If you didn't support Trump in 2016 do you regret it and will you support him in 2020

What was & is now your position on Trump

  • I voted for him in 2016 and will again.

  • I voted for someone else but will vote Trump this time.

  • I am a Democrat who will support him.

  • I'm a republican who wont support him.

  • I'm a troll who can't vote because you made the votes public

Results are only viewable after voting.
My wife is 5’9 and from Boston. She was fine handling a spoiled millennial. She was just horrified at the blatant disrespect for old people. Alt Right are vilified and rightfully so as they are awful people. But Leftists are not vilified? Why?
I actually thought they were. There are parts of this town, I avoid at night, even though armed. Would not like my wife cutting across them, even in daylight.
Bernie Sanders who is an open Socialist is not. Antifa is not. Squad is not.
Bernie doesn't seem the violent type and hasn't been seen in Tennessee. Don't see much of Antifa here either. The squad is a sideshow, probably shut down after the next election. Met some Klans people that are pretty sketchy. One guy that worked for me (many years ago) was brother of a klan leader. I made sure he knew not to bring any of his family trouble to work with him. Turned out, he didn't think much of his brother either and proved to be one of the best workers I ever had.
Bernie supporters are violent communists. Google it. You don’t see it in TN but we see it in MA.
KKK has supported Donald Trump and he did not reject the support. There are violent jerks on both sides. I cannot tell the difference if either attacks me. Luckily I am prepared for violent attacks. I was well trained.
The Leftist lies about the KKK and Trump are ridiculous. I am OK with criticism of him and have some criticisms myself but not on that matter.
You would not be ALLOWED to cut everything. Stop being foolish.
Trump had full control of the government for 2 years. He could have done anything he wanted. Foolish is thinking we need to go deep into debt. That is just astronomical dumb.

No he didn't. He is not a KING.
Repubs do whatever he says. They had full control and INCREASED spending putting us deeper in debt. Most adults know you don't go deeply in debt....

Republicans are not the KING either, fool.
They had full control of government, fool.

No they don't ever have "Full government control." Fool.
Donald Trump had everything to lose and nothing to gain by becoming POTUS.
Curious to see how many like me voted for someone else (Walker in my case) but will support him this time around.
You’re all straight up stupid if you still support Trump. I don’t care if you don’t vote democrat. Just don’t go full retard and vote for that orange moron.
Case in Point of how Leftists deal in absolutes. I
Would love to compare resumes. Let’s see who is stupid Billy? You got the guts?
Compare resumes? Lol you are such a douche bag. I can’t over how dumb this is.
Then STFU. People may vote for whomever they want to. If anyone criticizes others for their choice of who to vote for, those are the worst people. So you, billy are a bitch and a coward.
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I actually thought they were. There are parts of this town, I avoid at night, even though armed. Would not like my wife cutting across them, even in daylight.
Bernie Sanders who is an open Socialist is not. Antifa is not. Squad is not.
Bernie doesn't seem the violent type and hasn't been seen in Tennessee. Don't see much of Antifa here either. The squad is a sideshow, probably shut down after the next election. Met some Klans people that are pretty sketchy. One guy that worked for me (many years ago) was brother of a klan leader. I made sure he knew not to bring any of his family trouble to work with him. Turned out, he didn't think much of his brother either and proved to be one of the best workers I ever had.
Bernie supporters are violent communists. Google it. You don’t see it in TN but we see it in MA.
KKK has supported Donald Trump and he did not reject the support. There are violent jerks on both sides. I cannot tell the difference if either attacks me. Luckily I am prepared for violent attacks. I was well trained.
The Leftist lies about the KKK and Trump are ridiculous. I am OK with criticism of him and have some criticisms myself but not on that matter.
Claiming to be a nationalist sure seems like he is talking to the white nationalists. Everyone before him was a patriot, but suddenly he's a nationalist?
Bernie Sanders who is an open Socialist is not. Antifa is not. Squad is not.
Bernie doesn't seem the violent type and hasn't been seen in Tennessee. Don't see much of Antifa here either. The squad is a sideshow, probably shut down after the next election. Met some Klans people that are pretty sketchy. One guy that worked for me (many years ago) was brother of a klan leader. I made sure he knew not to bring any of his family trouble to work with him. Turned out, he didn't think much of his brother either and proved to be one of the best workers I ever had.
Bernie supporters are violent communists. Google it. You don’t see it in TN but we see it in MA.
KKK has supported Donald Trump and he did not reject the support. There are violent jerks on both sides. I cannot tell the difference if either attacks me. Luckily I am prepared for violent attacks. I was well trained.
The Leftist lies about the KKK and Trump are ridiculous. I am OK with criticism of him and have some criticisms myself but not on that matter.
Claiming to be a nationalist sure seems like he is talking to the white nationalists. Everyone before him was a patriot, but suddenly he's a nationalist?
His “Nationalist” mantra is America first. Nothing more. Zero to do with race. Hell his daughter Ivanka and her three kids are Jewish. He is not a white nationalist.
Bernie doesn't seem the violent type and hasn't been seen in Tennessee. Don't see much of Antifa here either. The squad is a sideshow, probably shut down after the next election. Met some Klans people that are pretty sketchy. One guy that worked for me (many years ago) was brother of a klan leader. I made sure he knew not to bring any of his family trouble to work with him. Turned out, he didn't think much of his brother either and proved to be one of the best workers I ever had.
Bernie supporters are violent communists. Google it. You don’t see it in TN but we see it in MA.
KKK has supported Donald Trump and he did not reject the support. There are violent jerks on both sides. I cannot tell the difference if either attacks me. Luckily I am prepared for violent attacks. I was well trained.
The Leftist lies about the KKK and Trump are ridiculous. I am OK with criticism of him and have some criticisms myself but not on that matter.
Claiming to be a nationalist sure seems like he is talking to the white nationalists. Everyone before him was a patriot, but suddenly he's a nationalist?
His “Nationalist” mantra is America first. Nothing more. Zero to do with race. Hell his daughter Ivanka and her three kids are Jewish. He is not a white nationalist.
I didn't say he is, just that he threw them a bone and isn't really turning away their support. I mean we have a country full of nationalists that hate Mexicans that he created. It's not a real big leap to white nationalists.
Curious to see how many like me voted for someone else (Walker in my case) but will support him this time around.
There is no option for “I voted for someone else last time and I will vote for some else this time”.

