If you have ever had negative thoughts about Yahweh, you are close to a Gnostic Christian.

If you have ever had negative thoughts about Yahweh, you are close to a Gnostic Christian.

You have shown that you can think freely and have a decent moral sense as compared to Christians and their less than moral sense that allows them to adore a genocidal God.

John Lennon, “It seems to me that the only true Christians were the Gnostics,”

In fact, many think that the best Christians are Gnostic Christians. Even if you are an atheist, you are likely a better Christian than most Christians as their morals have been corrupted by their beliefs enough to have them adore a vile genocidal God that Gnostic Christians call demiurge. In a sense, not that she exists, but demiurge is equivalent to Satan.

Please remember that Gnostic Christians so not hold any supernatural beliefs and religiously speaking, create much more peaceful people than Christians. The Cathars were a good example of this truth.




Are you close to a Gnostic Christian in how you can think freely and morally?



How do you believe the universe and life came into existence?

Science has a better track record that religion so I have to lean to that side.

I recognize that both science and religions now have relegated the creation act to a God of the gaps and since science and secular forces have proven themselves superior to religions in both knowing natural reality and better secular law than religious law, religion has lost the fight for my heart and mind on both counts.

The supernatural should be the last thing anyone believes.

Any of those bad bad Christians behead anybody lately? Sell any kidnapped slaves? Blow up people on a bus?
Shut up...
Now you mention it, what's the time limit for 'lately'?



Or this?

Christian's did not do that first picture. Democrats did. Get your history right!
I'd say the modern Gnostic is worse off than the average Christian. At least the Christian is taught that "god saw all that he had made and it was good".

Sure. Yahweh called it good and then put Satan right into Eden beside Eve and then cursed the earth in Gen 3.

That aside.

You do not seem to have separated our myths from our beliefs.

Tell us please, does the following seen to you like we do not think matter to be good?

Gnostic Christian Jesus said, "If those who attract you say, 'See, the Kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you.

If they say to you, 'It is under the earth,' then the fish of the sea will precede you.

Rather, the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you.

[Those who] become acquainted with [themselves] will find it; [and when you] become acquainted with yourselves, [you will understand that] it is you who are the sons of the living Father.

But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

Did the Cathars who built their extremely nice and peaceful community seem to hate the rather beautiful world they lived in before Christianity decimated them with their Inquisition?

So where in Genesis do we have the word "Satan"?
I'll wait...

take your cheep point.

It is not there but Christian dogma says that the talking serpent is Satan, the great deceiver.

Who do you think took over that serpent if not Satan? Or do you think serpents can talk human naturally?

I'd say the modern Gnostic is worse off than the average Christian. At least the Christian is taught that "god saw all that he had made and it was good".

Sure. Yahweh called it good and then put Satan right into Eden beside Eve and then cursed the earth in Gen 3.

That aside.

You do not seem to have separated our myths from our beliefs.

Tell us please, does the following seen to you like we do not think matter to be good?

Gnostic Christian Jesus said, "If those who attract you say, 'See, the Kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you.

If they say to you, 'It is under the earth,' then the fish of the sea will precede you.

Rather, the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you.

[Those who] become acquainted with [themselves] will find it; [and when you] become acquainted with yourselves, [you will understand that] it is you who are the sons of the living Father.

But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

Did the Cathars who built their extremely nice and peaceful community seem to hate the rather beautiful world they lived in before Christianity decimated them with their Inquisition?

So where in Genesis do we have the word "Satan"?
I'll wait...

take your cheep point.

It is not there but Christian dogma says that the talking serpent is Satan, the great deceiver.

Who do you think took over that serpent if not Satan? Or do you think serpents can talk human naturally?

Guess who had free will?
The snake,
Welcome to reality.

Now tell me what the Hebrew word Sah-tahn means.
Free will. Yes.

'God', the Christian god but you can substitute most any of them, is all knowing, all powerful, never beginning, never ending, and knows the past present and future in all details. And is the creator of all things and all people.

