If you didn't support Trump in 2016 do you regret it and will you support him in 2020

What was & is now your position on Trump

  • I voted for him in 2016 and will again.

  • I voted for someone else but will vote Trump this time.

  • I am a Democrat who will support him.

  • I'm a republican who wont support him.

  • I'm a troll who can't vote because you made the votes public

Results are only viewable after voting.
Well if you say so.
I am only 39 but can you name one?
They have all been real good to them. You see how much free money we give Israel? That's been going on for much longer than trump.
Not free and only Trump moved the Embassy to Jerusalem. Obama frequently vilified Israel.
It's welfare. How is it not free? They aren't really giving anything back. Vilified? I never heard that, sounds like righty garbage to me. And moving the embassy helped in what way? All it did was get a bunch of people killed. What they need is peace, not more taunting of the enemy. But regardless every president has been really good to Israel.

moving the embassy pandered to the christian fanatics.
I am not a Christian or a Fanatic. How about it made Jews like myself finally feel like someone in Washington gives a shit? You antisemites are all the same.
So all real Americans are racist?
Real Americans aren't selfish nationalists.
So you know what “real Americans” are? I actually disagree with you.
You are welcome to. I don't view selfishness as a good quality. Perhaps you do.

So who is selfish that you have in mind?
Trumps entire policy is selfish. America first right?

america first = america alone.
I meant *or. Stupid typo. I agree. Trump is the effect. Many whom I know did it as a FU to the PC culture Leftists I doubt they are alone who thought that way
Do you have a theory of what happened to the Republican party. I started voting mostly republican starting with Richard Nixon and voting Lamar Alexander for Governor back in 72. I do not recognize that party anymore. It is a party of today, appearing almost totally without honor, moving as a rubber stamp. Do they really support his leadership or is it just agenda goals and power?

Without honor? How are they any LESS honorable than the democratic party? How about name a democrat that is "honorable."
I will admit, I am less than impressed with the honor involved in tactics applied to Kavanaugh. Maybe failure to even allow a hearing for Obama's supreme court nominee for 10 months prior to the election is when both sides decided the gloves came off.
Yanno, it's one thing to play politics with when to bring a USSC vote to the floor and quite another to mount a blatantly obvious FRAUD on the Senate and this country to unjustly smear a respected jurist. What Sen Feinstein, Blasey-Ford, Michael Avenatti and the #MeToo Girls did was clearly criminal FRAUD.
The Democrats truly sucked on that farce. But, perhaps the die was cast when Obama was unfairly denied even a hearing for 10 months on the moderate Garland, just to keep him from appointing anyone, anyone at all. They could have voted him down, but it stuck in their craw that the republicans under Mitch refused to even give the qualified jurist a hearing.
OK … I will type slower for you. There is a huge diff between slow (or no) walking a nominee through Senate approval, and a conspiracy to commit fraud & perjury.

Consider how the failure to punish those who perpetrated the Blasey-Ford fraud figured into the Dem calculus to do it again - using the exact same script - just a year later with the "whistleblower" fraud ... this time The Adam Schiff Show and Impeachment-Lite.

BTW, has anyone heard from "whistleblower 2" or for that matter, "whistleblower 1?" How about the leaker who provided them with bogus inside info?

Do you yet see the pattern of fraud and official misconduct by House & Senate Dems that is worthy of removal from office and handcuffs?
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Real Americans aren't selfish nationalists.
So you know what “real Americans” are? I actually disagree with you.
You are welcome to. I don't view selfishness as a good quality. Perhaps you do.

So who is selfish that you have in mind?
Trumps entire policy is selfish. America first right?

Who was less selfish than Trump?

Trump was a man of the world. He had his own jet that he traveled on. He attended all the big parties with important people. He was a household name, and loved by many. Businessman and entertainer. He's been with the most beautiful women of the world.

Then he decided to run for President. The ball came crashing down. People who loved him now hate him. Going to the White House was a step down in his lifestyle, not a step up. His first order of business was to donate every paycheck as President. He's lost over a billion dollars of worth to do the job. From the time he entered the White House, his carefree life ended, with SS agents following him around for the remainder of is time on this planet.

