If you didn't support Trump in 2016 do you regret it and will you support him in 2020

What was & is now your position on Trump

  • I voted for him in 2016 and will again.

  • I voted for someone else but will vote Trump this time.

  • I am a Democrat who will support him.

  • I'm a republican who wont support him.

  • I'm a troll who can't vote because you made the votes public

Results are only viewable after voting.
^^ Says a Mao loving Chinese propaganda puppet.
Playtime is a communist. They have hated Russia since it threw off the communist yoke.

Well..and she has ethnic reasons...isnt that right playtime? Want to explain those to us goy?

what the fuck are you even talking about? alternative facts are a necessity for you nutters.

About to go on a bender.

you need to look up what 'triggered' means. but like donny, you will say it cause you wanna believe it. also, you are boring AF - troll boy.
Swearing is generally the first song. Not using capital letters because you’re typing so quickly is the 2nd sign.

talk to president dotard about cursing. & when you go after typos, or the use of caps, you know you lost.
OY Vey Didn't Bernie Sanders enjoy a honeymoon in the USSR? Your guy...bernie sanders.

oh so now bernie is my guy? keep breathing in that methane!!!!

donny loves russia. wants to build a tower there - he's been bending over & grabbing his ankles for the roooskies for years.

I don’t care what he builds in Russia. But a honeymoon with the communists...from your Bernie Sanders. Oy vey. How much obvious can you be?

wipe the cheeto dust off yer lips.
Have another. AA is calling

Need me to call your sponsor?
They used to be a common sense part, but certainly not under Big Don.
I take that to mean you haven't noticed the insanity of our Hysterical House Dems … or do you infer that Trump made 'em crazy?
You are correct on Kavanaugh. Russian collusion is and always was a republican hoax...
FFS ... you've totally lost it. :laughing0301:
They have NO answers, only complaints. The democrats are the biggest bitches in America!
oooOOOoooo, goody- you got him!
ya, she's a regular stable genius!!!! :71:
There really is no nice way to put this … you're a regular flaming idiot:
donny loves russia. wants to build a tower there - he's been bending over & grabbing his ankles for the roooskies for years.

do you really think i care about your opinion?
It's not that you don't care - you do or you wouldn't have responded - it's that you just don't understand complex issues or opinions. You get yours fed to you and swallow eagerly.

you go with that.
You just said trump is the white party.


You said "anti-white party" which to a liberal means the "white party" because they like to project their racism onto everyone else.

Since most dem politicians are also white, I doubt if they really want that. That is what they want their voters to believe, but I'm sure they don't want to see themselves become a minority either. They are just pandering as usual.
Question. Would you say that most white racist vote Republican and support Trump, while most black racist vote democrat and will support whoever the Dem of the moment is? Or is that completely off base?

Of course white racists will vote against the Democrat party, and all whites really should. As I already stated, the Democrat party became the anti-white party. Who in their right mind would support a party that is trying to politically wipe them off the face of this country?
Wake up Ray. If, as you say, the Democrat party is the anti-white party, why would white racists support that party. Under your theory, that would be like the KKK joining the Black Panthers. I don't think so, although I can understand why non-leadership Republican party follower, as yourself would hope the white racist folk would join and support the other party. They will embarrass you time and time again.

Who said white racists did support the Democrats? I didn't. If anything, they'd be against the Democrats like every aware white person should be.
oh so now bernie is my guy? keep breathing in that methane!!!!

donny loves russia. wants to build a tower there - he's been bending over & grabbing his ankles for the roooskies for years.

I don’t care what he builds in Russia. But a honeymoon with the communists...from your Bernie Sanders. Oy vey. How much obvious can you be?

wipe the cheeto dust off yer lips.
Have another. AA is calling

Need me to call your sponsor?

how profound.
Curious to see how many like me voted for someone else (Walker in my case) but will support him this time around.

Three of your options are to vote for Trump. There is only one option for not voting for Trump. Hardly an unbiased poll, since, as you say downthread, you consider anyone who would never vote for Trump, a troll.
Well said, but in 72 they took a reasoned approach, did not label the opposition as the enemy of the Republican party,

So who started that?

