If you didn't support Trump in 2016 do you regret it and will you support him in 2020

What was & is now your position on Trump

  • I voted for him in 2016 and will again.

  • I voted for someone else but will vote Trump this time.

  • I am a Democrat who will support him.

  • I'm a republican who wont support him.

  • I'm a troll who can't vote because you made the votes public

Results are only viewable after voting.
In this case, it really should...

Please, I don't think there is anyone here who takes you seriously. You are a partisan hack if ever there was one!
I’m just right :dunno:
The next time you’ll be right will be the first time. You called me stupid. So let’s compare resumes, you bitch.
Lol how would we even do that? Like I’m supposed to send you the PDF of it? That’s just weird slab.
Not literally you idiot Leftist. I went to Duke undergrad and NU grad. I work in management consulting and live in Boston. You? What you got? Bitch!
Lol well I didn’t go to a prestigious school. Does that make you feel more manly? Does your dick feel bigger? I have a bachelors degree in psychology, a trained CNA and psychiatric technician, I worked in AmeriCorps before college. I have a license to sell life insurance. Im also a volunteer crisis counselor. I would trade any of it for Duke.
The Leftist lies about the KKK and Trump are ridiculous. I am OK with criticism of him and have some criticisms myself but not on that matter.
Claiming to be a nationalist sure seems like he is talking to the white nationalists. Everyone before him was a patriot, but suddenly he's a nationalist?
His “Nationalist” mantra is America first. Nothing more. Zero to do with race. Hell his daughter Ivanka and her three kids are Jewish. He is not a white nationalist.
I didn't say he is, just that he threw them a bone and isn't really turning away their support. I mean we have a country full of nationalists that hate Mexicans that he created. It's not a real big leap to white nationalists.

Oh, back to the Trump is a racist mantra. I get it now. You are a ridiculous character with unrealistic expectations.
But at least you can count on what I say. I don't speak to get the rabble to rouse for me. You are easily satisfied. If your husband or kids had his kind of way with the truth, evading responsibility as Trump would you be sitting down to a long talk and corrective action or not?

So your issue with Trump (like most anti Trumpers) is on a personal basis than professional.

If you had a worker, who did a fantastic job; the best you've seen in a long while, would you get rid of him if he was not accurate with the truth all the time? If he was smug and sometimes insulting? He's doing the best work you've ever seen, however you have personal issues with him?

Of course you wouldn't, at least if you had any experience in business. And that's why I and others here will be supporting him next election. We like the results of what he's doing, and can ignore his personal traits that might not be so appealing.
Bernie doesn't seem the violent type and hasn't been seen in Tennessee. Don't see much of Antifa here either. The squad is a sideshow, probably shut down after the next election. Met some Klans people that are pretty sketchy. One guy that worked for me (many years ago) was brother of a klan leader. I made sure he knew not to bring any of his family trouble to work with him. Turned out, he didn't think much of his brother either and proved to be one of the best workers I ever had.
Bernie supporters are violent communists. Google it. You don’t see it in TN but we see it in MA.
KKK has supported Donald Trump and he did not reject the support. There are violent jerks on both sides. I cannot tell the difference if either attacks me. Luckily I am prepared for violent attacks. I was well trained.
The Leftist lies about the KKK and Trump are ridiculous. I am OK with criticism of him and have some criticisms myself but not on that matter.
How about saying there were good people on both sides at the white supremacist / anti-white supremacist confrontation in Charlottesville? It does not take much to come out against that. By the way, they had not even buried the dead girl, run down by the white supremacist when he was asked, and he shouldn't have had to be asked.

