If you didn't support Trump in 2016 do you regret it and will you support him in 2020

What was & is now your position on Trump

  • I voted for him in 2016 and will again.

  • I voted for someone else but will vote Trump this time.

  • I am a Democrat who will support him.

  • I'm a republican who wont support him.

  • I'm a troll who can't vote because you made the votes public

Results are only viewable after voting.
Repubs are the new democrats. They don't want results, they just want to feel like something is being done. Too funny.

Things are FINALLY getting done. If it weren't for the democrat obstruction, we would be doing even better now.
Things like tariffs that hurt manufacturing? What things exactly? We still have shitty infrastructure even with trillion dollar deficits. Where is that money going exactly? Record low unemployment and deficits are over a trillion? Sounds poorly run to me.

I keep hearing about this "infrastructure." What exactly are you referring to?
Roads, bridges... you don't even know what infrastructure is?

& apparently one of them thar poorly educated basket dwellers that trump loves long time who is too lazy to even find out on her own.
There is no option for “I voted for someone else last time and I will vote for some else this time”.

That is my choice.
Bernie Sanders appreciates your support.

He isn't my choice. Yet.
The fact that you would even consider voting for someone who supported overt Jew hater Jeremy Corbyn says a lot about you. Thank you for validating my beliefs about you.
Isn't Bernie jewish bro?
By birth only. He is about as Jewish as Bin Laden though. Zero affiliation with Judaism. Disdains it in fact. He is an atheist.

so? on the flip side evangelisticals don't care about donny's religion...............
Repubs are the new democrats. They don't want results, they just want to feel like something is being done. Too funny.

Things are FINALLY getting done. If it weren't for the democrat obstruction, we would be doing even better now.
Things like tariffs that hurt manufacturing? What things exactly? We still have shitty infrastructure even with trillion dollar deficits. Where is that money going exactly? Record low unemployment and deficits are over a trillion? Sounds poorly run to me.

I keep hearing about this "infrastructure." What exactly are you referring to?
Roads, bridges... you don't even know what infrastructure is?

What? You mean Obama didn't fix our "infrastructure?" How come? He had 8 years.

he got the ball rolling with the stimulas pkg he rolled out, but it didn't go far enough & guess what? improving infrastructure takes funding. for 6 outa the 8 years, he had a (R) congress. does that make sense to you? gotta a clue yet? it should, but i doubt it.
Bernie Sanders appreciates your support.

He isn't my choice. Yet.
The fact that you would even consider voting for someone who supported overt Jew hater Jeremy Corbyn says a lot about you. Thank you for validating my beliefs about you.
Isn't Bernie jewish bro?
By birth only. He is about as Jewish as Bin Laden though. Zero affiliation with Judaism. Disdains it in fact. He is an atheist.
Interesting. You aren't concerned that all those Nazi flag carrying repubs will start getting more influence with the party?

but but the first lady ivanka is jewish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don'tcha know that donny will protect them from all that there antisemitism?
Repubs are the new democrats. They don't want results, they just want to feel like something is being done. Too funny.

Things are FINALLY getting done. If it weren't for the democrat obstruction, we would be doing even better now.
Things like tariffs that hurt manufacturing? What things exactly? We still have shitty infrastructure even with trillion dollar deficits. Where is that money going exactly? Record low unemployment and deficits are over a trillion? Sounds poorly run to me.

The tariffs are producing positive outcomes, and it's not nearly over yet. I know MSM probably barely touched the story, but we made a 200 billion dollar deal with China. And that's just the first step.

why did donny lie over & over again that china was losing the tariff war? never mind, ray ray - i'll answer it for you. cause he's a liar & you'll believe anything he says if it sounds good.

Business News
November 25, 2019 / 7:17 PM / 2 months ago
Americans, not Chinese, pay Trump tariffs: NY Fed study
Howard Schneider

Americans, not Chinese, pay Trump tariffs: NY Fed study
Roads, bridges... you don't even know what infrastructure is?

What is the problem with our roads and bridges? I don't have any problems getting anywhere. You?

Basically, you are a chicken little.
Lots of problems. You must not get out much.

America's infrastructure is decaying — here's a look at how terrible things have gotten

So? Things get old and need replacing. Such is life.
Yes and with trillion dollar deficits you'd think it was getting replaced, but it isn't.