Not sure. By the time I realized what a$$holes in manner and civility the two parties had become, it was well enough established, I knew not, who to pint the finger toward. Doesn't matter. Democrats have always been more a populous party. The Republican a bit more restrained. If there are no adults in the room, kids, never progressing past adolescence will F#uck everything. Just look at the impressive AOC.

:113: /sarcasm.

Unfiltered voices from the anti-Trump Kidz:


uh-huh. is that supposta impress me? hell, that could be from anywhere outside the US for all you know. never condone burning the flag, but you go boy with that there straw man.
Pioneer Courthouse in Portland Oregon and you could have copied and Googled it in less time than it took to type your STUPID response. Are you also dim enough to believe angry, bitter, petulant haters like you don't publicly burn the US flag? Ferguson Missouri:

Do you think DJT was the cause of the effect?
Damn. That's a hard one. I am not sure. Society is changing, no doubt. No. He is not the cause. He is the product of the effect. I do not think he has dealt with it in the best interest of the nation as an entity, definitely not as a civil society. Remember that movie where Michael J Fox gave that speech to the President saying something like "people thirst for good leadership, like a dying man crawling across the desert and not finding it only the mirage, they'll drink the sand"? That is what happened. We thirst for leadership every 4 years. 2016 there was no leaders that showed up, so we drank the sand.

I meant *or. Stupid typo. I agree. Trump is the effect. Many whom I know did it as a FU to the PC culture Leftists I doubt they are alone who thought that way
Do you have a theory of what happened to the Republican party. I started voting mostly republican starting with Richard Nixon and voting Lamar Alexander for Governor back in 72. I do not recognize that party anymore. It is a party of today, appearing almost totally without honor, moving as a rubber stamp. Do they really support his leadership or is it just agenda goals and power?

Without honor? How are they any LESS honorable than the democratic party? How about name a democrat that is "honorable."
I will admit, I am less than impressed with the honor involved in tactics applied to Kavanaugh. Maybe failure to even allow a hearing for Obama's supreme court nominee for 10 months prior to the election is when both sides decided the gloves came off.

Or how the left absolutely demonizes any republican running for office - Sara Palin, Romney, McCain, etc., etc. I mean, they were really brutal to Sara Palin and her family, even going so low as to make fun of her disabled baby boy. Yuck, they are just disgusting, have absolutely NO integrity or honor and never had, since I've been following politics. They push identity politics on us constantly, and don't you DARE disagree. I've had it with them.

donny is THE president. he's not MY president because he believes anybody that
criticizes him is the enemy. he's such a snowflake.
Who would you vote for in 2020? Do share? Warren? Sanders? LOL

the field is way too broad & i have more debates to watch. bernie is not really on my radar, nor is biden.

One of those two is likely to win the nomination. Will you then vote for them over Trump? I have no idea how anyone other than a free-loader could vote for Sanders.
Hate is the primary motivator of 1/3 of Americans - virtually all leftards - and the goo that binds them. Bernie is just the face of their hate:

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Yes trump is all for them whites and he's a nationalist.... hmmmmm…..

Trump hasn't favored any particular group of people since he took office. What do you mean by Trump is for them whites???
You just said trump is the white party.


You said "anti-white party" which to a liberal means the "white party" because they like to project their racism onto everyone else.

Since most dem politicians are also white, I doubt if they really want that. That is what they want their voters to believe, but I'm sure they don't want to see themselves become a minority either. They are just pandering as usual.
Question. Would you say that most white racist vote Republican and support Trump, while most black racist vote democrat and will support whoever the Dem of the moment is? Or is that completely off base?

How the hell would I know? It's not my business who other people vote for.
They used to be a common sense part, but certainly not under Big Don.
I take that to mean you haven't noticed the insanity of our Hysterical House Dems … or do you infer that Trump made 'em crazy?
You are correct on Kavanaugh. Russian collusion is and always was a republican hoax...
FFS ... you've totally lost it. :laughing0301:

I do believe that Trump caused it. They are all jumping off cliffs, all the while cursing Donald Trump, blaming him for every problem when HE has only been in office for about 3 years, and these problems have been going on for a very long time. Ah well, they probably weren't too sane to begin with anyhow. Russian collusion, trying to soil a candidate for the SC name (not to mention his life), amongst other terrible things.

:113: /sarcasm.

