If you didn't support Trump in 2016 do you regret it and will you support him in 2020

What was & is now your position on Trump

  • I voted for him in 2016 and will again.

  • I voted for someone else but will vote Trump this time.

  • I am a Democrat who will support him.

  • I'm a republican who wont support him.

  • I'm a troll who can't vote because you made the votes public

Results are only viewable after voting.
That’s not what he said. See the Leftist media is twisting stuff again.
Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People’ In Charlottesville
No, I heard him say good people on both sides. Well the good people of the KKK and assorted white supremacists that weren't wanted in Richmand were responsible for inciting a deadly confontation and I don't remember seeing and KKKers going to the morgue. Trump should have said something forcefully condemning at the time, I think because he thought Obama had gone to far supporting blacks when things went south. Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, and you know it.

The guy who killed that woman was not from the KKK. He wasn't even from the state. He was a nut bag just like the nut bag that went to the baseball stadium to kill all those Republican representatives.

Trump had a different approach than DumBama. He wanted to settle things down, not rile them up again. He didn't want to blame everybody for something because of the actions of a few. I know that may not be logical in your world, but regardless what you think of people on either side, they are still all Americans, and they have issues they stood for.
Yeah trumps really bringing us together. ha
Those rallies are the result of eight years of Obama and his divisive rhetoric and actions.
Those rallies are the result of planners of those organizations desiring to rise back to the surface and push their plan for America. have you read about those outsiders headed to Richmand from as far away as Canada, planning to start trouble at the demonstration on the court square. Now the gun activist are upset they can't have 50,000 armed demonstrator on the square. Many of the same people, as I understand it and prone to the same destructive methods.
Those rallies helped win him the presidency
Yes, out budgeted by a community organizer with a short leash. Every major battle between the Republican led house and DumBama was about money. DumBama wanted to spend more, and Republicans wanted to spend less. It's what led to the sequester, losing our three star credit rating for the fist time in history, a government shutdown.

So don't be giving credit to the guy that was never in charge of making out the budget in the first place.
Trillion dollar deficits aren't going to be good for that credit rating. But if it goes down during trump it's good right?

No, and I don't think you'll find many conservatives that are happy about it. But it's Trump's spending and the Democrats. You can't put this issue on one person because our government doesn't work that way. DumBama allowed our military to be depleted. Now we are actually behind China when it comes to innovation. Much of Trump's spending went for the rebuilding of our defenses to catch up where DumBama abandoned.

You want to cut spending? Tell me where you would cut. Tell me where you would save us a trillion dollars a year.
Conservatives aren't conservative at all. The military was never depleted. The companies who collect all that money making stuff did the right lobbying and got some $$$. Lets start by cutting it back to where we were when trump took over. Not so hard.

I see you avoided the question. Good on you. So I'll ask you again, where would you cut a trillion dollars out of our budge?

Medical care keeps getting more expensive. And with more of us boomers retiring, the cost is going to go up more for government. Again, we can't be second fiddle to aggressive countries. There is no such thing as too much defense.
I would cut everywhere. What we really need to do right now is stop trump from increasing spending. Every time he talks he wants more spending. I'm glad somebody talked him out of buying Greenland.

Again, deflection.

The truth of the matter is you wouldn't be able to balance the budge if you were in charge. Neither would I. The Democrats have made Americans dependent on government spending. Cutting anything would mean cutting your own throat politically.

You talk about Trump and his spending, but the Democrats have had leadership of the House for a year. Furthermore, Trump is running against candidates that promise way more spending than Trump could dream of.
Oh, back to the Trump is a racist mantra. I get it now. You are a ridiculous character with unrealistic expectations.
But at least you can count on what I say. I don't speak to get the rabble to rouse for me. You are easily satisfied. If your husband or kids had his kind of way with the truth, evading responsibility as Trump would you be sitting down to a long talk and corrective action or not?

So your issue with Trump (like most anti Trumpers) is on a personal basis than professional.

If you had a worker, who did a fantastic job; the best you've seen in a long while, would you get rid of him if he was not accurate with the truth all the time? If he was smug and sometimes insulting? He's doing the best work you've ever seen, however you have personal issues with him?