So why did he do it? His love of country, that's why.

donny, along with papa drumpf were sued & lost for housing discrimination.

donny, ran around NYC with his whore - making sure that rag mag splashed it all over their front pages while he was still married & his spawn saw it.

donny bragged about going into young girl's dressing rooms in various stages of undress to 'inspect them' when he owned the pageant.

donny was sued for fraud for ripping people off in his trump university scam.

donny tried to force an old woman outa her home so he can bulldoze it, pave over for a personal business improvement by using the court with an eminent domain case.

donny has a history of allegations against him regarding several instances of sexual assault.

donny has bragged about grabbing pussy, because 'they let him'.

but ray ray is blind to all that because:

"The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That's why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It's an innocent form of exaggeration, and a very effective form of promotion." ~ donny
I am only 39 but can you name one?
They have all been real good to them. You see how much free money we give Israel? That's been going on for much longer than trump.
Not free and only Trump moved the Embassy to Jerusalem. Obama frequently vilified Israel.
It's welfare. How is it not free? They aren't really giving anything back. Vilified? I never heard that, sounds like righty garbage to me. And moving the embassy helped in what way? All it did was get a bunch of people killed. What they need is peace, not more taunting of the enemy. But regardless every president has been really good to Israel.

moving the embassy pandered to the christian fanatics.
I am not a Christian or a Fanatic. How about it made Jews like myself finally feel like someone in Washington gives a shit? You antisemites are all the same.

i know you aren't christian, i said he pandered to the christian nutters because he needs their votes.

give me one example where i demonstrated i was antisemitic. you won't cause you can't.

ho hum... it's just another typical lie from a typical basket dweller.
Stopping the dems from taking control of this country is a good enough reason though... I would vote for a fish if it would mean stopping them.
We all yearn for the stable leadership of the Obama years
LOL … yeah, you nailed it, RW:
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They have NO answers, only complaints. The democrats are the biggest bitches in America!
oooOOOoooo, goody- you got him!
ya, she's a regular stable genius!!!! :71:
There really is no nice way to put this … you're a regular flaming idiot:
donny loves russia. wants to build a tower there - he's been bending over & grabbing his ankles for the roooskies for years.

do you really think i care about your opinion?
I didn't say he is, just that he threw them a bone and isn't really turning away their support. I mean we have a country full of nationalists that hate Mexicans that he created. It's not a real big leap to white nationalists.

Oh, back to the Trump is a racist mantra. I get it now. You are a ridiculous character with unrealistic expectations.
Again, I didn't say he is.

Not increasing deficits is hardly an unrealistic expectation. It's comical you feel that way.

It surely is when you are trying to run a country! You and all the other blow hards here have no idea what it entails.
I know that deficits were lower when Obama handed the country to Trump. I guess he was better?

Err . . . no. He was a horrible president. Confidence was WAY down. Thankfully, a person who knows about business has taken over, rather than a community organizer who came out of nowhere and had masses of people worshipping at his alter.

Sorry, Americans are going to vote according to how the economy is doing, and you are certainly not changing any minds.

donny had many business' that failed & his casinos went belly up. a 'business' where the house s designed to WIN. donny was so god awful with money, that back in the 90s wall street had to put him on an allowance.
So you know what “real Americans” are? I actually disagree with you.
You are welcome to. I don't view selfishness as a good quality. Perhaps you do.

So who is selfish that you have in mind?
Trumps entire policy is selfish. America first right?

Who was less selfish than Trump?

Trump was a man of the world. He had his own jet that he traveled on. He attended all the big parties with important people. He was a household name, and loved by many. Businessman and entertainer. He's been with the most beautiful women of the world.

Then he decided to run for President. The ball came crashing down. People who loved him now hate him. Going to the White House was a step down in his lifestyle, not a step up. His first order of business was to donate every paycheck as President. He's lost over a billion dollars of worth to do the job. From the time he entered the White House, his carefree life ended, with SS agents following him around for the remainder of is time on this planet.

So why did he do it? His love of country, that's why.

donny, along with papa drumpf were sued & lost for housing discrimination.

donny, ran around NYC with his whore - making sure that rag mag splashed it all over their front pages while he was still married & his spawn saw it.

donny bragged about going into young girl's dressing rooms in various stages of undress to 'inspect them' when he owned the pageant.

donny was sued for fraud for ripping people off in his trump university scam.

donny tried to force an old woman outa her home so he can bulldoze it, pave over for a personal business improvement by using the court with an eminent domain case.

donny has a history of allegations against him regarding several instances of sexual assault.

donny has bragged about grabbing pussy, because 'they let him'.

but ray ray is blind to all that because:

"The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That's why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It's an innocent form of exaggeration, and a very effective form of promotion." ~ donny

You are the reason tabloids exist. I don't have time to address your entire list. I know that's a method you leftists use so people don't argue your points. But I take exception with your top lie. Trump was sued, but settled out of court. Part of the agreement is that the Trump's admit to no guilt, and it was accepted. They didn't lose anything.
^^^ you cray cray. you don 't realize that pootey poot wants the USSR back, do you..... why do you think he is going for ukraine? why do you think he wants us outa NATO? why do you think he wants us isolated? but i see the problem with you - you don't think.
You are aware that you must be at least 18 to post in these adult forums, right?
He has zero chance at achieving it. He also wants to be 6’5 and 30 years old again.
hopefully NATO will survive.
There may always be a pan-Europe defense alliance - the EU is planning military coordination - if only because the common threats (within & without) far outweigh their diffs.