So the people that go to hell, 'god' created them KNOWING they would go to hell and he created them anyway. He had the choice before they were created, and he chooses to create people that he already knows, because he knows the future to infinity, that they will be going to hell to live in torture and horrific pain forever.

Like a farmer that cares for and feeds his cattle, knowing they will be slaughtered for food. But he's a loving god.

Human beings can be made to believe ANY story if you instill enough fear in them.
I'd say the modern Gnostic is worse off than the average Christian. At least the Christian is taught that "god saw all that he had made and it was good".

Sure. Yahweh called it good and then put Satan right into Eden beside Eve and then cursed the earth in Gen 3.

That aside.

You do not seem to have separated our myths from our beliefs.

Tell us please, does the following seen to you like we do not think matter to be good?

Gnostic Christian Jesus said, "If those who attract you say, 'See, the Kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you.

If they say to you, 'It is under the earth,' then the fish of the sea will precede you.

Rather, the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you.

[Those who] become acquainted with [themselves] will find it; [and when you] become acquainted with yourselves, [you will understand that] it is you who are the sons of the living Father.

But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

Did the Cathars who built their extremely nice and peaceful community seem to hate the rather beautiful world they lived in before Christianity decimated them with their Inquisition?

So where in Genesis do we have the word "Satan"?
I'll wait...

take your cheep point.

It is not there but Christian dogma says that the talking serpent is Satan, the great deceiver.

Who do you think took over that serpent if not Satan? Or do you think serpents can talk human naturally?

Guess who had free will?
The snake,
Welcome to reality.

Now tell me what the Hebrew word Sah-tahn means.

Can you have free will to choose between variables, when you do not know the variables?

A & E are shown to be too stupid to even know they were naked. That is why they did not know to clothe themselves.

That stupidity would apply to all decision, as without the knowledge of good and evil, a knowledge that applies to all things and concepts you can think of, therefore a free will cannot exist. That is why scriptures say their eyes were closed.

You chose to have me look at a Jewish word so listen to this Rabbi explain why A & E did not have the desire required to have a free will. To desire, you have to know the variables and they did not know those.

Welcome to a real reality and not one where serpents talk.

Free will. Yes.

'God', the Christian god but you can substitute most any of them, is all knowing, all powerful, never beginning, never ending, and knows the past present and future in all details. And is the creator of all things and all people.

So the people that go to hell, 'god' created them KNOWING they would go to hell and he created them anyway. He had the choice before they were created, and he chooses to create people that he already knows, because he knows the future to infinity, that they will be going to hell to live in torture and horrific pain forever.

Like a farmer that cares for and feeds his cattle, knowing they will be slaughtered for food. But he's a loving god.

Human beings can be made to believe ANY story if you instill enough fear in them.

This Bishop says that religions are in the fear and false guilt creating business.

I'd say the modern Gnostic is worse off than the average Christian. At least the Christian is taught that "god saw all that he had made and it was good".
I'm curious. How much of the Old Testament relates to Christianity and how is it decided what may be disregarded?
To answer this question, answer the following.

Which really came first: the Gnostics or the Christians?

I'm not convinced that the Gnostics were simply a dissident sect of Christianity, although it may seem that way. Of course, the Gnosticism that has come down to us is probably not the original. In it's current form, it resembles a primitive reaction towards an irreconcilable contradiction. I'll call it quasi-Gnosticism for convenience.

There have been many accusations of Christianity borrowing from paganism, but none of these are exact. It's perfectly true that Christianity was born from a mishmash of cultures and ideas, but we need to focus on the principle source, from which it heavily borrowed (or stole); namely, Plato. The Church Father Augustine mentions his reading of the Platonists several times in his Confessions. Plotinus and his student Porphyry's treatment of the Gnostics and Christians respectively in their works suggests to me that it was Christianity that branched off from the Gnostics, not the other way around.

