If you oppose the Confederate flag you oppose the American flag too


isn't this just jolly ? the liberscum say this is the flag of the KKK..., WRONG !!


hey there liberfools, try to rewrite this....., if you can. :lmao:
Krazy Konservative Klansmen love the confederate flag too.

And the leaders of the confederacy's purpose was to deny freedom to slaves and to break up the union to preserve slavery.
The Union fought for the freedom of slaves and the preservation of the Union.
Who was the tyrants and who were the criminals of history.

The poor confederate soldiers were the pawns of idiots like you

How can they deny something that hadn't been offered? Again, you seem to be under some misconception that the United States had freed the slaves and the South was rebelling against that... Wasn't the case. The US and the SCOTUS both upheld the institution of slavery, it had not been outlawed, it was not illegal to own slaves, and slaves were legitimately owned property according to YOUR government and Congress.

The states were fighting on the basis of governmental philosophy. Slavery was part of that, but it was not the overarching issue. And it wasn't because Southerners were racist against blacks and Northerners weren't... that had nothing to do with anything. Following the Civil War, over the next 40 years, blacks were slaughtered by the hundreds and thousands across the North, where they had gone to find work. What, did all the 'racist southerners' move to Milwaukee?

But now... the Modern Liberal has convinced themselves of this bizarre alternate history! They've made Lincoln into Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil War is akin to Civil Rights. The North was on the side of the slaves and freedom for all men.. .racial equality! And the abhorrent South was full of racists and bigots who wanted to keep the black man down. You quite simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you display an enormous ignorance of history.
The civil war was fought to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation was about one issue abolishing slavery in the confederate states. It was the first step of a journey that is not over.
People like you were the ones who argued against the first step and probably every step since. Your blabbing above is no more than cerebral vomit.

The Civil War began two years before the Emancipation Proclamation
But the Emancipation Proclamation gave legitimacy and a purpose for the north to move on the southern states. We know the motivations and politics of the time were complex but the lasting affect of the war was the freeing of slaves and the preservation of the union. The war could have been won by the north but without the Emancipation Proclamation nothing would change. What other legislation or contracted purpose came from the Civil War?
No side was pure in thought in motivation. In the end you need to look at results.; slavery ended and the union was preserved.
Bigotry, Prejudice and discrimination was not stopped but slavery was; step one.
And the leaders of the confederacy's purpose was to deny freedom to slaves and to break up the union to preserve slavery.
The Union fought for the freedom of slaves and the preservation of the Union.
Who was the tyrants and who were the criminals of history.

The poor confederate soldiers were the pawns of idiots like you

How can they deny something that hadn't been offered? Again, you seem to be under some misconception that the United States had freed the slaves and the South was rebelling against that... Wasn't the case. The US and the SCOTUS both upheld the institution of slavery, it had not been outlawed, it was not illegal to own slaves, and slaves were legitimately owned property according to YOUR government and Congress.

The states were fighting on the basis of governmental philosophy. Slavery was part of that, but it was not the overarching issue. And it wasn't because Southerners were racist against blacks and Northerners weren't... that had nothing to do with anything. Following the Civil War, over the next 40 years, blacks were slaughtered by the hundreds and thousands across the North, where they had gone to find work. What, did all the 'racist southerners' move to Milwaukee?

But now... the Modern Liberal has convinced themselves of this bizarre alternate history! They've made Lincoln into Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil War is akin to Civil Rights. The North was on the side of the slaves and freedom for all men.. .racial equality! And the abhorrent South was full of racists and bigots who wanted to keep the black man down. You quite simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you display an enormous ignorance of history.
The civil war was fought to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation was about one issue abolishing slavery in the confederate states. It was the first step of a journey that is not over.
People like you were the ones who argued against the first step and probably every step since. Your blabbing above is no more than cerebral vomit.

The Civil War began two years before the Emancipation Proclamation
But the Emancipation Proclamation gave legitimacy and a purpose for the north to move on the southern states. We know the motivations and politics of the time were complex but the lasting affect of the war was the freeing of slaves and the preservation of the union. The war could have been won by the north but without the Emancipation Proclamation nothing would change. What other legislation or contracted purpose came from the Civil War?
No side was pure in thought in motivation. In the end you need to look at results.; slavery ended and the union was preserved.
Bigotry, Prejudice and discrimination was not stopped but slavery was; step one.

Agreed but Lincoln was also in grave danger of losing the election, people of the North were war weary, enlistments were down. Lincoln used the EP to help drum support for the war (which actually went against him with a faction of the North). McClellan, Lincoln's opponent in the election promised a negotiated peace to end the war. Lincoln's saving grace was Sherman's seizing of Atlanta, if that had not happened Lincoln may very well would have lost the election.
The divisions between North and South date back to the 1787 Constitutional Convention. The Civil War was not over slavery but more about northern power brokers and industrialist seizing southern wealth.

Why are people like you so afraid to recognize the obvious truth that slavery lay at the heart of every issue contributing to the war?
States rights and the constitutionality of leaving the Union was the far larger issue...but some saw a way to profit.
You better read the entire letter. In the end Lincoln's felt the Union could not b saved unless slavery was abolished.

The results of the Lincoln presidency was the freeing of slaves in the USA and preserving the Union.
And the leaders of the confederacy's purpose was to deny freedom to slaves and to break up the union to preserve slavery.
The Union fought for the freedom of slaves and the preservation of the Union.
Who was the tyrants and who were the criminals of history.

The poor confederate soldiers were the pawns of idiots like you

How can they deny something that hadn't been offered? Again, you seem to be under some misconception that the United States had freed the slaves and the South was rebelling against that... Wasn't the case. The US and the SCOTUS both upheld the institution of slavery, it had not been outlawed, it was not illegal to own slaves, and slaves were legitimately owned property according to YOUR government and Congress.

