If you bet 21 days you won

yes but from what I read Congress can demand to see them And don't you think it a bit strange that the wheeler dealer is the first president in many years refuses to show them ,,,,after btw he lied and said he would?
I don't think it's strange. I think it's NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS
Well you're dead wrong granpaw only a fucking imbecile like you doesn't care if the ceo in charge, trumpovitch the russian agent, is a thief and cheat
I didn't say what you just implied. I said his personal tax returns are NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS.

Not after he promises to release them, and then lies about it
I might tell you I'll show you my wife's tits. Doesn't mean you're entitled to see them if I don't show them.

You people are beyond dumb.
why did Trump lie about those tax returns? When will you care
I don't think it's strange. I think it's NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS
Well you're dead wrong granpaw only a fucking imbecile like you doesn't care if the ceo in charge, trumpovitch the russian agent, is a thief and cheat
I didn't say what you just implied. I said his personal tax returns are NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS.


You don't think that a President's tax returns are our business, but I'm sure you think that a president getting a hummer from an intern is.

Not too partisan now are we?
Since you don't know the answer to that question you can kindly fuck off too. You stupid liberal faggots seem to think you can read minds.
Why did Trump lie about his tax returns?
So you nosy cocksuckers would shut up about them. Kinda like when your fatass wife says "does my butt look big in these jeans" and you LIE & say no.
You don't think that a President's tax returns are our business, but I'm sure you think that a president getting a hummer from an intern is.

Not too partisan now are we?

You don't mind that an American President perjured himself. Alrighty then.
Lying about a BJ??? Didn't stop Bill from becoming the best president of your lifetime Maybe GWB should have done the same??? Couldn't have hurt

He lied in a Court of Law, it is interesting that you can't make the distinction.
So, as long as the Trumpster doesn't lie in a court of law, he is free to lie as much as he wants?

LOL, if lies bothered that bad you wouldn't have voted for your Hillary ;)
Spare me, Trump has lied more in one week than all of the pretend lies you accuse Hillary of.
You don't mind that an American President perjured himself. Alrighty then.
Lying about a BJ??? Didn't stop Bill from becoming the best president of your lifetime Maybe GWB should have done the same??? Couldn't have hurt

He lied in a Court of Law, it is interesting that you can't make the distinction.
So, as long as the Trumpster doesn't lie in a court of law, he is free to lie as much as he wants?

LOL, if lies bothered that bad you wouldn't have voted for your Hillary ;)
Spare me, Trump has lied more in one week than all of the pretend lies you accuse Hillary of.

A "True Believer", the worst kind.
Well you're dead wrong granpaw only a fucking imbecile like you doesn't care if the ceo in charge, trumpovitch the russian agent, is a thief and cheat
I didn't say what you just implied. I said his personal tax returns are NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS.


You don't think that a President's tax returns are our business, but I'm sure you think that a president getting a hummer from an intern is.

Not too partisan now are we?
Since you don't know the answer to that question you can kindly fuck off too. You stupid liberal faggots seem to think you can read minds.
Why did Trump lie about his tax returns?
So you nosy cocksuckers would shut up about them. Kinda like when your fatass wife says "does my butt look big in these jeans" and you LIE & say no.
You are fine with his lies? Just imagine putz if Obama had done that. There is just why you are FOS
You don't mind that an American President perjured himself. Alrighty then.
Lying about a BJ??? Didn't stop Bill from becoming the best president of your lifetime Maybe GWB should have done the same??? Couldn't have hurt

He lied in a Court of Law, it is interesting that you can't make the distinction.
So, as long as the Trumpster doesn't lie in a court of law, he is free to lie as much as he wants?

LOL, if lies bothered that bad you wouldn't have voted for your Hillary ;)
Spare me, Trump has lied more in one week than all of the pretend lies you accuse Hillary of.
I didn't say what you just implied. I said his personal tax returns are NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS.


You don't think that a President's tax returns are our business, but I'm sure you think that a president getting a hummer from an intern is.

