If you believe blacks had no culture in Africa, check PBS now

Jeeebus racists are stupid a-holes. Enjoy hell.
Y U say that?
if african kultchu so great, why racist colonialism?

millions of darkies could not handle a couple dozen caucasians? etc etc

etc etc I don't get your point. You some kinda racist or something?
Go back and look at the skunk's posts...and no.
About the PBS show. Last 2 hours tonight.

Munchkin knock-offs of a great civilization. Hell, you can buy tiny replicas of the Eiffel tower made in China for a few bucks.

Munchkin knock-offs of a great civilization. Hell, you can buy tiny replicas of the Eiffel tower made in China for a few bucks.
Those aren't small, dingbat. And blacks also built the Great Pyramid for a black Pharoah. Congrats, you're ignorant about everything but your job in Bug Tussle...
Thank you, ignorant racist dupes. Tune in tonight to see how you wrecked an entire continent and race....
Well, I've been to Morocco, Egypt, Baltimore and Chicago, but I can't imagine I wrecked them. They were pretty much a mess when I got there.

Never been to the hell holes of black Africa, so I can hardly be blamed for the squalor there.
Thank you, ignorant racist dupes. Tune in tonight to see how you wrecked an entire continent and race....
Well, I've been to Morocco, Egypt, Baltimore and Chicago, but I can't imagine I wrecked them. They were pretty much a mess when I got there.

Never been to the hell holes of black Africa, so I can hardly be blamed for the squalor there.
You are not all ignorant racists. Africa has been an even WORSE mess since the corrupt GOP depression. Ditto ME. And Balmore and Chicago...Minorities and the 3rd world always take it the worst...
When the European explorers first traveled to the various parts of Africa.

All they ever found was half starved primitive natives living in grass huts with dirt floors, walking around naked, and using elephant manure to cook their monkey meat stew.

They had no written language, no books, no mathematics, no science, or advanced astronomy.

Many were savage cannibals, who ate uncooked meat raw, and drank the fresh blood of live stock by making cuts on a vein.

The only culture black Africans have today is those things the white man gave them. ..... :cool:
Thank you, ignorant racist dupes. Tune in tonight to see how you wrecked an entire continent and race....
Well, I've been to Morocco, Egypt, Baltimore and Chicago, but I can't imagine I wrecked them. They were pretty much a mess when I got there.

Never been to the hell holes of black Africa, so I can hardly be blamed for the squalor there.
You are not all ignorant racists. Africa has been an even WORSE mess since the corrupt GOP depression. Ditto ME. And Balmore and Chicago...Minorities and the 3rd world always take it the worst...
You are free to post and insult your own intelligence, but don't presume to insult the intelligence of others, especially those who expose your ignorance.

Look, I'm not saying black Africa did/does not have a culture, they do. However, it is the most backward in human history.
Everybody knows it. Failure speaks for itself.
Thank you, ignorant racist dupes. Tune in tonight to see how you wrecked an entire continent and race....
Well, I've been to Morocco, Egypt, Baltimore and Chicago, but I can't imagine I wrecked them. They were pretty much a mess when I got there.

Never been to the hell holes of black Africa, so I can hardly be blamed for the squalor there.
You are not all ignorant racists. Africa has been an even WORSE mess since the corrupt GOP depression. Ditto ME. And Balmore and Chicago...Minorities and the 3rd world always take it the worst...
You are free to post and insult your own intelligence, but don't presume to insult the intelligence of others, especially those who expose your ignorance.

Look, I'm not saying black Africa did/does not have a culture, they do. However, it is the most backward in human history.
Everybody knows it. Failure speaks for itself.
Not until the Portuguese and the others arrived with guns, cannons, and warships in the 1400's and wrecked the place. Only in the last 50 years or so has knowledge begun to change. Institutional racism.
When the European explorers first traveled to the various parts of Africa.

All they ever found was half starved primitive natives living in grass huts with dirt floors, walking around naked, and using elephant manure to cook their monkey meat stew.

They had no written language, no books, no mathematics, no science, or advanced astronomy.

Many were savage cannibals, who ate uncooked meat raw, and drank the fresh blood of live stock by making cuts on a vein.

The only culture black Africans have today is those things the white man gave them. ..... :cool:
Congratulations, you are absolutely wrong. Nubian Empire was as advanced as the Egyptians, Aksum Empire was advanced as anyone and defeated Augustus Caesar, Timbuktu in the Mali Empire and Benin were as advanced in literature and art as Europe in the late medieval period, and most Europe's gold came from the Ghana Empire. The Ethiopian Empire threw the lying Portuguese out early and so avoided the colonial tragedy.
Congratulations, you are absolutely wrong. Nubian Empire was as advanced as the Egyptians, Aksum Empire was advanced as anyone and defeated Augustus Caesar, Timbuktu in the Mali Empire and Benin were as advanced in literature and art as Europe in the late medieval period, and most Europe's gold came from the Ghana Empire. The Ethiopian Empire threw the lying Portuguese out early and so avoided the colonial tragedy.
Oh....I get it.....alternative history based on BS...... :thup: .. :cool:
Not until the Portuguese and the others arrived with guns, cannons, and warships in the 1400's and wrecked the place. Only in the last 50 years or so has knowledge begun to change. Institutional racism.
How do you wreck stone age black people living in grass huts with dirt floors? .. :cool:
Stop the stupid institutional racist bs, stupid. So much has been learned lately, dumbass.
Congratulations, you are absolutely wrong. Nubian Empire was as advanced as the Egyptians, Aksum Empire was advanced as anyone and defeated Augustus Caesar, Timbuktu in the Mali Empire and Benin were as advanced in literature and art as Europe in the late medieval period, and most Europe's gold came from the Ghana Empire. The Ethiopian Empire threw the lying Portuguese out early and so avoided the colonial tragedy.
Oh....I get it.....alternative history based on BS...... :thup: .. :cool:
The Timbuktu library has many thousands of black books from the12-1500's, shyttehead. The richest man in the world was the ruler of Mali in the 13-1400's. You are a moron dupe who can no longer learn. Typical dupe. The walls around Benin are the biggest ancient monument anywhere. See also Great Zimbabwe and tonight's show on PBS.
The Timbuktu library has many thousands of black books from the12-1500's, shyttehead. The richest man in the world was the ruler of Mali in the 13-1400's.
What have black African's done lately??

That was like 700 years ago. Timbuktu today is just a dusty run down town, where the people are half starving, with no running water or electricity. It's definitely not a tourist destination for sure.

South Africa is the only somewhat civilized country on the whole continent. But only because the white man ran the place for like 200 years. Although, since the blacks took over, the place has gone down hill, and violent crime is off the charts. .... :cool:
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The issue with Africa as with Meso and North America was simply geography.

There was no interface between these land locked areas with the brilliant ancient cultures of Babylonia, China, Egypt, Greece and Persia.

So black Africans and Meso and North Americans simply rolled along contently in their Stone Age technology until one day Europeans landed on their shores with guns of steel and slaughtered them like wild pigs.

Has nothing to do with racism. It was all about technology. And necessity is the mother of invention. It was the Chinese who invented gunpowder, and the Europeans who exploited it into cannons and guns.

With the black Africans happy around their campfires chewing on their roasted monkey bones they simply had no idea of what was coming.

Neither did the Meso-Americans or the North Americans. And the same thing happened on the island of Japan, but the Japanese adapted very quickly, which the Africans and the Meso and North Americans were unable to do.

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