He was talking about the people there who were not a part of the "white supremacist" group. There were people there who care about history and do not want statues and reminders of our history to be removed because of the wailing and gnashing teeth of the leftists over statues.
He wasn't asked after a peaceful demonstration. The dead girl wasn't even cold and he knew the supremacist were responsible. They tried to come to a major middle TN town. They weren't welcome, made clear by law enforcement along with city and state leaders. The supremacists called off their protest rally, not wanting to risk jail or financial responsibility.
Please, I don't think there is anyone here who takes you seriously. You are a partisan hack if ever there was one!
I’m just right :dunno:
The next time you’ll be right will be the first time. You called me stupid. So let’s compare resumes, you bitch.
Lol how would we even do that? Like I’m supposed to send you the PDF of it? That’s just weird slab.
Not literally you idiot Leftist. I went to Duke undergrad and NU grad. I work in management consulting and live in Boston. You? What you got? Bitch!
Lol well I didn’t go to a prestigious school. Does that make you feel more manly? Does your dick feel bigger? I have a bachelors degree in psychology, a trained CNA and psychiatric technician, I worked in AmeriCorps before college. I have a license to sell life insurance. Im also a volunteer crisis counselor. I would trade any of it for Duke.
So who are you to judge others for whom they want to vote for? Your life is fine. You make an honest living. Why vilify others who do the same thing and exercise their right for whomever they want to without being vilified for it. You’re the epitome of what is wrong in this country. I also have a minority interest in three MMA gyms and teach women self defense. You’re still a pussy.
Again, I didn't say he is.

Not increasing deficits is hardly an unrealistic expectation. It's comical you feel that way.

It surely is when you are trying to run a country! You and all the other blow hards here have no idea what it entails.
I know that deficits were lower when Obama handed the country to Trump. I guess he was better?

Err . . . no. He was a horrible president. Confidence was WAY down. Thankfully, a person who knows about business has taken over, rather than a community organizer who came out of nowhere and had masses of people worshipping at his alter.

Sorry, Americans are going to vote according to how the economy is doing, and you are certainly not changing any minds.
That guy managed to increase Obamas deficits. Doesn't sound like he knows what he's doing. Out budgeted by a community organizer. But I guess he's gone bankrupt a few times....

Yes, out budgeted by a community organizer with a short leash. Every major battle between the Republican led house and DumBama was about money. DumBama wanted to spend more, and Republicans wanted to spend less. It's what led to the sequester, losing our three star credit rating for the fist time in history, a government shutdown.

So don't be giving credit to the guy that was never in charge of making out the budget in the first place.

And now Republicans whistle happily with Trump as he increases the deficit to what now?? 1.2 trillion? He's making Obama look like a light weight. :)
I’m just right :dunno:
The next time you’ll be right will be the first time. You called me stupid. So let’s compare resumes, you bitch.
Lol how would we even do that? Like I’m supposed to send you the PDF of it? That’s just weird slab.
Not literally you idiot Leftist. I went to Duke undergrad and NU grad. I work in management consulting and live in Boston. You? What you got? Bitch!
Lol well I didn’t go to a prestigious school. Does that make you feel more manly? Does your dick feel bigger? I have a bachelors degree in psychology, a trained CNA and psychiatric technician, I worked in AmeriCorps before college. I have a license to sell life insurance. Im also a volunteer crisis counselor. I would trade any of it for Duke.
So who are you to judge others for whom they want to vote for? Your life is fine. You make an honest living. Why vilify others who do the same thing and exercise their right for whomever they want to without being vilified for it. You’re the epitome of what is wrong in this country. I also have a minority interest in three MMA gyms and teach women self defense. You’re still a pussy.
I don’t at all judge your resume negatively. Looks solid. Perhaps you are smart enough not to be a Trump supporter, but your emotions are overwhelming your brain’s ability to reason.
It surely is when you are trying to run a country! You and all the other blow hards here have no idea what it entails.
I know that deficits were lower when Obama handed the country to Trump. I guess he was better?

Err . . . no. He was a horrible president. Confidence was WAY down. Thankfully, a person who knows about business has taken over, rather than a community organizer who came out of nowhere and had masses of people worshipping at his alter.

Sorry, Americans are going to vote according to how the economy is doing, and you are certainly not changing any minds.
That guy managed to increase Obamas deficits. Doesn't sound like he knows what he's doing. Out budgeted by a community organizer. But I guess he's gone bankrupt a few times....

Yes, out budgeted by a community organizer with a short leash. Every major battle between the Republican led house and DumBama was about money. DumBama wanted to spend more, and Republicans wanted to spend less. It's what led to the sequester, losing our three star credit rating for the fist time in history, a government shutdown.

So don't be giving credit to the guy that was never in charge of making out the budget in the first place.
Trillion dollar deficits aren't going to be good for that credit rating. But if it goes down during trump it's good right?