That is my choice.
The poll is ment to gauge voting regret. If you can't vote then it doesn't apply to you.
So what’s your excuse for creating the poll then?
What’s your excuse for vilifying those who have a disparate political view than you? Must your insecurity since you’re a pussy.
My wife is 5’9 and from Boston. She was fine handling a spoiled millennial. She was just horrified at the blatant disrespect for old people. Alt Right are vilified and rightfully so as they are awful people. But Leftists are not vilified? Why?
I actually thought they were. There are parts of this town, I avoid at night, even though armed. Would not like my wife cutting across them, even in daylight.
Bernie Sanders who is an open Socialist is not. Antifa is not. Squad is not.
Bernie doesn't seem the violent type and hasn't been seen in Tennessee. Don't see much of Antifa here either. The squad is a sideshow, probably shut down after the next election. Met some Klans people that are pretty sketchy. One guy that worked for me (many years ago) was brother of a klan leader. I made sure he knew not to bring any of his family trouble to work with him. Turned out, he didn't think much of his brother either and proved to be one of the best workers I ever had.
Bernie supporters are violent communists. Google it. You don’t see it in TN but we see it in MA.
KKK has supported Donald Trump and he did not reject the support. There are violent jerks on both sides. I cannot tell the difference if either attacks me. Luckily I am prepared for violent attacks. I was well trained.

The only reason the KKK supported him is because he was working hard to keep South American invaders out of our country. Other than that, they have nothing else they like about him. And remember......the US Communist party has given the high five to the Democrat party in the last three presidential elections, and can't say enough good things about Sanders.
Bernie supporters are violent communists. Google it. You don’t see it in TN but we see it in MA.
KKK has supported Donald Trump and he did not reject the support. There are violent jerks on both sides. I cannot tell the difference if either attacks me. Luckily I am prepared for violent attacks. I was well trained.
The Leftist lies about the KKK and Trump are ridiculous. I am OK with criticism of him and have some criticisms myself but not on that matter.
Claiming to be a nationalist sure seems like he is talking to the white nationalists. Everyone before him was a patriot, but suddenly he's a nationalist?
His “Nationalist” mantra is America first. Nothing more. Zero to do with race. Hell his daughter Ivanka and her three kids are Jewish. He is not a white nationalist.
I didn't say he is, just that he threw them a bone and isn't really turning away their support. I mean we have a country full of nationalists that hate Mexicans that he created. It's not a real big leap to white nationalists.
'Racism Is Evil': Trump Denounces The KKK, Neo-Nazis And White Supremacists

Except he did. The Leftist media just didn’t cover it. He is not a white nationalist. As a Jew I can smell those from miles away.
Curious to see how many like me voted for someone else (Walker in my case) but will support him this time around.
There is no option for “I voted for someone else last time and I will vote for some else this time”.