Not too partisan now are we?
Since you don't know the answer to that question you can kindly fuck off too. You stupid liberal faggots seem to think you can read minds.
Why did Trump lie about his tax returns?
So you nosy cocksuckers would shut up about them. Kinda like when your fatass wife says "does my butt look big in these jeans" and you LIE & say no.
You are fine with his lies? Just imagine putz if Obama had done that. There is just why you are FOS

He lied for 8 straight years kid.
You don't think that a President's tax returns are our business, but I'm sure you think that a president getting a hummer from an intern is.

Not too partisan now are we?
Since you don't know the answer to that question you can kindly fuck off too. You stupid liberal faggots seem to think you can read minds.
Why did Trump lie about his tax returns?
So you nosy cocksuckers would shut up about them. Kinda like when your fatass wife says "does my butt look big in these jeans" and you LIE & say no.
You are fine with his lies? Just imagine putz if Obama had done that. There is just why you are FOS

He lied for 8 straight years kid.
OK pops list those lies. I will wait
Tax returns are still private some people sure have a hard time grasping that.
yes but from what I read Congress can demand to see them And don't you think it a bit strange that the wheeler dealer is the first president in many years refuses to show them ,,,,after btw he lied and said he would?
I don't think it's strange. I think it's NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS
Well you're dead wrong granpaw only a fucking imbecile like you doesn't care if the ceo in charge, trumpovitch the russian agent, is a thief and cheat
I didn't say what you just implied. I said his personal tax returns are NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS.


You don't think that a President's tax returns are our business, but I'm sure you think that a president getting a hummer from an intern is.

Not too partisan now are we?

I think it's kind of a no brainer that abusing power to sexually exploit interns is much more relevant to public knowledge than how much money he made last year.

Which is why I was much more concerned with trumps statements and actions toward women than I was with his tax returns. Much like I was concerned with Clintons sexcapades more than his tax returns.

How much you make doesn't reveal anything about your character. How you treat women and those who work for you do
I didn't say what you just implied. I said his personal tax returns are NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS.


You don't think that a President's tax returns are our business, but I'm sure you think that a president getting a hummer from an intern is.

Not too partisan now are we?
Since you don't know the answer to that question you can kindly fuck off too. You stupid liberal faggots seem to think you can read minds.
Why did Trump lie about his tax returns?
So you nosy cocksuckers would shut up about them. Kinda like when your fatass wife says "does my butt look big in these jeans" and you LIE & say no.
You are fine with his lies? Just imagine putz if Obama had done that. There is just why you are FOS
I never asked nor Obama's taxes nor did I ever bother to look them up. Hillary's either. They were none of my business.

You're just nosey
Well you're dead wrong granpaw only a fucking imbecile like you doesn't care if the ceo in charge, trumpovitch the russian agent, is a thief and cheat
I didn't say what you just implied. I said his personal tax returns are NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS.


You don't think that a President's tax returns are our business, but I'm sure you think that a president getting a hummer from an intern is.

Not too partisan now are we?
Since you don't know the answer to that question you can kindly fuck off too. You stupid liberal faggots seem to think you can read minds.
Why did Trump lie about his tax returns?
So you nosy cocksuckers would shut up about them. Kinda like when your fatass wife says "does my butt look big in these jeans" and you LIE & say no.

Typical wingnut asshole...you know your dead wrong but instead of admitting it you just get nasty. Do you seriously think that your going to intimidate liberals into giving up on Trumps Tax returns by getting nasty? Seriously?

Since you don't know the answer to that question you can kindly fuck off too. You stupid liberal faggots seem to think you can read minds.
Why did Trump lie about his tax returns?
So you nosy cocksuckers would shut up about them. Kinda like when your fatass wife says "does my butt look big in these jeans" and you LIE & say no.
You are fine with his lies? Just imagine putz if Obama had done that. There is just why you are FOS

He lied for 8 straight years kid.
OK pops list those lies. I will wait

You go a long way towards showing how Hitler pulled off what he did.
Let's just start here ;)

"If you like your plan you can keep it your plan".
You don't think that a President's tax returns are our business, but I'm sure you think that a president getting a hummer from an intern is.

