If you didn't support Trump in 2016 do you regret it and will you support him in 2020

What was & is now your position on Trump

  • I voted for him in 2016 and will again.

  • I voted for someone else but will vote Trump this time.

  • I am a Democrat who will support him.

  • I'm a republican who wont support him.

  • I'm a troll who can't vote because you made the votes public

Results are only viewable after voting.
Incoherent post #50. Have another.

what was your first post to this thread? about the topic?


who was it to? the OP?


you are nothing but a troll who regurgitates his own repetitive childishness. you aren't capable of anything more & i laugh @ y-o-u.

Nyet? Ohhhh, now we know who the REAL Russian troll is! Ha ha! :D Russia is calling. They want their jokes back!

guess you never learned to step it up to the big leagues. damn, that was lame. no worries, zog will like ya. don't try so hard - you look desperate.
She is destroying you. And again you cannot answer a simple question. I answered yours. Alcoholism Is genetic.

They have NO answers, only complaints. The democrats are the biggest bitches in America! Yay! :D

oooOOOoooo, goody- you got him!
^^^ triggered. & don't ferget who followed who here to this thread troll boy.
Incoherent post #50. Have another.

what was your first post to this thread? about the topic?


who was it to? the OP?


you are nothing but a troll who regurgitates his own repetitive childishness. you aren't capable of anything more & i laugh @ y-o-u.

Nyet? Ohhhh, now we know who the REAL Russian troll is! Ha ha! :D Russia is calling. They want their jokes back!

guess you never learned to step it up to the big leagues. damn, that was lame. no worries, zog will like ya. don't try so hard - you look desperate.
She is destroying you. And again you cannot answer a simple question. I answered yours. Alcoholism Is genetic.

ya, she's a regular stable genius!!!! :71:
I meant *or. Stupid typo. I agree. Trump is the effect. Many whom I know did it as a FU to the PC culture Leftists I doubt they are alone who thought that way
Do you have a theory of what happened to the Republican party. I started voting mostly republican starting with Richard Nixon and voting Lamar Alexander for Governor back in 72. I do not recognize that party anymore. It is a party of today, appearing almost totally without honor, moving as a rubber stamp. Do they really support his leadership or is it just agenda goals and power?

Without honor? How are they any LESS honorable than the democratic party? How about name a democrat that is "honorable."
I will admit, I am less than impressed with the honor involved in tactics applied to Kavanaugh. Maybe failure to even allow a hearing for Obama's supreme court nominee for 10 months prior to the election is when both sides decided the gloves came off.
They came off when the Democrats destroyed Palin. They doubled down when they squashed Romney. Biden said Romney would put black people back in chains. Romney never fought back. Neither did McCain. Trump did and the soft Leftists were outraged.
Palin is what sunk McCain. Never having finished a term at anything I can think of, she was not ready for prime time, kind of like a Republican AOC lite, cute but useless. Romney let himself be recorded at an in opportune moment and the Democrats hammered it home. Romney tried, but failed. McCain should have never picked Palin. There was nothing he could do for her and it sunk the ticket. I was for him, right up until he picked her. My first thought was, "Oh,no he got a shallow FOX News babe. What if he kicks the bucket?" Apparently, I was not the only one.

McCain's failure had nothing to do with Palin. Very few voters consider the VP anyway. McCain has been a long known RINO not liked by many Republican voters outside his state. He was just another Democrat in reality. But the facts are it's the economy stupid. I don't think the Republicans could have ran anybody to beat any Democrat. Even Hillary could have won that race with such an advantage.
where's the 'i'm an indy, who never would consider voting for trump, past or in the future' option?

'cause that would be my choice.

Thats not "indy". You will always vote for the Democrat. You did last time and you will this time.

i sure did last time & will this time. 'ALWAYS' vote (D)? lol.......... the ones that think that & say it are usually goose steppers because they are partisan to the core. i have voted (R), (D), & green party. & you?
Curious to see how many like me voted for someone else (Walker in my case) but will support him this time around.
There is no option for “I voted for someone else last time and I will vote for some else this time”.

That is my choice.
Bernie Sanders appreciates your support.

putin appreciated yours.

OY Vey Didn't Bernie Sanders enjoy a honeymoon in the USSR? Your guy...bernie sanders.

oh so now bernie is my guy? keep breathing in that methane!!!!

donny loves russia. wants to build a tower there - he's been bending over & grabbing his ankles for the roooskies for years.
Yes trump is all for them whites and he's a nationalist.... hmmmmm…..

Trump hasn't favored any particular group of people since he took office. What do you mean by Trump is for them whites???
You just said trump is the white party.


You said "anti-white party" which to a liberal means the "white party" because they like to project their racism onto everyone else.

Since most dem politicians are also white, I doubt if they really want that. That is what they want their voters to believe, but I'm sure they don't want to see themselves become a minority either. They are just pandering as usual.
Question. Would you say that most white racist vote Republican and support Trump, while most black racist vote democrat and will support whoever the Dem of the moment is? Or is that completely off base?