That is my choice.
The poll is ment to gauge voting regret. If you can't vote then it doesn't apply to you.
So what’s your excuse for creating the poll then?
What’s your excuse for vilifying those who have a disparate political view than you? Must your insecurity since you’re a pussy.
I don’t necessarily think an independent conservative is dumb. Some are smart. A republican though? A Trump supporter? You’re pretty dumb. There’s no getting around it.
Bernie supporters are violent communists. Google it. You don’t see it in TN but we see it in MA.
KKK has supported Donald Trump and he did not reject the support. There are violent jerks on both sides. I cannot tell the difference if either attacks me. Luckily I am prepared for violent attacks. I was well trained.
The Leftist lies about the KKK and Trump are ridiculous. I am OK with criticism of him and have some criticisms myself but not on that matter.
Claiming to be a nationalist sure seems like he is talking to the white nationalists. Everyone before him was a patriot, but suddenly he's a nationalist?
His “Nationalist” mantra is America first. Nothing more. Zero to do with race. Hell his daughter Ivanka and her three kids are Jewish. He is not a white nationalist.
I didn't say he is, just that he threw them a bone and isn't really turning away their support. I mean we have a country full of nationalists that hate Mexicans that he created. It's not a real big leap to white nationalists.

Oh, back to the Trump is a racist mantra. I get it now. You are a ridiculous character with unrealistic expectations.
KKK has supported Donald Trump and he did not reject the support. There are violent jerks on both sides. I cannot tell the difference if either attacks me. Luckily I am prepared for violent attacks. I was well trained.
The Leftist lies about the KKK and Trump are ridiculous. I am OK with criticism of him and have some criticisms myself but not on that matter.
Claiming to be a nationalist sure seems like he is talking to the white nationalists. Everyone before him was a patriot, but suddenly he's a nationalist?
His “Nationalist” mantra is America first. Nothing more. Zero to do with race. Hell his daughter Ivanka and her three kids are Jewish. He is not a white nationalist.
I didn't say he is, just that he threw them a bone and isn't really turning away their support. I mean we have a country full of nationalists that hate Mexicans that he created. It's not a real big leap to white nationalists.
'Racism Is Evil': Trump Denounces The KKK, Neo-Nazis And White Supremacists

Except he did. The Leftist media just didn’t cover it. He is not a white nationalist. As a Jew I can smell those from miles away.
Well I think we both want that smell to go away. I preferred them when they were less visible, they have certainly come out with trump.
Curious to see how many like me voted for someone else (Walker in my case) but will support him this time around.
There is no option for “I voted for someone else last time and I will vote for some else this time”.

That is my choice.
The poll is ment to gauge voting regret. If you can't vote then it doesn't apply to you.
So what’s your excuse for creating the poll then?
What’s your excuse for vilifying those who have a disparate political view than you? Must your insecurity since you’re a pussy.
I don’t necessarily think an independent conservative is dumb. Some are smart. A republican though? A Trump supporter? You’re pretty dumb. There’s no getting around it.

WHo cares? That is your opinion and like assholes, everyone has one. Your opinion does not TRUMP my opinion.
KKK has supported Donald Trump and he did not reject the support. There are violent jerks on both sides. I cannot tell the difference if either attacks me. Luckily I am prepared for violent attacks. I was well trained.
The Leftist lies about the KKK and Trump are ridiculous. I am OK with criticism of him and have some criticisms myself but not on that matter.
Claiming to be a nationalist sure seems like he is talking to the white nationalists. Everyone before him was a patriot, but suddenly he's a nationalist?
His “Nationalist” mantra is America first. Nothing more. Zero to do with race. Hell his daughter Ivanka and her three kids are Jewish. He is not a white nationalist.
I didn't say he is, just that he threw them a bone and isn't really turning away their support. I mean we have a country full of nationalists that hate Mexicans that he created. It's not a real big leap to white nationalists.

Oh, back to the Trump is a racist mantra. I get it now. You are a ridiculous character with unrealistic expectations.
Again, I didn't say he is.