Not too partisan now are we?
Since you don't know the answer to that question you can kindly fuck off too. You stupid liberal faggots seem to think you can read minds.
Why did Trump lie about his tax returns?
So you nosy cocksuckers would shut up about them. Kinda like when your fatass wife says "does my butt look big in these jeans" and you LIE & say no.
You are fine with his lies? Just imagine putz if Obama had done that. There is just why you are FOS
I never asked nor Obama's taxes nor did I ever bother to look them up. Hillary's either. They were none of my business.

You're just nosey
Trump offered his taxes and then lied about it. Thats OK with you?
Since you don't know the answer to that question you can kindly fuck off too. You stupid liberal faggots seem to think you can read minds.
Why did Trump lie about his tax returns?
So you nosy cocksuckers would shut up about them. Kinda like when your fatass wife says "does my butt look big in these jeans" and you LIE & say no.
You are fine with his lies? Just imagine putz if Obama had done that. There is just why you are FOS

He lied for 8 straight years kid.
OK pops list those lies. I will wait
Pinocchio Obama’s Top 20 presidential lies

"Let’s take a stroll down Obama’s liar lane and see what we find:

– “We will close the detention camp in Guantanamo Bay.” Still open.

– “If we have not gotten our troops out [of Iraq] by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do.” Didn’t happen.

– “Today I’m pledging to cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term in office.” Instead, the national debt increased $5 trillion on his watch.

– “As soon as we’re out of this recession, we’ve got to get serious about starting to live within our means.” Huh?

– “We agree on reforms that will reduce the costs of health care. Families will save on their premiums.”

– “We’ve got shovel-ready projects all across the country.” Later, Obama admitted his own lie, saying, “There’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects.”

– “We reject the use of national security … to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime.”

– We “will ensure that federal contracts over $25,000 are competitively bid.”

– We “will eliminate all income taxation of seniors making less than $50,000 per year.”

– “We are going to work with you to lower your [health care] premiums by $2,500,” and we’ll “do it by the end of my first term as president.”

– “I don’t take a dime of their [lobbyists’] money, and when I am president, they won’t find a job in my White House.” In fact, Obama granted waivers at will, and more than a dozen lobbyists got jobs in the Obama administration.

– “I pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.” But Obama has ignored the constitutional amendment granting powers not enumerated in the Constitution to the states.

– “If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

“The sequester is not something that I’ve proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed.” The truth is that the White House proposed an “automatic sequester” on July 12, 2011.

– “I didn’t set a red line [in Syria].” And yet, at a prior news conference, using unscripted language in a statement, he said, “a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around.”

– “It’s here that companies like Solyndra are leading the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future.” After Obama’s administration gave the company $535 million, Solyndra and its solar panels went belly up.

– To Israel, “We have not only made sure that they [Iran] have to stop adding additional centrifuges, we’ve also said that they’ve got to roll back their 20 percent advanced enrichment … down to zero.” In fact, the deal allows Iran uranium enrichment of 5 percent.

– “Eighty percent of Americans support including higher taxes as part of the [debt ceiling] deal.” However, that same week, a poll by Rasmussen showed only 34 percent supported a tax hike as part of the deal.

– In 2006: “America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I, therefore, intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit.” But as president, Obama has led the charge each year to increase America’s debt.

– And, let’s not forget PolitiFact’s 2013 Lie Of The Year: “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what. … You can keep your family doctor.”

Love Obama or detest him, the evidence mounts that millions of Americans don’t know the man who is their president."
Why did Trump lie about his tax returns?
So you nosy cocksuckers would shut up about them. Kinda like when your fatass wife says "does my butt look big in these jeans" and you LIE & say no.
You are fine with his lies? Just imagine putz if Obama had done that. There is just why you are FOS

He lied for 8 straight years kid.
OK pops list those lies. I will wait

You go a long way towards showing how Hitler pulled off what he did.
Let's just start here ;)

"If you like your plan you can keep it your plan".
The vast majority of us did keep their plans. But this was said almost 7 years ago. You gotta go back that far to find what you thin is a lie? Shit bro, Trump has lied way more than that just this week
I didn't say what you just implied. I said his personal tax returns are NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS.


You don't think that a President's tax returns are our business, but I'm sure you think that a president getting a hummer from an intern is.