The decimation wrought by WW2 is behind them and they need to take a clear-eyed look at their defense needs and see to them with far less US participation. The POTUS should not have to tell them to man-up.

They are full-grown and capable of wiping their own butts. Since the fall of the USSR, US dominance has just been a financial boon for them.

I see the prob with you … you just don't think.
Claiming to be a nationalist sure seems like he is talking to the white nationalists. Everyone before him was a patriot, but suddenly he's a nationalist?
His “Nationalist” mantra is America first. Nothing more. Zero to do with race. Hell his daughter Ivanka and her three kids are Jewish. He is not a white nationalist.
I didn't say he is, just that he threw them a bone and isn't really turning away their support. I mean we have a country full of nationalists that hate Mexicans that he created. It's not a real big leap to white nationalists.
'Racism Is Evil': Trump Denounces The KKK, Neo-Nazis And White Supremacists

Except he did. The Leftist media just didn’t cover it. He is not a white nationalist. As a Jew I can smell those from miles away.
He half steps around the issue, not wanting to discourage their support : https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...1/donald-trump-and-david-duke-for-the-record/
He has condemned Duke many times since. Look his daughter Ivanka and her three kids are Jewish. He just moved the embassy to Jerusalem and made it law to call Judaism a race and a religion. Not something a white nationalist would ever do. Criticize DJT on his budget handling and lack of healthcare reform but not this made up Leftist bs.

donny first tried peddling that he didn't know who david duke was. he had to 'condemn' him after how long?
So repubs said Obama was bad cause he increased deficits. They said he was bad cause he never had 3% or greater annual gdp growth. They said he was bad because he did too many executive orders... It is amazing that Trump does the same things and now repubs think it's good. Politics is a silly game...

don't ferget his golfing on the public dime............
They have NO answers, only complaints. The democrats are the biggest bitches in America!
oooOOOoooo, goody- you got him!
ya, she's a regular stable genius!!!! :71:
There really is no nice way to put this … you're a regular flaming idiot:
donny loves russia. wants to build a tower there - he's been bending over & grabbing his ankles for the roooskies for years.

do you really think i care about your opinion?
It's not that you don't care - you do or you wouldn't have responded - it's that you just don't understand complex issues or opinions. You get yours fed to you and swallow eagerly.
You are welcome to. I don't view selfishness as a good quality. Perhaps you do.

So who is selfish that you have in mind?
Trumps entire policy is selfish. America first right?

Who was less selfish than Trump?

Trump was a man of the world. He had his own jet that he traveled on. He attended all the big parties with important people. He was a household name, and loved by many. Businessman and entertainer. He's been with the most beautiful women of the world.

Then he decided to run for President. The ball came crashing down. People who loved him now hate him. Going to the White House was a step down in his lifestyle, not a step up. His first order of business was to donate every paycheck as President. He's lost over a billion dollars of worth to do the job. From the time he entered the White House, his carefree life ended, with SS agents following him around for the remainder of is time on this planet.

So why did he do it? His love of country, that's why.

donny, along with papa drumpf were sued & lost for housing discrimination.

donny, ran around NYC with his whore - making sure that rag mag splashed it all over their front pages while he was still married & his spawn saw it.

donny bragged about going into young girl's dressing rooms in various stages of undress to 'inspect them' when he owned the pageant.

donny was sued for fraud for ripping people off in his trump university scam.

donny tried to force an old woman outa her home so he can bulldoze it, pave over for a personal business improvement by using the court with an eminent domain case.

donny has a history of allegations against him regarding several instances of sexual assault.

donny has bragged about grabbing pussy, because 'they let him'.

but ray ray is blind to all that because:

"The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That's why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It's an innocent form of exaggeration, and a very effective form of promotion." ~ donny

You are the reason tabloids exist. I don't have time to address your entire list. I know that's a method you leftists use so people don't argue your points. But I take exception with your top lie. Trump was sued, but settled out of court. Part of the agreement is that the Trump's admit to no guilt, and it was accepted. They didn't lose anything.
P-time evidently lives in a pristine bubble and has never built or owned anything in his "life." I can tell you with 100% certainty that business is messy, big biz is exponentially messier, and no capitalist wins every battle. Sometimes we fuck-up - often for reasons beyond our control - and we pick ourselves up, clean up our messes, and dig in again.
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You are welcome to. I don't view selfishness as a good quality. Perhaps you do.