No, and I don't think you'll find many conservatives that are happy about it. But it's Trump's spending and the Democrats. You can't put this issue on one person because our government doesn't work that way. DumBama allowed our military to be depleted. Now we are actually behind China when it comes to innovation. Much of Trump's spending went for the rebuilding of our defenses to catch up where DumBama abandoned.

You want to cut spending? Tell me where you would cut. Tell me where you would save us a trillion dollars a year.
The next time you’ll be right will be the first time. You called me stupid. So let’s compare resumes, you bitch.
Lol how would we even do that? Like I’m supposed to send you the PDF of it? That’s just weird slab.
Not literally you idiot Leftist. I went to Duke undergrad and NU grad. I work in management consulting and live in Boston. You? What you got? Bitch!
Lol well I didn’t go to a prestigious school. Does that make you feel more manly? Does your dick feel bigger? I have a bachelors degree in psychology, a trained CNA and psychiatric technician, I worked in AmeriCorps before college. I have a license to sell life insurance. Im also a volunteer crisis counselor. I would trade any of it for Duke.
So who are you to judge others for whom they want to vote for? Your life is fine. You make an honest living. Why vilify others who do the same thing and exercise their right for whomever they want to without being vilified for it. You’re the epitome of what is wrong in this country. I also have a minority interest in three MMA gyms and teach women self defense. You’re still a pussy.
I don’t at all judge your resume negatively. Looks solid. Perhaps you are smart enough not to be a Trump supporter, but your emotions are overwhelming your brain’s ability to reason.
There you go again being a jerk. Who would you like to be the next POTUS? Part of the reason I like Trump is that he triggers pussies like you.
Bernie doesn't seem the violent type and hasn't been seen in Tennessee. Don't see much of Antifa here either. The squad is a sideshow, probably shut down after the next election. Met some Klans people that are pretty sketchy. One guy that worked for me (many years ago) was brother of a klan leader. I made sure he knew not to bring any of his family trouble to work with him. Turned out, he didn't think much of his brother either and proved to be one of the best workers I ever had.
Bernie supporters are violent communists. Google it. You don’t see it in TN but we see it in MA.
KKK has supported Donald Trump and he did not reject the support. There are violent jerks on both sides. I cannot tell the difference if either attacks me. Luckily I am prepared for violent attacks. I was well trained.
The Leftist lies about the KKK and Trump are ridiculous. I am OK with criticism of him and have some criticisms myself but not on that matter.
How about saying there were good people on both sides at the white supremacist / anti-white supremacist confrontation in Charlottesville? It does not take much to come out against that. By the way, they had not even buried the dead girl, run down by the white supremacist when he was asked, and he shouldn't have had to be asked.
That’s not what he said. See the Leftist media is twisting stuff again.
Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People’ In Charlottesville
No, I heard him say good people on both sides. Well the good people of the KKK and assorted white supremacists that weren't wanted in Richmand were responsible for inciting a deadly confontation and I don't remember seeing and KKKers going to the morgue. Trump should have said something forcefully condemning at the time, I think because he thought Obama had gone to far supporting blacks when things went south. Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, and you know it.
Bernie supporters are violent communists. Google it. You don’t see it in TN but we see it in MA.
KKK has supported Donald Trump and he did not reject the support. There are violent jerks on both sides. I cannot tell the difference if either attacks me. Luckily I am prepared for violent attacks. I was well trained.
The Leftist lies about the KKK and Trump are ridiculous. I am OK with criticism of him and have some criticisms myself but not on that matter.
How about saying there were good people on both sides at the white supremacist / anti-white supremacist confrontation in Charlottesville? It does not take much to come out against that. By the way, they had not even buried the dead girl, run down by the white supremacist when he was asked, and he shouldn't have had to be asked.
That’s not what he said. See the Leftist media is twisting stuff again.
Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People’ In Charlottesville
No, I heard him say good people on both sides. Well the good people of the KKK and assorted white supremacists that weren't wanted in Richmand were responsible for inciting a deadly confontation and I don't remember seeing and KKKers going to the morgue. Trump should have said something forcefully condemning at the time, I think because he thought Obama had gone to far supporting blacks when things went south. Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, and you know it.
Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People’ In Charlottesville

He did. Just wasn’t reported.
Curious to see how many like me voted for someone else (Walker in my case) but will support him this time around.
I didn't vote because I was seriously ill on voting day. However, I supported President Trump, and if he's still kicking next voting day, this time if I'm not sick, I'm going to go down and vote the first day they allow you to vote. I truly like to vote on voting day, and don't go for early voting because of all the irregular problems that have flooded the media about illegal voters voting, states not checking people's identifications and all that rot.

