If you need a plumber do you hire a career politician?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate
He is rich and has a private jet that seems to be all one needs to be an authority on the climate.
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate
You don't think Global Warming has anything to do with science do you?

It doesn't.

It's pure corrupt politics.

Who better to hire than a career corrupt politician?
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate

Do YOU have any of those qualifications?

Ben Carson is the guy who claimed Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate

Do YOU have any of those qualifications?

Ben Carson is the guy who claimed Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.

Kerry is a con man. For a guy who preaches about the ills of carbon dioxide he sure does produce a lot of it.

No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate

Do YOU have any of those qualifications?

Ben Carson is the guy who claimed Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.

Kerry is a con man. For a guy who preaches about the ills of carbon dioxide he sure does produce a lot of it.


It's so hypocritical it's comical. Without cover from the corrupt liberal news media ignoring it this clown would have been run out of town long ago.
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate

Do YOU have any of those qualifications?

Ben Carson is the guy who claimed Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.
There are TONS of theories about the pyramids purpose. As far as we know none are right or wrong. Everything from water pumping stations to electricity generators. No one knows because no text exists that describes how they were built or why.
Do YOU have any of those qualifications?

I have the same ones Kerry has. Which is to say NONE.

Having said that I would bet a million dollars I know more about all those subjects than he does. I study and read about all of that shit. And the best part is I do it purely for my own knowledge, not to shove down someone else's throat.
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate

Do YOU have any of those qualifications?

Ben Carson is the guy who claimed Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.
There are TONS of theories about the pyramids purpose. As far as we know none are right or wrong. Everything from water pumping stations to electricity generators. No one knows because no text exists that describes how they were built or why.

What a pile of BS. Your tons of "theories" are crackpot stuff.
The hypocrite is to be ignored

Prick burns more carbons in a week than most Americans do in a year.
Sell one of your houses John.
Walk the environmental walk.
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate

Do YOU have any of those qualifications?

Ben Carson is the guy who claimed Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.
There are TONS of theories about the pyramids purpose. As far as we know none are right or wrong. Everything from water pumping stations to electricity generators. No one knows because no text exists that describes how they were built or why.

What a pile of BS. Your tons of "theories" are crackpot stuff.
EVERY PYRAMID IN EGYPT as well as EVERY TOMB has texts all over the walls and ceilings.....except the ones on the Giza Plateau. Most tombs had relics and mummies in them EXCEPT the ones on the Giza Plateau.

They were not tombs. 8n fact IN MY OPINION they existed LONG before the Egyptian dynasties came to power. If I had to guess I would say they were built before the Younger Dryas impact.
The Egyptians may have repurposed them and then copied them on a MUCH SMALLER scale.

Either way you're clearly main stream indoctrinated
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate

Ah yes......but he IS a life long ass-sitter......all the qualifications that are required inside the beltway.
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate

Do YOU have any of those qualifications?

Ben Carson is the guy who claimed Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.
There are TONS of theories about the pyramids purpose. As far as we know none are right or wrong. Everything from water pumping stations to electricity generators. No one knows because no text exists that describes how they were built or why.
All signs point to electricity generation on the pyramids
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate

Do YOU have any of those qualifications?

Ben Carson is the guy who claimed Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.
There are TONS of theories about the pyramids purpose. As far as we know none are right or wrong. Everything from water pumping stations to electricity generators. No one knows because no text exists that describes how they were built or why.
All signs point to electricity generation on the pyramids
I honestly have no clue but I am certain they weren't built by the Egyptians. Some of the water pump theories are intriguing considering the Nile used to come right up to the edge of the Sphinx and it has tunnels under it that purportedly lead to the pyramids.
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate

Do YOU have any of those qualifications?

Ben Carson is the guy who claimed Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.
There are TONS of theories about the pyramids purpose. As far as we know none are right or wrong. Everything from water pumping stations to electricity generators. No one knows because no text exists that describes how they were built or why.
All signs point to electricity generation on the pyramids
I honestly have no clue but I am certain they weren't built by the Egyptians. Some of the water pump theories are intriguing considering the Nile used to come right up to the edge of the Sphinx and it has tunnels under it that purportedly lead to the pyramids.

Have you been to Egypt?
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate

Do YOU have any of those qualifications?

Ben Carson is the guy who claimed Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.
There are TONS of theories about the pyramids purpose. As far as we know none are right or wrong. Everything from water pumping stations to electricity generators. No one knows because no text exists that describes how they were built or why.
All signs point to electricity generation on the pyramids
I honestly have no clue but I am certain they weren't built by the Egyptians. Some of the water pump theories are intriguing considering the Nile used to come right up to the edge of the Sphinx and it has tunnels under it that purportedly lead to the pyramids.

Have you been to Egypt?

I have watched every documentary that ever existed and I now watch the various egyptologists/petrologists/geologists who have their own online sites and channels.
I would love to go however. Someday...

The best tours are Hiddenincatours as he gets access to sites that are and have always been closed to the public
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate

Do YOU have any of those qualifications?

Ben Carson is the guy who claimed Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.
There are TONS of theories about the pyramids purpose. As far as we know none are right or wrong. Everything from water pumping stations to electricity generators. No one knows because no text exists that describes how they were built or why.
All signs point to electricity generation on the pyramids
I honestly have no clue but I am certain they weren't built by the Egyptians. Some of the water pump theories are intriguing considering the Nile used to come right up to the edge of the Sphinx and it has tunnels under it that purportedly lead to the pyramids.

Have you been to Egypt?

No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate

Do YOU have any of those qualifications?

Ben Carson is the guy who claimed Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.
There are TONS of theories about the pyramids purpose. As far as we know none are right or wrong. Everything from water pumping stations to electricity generators. No one knows because no text exists that describes how they were built or why.
All signs point to electricity generation on the pyramids
I honestly have no clue but I am certain they weren't built by the Egyptians. Some of the water pump theories are intriguing considering the Nile used to come right up to the edge of the Sphinx and it has tunnels under it that purportedly lead to the pyramids.

Have you been to Egypt?

I have watched every documentary that ever existed and I now watch the various egyptologists/petrologists/geologists who have their own online sites and channels.
I would love to go however. Someday...

The best tours are Hiddenincatours as he gets access to sites that are and have always been closed to the public

And you know more than all the Egyptologists and Archaeologist who have worked in Egypt over the past 150 years.
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate

Do YOU have any of those qualifications?

Ben Carson is the guy who claimed Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.
There are TONS of theories about the pyramids purpose. As far as we know none are right or wrong. Everything from water pumping stations to electricity generators. No one knows because no text exists that describes how they were built or why.
All signs point to electricity generation on the pyramids
I honestly have no clue but I am certain they weren't built by the Egyptians. Some of the water pump theories are intriguing considering the Nile used to come right up to the edge of the Sphinx and it has tunnels under it that purportedly lead to the pyramids.

Have you been to Egypt?

I have watched every documentary that ever existed and I now watch the various egyptologists/petrologists/geologists who have their own online sites and channels.
I would love to go however. Someday...

The best tours are Hiddenincatours as he gets access to sites that are and have always been closed to the public

And you know more than all the Egyptologists and Archaeologist who have worked in Egypt over the past 150 years.

I never made that claim.


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