If you could pick any country on earth in which to be born right now, which one would it be?

1st choice...Costa Rica
2nd choice ….Canada


what stopping ya
We have adult children here that we don`t want to be distant from. Any other dumb questions?

Adults know how airplanes work, right?
Seeing our kids once or twice a year won`t cut it for my wife although I`m okay with it. This is hard to understand?

Why would it have to be only once or twice a year?
Neither we or my kids own a private jet.
I would say the USA. But not in the Deep South or any of those racist Nazi states. Where ever Republicans are in charge, ruin follows.

LOL I doubt I’m the first to point this out but Republicans are in charge of the US right now yet you’d want to be born here... how does that make sense?
1st choice...Costa Rica
2nd choice ….Canada


what stopping ya
We have adult children here that we don`t want to be distant from. Any other dumb questions?

Adults know how airplanes work, right?
Seeing our kids once or twice a year won`t cut it for my wife although I`m okay with it. This is hard to understand?

Why would it have to be only once or twice a year?


what stopping ya
We have adult children here that we don`t want to be distant from. Any other dumb questions?

Adults know how airplanes work, right?
Seeing our kids once or twice a year won`t cut it for my wife although I`m okay with it. This is hard to understand?

Why would it have to be only once or twice a year?
Neither we or my kids own a private jet.

sounds like you are full of shit
I’d say USA.

Best balance of freedom and security on earth.

There are safer places, less freedom.

There are more dangerous places......much less freedom.

Freedom to be left the fuck alone as long as I am not bothering you is important to me....not to everyone. Plenty of people are willing to give up personal freedom to have government control their lives.

So, what country would you want to be born in today, and why?
Lots of racist nations out there with no diversity.

Look at most African nations. All Africans, barely any white Europeans...racist AF.

Norway? Like 95% Norwegian....racist AF.

Japan? Full of Japanese.....racist AF.

If you want to live somewhere that lacks diversity, does it make you inherently racist?
I think my family might be racist. I brought home my black girlfriend and my kids wouldn't even talk to her, and my wife told me to pack my things and leave.
1st choice...Costa Rica
2nd choice ….Canada


what stopping ya
We have adult children here that we don`t want to be distant from. Any other dumb questions?

so what you are saying is you are another full of shit leftist troll

put your frikkin money where your mouth is
I am the troll! My money is too much for my mouth and a few hundred others to place in it..
^ That is quite the extreme Asclepias. :p Savage Muslims basically eating dirt with their hands in hot humid conditions vs the relatively safe and civilized (before suffering the invasion of non-Whites) and beautiful, cool Pacific Northwest.
Whats wrong with eating dirt? (Provided its not polluted with man made chemicals?

Eating Dirt: It Might Be Good for You

"Cultures worldwide have practiced geophagy for centuries, from the ancient Greeks to Native Americans. In most places the habit is limited to women, especially women who are pregnant or of childbearing age.

The practice is common in sub-Saharan Africa, and many anthropologists believe geophagy was brought to the United States by African slaves. It is now most commonly found among African-American women in the rural South.

Though the practice is rarely if ever recommended by medical professionals, some nutritionists now admit the habit of eating clay may have some real health benefits."
1st choice...Costa Rica
2nd choice ….Canada


what stopping ya
We have adult children here that we don`t want to be distant from. Any other dumb questions?

so what you are saying is you are another full of shit leftist troll

put your frikkin money where your mouth is
The question was which country would you like to be BORN in Right NOW dumbass. Why are you asking why I`m not uprooting my life at the age of 65 and leaving my kids and grandchildren behind to move to a country where I know only a handful of people and don`t speak the language. Find a passing 5th grader to help you read the OP.
Mexico because then I could illegally come to the US and get everything paid for by the American taxpayers.
Texas, a free and independent Texas. Temperate climate, enough rain to grow most anything. Given the throwing off of the shackles of US occupation, entrepreneurship and a libertarian tendency toward individual liberties.
I have been to Texas

There are two seasons.......

Mud and Dust
I’d say USA.

Best balance of freedom and security on earth.

There are safer places, less freedom.

There are more dangerous places......much less freedom.

Freedom to be left the fuck alone as long as I am not bothering you is important to me....not to everyone. Plenty of people are willing to give up personal freedom to have government control their lives.

So, what country would you want to be born in today, and why?
It's so odd to me that libierals like the Nordic states full of white Europeans.

That's not what they preach.

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