If you could pick any country on earth in which to be born right now, which one would it be?

Somewhere in the Middle East. That's where the religion of peace is. Who doesnt want peace?
1st choice...Costa Rica
2nd choice ….Canada


what stopping ya
We have adult children here that we don`t want to be distant from. Any other dumb questions?

so what you are saying is you are another full of shit leftist troll

put your frikkin money where your mouth is
The question was which country would you like to be BORN in Right NOW dumbass. Why are you asking why I`m not uprooting my life at the age of 65 and leaving my kids and grandchildren behind to move to a country where I know only a handful of people and don`t speak the language. Find a passing 5th grader to help you read the OP.

if it so bad here move shithead
I’d say USA.

Best balance of freedom and security on earth.

There are safer places, less freedom.

There are more dangerous places......much less freedom.

Freedom to be left the fuck alone as long as I am not bothering you is important to me....not to everyone. Plenty of people are willing to give up personal freedom to have government control their lives.

So, what country would you want to be born in today, and why?

For someone who lived in three continents....I won't deny that the US is for the money hungry, but is not the best place to live and here is why:

1- Crimes and aggressive culture (guns, racists, gangs, etc...).
2- Education system sucks.
3- health system one of the worst in the developed world.
4- Gap between classes.
5- Natural disasters.
6- How the food is over processed.
7- RACISM and bigotry is into high levels.

So where do you wish you were living right now?

Morocco Baby, in the country side.....No guns/people are simple/raw/friendly/hospitable/super friendly/clean air/fresh delicious food/ and list goes on.
Don't get me wrong I love the US and I love this country, but is not a good place to retire or live if you want quiet, peace, slow, clean, friendly environment.....one thing I can't get over, how many crazies in this country....and why made me realize that things are getting uglier, is having a clown in office....I JUST lost respect and hope in the political system. And i'm not a Clinton supporter.
Issa's List:

1- Crimes and aggressive culture (guns, racists, gangs, etc...).

Most crime and almost all violent crime is committed by non-Whites.

2- Education system sucks.

Public schools are run by non-Whites who hate Whites.

3- health system one of the worst in the developed world.

Most health care professionals cannot speak English and are unqualified.

4- Gap between classes.

What does that mean?

5- Natural disasters.

Hurricanes? Just a little rain and some wind but because of lazy, local, unionized governments, clean up is slow.

6- How the food is over processed.

LOL So you prefer dirt in your dirt?

7- RACISM and bigotry is into high levels.

LOL Non-Whites in CONGRESS and the MSM openly admit they hate Whitey.

You display everything that's ugly about America just like Trump: Racist, Bigot, narcissist, ignorant, and most probably unhealthy physically.
You display everything that's ugly about America just like Trump: Racist, Bigot, narcissist, ignorant, and most probably unhealthy physically.

Okay, since you brought it up. Where did you graduate from college and what was you major?
Where I was born,,New Zealand. I go back there damn near every year. It's clean, beautiful, friendly and laid back. It's also consistently one of the 10 happiest countries in the world for a great reason
I agree New Zealand is a FINE place indeed,but I will top that with Western Australia,the only difference is we have some of the Best beaches and surf breaks in the world,also tens of thousand of Kiwi's have made WA home...just sayin….steve
For all the people that don’t like it in the US, why are you still living in the US if it is so bad? It makes no sense to me. If I didn’t like where I lived, I’d move in a heartbeat, also there are beautiful, slow life, easy going areas in the US to live, ever been to West Yellowstone? Simply beautiful, quiet, serene, friendly people, tons of wildlife, next to Yellowstone, the most diverse area in the world. There is Flagstaff, AZ, another quiet, serene place to live. So if you don’t like where you are at, just wonder why you stay if believe better places exist?
Well count me out because I live in Paradise,and America ain't that.

Who were you referring to in you post #151 because you don't make it clear,I have travelled the world a extensively,and at Perth,Western Australia is the only place I have seen,where as the plane is landing Everyone Cheers and Claps their hands Papa...and that says at lot...steve
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Let's be honest, White countries are the best. Which is why anti-Whites are trying to flood them with savages.
Let's be honest, White countries are the best. Which is why anti-Whites are trying to flood them with savages.
Trouble is When Whites Invaded the Americas...The Whites were SAVAGES and flooded in...Snouter,remember the adage "People in Glass Houses should never throw stones"just sayin steve
I’d say USA.

Best balance of freedom and security on earth.

There are safer places, less freedom.

There are more dangerous places......much less freedom.

Freedom to be left the fuck alone as long as I am not bothering you is important to me....not to everyone. Plenty of people are willing to give up personal freedom to have government control their lives.

So, what country would you want to be born in today, and why?

Best balance of freedom and security on Earth, if you discount all the other countries with more security and more freedom.
Trouble is When Whites Invaded the Americas...The Whites were SAVAGES and flooded in...

On the contrary, the Whites tried to civilize the savages. Harvard set up an Indian school in the early 1600's. All the Indians flunked out except 3 apparently. :p There was the occasional friendly tribe like Mohegans but even when they were hired to dispatch the extremely savage tribes like Pequots Whites were blown away by the friendly tribe's savagery (lots of knife work on living victims). Fortunately the civilized White people did what they had to do to make North America safe for civilized people.
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You display everything that's ugly about America just like Trump: Racist, Bigot, narcissist, ignorant, and most probably unhealthy physically.

Okay, since you brought it up. Where did you graduate from college and what was you major?
Casablanca Morocco and the US as well....majored in Business management and computer science. And why?
Where I was born,,New Zealand. I go back there damn near every year. It's clean, beautiful, friendly and laid back. It's also consistently one of the 10 happiest countries in the world for a great reason
Great country and wonderful people.....I have few Kiwi friends who used to come and work here as interns....most go back to live in New Zealand, one decided to live here which I never understood why....since is more peaceful and way better life quality over there than the US.....Some ***** here will say, but we have more freedom LOL.
Well Issa, you alluded to "ignorance." So the college was Casablanca (classic movie) and the US? WTF does that mean? And computer science? Really. Tell me right now how to add a SATA drive to a PC. :p
Trouble is When Whites Invaded the Americas...The Whites were SAVAGES and flooded in...

On the contrary, the Whites tried to civilize the savages. Harvard set up an Indian school in the early 1600's. All the Indians flunked out except 3 apparently. :p There was the occasional friendly tribe like Mohegans but even when they were hired to dispatch the extremely savage tribes like Pequots Whites were blown away by the friendly tribe's savagery (lots of knife work on living victims). Fortunately the civilized White people did what they had to do to make North America safe for civilized people.
Idiot Comment>>>No,No,No, The Pilgrim Fathers,came to America because the English and others were fed-up with their puritanical ways,so they left and started their witch burnings and drowings and savagery in America,which continues today...FACT

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