Not too partisan now are we?
Since you don't know the answer to that question you can kindly fuck off too. You stupid liberal faggots seem to think you can read minds.
Why did Trump lie about his tax returns?
So you nosy cocksuckers would shut up about them. Kinda like when your fatass wife says "does my butt look big in these jeans" and you LIE & say no.

Typical wingnut asshole...you know your dead wrong but instead of admitting it you just get nasty. Do you seriously think that your going to intimidate liberals into giving up on Trumps Tax returns by getting nasty? Seriously?

site the law that says that is so.
If you bet 21 days, you are a winner! That's the number of days that the T lasted before a call for his impeachment was published.

This, first call for the T's impeachment, was an editorial in Time magazine. The editorial said,

"The Trump Organization does or has done business in Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, St. Martin, St. Vincent, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and Uruguay. And, while serving as President, Trump, through his interest in the Trump Organization, will continue to receive monetary and other benefits from these foreign powers and their agents."

Legally, they are right. These business efforts all violate the Constitutional requirements for a president. But as we all know, the Constitution is not a big issue for today's Congress. But nothing wilt happen until the Republicans in Congress decide the T is doing them more harm than good. As Gerald Ford said, "An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be."

His term in office may even be more "interesting" than his election!
vt investor
I miss Mr. T.....
Why did Trump lie about his tax returns?
So you nosy cocksuckers would shut up about them. Kinda like when your fatass wife says "does my butt look big in these jeans" and you LIE & say no.
You are fine with his lies? Just imagine putz if Obama had done that. There is just why you are FOS

He lied for 8 straight years kid.
OK pops list those lies. I will wait
Pinocchio Obama’s Top 20 presidential lies

"Let’s take a stroll down Obama’s liar lane and see what we find:

– “We will close the detention camp in Guantanamo Bay.” Still open.

– “If we have not gotten our troops out [of Iraq] by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do.” Didn’t happen.

– “Today I’m pledging to cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term in office.” Instead, the national debt increased $5 trillion on his watch.

– “As soon as we’re out of this recession, we’ve got to get serious about starting to live within our means.” Huh?

– “We agree on reforms that will reduce the costs of health care. Families will save on their premiums.”

– “We’ve got shovel-ready projects all across the country.” Later, Obama admitted his own lie, saying, “There’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects.”

– “We reject the use of national security … to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime.”

– We “will ensure that federal contracts over $25,000 are competitively bid.”

– We “will eliminate all income taxation of seniors making less than $50,000 per year.”

– “We are going to work with you to lower your [health care] premiums by $2,500,” and we’ll “do it by the end of my first term as president.”

– “I don’t take a dime of their [lobbyists’] money, and when I am president, they won’t find a job in my White House.” In fact, Obama granted waivers at will, and more than a dozen lobbyists got jobs in the Obama administration.

– “I pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.” But Obama has ignored the constitutional amendment granting powers not enumerated in the Constitution to the states.

– “If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

“The sequester is not something that I’ve proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed.” The truth is that the White House proposed an “automatic sequester” on July 12, 2011.

– “I didn’t set a red line [in Syria].” And yet, at a prior news conference, using unscripted language in a statement, he said, “a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around.”

– “It’s here that companies like Solyndra are leading the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future.” After Obama’s administration gave the company $535 million, Solyndra and its solar panels went belly up.

– To Israel, “We have not only made sure that they [Iran] have to stop adding additional centrifuges, we’ve also said that they’ve got to roll back their 20 percent advanced enrichment … down to zero.” In fact, the deal allows Iran uranium enrichment of 5 percent.

– “Eighty percent of Americans support including higher taxes as part of the [debt ceiling] deal.” However, that same week, a poll by Rasmussen showed only 34 percent supported a tax hike as part of the deal.

– In 2006: “America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I, therefore, intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit.” But as president, Obama has led the charge each year to increase America’s debt.

– And, let’s not forget PolitiFact’s 2013 Lie Of The Year: “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what. … You can keep your family doctor.”

Love Obama or detest him, the evidence mounts that millions of Americans don’t know the man who is their president."
Shit man, do you know the difference between our deficit and national debt? Obama was exactly right
Reading through your list proves beyond a doubt that you are a pathetic moron, incapable of thinking for yourself

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