I think that, like Cylon the Crotonian, the the Church Fathers had attempted to push their way into the Greek initiation and were unqualified, and thus rejected. Naturally, this would cause them to bear a grudge against the people they admired and in retaliation, like some Rudolf Steiner, they tried to set up their own shop filled with pseudo-concepts and distortions. At first, they only appropriated ideas from Plato. But then they sought to incorporate concepts from other cultures to affirm their dubious myths, finally borrowed the Jewish concepts which would gradually replace or nullify the ideas appropriated from Plato.

Many Christians of this period–amongst them sectaries who had abandoned the old philosophy, men of the schools of Adelphius and Aquilinus–had possessed themselves of works by Alexander of Libya, by Philocomus, by Demostratus, and by Lydus, and exhibited also Revelations bearing the names of Zoroaster, Zostrianus, Nicotheus, Allogenes, Mesus, and others of that order.
Thus they fooled many, themselves fooled first; Plato, according to them, had failed to penetrate into the depth of Intellectual Being. Plotinus frequently attacked their position at the Conferences and finally wrote the treatise which I have headed Against the Gnostics...

In every way they misrepresent Plato's theory as to the method of creation as in many other respects they dishonour his teaching: they, we are to understand, have penetrated the Intellectual Nature, while Plato and all those other illustrious teachers have failed.

How much of the Old Testament relates to Christianity and how is it decided what may be disregarded? Not much, really. Just look at the Septuagint. The "Messianic" scriptures don't match the Christian interpretations.

But I wouldn't advise tossing out the whole Old Testament just yet (besides, a purification of Christianity will always be futile since it's very foundation is untenable, there's nothing worth winning people over to). Genesis 1:2, the sun standing still, the Flood, the plagues of Exodus, etc. All of this needs re-examination. They should be cross-referenced with accounts from ancient historians (i.e. Herodotus).

It's curious how the Gospel of Thomas is basically just a list of statements attributed to Jesus. Some of them match what we find in the four gospels. It's likely that those were interpolated into the gospels rather than being said in that time or context. The interpolations can be divided into the following: authentic statements of Jesus, quasi-Gnostic or Gnostic sayings, or are from the Church (i.e. Eusebius).
Which really came first: the Gnostics or the Christians?

True idol worshiping Christians, if they can be called that, obviously came after Gnostic Christianity.

The general belief all over the territory in question, including early Christians and Gnostic Christians, was that a supernatural God could not be defined in any way as he was unknowable and unfathomable.

All was well for the God seekers until Christianity became idol worshipers and began to kill for their God and try to deny the world freedom of religion.

This first link shows the before idol worship and the second speak to the carnage after Christians became idol worshipers.

What is God? - Video

I'd say the modern Gnostic is worse off than the average Christian. At least the Christian is taught that "god saw all that he had made and it was good".

Sure. Yahweh called it good and then put Satan right into Eden beside Eve and then cursed the earth in Gen 3.

That aside.

You do not seem to have separated our myths from our beliefs.

Tell us please, does the following seen to you like we do not think matter to be good?

Gnostic Christian Jesus said, "If those who attract you say, 'See, the Kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you.

If they say to you, 'It is under the earth,' then the fish of the sea will precede you.

Rather, the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you.

[Those who] become acquainted with [themselves] will find it; [and when you] become acquainted with yourselves, [you will understand that] it is you who are the sons of the living Father.

But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

Did the Cathars who built their extremely nice and peaceful community seem to hate the rather beautiful world they lived in before Christianity decimated them with their Inquisition?

So where in Genesis do we have the word "Satan"?
I'll wait...

take your cheep point.

It is not there but Christian dogma says that the talking serpent is Satan, the great deceiver.

Who do you think took over that serpent if not Satan? Or do you think serpents can talk human naturally?

Guess who had free will?
The snake,
Welcome to reality.

Now tell me what the Hebrew word Sah-tahn means.

Can you have free will to choose between variables, when you do not know the variables?

A & E are shown to be too stupid to even know they were naked. That is why they did not know to clothe themselves.

That stupidity would apply to all decision, as without the knowledge of good and evil, a knowledge that applies to all things and concepts you can think of, therefore a free will cannot exist. That is why scriptures say their eyes were closed.