Of course white racists will vote against the Democrat party, and all whites really should. As I already stated, the Democrat party became the anti-white party. Who in their right mind would support a party that is trying to politically wipe them off the face of this country?
where's the 'i'm an indy, who never would consider voting for trump, past or in the future' option?

'cause that would be my choice.

Thats not "indy". You will always vote for the Democrat. You did last time and you will this time.

i sure did last time & will this time. 'ALWAYS' vote (D)? lol.......... the ones that think that & say it are usually goose steppers because they are partisan to the core. i have voted (R), (D), & green party. & you?

You voted Obama and Hillary and will vote Democrat in 2020.
Bernie Sanders appreciates your support.

putin appreciated yours.
Actually he didn’t because I live in a blue state and it did not count. You’re so uneducated and a drunk.

you are pushing russian propaganda like a good little putin puppet.

RT... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

^^ Says a Mao loving Chinese propaganda puppet.
Playtime is a communist. They have hated Russia since it threw off the communist yoke.

Well..and she has ethnic reasons...isnt that right playtime? Want to explain those to us goy?

what the fuck are you even talking about? alternative facts are a necessity for you nutters.
Curious to see how many like me voted for someone else (Walker in my case) but will support him this time around.
There is no option for “I voted for someone else last time and I will vote for some else this time”.

That is my choice.
Bernie Sanders appreciates your support.

putin appreciated yours.

OY Vey Didn't Bernie Sanders enjoy a honeymoon in the USSR? Your guy...bernie sanders.

oh so now bernie is my guy? keep breathing in that methane!!!!

donny loves russia. wants to build a tower there - he's been bending over & grabbing his ankles for the roooskies for years.

I don’t care what he builds in Russia. But a honeymoon with the communists...from your Bernie Sanders. Oy vey. How much obvious can you be?
i said you were a puppet. learn to read. who cares about tulsi - she's not a concern unless she runs 3rd party. she said she wouldn't, but she's probably a liar like you. no wonder you like her.
You’re a pathetic piece of filth and a failure in life. There is no reasoning with you. Brag you do about your lack of debt but fail you did with your family. Priorities...now run along and stop harassing me.

^^^ triggered. & don't ferget who followed who here to this thread troll boy.

He followed your stench! :D

meowwwwwwwwwwww..................hisss................................... wow that really stung... lol... yep,... 2 pods. go get him chrissy!

Chrissy made you look silly and humiliated.

I also like that President Trump encourages us to do better, to be better, instead of Obama's "new normal," where he told us we had better tighten our belts and get used to this. These jobs are NEVER coming back. Go on social service programs, socialism lite! Yeah! Lol.

tell me when coal makes that big comeback, m'k?


putin appreciated yours.
Actually he didn’t because I live in a blue state and it did not count. You’re so uneducated and a drunk.

you are pushing russian propaganda like a good little putin puppet.

RT... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

^^ Says a Mao loving Chinese propaganda puppet.
Playtime is a communist. They have hated Russia since it threw off the communist yoke.

Well..and she has ethnic reasons...isnt that right playtime? Want to explain those to us goy?

what the fuck are you even talking about? alternative facts are a necessity for you nutters.

I suppose thats explanation enough. Will you ever get over the fall of the USSR? Now we just have to hope the Democrats collapse leaving N Korea and China as sole remaining communists.
where's the 'i'm an indy, who never would consider voting for trump, past or in the future' option?

'cause that would be my choice.

Thats not "indy". You will always vote for the Democrat. You did last time and you will this time.

i sure did last time & will this time. 'ALWAYS' vote (D)? lol.......... the ones that think that & say it are usually goose steppers because they are partisan to the core. i have voted (R), (D), & green party. & you?

You voted Obama and Hillary and will vote Democrat in 2020.

the alternative wasn't acceptable. i voted 3rd party against both W & gore/lieberman. - who was my own state senator? that taught me a lesson alright. oh & i strongly considered john huntsman b4 he dropped out the race when he was running against obama. i've voted across the board for local & state elections as well.

so ya....

you, sir- really don't know wtf you are talking about per usual for rw nutters.
Curious to see how many like me voted for someone else (Walker in my case) but will support him this time around.
I won't be disappointed when he gets reelected, but I didn't vote for him the first time, and won't this time.

He hasn't really done much to warrant my vote. Sticking the thumb in the eye of Democrats is not really a valid reason to vote for him.

HIs budgetary policy is abysmal. His wimpiness regarding NATO and the UN is disappointing. He hasn't done anything to return power to the States, nor has he significantly reduce the size of government.

He has appointed some good Judges, and he managed to get some tax reduction, but he only gets a push with regard to trade.

Stopping the dems from taking control of this country is a good enough reason though. Do we want to go back to the dismal years of democratic policies? I would vote for a fish if it would mean stopping them.
We all yearn for the stable leadership of the Obama years
If you want to vote for your representatives like your voted for your favorite American Idol contestant, then that's up to you. I prefer to vote based on results, which we have pretty good ones right now. I prefer to live by the old adage that has always been true, and that is if it's not broke--don't fix it.