Unfiltered voices from the anti-Trump Kidz:


uh-huh. is that supposta impress me? hell, that could be from anywhere outside the US for all you know. never condone burning the flag, but you go boy with that there straw man.
Pioneer Courthouse in Portland Oregon and you could have copied and Googled it in less time than it took to type your STUPID response. Are you also dim enough to believe angry, bitter, petulant haters like you don't publicly burn the US flag? Ferguson Missouri:


i never said i didn't believe assholes on the left don't burn flags. you see things that aren't there so you can justify yer silly 'non' replies. i know i didn't see you condemn them basket dwelling deplorables - only a response pretty much saying see? see? as if the notion that extremists on the left do it so it's ok that the ones on the right do it.

how insane.
Do you have a theory of what happened to the Republican party. I started voting mostly republican starting with Richard Nixon and voting Lamar Alexander for Governor back in 72. I do not recognize that party anymore. It is a party of today, appearing almost totally without honor, moving as a rubber stamp. Do they really support his leadership or is it just agenda goals and power?

Without honor? How are they any LESS honorable than the democratic party? How about name a democrat that is "honorable."
I will admit, I am less than impressed with the honor involved in tactics applied to Kavanaugh. Maybe failure to even allow a hearing for Obama's supreme court nominee for 10 months prior to the election is when both sides decided the gloves came off.
Yanno, it's one thing to play politics with when to bring a USSC vote to the floor and quite another to mount a blatantly obvious FRAUD on the Senate and this country to unjustly smear a respected jurist. What Sen Feinstein, Blasey-Ford, Michael Avenatti and the #MeToo Girls did was clearly criminal FRAUD.
The Democrats truly sucked on that farce. But, perhaps the die was cast when Obama was unfairly denied even a hearing for 10 months on the moderate Garland, just to keep him from appointing anyone, anyone at all. They could have voted him down, but it stuck in their craw that the republicans under Mitch refused to even give the qualified jurist a hearing.
OK … I will type slower for you. There is a huge diff between slow (or no) walking a nominee through Senate approval, and a conspiracy to commit fraud & perjury.

Consider how the failure to punish those who perpetrated the Blasey-Ford fraud figured into the Dem calculus to do it again - using the exact same script - just a year later with the "whistleblower" fraud ... this time The Adam Schiff Show and Impeachment-Lite.

BTW, has anyone heard from "whistleblower 2" or for that matter, "whistleblower 1?" How about the leaker who provided them with bogus inside info?

Do you yet see the pattern of fraud and official misconduct by House & Senate Dems that is worthy of removal from office and handcuffs?
The Blasey-Ford episode was as I said, a shameful farce. Not sure how soon leadership of Dems knew it, or if it was actually planned by party leaders, but they sure as hell jumped on board and rode that nag to the ground, definitely haveing knowledge it was bull$h!t before halfway around that track. Could have even been a Republican trap. If so, it was expertly played. Saw the testimony. She looked good coming out of the gate, but not able to hang once the pack caught up.
Well said, but in 72 they took a reasoned approach, did not label the opposition as the enemy of the Republican party,

So who started that?

Not sure. By the time I realized what a$$holes in manner and civility the two parties had become, it was well enough established, I knew not, who to pint the finger toward. Doesn't matter. Democrats have always been more a populous party. The Republican a bit more restrained. If there are no adults in the room, kids, never progressing past adolescence will F#uck everything. Just look at the impressive AOC.

I don't think the Republican leaders ever considered Democrats as the enemy. It's quite the other way around. Political bloggers such as myself? Without a doubt I see them as the enemy.

Why? Because they are basically power hungry Socialists. The Communists stated decades ago they would take over the United States of America, but they will do so without one shot being fired. They will takeover from within, and that's what we see with the Democrat party today.

Bottom line is I see a party that wants to dismantle this country, and reassemble it to mirror other Socialist shitholes. I don't want to see that happen to my country. People who want that kind of system already have places they can go to live it for a while. They can go to Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea. And when they find it's not what it was cracked up to be, they can always come home to the good ole United States of America, if their new country lets them.

But once you change this place and find out it's not what you thought it would be, there is no other USA to move back to. It will be gone forever. There will be no place left to go, because the United States in it's current form is unique and unduplicated. There is no other country like it in the world. We are the only one. So let's not surrender it.

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