Of course you wouldn't, at least if you had any experience in business. And that's why I and others here will be supporting him next election. We like the results of what he's doing, and can ignore his personal traits that might not be so appealing.
People who lie, blame others, weasel out of trouble are never the best workers are never the best workers and never have been. They often turn out to be involved in theft, unfair labor practice, falsification of records etc. I have had good workers, but found out they could not be trust before, shut down their crooked operation and watched them frog marched to the door. Have you ever been in management and responsible for hiring/firing and discipline?

If you want to vote for your representatives like your voted for your favorite American Idol contestant, then that's up to you. I prefer to vote based on results, which we have pretty good ones right now. I prefer to live by the old adage that has always been true, and that is if it's not broke--don't fix it.

Trump doesn't weasel out of anything, and his so-called lies are harmless. Show me one President who never lied. It's one thing to lie about having the best economy of all time, and to lie and destroy our healthcare system while spending a trillion dollars to do it.

I don't know what your screen name means, but if it relates to your race, and you vote Democrat, you are voting for the anti-white party. You are voting for people that are trying every trick in the book to make you a minority as soon as possible, regardless of what damage comes to your fellow Americans.
Yes trump is all for them whites and he's a nationalist.... hmmmmm…..

Trump hasn't favored any particular group of people since he took office. What do you mean by Trump is for them whites???
I agree but the Leftists came out during Obama’s reign and their stench is awful as well. Like BLM, the Squad, Antifa...
BLM? I don't think they are in W. Tennessee either.
Black Lives Matter...aka a terrorist looting group.
I'm not a black lives matter person either and spoken out against the phrase itself by in my working days. That will piss people off quick. All lives matter or no lives matter.
I agree and kneeling for the anthem to me is abominable.
It is certainly a nonviolent protest.
Let them protest on their own time. They should not disrespect the flag, or the anthem on company time. They are football players paid to play football not make political statements on the field. Off the field, I support their right to freely assemble and protest. How long would you last holding a protest where you work on company time? Management should have counseled on first occurrance and fired and banned on the second.
Can you just tell me instead of speaking in riddles, please? You know that you don't have to be a "nice person" to do well at your job, right?

I could tell you but I won't
You liberals will never learn anything until you figure out how to do it yourself instead of demanding others do it for you.

Oh, in case you didn't notice, your "conservative" mask just fell away revealing.........

(try a mirror to figure out the rest and don't expect government to pay you for doing that)
I didn't say he is, just that he threw them a bone and isn't really turning away their support. I mean we have a country full of nationalists that hate Mexicans that he created. It's not a real big leap to white nationalists.

Oh, back to the Trump is a racist mantra. I get it now. You are a ridiculous character with unrealistic expectations.
But at least you can count on what I say. I don't speak to get the rabble to rouse for me. You are easily satisfied. If your husband or kids had his kind of way with the truth, evading responsibility as Trump would you be sitting down to a long talk and corrective action or not?

So your issue with Trump (like most anti Trumpers) is on a personal basis than professional.

If you had a worker, who did a fantastic job; the best you've seen in a long while, would you get rid of him if he was not accurate with the truth all the time? If he was smug and sometimes insulting? He's doing the best work you've ever seen, however you have personal issues with him?

Of course you wouldn't, at least if you had any experience in business. And that's why I and others here will be supporting him next election. We like the results of what he's doing, and can ignore his personal traits that might not be so appealing.
People who lie, blame others, weasel out of trouble are never the best workers are never the best workers and never have been. They often turn out to be involved in theft, unfair labor practice, falsification of records etc. I have had good workers, but found out they could not be trust before, shut down their crooked operation and watched them frog marched to the door. Have you ever been in management and responsible for hiring/firing and discipline?

If you want to vote for your representatives like your voted for your favorite American Idol contestant, then that's up to you. I prefer to vote based on results, which we have pretty good ones right now. I prefer to live by the old adage that has always been true, and that is if it's not broke--don't fix it.