You chose to have me look at a Jewish word so listen to this Rabbi explain why A & E did not have the desire required to have a free will. To desire, you have to know the variables and they did not know those.

Welcome to a real reality and not one where serpents talk.


The word nah-chash does not mean snake, it means "someone who is charming".
The beauty of Judaism is that many people have many opinions on many subjects but there's only one way for one to be kosher.
Sure. Yahweh called it good and then put Satan right into Eden beside Eve and then cursed the earth in Gen 3.

That aside.

You do not seem to have separated our myths from our beliefs.

Tell us please, does the following seen to you like we do not think matter to be good?

Gnostic Christian Jesus said, "If those who attract you say, 'See, the Kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you.

If they say to you, 'It is under the earth,' then the fish of the sea will precede you.

Rather, the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you.

[Those who] become acquainted with [themselves] will find it; [and when you] become acquainted with yourselves, [you will understand that] it is you who are the sons of the living Father.

But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

Did the Cathars who built their extremely nice and peaceful community seem to hate the rather beautiful world they lived in before Christianity decimated them with their Inquisition?

So where in Genesis do we have the word "Satan"?
I'll wait...

take your cheep point.

It is not there but Christian dogma says that the talking serpent is Satan, the great deceiver.

Who do you think took over that serpent if not Satan? Or do you think serpents can talk human naturally?

Guess who had free will?
The snake,
Welcome to reality.

Now tell me what the Hebrew word Sah-tahn means.

Can you have free will to choose between variables, when you do not know the variables?

A & E are shown to be too stupid to even know they were naked. That is why they did not know to clothe themselves.

That stupidity would apply to all decision, as without the knowledge of good and evil, a knowledge that applies to all things and concepts you can think of, therefore a free will cannot exist. That is why scriptures say their eyes were closed.

You chose to have me look at a Jewish word so listen to this Rabbi explain why A & E did not have the desire required to have a free will. To desire, you have to know the variables and they did not know those.

Welcome to a real reality and not one where serpents talk.


The word nah-chash does not mean snake, it means "someone who is charming".
The beauty of Judaism is that many people have many opinions on many subjects but there's only one way for one to be kosher.

Which of the many Jewish sects is the kosher one?

I like the Karaites because they put man above God.

Jews range from fundamental fool to atheist.

Which is kosher?

So where in Genesis do we have the word "Satan"?
I'll wait...

take your cheep point.

It is not there but Christian dogma says that the talking serpent is Satan, the great deceiver.

Who do you think took over that serpent if not Satan? Or do you think serpents can talk human naturally?

Guess who had free will?
The snake,
Welcome to reality.

Now tell me what the Hebrew word Sah-tahn means.

Can you have free will to choose between variables, when you do not know the variables?

A & E are shown to be too stupid to even know they were naked. That is why they did not know to clothe themselves.

That stupidity would apply to all decision, as without the knowledge of good and evil, a knowledge that applies to all things and concepts you can think of, therefore a free will cannot exist. That is why scriptures say their eyes were closed.

You chose to have me look at a Jewish word so listen to this Rabbi explain why A & E did not have the desire required to have a free will. To desire, you have to know the variables and they did not know those.

Welcome to a real reality and not one where serpents talk.


The word nah-chash does not mean snake, it means "someone who is charming".
The beauty of Judaism is that many people have many opinions on many subjects but there's only one way for one to be kosher.

Which of the many Jewish sects is the kosher one?

I like the Karaites because they put man above God.

Jews range from fundamental fool to atheist.

Which is kosher?


There are still Karaites around?
I don't join sects where sex is forbidden?
take your cheep point.

It is not there but Christian dogma says that the talking serpent is Satan, the great deceiver.

Who do you think took over that serpent if not Satan? Or do you think serpents can talk human naturally?

Guess who had free will?
The snake,
Welcome to reality.

Now tell me what the Hebrew word Sah-tahn means.

Can you have free will to choose between variables, when you do not know the variables?