That is the role of the federal government. The states take care of their own infrastructures. Deficits have nothing to do with infrastructure, you little self proclaimed Einstein. Lol.

sooooooooooooooo.............. you didn't know that vast majority of all 50 states' funding comes from the federal gov?
Last edited:

So? Things get old and need replacing. Such is life.
Yes and with trillion dollar deficits you'd think it was getting replaced, but it isn't.

That is the role of the federal government. The states take care of their own infrastructures. Deficits have nothing to do with infrastructure, you little self proclaimed Einstein. Lol.
It shows we are spending a lot and not on infrastructure. We could be running deficits to fix our infrastructure. I'm not sure where our deficits are going, lots of interest for sure.

The federal government does not "Fix infrastructure." That is the responsibility of the states. So our federal deficits have nothing to do with infrastructure. If your state is a shithole, then complain to your representative.


Do you think DJT was the cause of the effect?
Damn. That's a hard one. I am not sure. Society is changing, no doubt. No. He is not the cause. He is the product of the effect. I do not think he has dealt with it in the best interest of the nation as an entity, definitely not as a civil society. Remember that movie where Michael J Fox gave that speech to the President saying something like "people thirst for good leadership, like a dying man crawling across the desert and not finding it only the mirage, they'll drink the sand"? That is what happened. We thirst for leadership every 4 years. 2016 there was no leaders that showed up, so we drank the sand.

I meant *or. Stupid typo. I agree. Trump is the effect. Many whom I know did it as a FU to the PC culture Leftists I doubt they are alone who thought that way
Do you have a theory of what happened to the Republican party. I started voting mostly republican starting with Richard Nixon and voting Lamar Alexander for Governor back in 72. I do not recognize that party anymore. It is a party of today, appearing almost totally without honor, moving as a rubber stamp. Do they really support his leadership or is it just agenda goals and power?
I am only 39 and have never belonged to a political party. My theory is that Bush turned a lot of people away from the party due to the Iraq war and the Great Recession. BHO came in and spent monies to fix it. A lot of money. But we were still in the Middle East, meddling and we became soft. Example being John Kerry apologizing to Iran when they wrongly captured one of our boats. The Republicans ran honorable men in terms of McCain and Romney but they were boring and white old wealthy men and the country chose to go with Obama. BHO was young, charismatic and a minority and I thought would be good for the country. But unfortunately the country became more divided and many whites (I am guessing here were angry that they were still seen as racist and privileged when they supported a minority president). ISIS happened. Sequester happened. Black Lives Matter happened.

People were frustrated and looked to the Republican Party to give an alternative to HRC. Trump came out with simple messages. America First. Build that Wall. Curb illegal immigration. Invest in our military. Better trade deals. He had cache as a billionaire businessman and frankly killed it in the debates. Republicans realized that their party had somewhat changed and went along with it because Trump actually won. The country is turning socialist unfortunately and jealous of our successful wealthy people but fortunately we have the EC. Now the Democrats do have strong candidates but their Leftist wing won’t allow them to breathe. My 2 cents.
Not bad analysis for a 39 year old, unless your in the analysis trade. Very even handed. I'm certainly no professional poster. I just post my opinions from my point of view, take care of my own and plan and execute my vacations (we leave again in 10 days). Been a good night talking to you. See you around the board.
Thanks. I work in management consulting. I have received numerous points of views and have formed my own based on what I see.
I meant *or. Stupid typo. I agree. Trump is the effect. Many whom I know did it as a FU to the PC culture Leftists I doubt they are alone who thought that way
Do you have a theory of what happened to the Republican party. I started voting mostly republican starting with Richard Nixon and voting Lamar Alexander for Governor back in 72. I do not recognize that party anymore. It is a party of today, appearing almost totally without honor, moving as a rubber stamp. Do they really support his leadership or is it just agenda goals and power?