Not increasing deficits is hardly an unrealistic expectation. It's comical you feel that way.
The Leftist lies about the KKK and Trump are ridiculous. I am OK with criticism of him and have some criticisms myself but not on that matter.
Claiming to be a nationalist sure seems like he is talking to the white nationalists. Everyone before him was a patriot, but suddenly he's a nationalist?
His “Nationalist” mantra is America first. Nothing more. Zero to do with race. Hell his daughter Ivanka and her three kids are Jewish. He is not a white nationalist.
I didn't say he is, just that he threw them a bone and isn't really turning away their support. I mean we have a country full of nationalists that hate Mexicans that he created. It's not a real big leap to white nationalists.
'Racism Is Evil': Trump Denounces The KKK, Neo-Nazis And White Supremacists

Except he did. The Leftist media just didn’t cover it. He is not a white nationalist. As a Jew I can smell those from miles away.
Well I think we both want that smell to go away. I preferred them when they were less visible, they have certainly come out with trump.

No they haven't. It's that the media is giving them air time to make Trump look bad. They have always been here, fool.
The Leftist lies about the KKK and Trump are ridiculous. I am OK with criticism of him and have some criticisms myself but not on that matter.
Claiming to be a nationalist sure seems like he is talking to the white nationalists. Everyone before him was a patriot, but suddenly he's a nationalist?
His “Nationalist” mantra is America first. Nothing more. Zero to do with race. Hell his daughter Ivanka and her three kids are Jewish. He is not a white nationalist.
I didn't say he is, just that he threw them a bone and isn't really turning away their support. I mean we have a country full of nationalists that hate Mexicans that he created. It's not a real big leap to white nationalists.

Oh, back to the Trump is a racist mantra. I get it now. You are a ridiculous character with unrealistic expectations.
Again, I didn't say he is.

Not increasing deficits is hardly an unrealistic expectation. It's comical you feel that way.

It surely is when you are trying to run a country! You and all the other blow hards here have no idea what it entails.
There is no option for “I voted for someone else last time and I will vote for some else this time”.

That is my choice.
The poll is ment to gauge voting regret. If you can't vote then it doesn't apply to you.
So what’s your excuse for creating the poll then?
What’s your excuse for vilifying those who have a disparate political view than you? Must your insecurity since you’re a pussy.
I don’t necessarily think an independent conservative is dumb. Some are smart. A republican though? A Trump supporter? You’re pretty dumb. There’s no getting around it.

WHo cares? That is your opinion and like assholes, everyone has one. Your opinion does not TRUMP my opinion.
In this case, it really should...
Curious to see how many like me voted for someone else (Walker in my case) but will support him this time around.
There is no option for “I voted for someone else last time and I will vote for some else this time”.

That is my choice.
The poll is ment to gauge voting regret. If you can't vote then it doesn't apply to you.
So what’s your excuse for creating the poll then?
What’s your excuse for vilifying those who have a disparate political view than you? Must your insecurity since you’re a pussy.
I don’t necessarily think an independent conservative is dumb. Some are smart. A republican though? A Trump supporter? You’re pretty dumb. There’s no getting around it.
Keep digging that hole. I am a registered Independent and I may vote for whomever I choose to. No matter what Leftist pussies say. This is what Nazis did. Forced you to think their way. People in America may do as they please. Again let’s compare resumes you pussy. Why are you running? Bitch.
The Leftist lies about the KKK and Trump are ridiculous. I am OK with criticism of him and have some criticisms myself but not on that matter.
Claiming to be a nationalist sure seems like he is talking to the white nationalists. Everyone before him was a patriot, but suddenly he's a nationalist?
His “Nationalist” mantra is America first. Nothing more. Zero to do with race. Hell his daughter Ivanka and her three kids are Jewish. He is not a white nationalist.
I didn't say he is, just that he threw them a bone and isn't really turning away their support. I mean we have a country full of nationalists that hate Mexicans that he created. It's not a real big leap to white nationalists.
'Racism Is Evil': Trump Denounces The KKK, Neo-Nazis And White Supremacists

Except he did. The Leftist media just didn’t cover it. He is not a white nationalist. As a Jew I can smell those from miles away.
Well I think we both want that smell to go away. I preferred them when they were less visible, they have certainly come out with trump.
I agree but the Leftists came out during Obama’s reign and their stench is awful as well. Like BLM, the Squad, Antifa...

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