Trump doesn't weasel out of anything, and his so-called lies are harmless. Show me one President who never lied. It's one thing to lie about having the best economy of all time, and to lie and destroy our healthcare system while spending a trillion dollars to do it.

I don't know what your screen name means, but if it relates to your race, and you vote Democrat, you are voting for the anti-white party. You are voting for people that are trying every trick in the book to make you a minority as soon as possible, regardless of what damage comes to your fellow Americans.
That is literally what they did. They voted for the apprentice games how huckster. All you care about is the economy. If it doesn't let you down while he's there, he's golden. With his constant lying as a tactic (or possible strategy to create confusion, to be taken advantage of), coupled with his impulsivity, unpredictability, his whole package of chaos is not worth it.
Trillion dollar deficits aren't going to be good for that credit rating. But if it goes down during trump it's good right?

No, and I don't think you'll find many conservatives that are happy about it. But it's Trump's spending and the Democrats. You can't put this issue on one person because our government doesn't work that way. DumBama allowed our military to be depleted. Now we are actually behind China when it comes to innovation. Much of Trump's spending went for the rebuilding of our defenses to catch up where DumBama abandoned.

You want to cut spending? Tell me where you would cut. Tell me where you would save us a trillion dollars a year.
Conservatives aren't conservative at all. The military was never depleted. The companies who collect all that money making stuff did the right lobbying and got some $$$. Lets start by cutting it back to where we were when trump took over. Not so hard.

I see you avoided the question. Good on you. So I'll ask you again, where would you cut a trillion dollars out of our budge?

Medical care keeps getting more expensive. And with more of us boomers retiring, the cost is going to go up more for government. Again, we can't be second fiddle to aggressive countries. There is no such thing as too much defense.
I would cut everywhere. What we really need to do right now is stop trump from increasing spending. Every time he talks he wants more spending. I'm glad somebody talked him out of buying Greenland.

Again, deflection.

The truth of the matter is you wouldn't be able to balance the budge if you were in charge. Neither would I. The Democrats have made Americans dependent on government spending. Cutting anything would mean cutting your own throat politically.

You talk about Trump and his spending, but the Democrats have had leadership of the House for a year. Furthermore, Trump is running against candidates that promise way more spending than Trump could dream of.
Trump increased spending and decreased taxes. Not very fiscally responsible. I'm sure you will be so understanding of deficits when there is a dem in office again.
But at least you can count on what I say. I don't speak to get the rabble to rouse for me. You are easily satisfied. If your husband or kids had his kind of way with the truth, evading responsibility as Trump would you be sitting down to a long talk and corrective action or not?

So your issue with Trump (like most anti Trumpers) is on a personal basis than professional.

If you had a worker, who did a fantastic job; the best you've seen in a long while, would you get rid of him if he was not accurate with the truth all the time? If he was smug and sometimes insulting? He's doing the best work you've ever seen, however you have personal issues with him?

Of course you wouldn't, at least if you had any experience in business. And that's why I and others here will be supporting him next election. We like the results of what he's doing, and can ignore his personal traits that might not be so appealing.
People who lie, blame others, weasel out of trouble are never the best workers are never the best workers and never have been. They often turn out to be involved in theft, unfair labor practice, falsification of records etc. I have had good workers, but found out they could not be trust before, shut down their crooked operation and watched them frog marched to the door. Have you ever been in management and responsible for hiring/firing and discipline?

If you want to vote for your representatives like your voted for your favorite American Idol contestant, then that's up to you. I prefer to vote based on results, which we have pretty good ones right now. I prefer to live by the old adage that has always been true, and that is if it's not broke--don't fix it.

Trump doesn't weasel out of anything, and his so-called lies are harmless. Show me one President who never lied. It's one thing to lie about having the best economy of all time, and to lie and destroy our healthcare system while spending a trillion dollars to do it.

I don't know what your screen name means, but if it relates to your race, and you vote Democrat, you are voting for the anti-white party. You are voting for people that are trying every trick in the book to make you a minority as soon as possible, regardless of what damage comes to your fellow Americans.
Yes trump is all for them whites and he's a nationalist.... hmmmmm…..