Without honor? How are they any LESS honorable than the democratic party? How about name a democrat that is "honorable."
I will admit, I am less than impressed with the honor involved in tactics applied to Kavanaugh. Maybe failure to even allow a hearing for Obama's supreme court nominee for 10 months prior to the election is when both sides decided the gloves came off.
They came off when the Democrats destroyed Palin. They doubled down when they squashed Romney. Biden said Romney would put black people back in chains. Romney never fought back. Neither did McCain. Trump did and the soft Leftists were outraged.
Palin is what sunk McCain. Never having finished a term at anything I can think of, she was not ready for prime time, kind of like a Republican AOC lite, cute but useless. Romney let himself be recorded at an in opportune moment and the Democrats hammered it home. Romney tried, but failed. McCain should have never picked Palin. There was nothing he could do for her and it sunk the ticket. I was for him, right up until he picked her. My first thought was, "Oh,no he got a shallow FOX News babe. What if he kicks the bucket?" Apparently, I was not the only one.
I was not into politics really at the time and just thought he wanted a female running mate. Definitely sank him but also IMO many turned away from the GOP due to the Iraq war and the Great Recession
You’re a pathetic piece of filth and a failure in life. There is no reasoning with you. Brag you do about your lack of debt but fail you did with your family. Priorities...now run along and stop harassing me.

^^^ triggered. & don't ferget who followed who here to this thread troll boy.
Incoherent post #50. Have another.

what was your first post to this thread? about the topic?


who was it to? the OP?


you are nothing but a troll who regurgitates his own repetitive childishness. you aren't capable of anything more & i laugh @ y-o-u.
Yet I answer your questions and you cannot answer mine. Sad. Have another.

what questions? about witness'? i said i had no worries - bring 'em on. however, guliani is donny's personal lawyer - & is not supposta do what he's doing. bill barr is/was the only one from the DOJ that 'investigated. not the underlings that should have been. you do know billy boy isn't working for the nation, he is working solely for trump.

i didn't give you 'questions' - i gave you links solid credible links when you either thought i was makig shit up, or couldn't refudiate them.
If you keep piling on incoherent posts I ll just keep giving you smileys like I would to a 4 year old.
Incoherent post #50. Have another.

what was your first post to this thread? about the topic?


who was it to? the OP?


you are nothing but a troll who regurgitates his own repetitive childishness. you aren't capable of anything more & i laugh @ y-o-u.

Nyet? Ohhhh, now we know who the REAL Russian troll is! Ha ha! :D Russia is calling. They want their jokes back!

guess you never learned to step it up to the big leagues. damn, that was lame. no worries, zog will like ya. don't try so hard - you look desperate.
She is destroying you. And again you cannot answer a simple question. I answered yours. Alcoholism Is genetic.

ya, she's a regular stable genius!!!! :71:
I will have to ask her if she has 30+ year old “children” living with her.
putin appreciated yours.
Actually he didn’t because I live in a blue state and it did not count. You’re so uneducated and a drunk.

you are pushing russian propaganda like a good little putin puppet.

RT... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

^^ Says a Mao loving Chinese propaganda puppet.
Playtime is a communist. They have hated Russia since it threw off the communist yoke.

Well..and she has ethnic reasons...isnt that right playtime? Want to explain those to us goy?

what the fuck are you even talking about? alternative facts are a necessity for you nutters.

About to go on a bender.
you are pushing russian propaganda like a good little putin puppet.

RT... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

^^ Says a Mao loving Chinese propaganda puppet.
Playtime is a communist. They have hated Russia since it threw off the communist yoke.

Well..and she has ethnic reasons...isnt that right playtime? Want to explain those to us goy?

what the fuck are you even talking about? alternative facts are a necessity for you nutters.

I suppose thats explanation enough. Will you ever get over the fall of the USSR? Now we just have to hope the Democrats collapse leaving N Korea and China as sole remaining communists.

^^^ you cray cray. you don 't realize that pootey poot wants the USSR back, do you..... why do you think he is going for ukraine? why do you think he wants us outa NATO? why do you think he wants us isolated?

but i see the problem with you - you don't think.
He has zero chance at achieving it. He also wants to be 6’5 and 30 years old again.
The federal government does not "Fix infrastructure." That is the responsibility of the states. So our federal deficits have nothing to do with infrastructure. If your state is a shithole, then complain to your representative.
You prefer spending that can't be explained. Got it.

No, I am addressing your post about why Donald Trump isn't fixing infrastructure. That is not his job. That is the job of the states, to keep their infrastructure up.
The fed has always spent on infrastructure. What world are you in?

It is up to individual states how to spend any grant monies they get from the feds. If your state is not doing it's part, then that is your state's fault. It has nothing to do with the policies of Donald Trump, POTUS.
Well at least you figured out the fed does spend on infrastructure.

she didn't know 'till you said that.
Actually he didn’t because I live in a blue state and it did not count. You’re so uneducated and a drunk.

you are pushing russian propaganda like a good little putin puppet.

