If you didn't support Trump in 2016 do you regret it and will you support him in 2020

What was & is now your position on Trump

  • I voted for him in 2016 and will again.

  • I voted for someone else but will vote Trump this time.

  • I am a Democrat who will support him.

  • I'm a republican who wont support him.

  • I'm a troll who can't vote because you made the votes public

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You didn't say white nationalist, you said nationalist. I know you are brainwashed, but they are two entirely different things. Trump said he was a nationalist, as in the definition of the word. The lying leftist media reported that Trump meant white nationalist.
Yeah it just happens the only ones using nationalist were racist until recently.

There is nothing racist about nationalism.
They are both all we are better than you. It's not surprising racists are nationalists.

Who said racists are nationalists?
They all claim to be white nationalists.

I thought we were talking about Trump.
You are welcome to. I don't view selfishness as a good quality. Perhaps you do.

So who is selfish that you have in mind?
Trumps entire policy is selfish. America first right?

Who was less selfish than Trump?

Trump was a man of the world. He had his own jet that he traveled on. He attended all the big parties with important people. He was a household name, and loved by many. Businessman and entertainer. He's been with the most beautiful women of the world.

Then he decided to run for President. The ball came crashing down. People who loved him now hate him. Going to the White House was a step down in his lifestyle, not a step up. His first order of business was to donate every paycheck as President. He's lost over a billion dollars of worth to do the job. From the time he entered the White House, his carefree life ended, with SS agents following him around for the remainder of is time on this planet.

So why did he do it? His love of country, that's why.
The rich always want more power.

So do the Democrats. Which one you want to give that power to? I say the rich are much more trustworthy.
Yes the rich that sent all those jobs to China? Real patriots they are. They also employ all them illegals you hate. Repubs are just confused....
Yeah it just happens the only ones using nationalist were racist until recently.

There is nothing racist about nationalism.
They are both all we are better than you. It's not surprising racists are nationalists.

Who said racists are nationalists?
They all claim to be white nationalists.

I thought we were talking about Trump.
Well he's white and a nationalist. He sure seems to hate Mexicans.
Every time he proposes budget cuts the headlines scream doom and gloom. His overall budget is down vs the last administrations.

Uh..what budget cuts? Last I looked, Trumps spending budget is on pace to set a record deficit.
Is Trump or Obama Best for the Economy?
Scroll down to the section that says "Deficit and Debt".

Obviously Trump. The economy is doing great despite leftist doom and gloom predictions.
Trump can't break 3% gdp growth for a year. According to trump that is terrible.

We have a million and a half more jobs than Americans to do them. Even if we didn't create one more job, we are still doing great. How much better can it get?
We could have enough gdp growth so our debt stops becoming a bigger percent of gdp. That sure would be nice. Things are so great we have deficits over a trillion dollars. Only repubs would celebrate going deeper in debt.

Like I said earlier, all bitching and no solutions.
So you admit that you are afraid of him. Why are you afraid of his spending but you weren't afraid of Obama spending?
Why do you make things up? I didn't like Obama spending either. And unlike hypocrite repubs I haven't changed.

Stop crying about the deficit. We owe them money, they owe US money as well.

Now, what programs would you like to cut to cut down on the deficit?
We owe a lot of money. Did you tell the tea party to stop crying? You think paying interest on the debt is good use of tax payer dollars? Think you just cut everything. Heck just a freeze on increases would be an improvement.

How? How would you do this?
Cuts would force the government to tighten their belts. The only problem is all the lobbyists want a cut. And all our politicians are bought.

WHAT are you wanting to cut? You have no IDEA what you are talking about, do you? How about if we start getting some control on illegal immigration into our country, and then we could save money on social services, free medical care, etc., etc. That is a start. Also, trade deals so that companies do not find it so attractive to move their businesses to other countries. There is another one. What have you? Nothing so far.
There is nothing racist about nationalism.
They are both all we are better than you. It's not surprising racists are nationalists.

Who said racists are nationalists?
They all claim to be white nationalists.