A & E are shown to be too stupid to even know they were naked. That is why they did not know to clothe themselves.

That stupidity would apply to all decision, as without the knowledge of good and evil, a knowledge that applies to all things and concepts you can think of, therefore a free will cannot exist. That is why scriptures say their eyes were closed.

You chose to have me look at a Jewish word so listen to this Rabbi explain why A & E did not have the desire required to have a free will. To desire, you have to know the variables and they did not know those.

Welcome to a real reality and not one where serpents talk.


The word nah-chash does not mean snake, it means "someone who is charming".
The beauty of Judaism is that many people have many opinions on many subjects but there's only one way for one to be kosher.

Which of the many Jewish sects is the kosher one?

I like the Karaites because they put man above God.

Jews range from fundamental fool to atheist.

Which is kosher?


There are still Karaites around?
I don't join sects where sex is forbidden?


If sex were forbidden in it, which it isn't, Karaites would not still be around.

Are you sure your a Jew? They are usually more :dunno:



  • eusa_drool[1].gif
    303 bytes · Views: 42
Guess who had free will?
The snake,
Welcome to reality.

Now tell me what the Hebrew word Sah-tahn means.

Can you have free will to choose between variables, when you do not know the variables?

A & E are shown to be too stupid to even know they were naked. That is why they did not know to clothe themselves.

That stupidity would apply to all decision, as without the knowledge of good and evil, a knowledge that applies to all things and concepts you can think of, therefore a free will cannot exist. That is why scriptures say their eyes were closed.

You chose to have me look at a Jewish word so listen to this Rabbi explain why A & E did not have the desire required to have a free will. To desire, you have to know the variables and they did not know those.

Welcome to a real reality and not one where serpents talk.


The word nah-chash does not mean snake, it means "someone who is charming".
The beauty of Judaism is that many people have many opinions on many subjects but there's only one way for one to be kosher.

Which of the many Jewish sects is the kosher one?

I like the Karaites because they put man above God.

Jews range from fundamental fool to atheist.

Which is kosher?


There are still Karaites around?
I don't join sects where sex is forbidden?


If sex were forbidden in it, which it isn't, Karaites would not still be around.

Are you sure your a Jew? They are usually more :dunno:


They forbid sex and get new members in order to exist.
What does this have to do with the fact that the Torah commands us to follow the rabbis of each generation?
You may be closer to Gnosticism, but you aren't any closer to wisdom, truth, or charity. That comes through Faith in Jesus Christ and repentance from your sins
Whereas you Gnostics still recognize the existence of a Jahwe, you have just placed him in a different role.

I guess you missed where I said that we do not hold any supernatural beliefs.

Our myths were written to put against the Christian myth before Christians became idol worshipers and began killing for their imaginary God.

As to Yahweh, we have placed him in the right role of a genocidal son murdering prick. Do you see him as a good God?
I will agree that there are no spirit beings, but to reject notions of an afterlife (continuance after death) is sheer folly. The quasi-Gnostics appropriated their ideas (which later became known as Heaven and Hell) from the ancient Greek concept of Elysian Fields and Hades.

Gnosticism was not adapted for Christians (the first Christians would have been illiterate, consisting of slaves and proletarians). It was meant for the various knowledge orders in operation at that time, which men like Jesus, Apollonius, and Plotinus had attempted to unify.

Even if Jahwe actually existed, I certainly wouldn't relegate him to the role of a creator in order to spite him. It can be seen that he was originally a tribal deity, who acquired cosmic qualities during Persian, Assyrian, and Babylonian captivity. The Jews originally hearkened to Saturn (Tacitus, Amos 5:6), who was regarded highly. Kayvan - Wikipedia

In the Geocentric model, Saturn was on the highest planetary sphere, the seventh. As a result, in Persian poetry, “Kayvan” usually connotes physical elevation or exalted status.

Chaldean Oracles:
In the oracles it is said, that Saturn, who is the first fountain of the Amilicti, comprehends and rides on all the rest.“
The intellect of the Father, riding on attenuated rulers, they become refulgent with the furrows of inflexible and implacable fire.”