Trump hasn't favored any particular group of people since he took office. What do you mean by Trump is for them whites???
You just said trump is the white party.
Oh, back to the Trump is a racist mantra. I get it now. You are a ridiculous character with unrealistic expectations.
But at least you can count on what I say. I don't speak to get the rabble to rouse for me. You are easily satisfied. If your husband or kids had his kind of way with the truth, evading responsibility as Trump would you be sitting down to a long talk and corrective action or not?

So your issue with Trump (like most anti Trumpers) is on a personal basis than professional.

If you had a worker, who did a fantastic job; the best you've seen in a long while, would you get rid of him if he was not accurate with the truth all the time? If he was smug and sometimes insulting? He's doing the best work you've ever seen, however you have personal issues with him?

Of course you wouldn't, at least if you had any experience in business. And that's why I and others here will be supporting him next election. We like the results of what he's doing, and can ignore his personal traits that might not be so appealing.
People who lie, blame others, weasel out of trouble are never the best workers are never the best workers and never have been. They often turn out to be involved in theft, unfair labor practice, falsification of records etc. I have had good workers, but found out they could not be trust before, shut down their crooked operation and watched them frog marched to the door. Have you ever been in management and responsible for hiring/firing and discipline?

If you want to vote for your representatives like your voted for your favorite American Idol contestant, then that's up to you. I prefer to vote based on results, which we have pretty good ones right now. I prefer to live by the old adage that has always been true, and that is if it's not broke--don't fix it.

Trump doesn't weasel out of anything, and his so-called lies are harmless. Show me one President who never lied. It's one thing to lie about having the best economy of all time, and to lie and destroy our healthcare system while spending a trillion dollars to do it.

I don't know what your screen name means, but if it relates to your race, and you vote Democrat, you are voting for the anti-white party. You are voting for people that are trying every trick in the book to make you a minority as soon as possible, regardless of what damage comes to your fellow Americans.
That is literally what they did. They voted for the apprentice games how huckster. All you care about is the economy. If it doesn't let you down while he's there, he's golden. With his constant lying as a tactic (or possible strategy to create confusion, to be taken advantage of), coupled with his impulsivity, unpredictability, his whole package of chaos is not worth it.
Do you think DJT was the cause of the effect?
He half steps around the issue, not wanting to discourage their support : https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...1/donald-trump-and-david-duke-for-the-record/
He has condemned Duke many times since. Look his daughter Ivanka and her three kids are Jewish. He just moved the embassy to Jerusalem and made it law to call Judaism a race and a religion. Not something a white nationalist would ever do. Criticize DJT on his budget handling and lack of healthcare reform but not this made up Leftist bs.

Supports Israel so well, he refuses to sell them the necessary equipment to handle their own security, while offering nuclear tech to Saudi Arabia.
Israel has over 100 nukes. What are you talking about?
If he supported Israeli self defense he would sell the air refuel capability to support their air craft that do not have the round trip range to deal with Iran, the biggest thre
He half steps around the issue, not wanting to discourage their support : https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...1/donald-trump-and-david-duke-for-the-record/
He has condemned Duke many times since. Look his daughter Ivanka and her three kids are Jewish. He just moved the embassy to Jerusalem and made it law to call Judaism a race and a religion. Not something a white nationalist would ever do. Criticize DJT on his budget handling and lack of healthcare reform but not this made up Leftist bs.

Supports Israel so well, he refuses to sell them the necessary equipment to handle their own security, while offering nuclear tech to Saudi Arabia.
Israel has over 100 nukes. What are you talking about?
If he supported Israeli self defense he would sell the air refuel capability (they wanted to buy) to support their air craft that do not have the round trip range to deal with Iran, the biggest threat to their existence in the world. American control is more important to him.
I do Not believe Israel has had a better supporter in the WH than DJT. Thank you for moving the embassy to Jerusalem.
That was a good move, without a doubt. I give credit when I feel it is due.
No, I heard him say good people on both sides. Well the good people of the KKK and assorted white supremacists that weren't wanted in Richmand were responsible for inciting a deadly confontation and I don't remember seeing and KKKers going to the morgue. Trump should have said something forcefully condemning at the time, I think because he thought Obama had gone to far supporting blacks when things went south. Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, and you know it.