I thought we were talking about Trump.
Well he's white and a nationalist. He sure seems to hate Mexicans.

We hate Mexicans that come into our country illegally, yes. They are a scourge and a burden.
Uh..what budget cuts? Last I looked, Trumps spending budget is on pace to set a record deficit.
Is Trump or Obama Best for the Economy?
Scroll down to the section that says "Deficit and Debt".

Obviously Trump. The economy is doing great despite leftist doom and gloom predictions.
Trump can't break 3% gdp growth for a year. According to trump that is terrible.

We have a million and a half more jobs than Americans to do them. Even if we didn't create one more job, we are still doing great. How much better can it get?
We could have enough gdp growth so our debt stops becoming a bigger percent of gdp. That sure would be nice. Things are so great we have deficits over a trillion dollars. Only repubs would celebrate going deeper in debt.

Like I said earlier, all bitching and no solutions.
Why do you make things up? I didn't like Obama spending either. And unlike hypocrite repubs I haven't changed.

Stop crying about the deficit. We owe them money, they owe US money as well.

Now, what programs would you like to cut to cut down on the deficit?
We owe a lot of money. Did you tell the tea party to stop crying? You think paying interest on the debt is good use of tax payer dollars? Think you just cut everything. Heck just a freeze on increases would be an improvement.

How? How would you do this?
Cuts would force the government to tighten their belts. The only problem is all the lobbyists want a cut. And all our politicians are bought.

WHAT are you wanting to cut? You have no IDEA what you are talking about, do you? How about if we start getting some control on illegal immigration into our country, and then we could save money on social services, free medical care, etc., etc. That is a start. Also, trade deals so that companies do not find it so attractive to move their businesses to other countries. There is another one. What have you? Nothing so far.
You aren't listening? I said I would cut everything. I sure wouldn't keep signing off on increases like trump.
Obviously Trump. The economy is doing great despite leftist doom and gloom predictions.
Trump can't break 3% gdp growth for a year. According to trump that is terrible.

We have a million and a half more jobs than Americans to do them. Even if we didn't create one more job, we are still doing great. How much better can it get?
We could have enough gdp growth so our debt stops becoming a bigger percent of gdp. That sure would be nice. Things are so great we have deficits over a trillion dollars. Only repubs would celebrate going deeper in debt.

Like I said earlier, all bitching and no solutions.
Stop crying about the deficit. We owe them money, they owe US money as well.

Now, what programs would you like to cut to cut down on the deficit?
We owe a lot of money. Did you tell the tea party to stop crying? You think paying interest on the debt is good use of tax payer dollars? Think you just cut everything. Heck just a freeze on increases would be an improvement.

How? How would you do this?
Cuts would force the government to tighten their belts. The only problem is all the lobbyists want a cut. And all our politicians are bought.

WHAT are you wanting to cut? You have no IDEA what you are talking about, do you? How about if we start getting some control on illegal immigration into our country, and then we could save money on social services, free medical care, etc., etc. That is a start. Also, trade deals so that companies do not find it so attractive to move their businesses to other countries. There is another one. What have you? Nothing so far.
You aren't listening? I said I would cut everything. I sure wouldn't keep signing off on increases like trump.

You would not be ALLOWED to cut everything. Stop being foolish.
I try to avoid interacting with radicals no matter which party they think they support. Hope your wife came through OK.
My wife is 5’9 and from Boston. She was fine handling a spoiled millennial. She was just horrified at the blatant disrespect for old people. Alt Right are vilified and rightfully so as they are awful people. But Leftists are not vilified? Why?
I actually thought they were. There are parts of this town, I avoid at night, even though armed. Would not like my wife cutting across them, even in daylight.
Bernie Sanders who is an open Socialist is not. Antifa is not. Squad is not.
Bernie doesn't seem the violent type and hasn't been seen in Tennessee. Don't see much of Antifa here either. The squad is a sideshow, probably shut down after the next election. Met some Klans people that are pretty sketchy. One guy that worked for me (many years ago) was brother of a klan leader. I made sure he knew not to bring any of his family trouble to work with him. Turned out, he didn't think much of his brother either and proved to be one of the best workers I ever had.
Bernie supporters are violent communists. Google it. You don’t see it in TN but we see it in MA.
KKK has supported Donald Trump and he did not reject the support. There are violent jerks on both sides. I cannot tell the difference if either attacks me. Luckily I am prepared for violent attacks. I was well trained.
Trump can't break 3% gdp growth for a year. According to trump that is terrible.

