If you could choose 4 racial groups to be America, what would it be?

If you could choose 4 racial sub-groups to be American, what would it be?

1. Whites---Low crimes, high science and respectable high standards.
2. Japanese---Low crime, high educational standards, strong families, lots of science ;)
3. Koreans---same as Japanese!
4. Chinese---some of the same reasons.

All low crime
All high love for science and tech
All good people

Would you agree that we should open our doors for all these people.:cool:

White liberals, not Republicans.

The right kind of whites.

If you could choose 4 racial sub-groups to be American, what would it be?

1. Whites---Low crimes, high science and respectable high standards.
2. Japanese---Low crime, high educational standards, strong families, lots of science ;)
3. Koreans---same as Japanese!
4. Chinese---some of the same reasons.

All low crime
All high love for science and tech
All good people

Would you agree that we should open our doors for all these people.:cool:

White liberals, not Republicans.

The right kind of whites.

As long as they enjoy science and technology. Their color doesn't matter. Or their shade for that matter.
Walruses, because they are nice to kids writing school papers and do not try to trick them like the ubiquitous but dastardly hippopotami and octopi, and don't even get me started on geese.

Aliens, but only the nice ones who don't try to suck your brains out.

Strawberries...does anyone really need a reason. Uh Duh. It is self explanatory.

Lastly, it is a toss up between samba dancers with those fruit hats, but only if the fruit is fresh, or Mariachi bands because they could follow me around when I go to the grocery store to forage for food and break up the monotony.

The person that created the Russian language was Black. His name was Alexander Pushkin.

ALEXANDER PUSHKIN ? Russia?s greatest Black poet | An ?thiopian Journal

Face it. This world would be totally screwed with Black people to oppress while simultaneously benefit from.

You're kind of like a two-year old braggart. You lack the self-awareness needed to grasp that normal people just look at you as pathetic. We shake our heads at your idiocy and ignore your foolish bullshit.

I realize this is a cry for some sort of psuedo-ethnic self-esteem, but just lying about everything and claiming credit for bizarre achievements that you have not a fucking thing to do with is, well, pathetic.

Should be simple to prove me wrong then. My guess is you wont be able to because it is a fact you weren't educated on. I provided a link for you. Research it and prove it to be false. :lol:


So the Russian language was created sometime between 1767–1848?

This leads me to my next question....What was Pushkin's MOTHER TONGUE?

Finally, one last question...did you perhaps mean that in the opinion of some scholars of Russian literature, Pushkin is sometimes called the FATHER of it?


Pushkin's father, Sergei Lvovich Pushkin (1767–1848), was descended from a distinguished family of the Russian nobility that traced its ancestry back to the 12th century.[9][10]
Pushkin's mother Nadezhda (Nadya) Ossipovna Gannibal (1775–1836) was descended through her paternal grandmother from German and Scandinavian nobility.[11][12] She was the daughter of Ossip Abramovich Gannibal (1744–1807) and his wife, Maria Alekseyevna Pushkina (1745–1818).

Ossip Abramovich Gannibal's father, Pushkin's great-grandfather, was Abram Petrovich Gannibal (1696–1781), a Black African page rescued from slavery in Istanbul, educated and raised by Peter the Great. Abram wrote in a letter to Empress Elizabeth, Peter the Great's daughter, that he was from the town of "Lagon". Russian biographers concluded from the beginning that Lagon was in Ethiopia, a nation with Orthodox Christian associations. Vladimir Nabokov, when researching Eugene Onegin, cast serious doubt on this Ethiopian origin theory. In 1995 Dieudonné Gnammankou outlined a strong case that "Lagon" was a town located on the southern side of Lake Chad, now in northern Cameroon. However, there is no conclusive evidence for either theory.[9][10][12][13][14][15] After education in France as a military engineer, Abram Gannibal became governor of Reval and eventually Général en Chef (the third most senior army rank) in charge of the building of sea forts and canals in Russia.
If you could choose 4 racial sub-groups to be American, what would it be?

1. Whites---Low crimes, high science and respectable high standards.
2. Japanese---Low crime, high educational standards, strong families, lots of science ;)
3. Koreans---same as Japanese!
4. Chinese---some of the same reasons.

All low crime
All high love for science and tech
All good people

Would you agree that we should open our doors for all these people.:cool:

how about this..... we let them in based on their merits, level of education, wealth, criminal record (which includes if they are ILLEGALS) and what THEY can offer to this country.....

i really don't give a shit if they are green with pink spots.
If you could choose 4 racial sub-groups to be American, what would it be?

1. Whites---Low crimes, high science and respectable high standards.
2. Japanese---Low crime, high educational standards, strong families, lots of science ;)
3. Koreans---same as Japanese!
4. Chinese---some of the same reasons.

All low crime
All high love for science and tech
All good people

Would you agree that we should open our doors for all these people.:cool:
Why do I somehow get the feeling that you work as an immigration lawyer or consultant that specializes in overseas immigration from the far east.

Most likely is that he is a mother's basement denizen who has the time to become fluent in Romulan, Klingon, and Ewok.
If you could choose 4 racial sub-groups to be American, what would it be?

1. Whites---Low crimes, high science and respectable high standards.
2. Japanese---Low crime, high educational standards, strong families, lots of science ;)
3. Koreans---same as Japanese!
4. Chinese---some of the same reasons.

All low crime
All high love for science and tech
All good people

Would you agree that we should open our doors for all these people.:cool:
If you could choose 4 racial sub-groups to be American, what would it be?

1. Whites---Low crimes, high science and respectable high standards.
2. Japanese---Low crime, high educational standards, strong families, lots of science ;)
3. Koreans---same as Japanese!
4. Chinese---some of the same reasons.

All low crime
All high love for science and tech
All good people

Would you agree that we should open our doors for all these people.:cool:

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