Trump's not only kept his promises, nobody can ever get all that they want, but he's sure helped the working people in this nation by bringing jobs home and doing what it takes to discourage American enterprises to move out of the country, make things more give-and-take with China who were selling to us but not buying our products, and the incidents of sickening baby food and poison got into dog food killing people over here's pets, I just prefer accountability that's local, after travelling to Russia, where on the return trip our first class tickets were expropriated for no reason whatever and we were not refunded what was due us for travelling instead on the back of the damn plane. Not all foreign countries are friends to people who pay them well for services, which means they won't ever see me again! My husband had health issues, and he deserved a comfortable flight considering his issues.
Lol how would we even do that? Like I’m supposed to send you the PDF of it? That’s just weird slab.
Not literally you idiot Leftist. I went to Duke undergrad and NU grad. I work in management consulting and live in Boston. You? What you got? Bitch!
Lol well I didn’t go to a prestigious school. Does that make you feel more manly? Does your dick feel bigger? I have a bachelors degree in psychology, a trained CNA and psychiatric technician, I worked in AmeriCorps before college. I have a license to sell life insurance. Im also a volunteer crisis counselor. I would trade any of it for Duke.
So who are you to judge others for whom they want to vote for? Your life is fine. You make an honest living. Why vilify others who do the same thing and exercise their right for whomever they want to without being vilified for it. You’re the epitome of what is wrong in this country. I also have a minority interest in three MMA gyms and teach women self defense. You’re still a pussy.
I don’t at all judge your resume negatively. Looks solid. Perhaps you are smart enough not to be a Trump supporter, but your emotions are overwhelming your brain’s ability to reason.
There you go again being a jerk. Who would you like to be the next POTUS? Part of the reason I like Trump is that he triggers pussies like you.
God anybody but Trump. As much as I despise Pence or Ted Cruz, I would be relieved if they took over. At least they aren’t as stupid and whiny as Trump is. Overall Bernie is needed.
Claiming to be a nationalist sure seems like he is talking to the white nationalists. Everyone before him was a patriot, but suddenly he's a nationalist?
His “Nationalist” mantra is America first. Nothing more. Zero to do with race. Hell his daughter Ivanka and her three kids are Jewish. He is not a white nationalist.
I didn't say he is, just that he threw them a bone and isn't really turning away their support. I mean we have a country full of nationalists that hate Mexicans that he created. It's not a real big leap to white nationalists.
'Racism Is Evil': Trump Denounces The KKK, Neo-Nazis And White Supremacists

Except he did. The Leftist media just didn’t cover it. He is not a white nationalist. As a Jew I can smell those from miles away.
He half steps around the issue, not wanting to discourage their support : https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...1/donald-trump-and-david-duke-for-the-record/
He has condemned Duke many times since. Look his daughter Ivanka and her three kids are Jewish. He just moved the embassy to Jerusalem and made it law to call Judaism a race and a religion. Not something a white nationalist would ever do. Criticize DJT on his budget handling and lack of healthcare reform but not this made up Leftist bs.

Supports Israel so well, he refuses to sell them the necessary equipment to handle their own security, while offering nuclear tech to Saudi Arabia.
Bernie supporters are violent communists. Google it. You don’t see it in TN but we see it in MA.
KKK has supported Donald Trump and he did not reject the support. There are violent jerks on both sides. I cannot tell the difference if either attacks me. Luckily I am prepared for violent attacks. I was well trained.
The Leftist lies about the KKK and Trump are ridiculous. I am OK with criticism of him and have some criticisms myself but not on that matter.
How about saying there were good people on both sides at the white supremacist / anti-white supremacist confrontation in Charlottesville? It does not take much to come out against that. By the way, they had not even buried the dead girl, run down by the white supremacist when he was asked, and he shouldn't have had to be asked.
That’s not what he said. See the Leftist media is twisting stuff again.
Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People’ In Charlottesville
No, I heard him say good people on both sides. Well the good people of the KKK and assorted white supremacists that weren't wanted in Richmand were responsible for inciting a deadly confontation and I don't remember seeing and KKKers going to the morgue. Trump should have said something forcefully condemning at the time, I think because he thought Obama had gone to far supporting blacks when things went south. Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, and you know it.