The guy who killed that woman was not from the KKK. He wasn't even from the state. He was a nut bag just like the nut bag that went to the baseball stadium to kill all those Republican representatives.

Trump had a different approach than DumBama. He wanted to settle things down, not rile them up again. He didn't want to blame everybody for something because of the actions of a few. I know that may not be logical in your world, but regardless what you think of people on either side, they are still all Americans, and they have issues they stood for.
Yeah trumps really bringing us together. ha
Those rallies are the result of eight years of Obama and his divisive rhetoric and actions.
Those rallies are the result of planners of those organizations desiring to rise back to the surface and push their plan for America. have you read about those outsiders headed to Richmand from as far away as Canada, planning to start trouble at the demonstration on the court square. Now the gun activist are upset they can't have 50,000 armed demonstrator on the square. Many of the same people, as I understand it and prone to the same destructive methods.
Those rallies helped win him the presidency
One of us misunderstood. I was referring to the white supremacy rallies not Trumps campaign rallies.
But at least you can count on what I say. I don't speak to get the rabble to rouse for me. You are easily satisfied. If your husband or kids had his kind of way with the truth, evading responsibility as Trump would you be sitting down to a long talk and corrective action or not?

So your issue with Trump (like most anti Trumpers) is on a personal basis than professional.

If you had a worker, who did a fantastic job; the best you've seen in a long while, would you get rid of him if he was not accurate with the truth all the time? If he was smug and sometimes insulting? He's doing the best work you've ever seen, however you have personal issues with him?

Of course you wouldn't, at least if you had any experience in business. And that's why I and others here will be supporting him next election. We like the results of what he's doing, and can ignore his personal traits that might not be so appealing.
People who lie, blame others, weasel out of trouble are never the best workers are never the best workers and never have been. They often turn out to be involved in theft, unfair labor practice, falsification of records etc. I have had good workers, but found out they could not be trust before, shut down their crooked operation and watched them frog marched to the door. Have you ever been in management and responsible for hiring/firing and discipline?

If you want to vote for your representatives like your voted for your favorite American Idol contestant, then that's up to you. I prefer to vote based on results, which we have pretty good ones right now. I prefer to live by the old adage that has always been true, and that is if it's not broke--don't fix it.

Trump doesn't weasel out of anything, and his so-called lies are harmless. Show me one President who never lied. It's one thing to lie about having the best economy of all time, and to lie and destroy our healthcare system while spending a trillion dollars to do it.

I don't know what your screen name means, but if it relates to your race, and you vote Democrat, you are voting for the anti-white party. You are voting for people that are trying every trick in the book to make you a minority as soon as possible, regardless of what damage comes to your fellow Americans.
That is literally what they did. They voted for the apprentice games how huckster. All you care about is the economy. If it doesn't let you down while he's there, he's golden. With his constant lying as a tactic (or possible strategy to create confusion, to be taken advantage of), coupled with his impulsivity, unpredictability, his whole package of chaos is not worth it.
Do you think DJT was the cause of the effect?
Damn. That's a hard one. I am not sure. Society is changing, no doubt. No. He is not the cause. He is the product of the effect. I do not think he has dealt with it in the best interest of the nation as an entity, definitely not as a civil society. Remember that movie where Michael J Fox gave that speech to the President saying something like "people thirst for good leadership, like a dying man crawling across the desert and not finding it only the mirage, they'll drink the sand"? That is what happened. We thirst for leadership every 4 years. 2016 there was no leaders that showed up, so we drank the sand.
So your issue with Trump (like most anti Trumpers) is on a personal basis than professional.

If you had a worker, who did a fantastic job; the best you've seen in a long while, would you get rid of him if he was not accurate with the truth all the time? If he was smug and sometimes insulting? He's doing the best work you've ever seen, however you have personal issues with him?