Trump doesn't weasel out of anything, and his so-called lies are harmless. Show me one President who never lied. It's one thing to lie about having the best economy of all time, and to lie and destroy our healthcare system while spending a trillion dollars to do it.

I don't know what your screen name means, but if it relates to your race, and you vote Democrat, you are voting for the anti-white party. You are voting for people that are trying every trick in the book to make you a minority as soon as possible, regardless of what damage comes to your fellow Americans.
Yes trump is all for them whites and he's a nationalist.... hmmmmm…..

Trump hasn't favored any particular group of people since he took office. What do you mean by Trump is for them whites???
You just said trump is the white party.


You said "anti-white party" which to a liberal means the "white party" because they like to project their racism onto everyone else.

Since most dem politicians are also white, I doubt if they really want that. That is what they want their voters to believe, but I'm sure they don't want to see themselves become a minority either. They are just pandering as usual.

I've been following politics for a long time. If it's one thing I've learned about a Democrat politician, it's they will sell their own mother for power.

So yes, those white liberals would be willing to be a minority if it guarantees them lifelong power in this country. After all, why did they shut down the government for the longest time in history over the wall? Why (when Trump was elected) did they form sanctuary states on top of their sanctuary cities? Why did they stop Kate's law from passing; a common sense law that mandated any deported felon face five years in prison if they return to this country? Why are some leftist states who have a high population of immigrants instituting motor voter laws?

Look at the murders of Americans, the rapes, the drugs, the cost of all these illegal immigrants. The Democrat party doesn't care. In fact, they want more of them and they're fighting like hell to accomplish that.
Actually he didn’t because I live in a blue state and it did not count. You’re so uneducated and a drunk.

you are pushing russian propaganda like a good little putin puppet.

RT... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

^^ Says a Mao loving Chinese propaganda puppet.
Playtime is a communist. They have hated Russia since it threw off the communist yoke.

Well..and she has ethnic reasons...isnt that right playtime? Want to explain those to us goy?

what the fuck are you even talking about? alternative facts are a necessity for you nutters.

I suppose thats explanation enough. Will you ever get over the fall of the USSR? Now we just have to hope the Democrats collapse leaving N Korea and China as sole remaining communists.

^^^ you cray cray. you don 't realize that pootey poot wants the USSR back, do you..... why do you think he is going for ukraine? why do you think he wants us outa NATO? why do you think he wants us isolated?

but i see the problem with you - you don't think.
What? America is chugging along great. Exactly what issues do you disagree with the president on?
You can't read? DEFICITS!!!!!! It is as irresponsible as can be to run huge deficits while we are chugging along. This is a credit card economy. He can't hit 3% gdp growth with all this spending? Pathetic.

All of the dems told me it was no big deal when Obama was in office. Why is it a big deal now again?
I know and now trump is practically a third term of Obama. Remember when Trump said a president shouldn't rule by executive order? Oh well he's done more than Obama. Trump is constantly defended by saying Obama did it too. Why don't repubs just admit they loved Obama too.

I'm not a republican and I sure did not love Obama or his policies. People were really hurting. Instead of working on making a stronger economy, he encouraged people to collect more social services and unemployment extensions. Those things add to deficit spending as well. I'm sure Trump is going to address the deficit in his next term.
Hate to break it to you, but the unemployment rate was low under Obama too. You don't waste much time with reality eh? Not a republican? That is funny.

the unemployment rate started out +/- 10% when obama took office & despite the (R) roadblocking almost everything, the rate went down to +/- 5%. imagine if he actually had the cooperation from (R)s & turtleboy's #1 goal wasn't to make obama a 'one term prez'?

& the unemployment extensions were aimed at those people who lost their jobs under W, especially when we were bleeding out jobs in the hundreds of thousands . one extension was when he was blackmailed by the (R) & a bush tax cut they wanted EXTENDED because it was going to sunset with the excuse that the 'job creators' would improve the unemployment rate & start hiring; or they wouldn't vote to pass it. they got their cut extended for 2 more years, whilst actual humans got 18 months. & the 'job creators' ended up not doing a fucking thing.
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Maybe I am a republican now. If so, that is thanks to President Trump!
And thanks to trump we have huge deficits.

I'm not that worried about it. ALL of the countries in the world have deficits. It all kind of balances out in the end. We owe them money, but they owe us money as well. Not the end of the world.
Sounds like you are indeed a republican. Pretty soon all our tax dollars will be spent on interest. Sounds cool eh?

I guess I am. Thanks to Trump and the democrats, the republican party has raised RECORD amounts of money! I will make SURE that I vote for only republicans from now on. :D Thank you for opening my eyes.

a vast majority comes from dark money.
Curious to see how many like me voted for someone else (Walker in my case) but will support him this time around.
There is no option for “I voted for someone else last time and I will vote for some else this time”.

That is my choice.
Bernie Sanders appreciates your support.

He isn't my choice. Yet.
The fact that you would even consider voting for someone who supported overt Jew hater Jeremy Corbyn says a lot about you. Thank you for validating my beliefs about you.
Isn't Bernie jewish bro?

according to zog, he's just not the right kinda jew cause he doesn't put israel's interests before america's.

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