The guy who killed that woman was not from the KKK. He wasn't even from the state. He was a nut bag just like the nut bag that went to the baseball stadium to kill all those Republican representatives.

Trump had a different approach than DumBama. He wanted to settle things down, not rile them up again. He didn't want to blame everybody for something because of the actions of a few. I know that may not be logical in your world, but regardless what you think of people on either side, they are still all Americans, and they have issues they stood for.
I know that deficits were lower when Obama handed the country to Trump. I guess he was better?

Err . . . no. He was a horrible president. Confidence was WAY down. Thankfully, a person who knows about business has taken over, rather than a community organizer who came out of nowhere and had masses of people worshipping at his alter.

Sorry, Americans are going to vote according to how the economy is doing, and you are certainly not changing any minds.
That guy managed to increase Obamas deficits. Doesn't sound like he knows what he's doing. Out budgeted by a community organizer. But I guess he's gone bankrupt a few times....

Yes, out budgeted by a community organizer with a short leash. Every major battle between the Republican led house and DumBama was about money. DumBama wanted to spend more, and Republicans wanted to spend less. It's what led to the sequester, losing our three star credit rating for the fist time in history, a government shutdown.

So don't be giving credit to the guy that was never in charge of making out the budget in the first place.
Trillion dollar deficits aren't going to be good for that credit rating. But if it goes down during trump it's good right?

No, and I don't think you'll find many conservatives that are happy about it. But it's Trump's spending and the Democrats. You can't put this issue on one person because our government doesn't work that way. DumBama allowed our military to be depleted. Now we are actually behind China when it comes to innovation. Much of Trump's spending went for the rebuilding of our defenses to catch up where DumBama abandoned.

You want to cut spending? Tell me where you would cut. Tell me where you would save us a trillion dollars a year.
Conservatives aren't conservative at all. The military was never depleted. The companies who collect all that money making stuff did the right lobbying and got some $$$. Lets start by cutting it back to where we were when trump took over. Not so hard.
KKK has supported Donald Trump and he did not reject the support. There are violent jerks on both sides. I cannot tell the difference if either attacks me. Luckily I am prepared for violent attacks. I was well trained.
The Leftist lies about the KKK and Trump are ridiculous. I am OK with criticism of him and have some criticisms myself but not on that matter.
How about saying there were good people on both sides at the white supremacist / anti-white supremacist confrontation in Charlottesville? It does not take much to come out against that. By the way, they had not even buried the dead girl, run down by the white supremacist when he was asked, and he shouldn't have had to be asked.
That’s not what he said. See the Leftist media is twisting stuff again.
Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People’ In Charlottesville
No, I heard him say good people on both sides. Well the good people of the KKK and assorted white supremacists that weren't wanted in Richmand were responsible for inciting a deadly confontation and I don't remember seeing and KKKers going to the morgue. Trump should have said something forcefully condemning at the time, I think because he thought Obama had gone to far supporting blacks when things went south. Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, and you know it.

The guy who killed that woman was not from the KKK. He wasn't even from the state. He was a nut bag just like the nut bag that went to the baseball stadium to kill all those Republican representatives.

Trump had a different approach than DumBama. He wanted to settle things down, not rile them up again. He didn't want to blame everybody for something because of the actions of a few. I know that may not be logical in your world, but regardless what you think of people on either side, they are still all Americans, and they have issues they stood for.
Yeah trumps really bringing us together. ha
Err . . . no. He was a horrible president. Confidence was WAY down. Thankfully, a person who knows about business has taken over, rather than a community organizer who came out of nowhere and had masses of people worshipping at his alter.

Sorry, Americans are going to vote according to how the economy is doing, and you are certainly not changing any minds.
That guy managed to increase Obamas deficits. Doesn't sound like he knows what he's doing. Out budgeted by a community organizer. But I guess he's gone bankrupt a few times....

Yes, out budgeted by a community organizer with a short leash. Every major battle between the Republican led house and DumBama was about money. DumBama wanted to spend more, and Republicans wanted to spend less. It's what led to the sequester, losing our three star credit rating for the fist time in history, a government shutdown.