Of course you wouldn't, at least if you had any experience in business. And that's why I and others here will be supporting him next election. We like the results of what he's doing, and can ignore his personal traits that might not be so appealing.
People who lie, blame others, weasel out of trouble are never the best workers are never the best workers and never have been. They often turn out to be involved in theft, unfair labor practice, falsification of records etc. I have had good workers, but found out they could not be trust before, shut down their crooked operation and watched them frog marched to the door. Have you ever been in management and responsible for hiring/firing and discipline?

If you want to vote for your representatives like your voted for your favorite American Idol contestant, then that's up to you. I prefer to vote based on results, which we have pretty good ones right now. I prefer to live by the old adage that has always been true, and that is if it's not broke--don't fix it.

Trump doesn't weasel out of anything, and his so-called lies are harmless. Show me one President who never lied. It's one thing to lie about having the best economy of all time, and to lie and destroy our healthcare system while spending a trillion dollars to do it.

I don't know what your screen name means, but if it relates to your race, and you vote Democrat, you are voting for the anti-white party. You are voting for people that are trying every trick in the book to make you a minority as soon as possible, regardless of what damage comes to your fellow Americans.
That is literally what they did. They voted for the apprentice games how huckster. All you care about is the economy. If it doesn't let you down while he's there, he's golden. With his constant lying as a tactic (or possible strategy to create confusion, to be taken advantage of), coupled with his impulsivity, unpredictability, his whole package of chaos is not worth it.
Do you think DJT was the cause of the effect?
Damn. That's a hard one. I am not sure. Society is changing, no doubt. No. He is not the cause. He is the product of the effect. I do not think he has dealt with it in the best interest of the nation as an entity, definitely not as a civil society. Remember that movie where Michael J Fox gave that speech to the President saying something like "people thirst for good leadership, like a dying man crawling across the desert and not finding it only the mirage, they'll drink the sand"? That is what happened. We thirst for leadership every 4 years. 2016 there was no leaders that showed up, so we drank the sand.

I meant *or. Stupid typo. I agree. Trump is the effect. Many whom I know did it as a FU to the PC culture Leftists I doubt they are alone who thought that way
People who lie, blame others, weasel out of trouble are never the best workers are never the best workers and never have been. They often turn out to be involved in theft, unfair labor practice, falsification of records etc. I have had good workers, but found out they could not be trust before, shut down their crooked operation and watched them frog marched to the door. Have you ever been in management and responsible for hiring/firing and discipline?

If you want to vote for your representatives like your voted for your favorite American Idol contestant, then that's up to you. I prefer to vote based on results, which we have pretty good ones right now. I prefer to live by the old adage that has always been true, and that is if it's not broke--don't fix it.

Trump doesn't weasel out of anything, and his so-called lies are harmless. Show me one President who never lied. It's one thing to lie about having the best economy of all time, and to lie and destroy our healthcare system while spending a trillion dollars to do it.

I don't know what your screen name means, but if it relates to your race, and you vote Democrat, you are voting for the anti-white party. You are voting for people that are trying every trick in the book to make you a minority as soon as possible, regardless of what damage comes to your fellow Americans.
That is literally what they did. They voted for the apprentice games how huckster. All you care about is the economy. If it doesn't let you down while he's there, he's golden. With his constant lying as a tactic (or possible strategy to create confusion, to be taken advantage of), coupled with his impulsivity, unpredictability, his whole package of chaos is not worth it.
Do you think DJT was the cause of the effect?
Damn. That's a hard one. I am not sure. Society is changing, no doubt. No. He is not the cause. He is the product of the effect. I do not think he has dealt with it in the best interest of the nation as an entity, definitely not as a civil society. Remember that movie where Michael J Fox gave that speech to the President saying something like "people thirst for good leadership, like a dying man crawling across the desert and not finding it only the mirage, they'll drink the sand"? That is what happened. We thirst for leadership every 4 years. 2016 there was no leaders that showed up, so we drank the sand.