We have a million and a half more jobs than Americans to do them. Even if we didn't create one more job, we are still doing great. How much better can it get?
We could have enough gdp growth so our debt stops becoming a bigger percent of gdp. That sure would be nice. Things are so great we have deficits over a trillion dollars. Only repubs would celebrate going deeper in debt.

Like I said earlier, all bitching and no solutions.
We owe a lot of money. Did you tell the tea party to stop crying? You think paying interest on the debt is good use of tax payer dollars? Think you just cut everything. Heck just a freeze on increases would be an improvement.

How? How would you do this?
Cuts would force the government to tighten their belts. The only problem is all the lobbyists want a cut. And all our politicians are bought.

WHAT are you wanting to cut? You have no IDEA what you are talking about, do you? How about if we start getting some control on illegal immigration into our country, and then we could save money on social services, free medical care, etc., etc. That is a start. Also, trade deals so that companies do not find it so attractive to move their businesses to other countries. There is another one. What have you? Nothing so far.
You aren't listening? I said I would cut everything. I sure wouldn't keep signing off on increases like trump.

You would not be ALLOWED to cut everything. Stop being foolish.
Trump had full control of the government for 2 years. He could have done anything he wanted. Foolish is thinking we need to go deep into debt. That is just astronomical dumb.
They are both all we are better than you. It's not surprising racists are nationalists.

Who said racists are nationalists?
They all claim to be white nationalists.

I thought we were talking about Trump.
Well he's white and a nationalist. He sure seems to hate Mexicans.

We hate Mexicans that come into our country illegally, yes. They are a scourge and a burden.
Jesus taught me not to hate.
Curious to see how many like me voted for someone else (Walker in my case) but will support him this time around.
You’re all straight up stupid if you still support Trump. I don’t care if you don’t vote democrat. Just don’t go full retard and vote for that orange moron.
My wife is 5’9 and from Boston. She was fine handling a spoiled millennial. She was just horrified at the blatant disrespect for old people. Alt Right are vilified and rightfully so as they are awful people. But Leftists are not vilified? Why?
I actually thought they were. There are parts of this town, I avoid at night, even though armed. Would not like my wife cutting across them, even in daylight.
Bernie Sanders who is an open Socialist is not. Antifa is not. Squad is not.
Bernie doesn't seem the violent type and hasn't been seen in Tennessee. Don't see much of Antifa here either. The squad is a sideshow, probably shut down after the next election. Met some Klans people that are pretty sketchy. One guy that worked for me (many years ago) was brother of a klan leader. I made sure he knew not to bring any of his family trouble to work with him. Turned out, he didn't think much of his brother either and proved to be one of the best workers I ever had.
Bernie supporters are violent communists. Google it. You don’t see it in TN but we see it in MA.
KKK has supported Donald Trump and he did not reject the support. There are violent jerks on both sides. I cannot tell the difference if either attacks me. Luckily I am prepared for violent attacks. I was well trained.
He has denounced them and we all unilaterally agree that the KKK is awful. I do not see Sanders or Warren denouncing the Squad or Antifa.
We have a million and a half more jobs than Americans to do them. Even if we didn't create one more job, we are still doing great. How much better can it get?
We could have enough gdp growth so our debt stops becoming a bigger percent of gdp. That sure would be nice. Things are so great we have deficits over a trillion dollars. Only repubs would celebrate going deeper in debt.

Like I said earlier, all bitching and no solutions.
How? How would you do this?
Cuts would force the government to tighten their belts. The only problem is all the lobbyists want a cut. And all our politicians are bought.

