... :cool:

what do you expect, they can't read
See PHOTOS, bird brain. And much more discoveries to come, despite racist colonialism and archaeology burying it....

if african kultchu so great, why racist colonialism?

millions of darkies could not handle a couple dozen caucasians?
Like 12 Portugese warships and 500 soldiers against archers on the Swahili coast trading center?

Don't miss the final 2 hours of unknown black empires of Africa on PBS tonite...you can root for the racist murdering colonials and archeologists burying evidence since blacks aren't "smart enough" to build that...

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