So who is selfish that you have in mind?
Trumps entire policy is selfish. America first right?

Who was less selfish than Trump?

Trump was a man of the world. He had his own jet that he traveled on. He attended all the big parties with important people. He was a household name, and loved by many. Businessman and entertainer. He's been with the most beautiful women of the world.

Then he decided to run for President. The ball came crashing down. People who loved him now hate him. Going to the White House was a step down in his lifestyle, not a step up. His first order of business was to donate every paycheck as President. He's lost over a billion dollars of worth to do the job. From the time he entered the White House, his carefree life ended, with SS agents following him around for the remainder of is time on this planet.

So why did he do it? His love of country, that's why.

donny, along with papa drumpf were sued & lost for housing discrimination.

donny, ran around NYC with his whore - making sure that rag mag splashed it all over their front pages while he was still married & his spawn saw it.

donny bragged about going into young girl's dressing rooms in various stages of undress to 'inspect them' when he owned the pageant.

donny was sued for fraud for ripping people off in his trump university scam.

donny tried to force an old woman outa her home so he can bulldoze it, pave over for a personal business improvement by using the court with an eminent domain case.

donny has a history of allegations against him regarding several instances of sexual assault.

donny has bragged about grabbing pussy, because 'they let him'.

but ray ray is blind to all that because:

"The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That's why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It's an innocent form of exaggeration, and a very effective form of promotion." ~ donny

You are the reason tabloids exist. I don't have time to address your entire list. I know that's a method you leftists use so people don't argue your points. But I take exception with your top lie. Trump was sued, but settled out of court. Part of the agreement is that the Trump's admit to no guilt, and it was accepted. They didn't lose anything.

haaaaaaaaaaaa........... but tinkles said he never settles.

The Trump Campaign Has Quietly Settled Millions in Lawsuits
An analysis of legal filings shows Trump Tower has paid out double what Obama spent.
April 20, 2017

The Trump Campaign Has Quietly Settled Millions in Lawsuits

Exclusive: Trump's 3,500 lawsuits unprecedented for a presidential nominee

OH ray ray!!!! i forgot to add donny just paid out a $2,000,000.00 fine for ripping off charities where his foundation had to be shut down & hisw 3 eldest spawn had to take classes on how not to rip off chrities. & i believe all of them are now barred from even sitting on a charity/foundation board.

those are all facts that i listed & you can only come up with 'he settled'.
^^^ you cray cray. you don 't realize that pootey poot wants the USSR back, do you..... why do you think he is going for ukraine? why do you think he wants us outa NATO? why do you think he wants us isolated? but i see the problem with you - you don't think.
You are aware that you must be at least 18 to post in these adult forums, right?
He has zero chance at achieving it. He also wants to be 6’5 and 30 years old again.
hopefully NATO will survive.
There may always be a pan-Europe defense alliance - the EU is planning military coordination - if only because the common threats (within & without) far outweigh their diffs.

The decimation wrought by WW2 is behind them and they need to take a clear-eyed look at their defense needs and see to them with far less US participation. The POTUS should not have to tell them to man-up.

They are full-grown and capable of wiping their own butts. Since the fall of the USSR, US dominance has just been a financial boon for them.

I see the prob with you … you just don't think.

KKK has supported Donald Trump and he did not reject the support. There are violent jerks on both sides. I cannot tell the difference if either attacks me. Luckily I am prepared for violent attacks. I was well trained.
The Leftist lies about the KKK and Trump are ridiculous. I am OK with criticism of him and have some criticisms myself but not on that matter.
How about saying there were good people on both sides at the white supremacist / anti-white supremacist confrontation in Charlottesville? It does not take much to come out against that. By the way, they had not even buried the dead girl, run down by the white supremacist when he was asked, and he shouldn't have had to be asked.
That’s not what he said. See the Leftist media is twisting stuff again.
Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People’ In Charlottesville
No, I heard him say good people on both sides. Well the good people of the KKK and assorted white supremacists that weren't wanted in Richmand were responsible for inciting a deadly confontation and I don't remember seeing and KKKers going to the morgue. Trump should have said something forcefully condemning at the time, I think because he thought Obama had gone to far supporting blacks when things went south. Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, and you know it.

The guy who killed that woman was not from the KKK. He wasn't even from the state. He was a nut bag just like the nut bag that went to the baseball stadium to kill all those Republican representatives.

Trump had a different approach than DumBama. He wanted to settle things down, not rile them up again. He didn't want to blame everybody for something because of the actions of a few. I know that may not be logical in your world, but regardless what you think of people on either side, they are still all Americans, and they have issues they stood for.

the dude was a neo nazi.

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