WHAT are you wanting to cut? You have no IDEA what you are talking about, do you? How about if we start getting some control on illegal immigration into our country, and then we could save money on social services, free medical care, etc., etc. That is a start. Also, trade deals so that companies do not find it so attractive to move their businesses to other countries. There is another one. What have you? Nothing so far.
You aren't listening? I said I would cut everything. I sure wouldn't keep signing off on increases like trump.

You would not be ALLOWED to cut everything. Stop being foolish.
Trump had full control of the government for 2 years. He could have done anything he wanted. Foolish is thinking we need to go deep into debt. That is just astronomical dumb.

No he didn't. He is not a KING.
Curious to see how many like me voted for someone else (Walker in my case) but will support him this time around.
You’re all straight up stupid if you still support Trump. I don’t care if you don’t vote democrat. Just don’t go full retard and vote for that orange moron.
Case in Point of how Leftists deal in absolutes. I
Would love to compare resumes. Let’s see who is stupid Billy? You got the guts?
We could have enough gdp growth so our debt stops becoming a bigger percent of gdp. That sure would be nice. Things are so great we have deficits over a trillion dollars. Only repubs would celebrate going deeper in debt.

Like I said earlier, all bitching and no solutions.
Cuts would force the government to tighten their belts. The only problem is all the lobbyists want a cut. And all our politicians are bought.

WHAT are you wanting to cut? You have no IDEA what you are talking about, do you? How about if we start getting some control on illegal immigration into our country, and then we could save money on social services, free medical care, etc., etc. That is a start. Also, trade deals so that companies do not find it so attractive to move their businesses to other countries. There is another one. What have you? Nothing so far.
You aren't listening? I said I would cut everything. I sure wouldn't keep signing off on increases like trump.

You would not be ALLOWED to cut everything. Stop being foolish.
Trump had full control of the government for 2 years. He could have done anything he wanted. Foolish is thinking we need to go deep into debt. That is just astronomical dumb.

No he didn't. He is not a KING.
Repubs do whatever he says. They had full control and INCREASED spending putting us deeper in debt. Most adults know you don't go deeply in debt....
Like I said earlier, all bitching and no solutions.
WHAT are you wanting to cut? You have no IDEA what you are talking about, do you? How about if we start getting some control on illegal immigration into our country, and then we could save money on social services, free medical care, etc., etc. That is a start. Also, trade deals so that companies do not find it so attractive to move their businesses to other countries. There is another one. What have you? Nothing so far.
You aren't listening? I said I would cut everything. I sure wouldn't keep signing off on increases like trump.

You would not be ALLOWED to cut everything. Stop being foolish.
Trump had full control of the government for 2 years. He could have done anything he wanted. Foolish is thinking we need to go deep into debt. That is just astronomical dumb.

No he didn't. He is not a KING.
Repubs do whatever he says. They had full control and INCREASED spending putting us deeper in debt. Most adults know you don't go deeply in debt....

Republicans are not the KING either, fool.
Curious to see how many like me voted for someone else (Walker in my case) but will support him this time around.
You’re all straight up stupid if you still support Trump. I don’t care if you don’t vote democrat. Just don’t go full retard and vote for that orange moron.
Case in Point of how Leftists deal in absolutes. I
Would love to compare resumes. Let’s see who is stupid Billy? You got the guts?
Compare resumes? Lol you are such a douche bag. I can’t over how dumb this is.
You aren't listening? I said I would cut everything. I sure wouldn't keep signing off on increases like trump.

You would not be ALLOWED to cut everything. Stop being foolish.
Trump had full control of the government for 2 years. He could have done anything he wanted. Foolish is thinking we need to go deep into debt. That is just astronomical dumb.

No he didn't. He is not a KING.
Repubs do whatever he says. They had full control and INCREASED spending putting us deeper in debt. Most adults know you don't go deeply in debt....

Republicans are not the KING either, fool.
They had full control of government, fool.

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