I meant *or. Stupid typo. I agree. Trump is the effect. Many whom I know did it as a FU to the PC culture Leftists I doubt they are alone who thought that way
Do you have a theory of what happened to the Republican party. I started voting mostly republican starting with Richard Nixon and voting Lamar Alexander for Governor back in 72. I do not recognize that party anymore. It is a party of today, appearing almost totally without honor, moving as a rubber stamp. Do they really support his leadership or is it just agenda goals and power?
Something about Trump ... he just represents everything I don't like about human beings.
If you want to vote for your representatives like your voted for your favorite American Idol contestant, then that's up to you. I prefer to vote based on results, which we have pretty good ones right now. I prefer to live by the old adage that has always been true, and that is if it's not broke--don't fix it.

Trump doesn't weasel out of anything, and his so-called lies are harmless. Show me one President who never lied. It's one thing to lie about having the best economy of all time, and to lie and destroy our healthcare system while spending a trillion dollars to do it.

I don't know what your screen name means, but if it relates to your race, and you vote Democrat, you are voting for the anti-white party. You are voting for people that are trying every trick in the book to make you a minority as soon as possible, regardless of what damage comes to your fellow Americans.
That is literally what they did. They voted for the apprentice games how huckster. All you care about is the economy. If it doesn't let you down while he's there, he's golden. With his constant lying as a tactic (or possible strategy to create confusion, to be taken advantage of), coupled with his impulsivity, unpredictability, his whole package of chaos is not worth it.
Do you think DJT was the cause of the effect?
Damn. That's a hard one. I am not sure. Society is changing, no doubt. No. He is not the cause. He is the product of the effect. I do not think he has dealt with it in the best interest of the nation as an entity, definitely not as a civil society. Remember that movie where Michael J Fox gave that speech to the President saying something like "people thirst for good leadership, like a dying man crawling across the desert and not finding it only the mirage, they'll drink the sand"? That is what happened. We thirst for leadership every 4 years. 2016 there was no leaders that showed up, so we drank the sand.

I meant *or. Stupid typo. I agree. Trump is the effect. Many whom I know did it as a FU to the PC culture Leftists I doubt they are alone who thought that way
Do you have a theory of what happened to the Republican party. I started voting mostly republican starting with Richard Nixon and voting Lamar Alexander for Governor back in 72. I do not recognize that party anymore. It is a party of today, appearing almost totally without honor, moving as a rubber stamp. Do they really support his leadership or is it just agenda goals and power?

I support the agenda he ran on, and am glad he is actually doing what he said he would. He may be crass, but I think it is good leadership to implement what you ran on while under constant attack. What did the republicans believe in 72 that they no longer do? I'm for less regulation, less taxes, no pointless wars, not increasing the welfare state, and sensible immigration. I'm also pro 2nd amendment, and support Christianity. I'm also big on free speech and not being a trade door mat for every country on earth. I'll add pro law enforcement and rule of law and treating everyone equally instead of pitting groups of people against each other for pointless reasons. That is just off the top of my head.
Can you just tell me instead of speaking in riddles, please? You know that you don't have to be a "nice person" to do well at your job, right?

I could tell you but I won't
You liberals will never learn anything until you figure out how to do it yourself instead of demanding others do it for you.

Oh, in case you didn't notice, your "conservative" mask just fell away revealing.........

(try a mirror to figure out the rest and don't expect government to pay you for doing that)

What are you talking about? How about you just answer the question like a normal person? Let me ask you again, what is it about POTUS that you don't like?
If you want to vote for your representatives like your voted for your favorite American Idol contestant, then that's up to you. I prefer to vote based on results, which we have pretty good ones right now. I prefer to live by the old adage that has always been true, and that is if it's not broke--don't fix it.

Trump doesn't weasel out of anything, and his so-called lies are harmless. Show me one President who never lied. It's one thing to lie about having the best economy of all time, and to lie and destroy our healthcare system while spending a trillion dollars to do it.