Genesis 3 is thoroughly symbolic. The Jews have preserved something magnificent for posterity, it requires re-examination over a blind adherence to primitive Christian-based interpretations.

I agree.

Have you re-examined it and what makes it magnificent to you?
You wouldn't believe me even if I told you.

I will, however, point out how many cultures have a tree and a serpent in their myths. Serpent (symbolism) - Wikipedia
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Any of those bad bad Christians behead anybody lately? Sell any kidnapped slaves? Blow up people on a bus?
Shut up...

Yes they have. Do your research.


Any videos of those beheadings? Or Jews putting people in cages and lowering them in the water to drowned? Or to be electrocuted? Have any pics of the little girls they slaughtered at their school desks? Put your videos where your mouth is.....
I will agree that there are no spirit beings, but to reject notions of an afterlife (continuance after death) is sheer folly.

Just curious, If you do not believe in spirits, what kind of an afterlife are you expecting?
I will agree that there are no spirit beings, but to reject notions of an afterlife (continuance after death) is sheer folly.

Just curious, If you do not believe in spirits, what kind of an afterlife are you expecting?
The Afterlife modeled on the ancient Greek conceptions of Elysian Fields and Hades.

According to Plato, everything comes from primordial "chaos", an infinite void. Plato: Organicism | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy "Creation out of nothing" has been deliberately distorted by Christianity. I'm not the first to point to Genesis 1:2. Emperor Julian said: It follows that, according to Moses, God is the creator of nothing that is incorporeal, but is only the disposer of matter that already existed. “And the earth was invisible and without form” can only mean that he regards the wet and dry substance as the original matter and that he introduces God as the disposer of this matter.

The Stoics (Chrysippus) conceived of visible matter (body) and invisible matter (soul). Stoic Philosophy of Mind | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy This was mishandled by Descartes, who substituted the word with "substance", confusing the situation. Similarly Democritus is responsible for philosophy's degeneration into speculation (oh how Plato wished to burn his writings!) and Aristotle, in his attempt to construct a temporary working system for those who had concluded everything ends at the physical (the logical conclusion for those who perceive with their eyes alone), has misconstrued the pre-Socratic philosophy as primitive speculation.

Little known fact: William Gilbert derived his ideas of electricity from Thales of Miletus. In fact, a lot of the pioneers of the Copernican revolution paid tribute, in their writings, to the ancient Greek philosophers. According to Aristotle, Thales held soul to be, quite simply, a motive force, which is radically different from the current interpretation of soul. When we hear of various ancient civilizations worshiping the sun, moon, stars, and planets, one really ought to ask "Why?" instead of dismissing them as simple minded primitives. Julian pointed to their eternal, unchanging course as the primary reason for this reverence in his essay.

Chaldean Oracles:
Unwearied nature rules over the worlds and works, and draws downward, that heaven may run an eternal course; and that the other periods of the sun, moon, the seasons, night and day, may be accomplished.

I should also add that the ancients viewed matter and consciousness as two sides of the same coin. So my expectations are: I will still be a part of this world when I die, the only change is the loss of a physical body and perhaps the absence of a meaningful legacy. A whole must be homogeneous with it's parts.
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So my expectations are: I will still be a part of this world when I die, the only change is the loss of a physical body and perhaps the absence of a meaningful legacy. A whole must be homogeneous with it's parts

Odd. You follow many men, but didn't include God's model of the after life. Do you have something against God?
There is no chaos in the cosmos. Cosmos means order. Something the ancients didn't know.
According to Moses, God created everything. The Emperor was wrong.
The earth became void. God didn't create void. He created the heavens and the earth. It became void, it was rendered void. The darkness described after He created the earth wasn't cosmic darkness or dark matter, it is described in the Bible as an unnatural darkness. That would be Satan. But then again, you don't believe in spirits, and that is what God and Satan and you are.
So tell me in what capacity you will remain part of this world after you die. And what "whole" are you referring to that you plan on becoming a part of?
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