If you like "Too Big To Fail" Wall Street speculation, you'll love Hillary

SUNUNU: Well, I just wanted Donald to acknowledge his - really he's trying to give everybody the impression that anything he touches turns to gold, and usually it turns to mush. His airline failed, his mortgage company failed, his four major resorts failed, his vodka failed, his fragrances - Trump fragrances - failed, three magazines failed - I mean, this guy is a whole host of failures down the line. And I think he's been trying to gain votes under false pretenses.

Trump dismissed Sununu’s quote as a “ridiculous attack,” calling the GOP elder statesman a “main loser.”

and "i know you are but what am i? i'm rubber, you're glue!!" <-------

Sununu, former chief of staff to President George H.W. Bush, told ABC News that Trump’s response “shows he’s thin skinned.”

“I pointed out that he’s been a loser all his life,” Sununu, 76, said less than a week before his state's primary. “He’s had four big bankruptcies. Trump Airlines went bankrupt, Trump Magazines shut down, Trump Steaks went out of business, and when he was the owner of New Jersey Generals, they also went out business. This guy has a history of failure and losing. He’s a perpetual loser.”

Sununu, who served as chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party from 2009 to 2011, has not endorsed a candidate in the primary. But he acknowledged Trump’s national appeal.

“Voters across the country are angry,” Sununu said. “Sometimes, folks are blind to a candidate’s substance and pay attention to fancy style and hot rhetoric.”

Ex-NH Governor Slams Trump as 'Loser All His Life'
Come on, the corrupt douche worked for Walmart for God's sake. Anymore questions?
Valerie is spazzing :D Love it!!!

^ squat bomb spazzes out then projects onto others, as usual... :itsok:

Geriatric USMB Dem females losing it over Dem Primary

Old ladies like Valerie, maybe Ravi, Jillian, etc...

Tha e-Rulez :
If instigator troll starts a thread about you and you respond, you are melting down!
If instigator troll starts a thread about you and you don't respond, you are running away!
If you start a thread about instigator troll, you are gay!
If instigator troll ends up looking like a loser, you must be Ravi's sockpuppet!

Intellectual Dishonesty or a Lie
Whatever you say granma

Your candidate got over 1/2 MILLION $$$ to give a speech singing the praises of The Vampire Squid-in-chief :up: Goldman.

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Whatever you say granma

Your candidate got over 1/2 MILLION $$$ to give a speech singing the praises of The Vampire Squid-in-chief :up: Goldman.

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
$675,000 to be exact.

Follow the $$$ Hillary-supporters!!!
Are Hillary Clinton’s policy positions and instincts shaped directly by the money she has taken from Wall Street and corporate interests? Clinton has repeatedly answered this question — which has emerged as central to the Democratic primary battle — with a firm No.


What happened is — warning!!! — very nuanced.


She is explicitly arguing that she will successfully work within the system to advance progressive priorities whenever possible, even if it means making ugly compromises, and that taking Wall Street money, if anything, actually gives the Democratic Party a better chance at succeeding on this front, because getting elected is an obvious precondition for doing this.

Sanders stops short of arguing that Clinton has personally been unduly influenced by Wall Street money. His argument is that the system itself has been rendered catastrophically dysfunctional by it. In this telling, Clinton’s push for bankruptcy bill concessions — even if it improved a bad bill — is part of the broader problem, which turns on the overall orientation of our whole system.

Thus, for Sanders, the reforms of the Obama era (Dodd-Frank included) were woefully insufficient, mainly because Obama failed to rally the grassroots against the power of the oligarchy and because the Democratic establishment continued to take oligarchic money. Only a fundamental re-imagining of American democracy will enable us to meet our great challenges, and even if that falls short, staking out the most aggressive position now holds out the possibility of broadening the window on what’s possible.

why so you can twist her words and tell more lies about her intentions?

someone paid a ton of dough for those speeches, so presumably they aren't hers to publish...
can you give us a timeline Valerie? :eusa_whistle:

Pressure grows on Hillary Clinton to release Goldman Sachs speeches

Hillary Clinton continued to resist calls to release her transcripts of paid speeches she gave to Goldman Sachs and other banks, saying she would hold onto them until Bernie Sanders and other rivals for the U.S. presidency released theirs.

Sanders, her populist rival for the Democratic presidential nomination who has surged in polls with his furious rebukes of Wall Street and its role in the 2008 recession, said on Friday he had none to release because he does not give paid speeches to banks.

squawk speeches squawk squawk speeches squawk


dottie wants a new talking point squawk squawk
can you give us a timeline Valerie? :eusa_whistle:

Pressure grows on Hillary Clinton to release Goldman Sachs speeches

Hillary Clinton continued to resist calls to release her transcripts of paid speeches she gave to Goldman Sachs and other banks, saying she would hold onto them until Bernie Sanders and other rivals for the U.S. presidency released theirs.

Sanders, her populist rival for the Democratic presidential nomination who has surged in polls with his furious rebukes of Wall Street and its role in the 2008 recession, said on Friday he had none to release because he does not give paid speeches to banks.

squawk speeches squawk squawk speeches squawk


dottie wants a new talking point squawk squawk
ummmm..... it shows how low she's willing to go to grovel for money hon :thup:
Here you go Val ;)
(from the OP source)
Clinton is under relentless attack from Vermont democratic socialist Bernie Sanders for her ties to Wall Street, including paid speeches and campaign fundraising events. And she is now under intense pressure from the media and some on the left to release transcripts of her remarks to Goldman and other banks.

The problem is, if Clinton releases the transcripts, Sanders and other progressive candidates could take even seemingly innocuous comments and make them sound as though Clinton is in the tank for Wall Street. And if she doesn’t, it makes her look like she has something very damaging to hide.

Read more: What Clinton said in her paid speeches

Whats she hiding??? :dunno:
Hearing that Sec Clinton gave not one but 3 paid speeches to goldman totaling over $670,000 makes me :puke3:

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