RT... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

^^ Says a Mao loving Chinese propaganda puppet.
Playtime is a communist. They have hated Russia since it threw off the communist yoke.

Well..and she has ethnic reasons...isnt that right playtime? Want to explain those to us goy?

what the fuck are you even talking about? alternative facts are a necessity for you nutters.

About to go on a bender.

you need to look up what 'triggered' means. but like donny, you will say it cause you wanna believe it. also, you are boring AF - troll boy.
^^ Says a Mao loving Chinese propaganda puppet.
Playtime is a communist. They have hated Russia since it threw off the communist yoke.

Well..and she has ethnic reasons...isnt that right playtime? Want to explain those to us goy?

what the fuck are you even talking about? alternative facts are a necessity for you nutters.

I suppose thats explanation enough. Will you ever get over the fall of the USSR? Now we just have to hope the Democrats collapse leaving N Korea and China as sole remaining communists.

^^^ you cray cray. you don 't realize that pootey poot wants the USSR back, do you..... why do you think he is going for ukraine? why do you think he wants us outa NATO? why do you think he wants us isolated?

but i see the problem with you - you don't think.
He has zero chance at achieving it. He also wants to be 6’5 and 30 years old again.

hopefully NATO will survive.
you are pushing russian propaganda like a good little putin puppet.

RT... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

^^ Says a Mao loving Chinese propaganda puppet.
Playtime is a communist. They have hated Russia since it threw off the communist yoke.

Well..and she has ethnic reasons...isnt that right playtime? Want to explain those to us goy?

what the fuck are you even talking about? alternative facts are a necessity for you nutters.

About to go on a bender.

you need to look up what 'triggered' means. but like donny, you will say it cause you wanna believe it. also, you are boring AF - troll boy.
Swearing is generally the first song. Not using capital letters because you’re typing so quickly is the 2nd sign.
Repubs are the new democrats. They don't want results, they just want to feel like something is being done. Too funny.

Things are FINALLY getting done. If it weren't for the democrat obstruction, we would be doing even better now.
Things like tariffs that hurt manufacturing? What things exactly? We still have shitty infrastructure even with trillion dollar deficits. Where is that money going exactly? Record low unemployment and deficits are over a trillion? Sounds poorly run to me.

The tariffs are producing positive outcomes, and it's not nearly over yet. I know MSM probably barely touched the story, but we made a 200 billion dollar deal with China. And that's just the first step.

why did donny lie over & over again that china was losing the tariff war? never mind, ray ray - i'll answer it for you. cause he's a liar & you'll believe anything he says if it sounds good.

Business News
November 25, 2019 / 7:17 PM / 2 months ago
Americans, not Chinese, pay Trump tariffs: NY Fed study
Howard Schneider

Americans, not Chinese, pay Trump tariffs: NY Fed study

China was losing the war. That's what brought them back to the table. Our economy is doing great. Theirs is pretty much going downhill.
Playtime is a communist. They have hated Russia since it threw off the communist yoke.

Well..and she has ethnic reasons...isnt that right playtime? Want to explain those to us goy?

what the fuck are you even talking about? alternative facts are a necessity for you nutters.

I suppose thats explanation enough. Will you ever get over the fall of the USSR? Now we just have to hope the Democrats collapse leaving N Korea and China as sole remaining communists.

^^^ you cray cray. you don 't realize that pootey poot wants the USSR back, do you..... why do you think he is going for ukraine? why do you think he wants us outa NATO? why do you think he wants us isolated?

but i see the problem with you - you don't think.
He has zero chance at achieving it. He also wants to be 6’5 and 30 years old again.

hopefully NATO will survive.
If it doesn’t nothing will happen. The old Soviet Union is dead. China is a very strong country and they do not want Russia to become too powerful. Our biggest threat is not Russia but Radical Islam.
There has been no President as friendly toward Jews and Israel as Trump in my lifetime.
Well if you say so.
I am only 39 but can you name one?
They have all been real good to them. You see how much free money we give Israel? That's been going on for much longer than trump.
Not free and only Trump moved the Embassy to Jerusalem. Obama frequently vilified Israel.
It's welfare. How is it not free? They aren't really giving anything back. Vilified? I never heard that, sounds like righty garbage to me. And moving the embassy helped in what way? All it did was get a bunch of people killed. What they need is peace, not more taunting of the enemy. But regardless every president has been really good to Israel.

moving the embassy pandered to the christian fanatics.

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