So don't be giving credit to the guy that was never in charge of making out the budget in the first place.
Trillion dollar deficits aren't going to be good for that credit rating. But if it goes down during trump it's good right?

No, and I don't think you'll find many conservatives that are happy about it. But it's Trump's spending and the Democrats. You can't put this issue on one person because our government doesn't work that way. DumBama allowed our military to be depleted. Now we are actually behind China when it comes to innovation. Much of Trump's spending went for the rebuilding of our defenses to catch up where DumBama abandoned.

You want to cut spending? Tell me where you would cut. Tell me where you would save us a trillion dollars a year.
Conservatives aren't conservative at all. The military was never depleted. The companies who collect all that money making stuff did the right lobbying and got some $$$. Lets start by cutting it back to where we were when trump took over. Not so hard.

I see you avoided the question. Good on you. So I'll ask you again, where would you cut a trillion dollars out of our budge?

Medical care keeps getting more expensive. And with more of us boomers retiring, the cost is going to go up more for government. Again, we can't be second fiddle to aggressive countries. There is no such thing as too much defense.
Not literally you idiot Leftist. I went to Duke undergrad and NU grad. I work in management consulting and live in Boston. You? What you got? Bitch!
Lol well I didn’t go to a prestigious school. Does that make you feel more manly? Does your dick feel bigger? I have a bachelors degree in psychology, a trained CNA and psychiatric technician, I worked in AmeriCorps before college. I have a license to sell life insurance. Im also a volunteer crisis counselor. I would trade any of it for Duke.
So who are you to judge others for whom they want to vote for? Your life is fine. You make an honest living. Why vilify others who do the same thing and exercise their right for whomever they want to without being vilified for it. You’re the epitome of what is wrong in this country. I also have a minority interest in three MMA gyms and teach women self defense. You’re still a pussy.
I don’t at all judge your resume negatively. Looks solid. Perhaps you are smart enough not to be a Trump supporter, but your emotions are overwhelming your brain’s ability to reason.
There you go again being a jerk. Who would you like to be the next POTUS? Part of the reason I like Trump is that he triggers pussies like you.
God anybody but Trump. As much as I despise Pence or Ted Cruz, I would be relieved if they took over. At least they aren’t as stupid and whiny as Trump is. Overall Bernie is needed.
LMAO...so you are very uneducated. It’s your right to vote for a communist and an antisemite. And no Sanders is not a real Jew. He is an atheist. He supported Jeremy Corbyn, an overt antisemite.

'There's a real similarity': Corbyn gets rousing support from Bernie Sanders
That guy managed to increase Obamas deficits. Doesn't sound like he knows what he's doing. Out budgeted by a community organizer. But I guess he's gone bankrupt a few times....

Yes, out budgeted by a community organizer with a short leash. Every major battle between the Republican led house and DumBama was about money. DumBama wanted to spend more, and Republicans wanted to spend less. It's what led to the sequester, losing our three star credit rating for the fist time in history, a government shutdown.

So don't be giving credit to the guy that was never in charge of making out the budget in the first place.
Trillion dollar deficits aren't going to be good for that credit rating. But if it goes down during trump it's good right?

No, and I don't think you'll find many conservatives that are happy about it. But it's Trump's spending and the Democrats. You can't put this issue on one person because our government doesn't work that way. DumBama allowed our military to be depleted. Now we are actually behind China when it comes to innovation. Much of Trump's spending went for the rebuilding of our defenses to catch up where DumBama abandoned.

You want to cut spending? Tell me where you would cut. Tell me where you would save us a trillion dollars a year.
Conservatives aren't conservative at all. The military was never depleted. The companies who collect all that money making stuff did the right lobbying and got some $$$. Lets start by cutting it back to where we were when trump took over. Not so hard.

I see you avoided the question. Good on you. So I'll ask you again, where would you cut a trillion dollars out of our budge?

Medical care keeps getting more expensive. And with more of us boomers retiring, the cost is going to go up more for government. Again, we can't be second fiddle to aggressive countries. There is no such thing as too much defense.
I would cut everywhere. What we really need to do right now is stop trump from increasing spending. Every time he talks he wants more spending. I'm glad somebody talked him out of buying Greenland.

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