I don't know what your screen name means, but if it relates to your race, and you vote Democrat, you are voting for the anti-white party. You are voting for people that are trying every trick in the book to make you a minority as soon as possible, regardless of what damage comes to your fellow Americans.
That is literally what they did. They voted for the apprentice games how huckster. All you care about is the economy. If it doesn't let you down while he's there, he's golden. With his constant lying as a tactic (or possible strategy to create confusion, to be taken advantage of), coupled with his impulsivity, unpredictability, his whole package of chaos is not worth it.
Do you think DJT was the cause of the effect?
Damn. That's a hard one. I am not sure. Society is changing, no doubt. No. He is not the cause. He is the product of the effect. I do not think he has dealt with it in the best interest of the nation as an entity, definitely not as a civil society. Remember that movie where Michael J Fox gave that speech to the President saying something like "people thirst for good leadership, like a dying man crawling across the desert and not finding it only the mirage, they'll drink the sand"? That is what happened. We thirst for leadership every 4 years. 2016 there was no leaders that showed up, so we drank the sand.

I meant *or. Stupid typo. I agree. Trump is the effect. Many whom I know did it as a FU to the PC culture Leftists I doubt they are alone who thought that way
Do you have a theory of what happened to the Republican party. I started voting mostly republican starting with Richard Nixon and voting Lamar Alexander for Governor back in 72. I do not recognize that party anymore. It is a party of today, appearing almost totally without honor, moving as a rubber stamp. Do they really support his leadership or is it just agenda goals and power?

Without honor? How are they any LESS honorable than the democratic party? How about name a democrat that is "honorable."
That is literally what they did. They voted for the apprentice games how huckster. All you care about is the economy. If it doesn't let you down while he's there, he's golden. With his constant lying as a tactic (or possible strategy to create confusion, to be taken advantage of), coupled with his impulsivity, unpredictability, his whole package of chaos is not worth it.
Do you think DJT was the cause of the effect?
Damn. That's a hard one. I am not sure. Society is changing, no doubt. No. He is not the cause. He is the product of the effect. I do not think he has dealt with it in the best interest of the nation as an entity, definitely not as a civil society. Remember that movie where Michael J Fox gave that speech to the President saying something like "people thirst for good leadership, like a dying man crawling across the desert and not finding it only the mirage, they'll drink the sand"? That is what happened. We thirst for leadership every 4 years. 2016 there was no leaders that showed up, so we drank the sand.

I meant *or. Stupid typo. I agree. Trump is the effect. Many whom I know did it as a FU to the PC culture Leftists I doubt they are alone who thought that way
Do you have a theory of what happened to the Republican party. I started voting mostly republican starting with Richard Nixon and voting Lamar Alexander for Governor back in 72. I do not recognize that party anymore. It is a party of today, appearing almost totally without honor, moving as a rubber stamp. Do they really support his leadership or is it just agenda goals and power?

I support the agenda he ran on, and am glad he is actually doing what he said he would. He may be crass, but I think it is good leadership to implement what you ran on while under constant attack. What did the republicans believe in 72 that they no longer do? I'm for less regulation, less taxes, no pointless wars, not increasing the welfare state, and sensible immigration. I'm also pro 2nd amendment, and support Christianity. I'm also big on free speech and not being a trade door mat for every country on earth. I'll add pro law enforcement and rule of law and treating everyone equally instead of pitting groups of people against each other for pointless reasons. That is just off the top of my head.

We have a whole slew of dishonest and less than "honorable" dems who try to convince us that they are republicans or were republicans, when they hold absolutely NO conservative views and ALL leftist views, so I remain very doubtful that this poster (or poser) is any different.
Can you just tell me instead of speaking in riddles, please? You know that you don't have to be a "nice person" to do well at your job, right?

I could tell you but I won't
You liberals will never learn anything until you figure out how to do it yourself instead of demanding others do it for you.

Oh, in case you didn't notice, your "conservative" mask just fell away revealing.........

(try a mirror to figure out the rest and don't expect government to pay you for doing that)

BTW, I am not a conservative. I am a moderate, so again you don't make any sense, and you are quite hostile. I'm only asking you why you hate President Trump. No need for temper tantrums.

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