The states were fighting on the basis of governmental philosophy. Slavery was part of that, but it was not the overarching issue. And it wasn't because Southerners were racist against blacks and Northerners weren't... that had nothing to do with anything. Following the Civil War, over the next 40 years, blacks were slaughtered by the hundreds and thousands across the North, where they had gone to find work. What, did all the 'racist southerners' move to Milwaukee?

But now... the Modern Liberal has convinced themselves of this bizarre alternate history! They've made Lincoln into Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil War is akin to Civil Rights. The North was on the side of the slaves and freedom for all men.. .racial equality! And the abhorrent South was full of racists and bigots who wanted to keep the black man down. You quite simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you display an enormous ignorance of history.
The civil war was fought to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation was about one issue abolishing slavery in the confederate states. It was the first step of a journey that is not over.
People like you were the ones who argued against the first step and probably every step since. Your blabbing above is no more than cerebral vomit.

The Civil War began two years before the Emancipation Proclamation
But the Emancipation Proclamation gave legitimacy and a purpose for the north to move on the southern states. We know the motivations and politics of the time were complex but the lasting affect of the war was the freeing of slaves and the preservation of the union. The war could have been won by the north but without the Emancipation Proclamation nothing would change. What other legislation or contracted purpose came from the Civil War?

That really makes no sense.
And the leaders of the confederacy's purpose was to deny freedom to slaves and to break up the union to preserve slavery.
The Union fought for the freedom of slaves and the preservation of the Union.
Who was the tyrants and who were the criminals of history.

The poor confederate soldiers were the pawns of idiots like you

How can they deny something that hadn't been offered? Again, you seem to be under some misconception that the United States had freed the slaves and the South was rebelling against that... Wasn't the case. The US and the SCOTUS both upheld the institution of slavery, it had not been outlawed, it was not illegal to own slaves, and slaves were legitimately owned property according to YOUR government and Congress.

The states were fighting on the basis of governmental philosophy. Slavery was part of that, but it was not the overarching issue. And it wasn't because Southerners were racist against blacks and Northerners weren't... that had nothing to do with anything. Following the Civil War, over the next 40 years, blacks were slaughtered by the hundreds and thousands across the North, where they had gone to find work. What, did all the 'racist southerners' move to Milwaukee?

But now... the Modern Liberal has convinced themselves of this bizarre alternate history! They've made Lincoln into Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil War is akin to Civil Rights. The North was on the side of the slaves and freedom for all men.. .racial equality! And the abhorrent South was full of racists and bigots who wanted to keep the black man down. You quite simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you display an enormous ignorance of history.
The civil war was fought to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation was about one issue abolishing slavery in the confederate states. It was the first step of a journey that is not over.
People like you were the ones who argued against the first step and probably every step since. Your blabbing above is no more than cerebral vomit.

The Civil War began two years before the Emancipation Proclamation
But the Emancipation Proclamation gave legitimacy and a purpose for the north to move on the southern states. We know the motivations and politics of the time were complex but the lasting affect of the war was the freeing of slaves and the preservation of the union. The war could have been won by the north but without the Emancipation Proclamation nothing would change. What other legislation or contracted purpose came from the Civil War?
No side was pure in thought in motivation. In the end you need to look at results.; slavery ended and the union was preserved.
Bigotry, Prejudice and discrimination was not stopped but slavery was; step one.

Agreed but Lincoln was also in grave danger of losing the election, people of the North were war weary, enlistments were down. Lincoln used the EP to help drum support for the war (which actually went against him with a faction of the North). McClellan, Lincoln's opponent in the election promised a negotiated peace to end the war. Lincoln's saving grace was Sherman's seizing of Atlanta, if that had not happened Lincoln may very well would have lost the election.
True, but that did not happen. Lincoln doubled down on freeing the slaves. No matter the purpose the results were to abolish slavery in the USA.
The divisions between North and South date back to the 1787 Constitutional Convention. The Civil War was not over slavery but more about northern power brokers and industrialist seizing southern wealth.

Why are people like you so afraid to recognize the obvious truth that slavery lay at the heart of every issue contributing to the war?
States rights and the constitutionality of leaving the Union was the far larger issue...

None of which would have become divisive enough to lead to rebellion if not for the issue of slavery.
And the leaders of the confederacy's purpose was to deny freedom to slaves and to break up the union to preserve slavery.
The Union fought for the freedom of slaves and the preservation of the Union.
Who was the tyrants and who were the criminals of history.

The poor confederate soldiers were the pawns of idiots like you

How can they deny something that hadn't been offered? Again, you seem to be under some misconception that the United States had freed the slaves and the South was rebelling against that... Wasn't the case. The US and the SCOTUS both upheld the institution of slavery, it had not been outlawed, it was not illegal to own slaves, and slaves were legitimately owned property according to YOUR government and Congress.

The states were fighting on the basis of governmental philosophy. Slavery was part of that, but it was not the overarching issue. And it wasn't because Southerners were racist against blacks and Northerners weren't... that had nothing to do with anything. Following the Civil War, over the next 40 years, blacks were slaughtered by the hundreds and thousands across the North, where they had gone to find work. What, did all the 'racist southerners' move to Milwaukee?

But now... the Modern Liberal has convinced themselves of this bizarre alternate history! They've made Lincoln into Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil War is akin to Civil Rights. The North was on the side of the slaves and freedom for all men.. .racial equality! And the abhorrent South was full of racists and bigots who wanted to keep the black man down. You quite simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you display an enormous ignorance of history.
The civil war was fought to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation was about one issue abolishing slavery in the confederate states. It was the first step of a journey that is not over.
People like you were the ones who argued against the first step and probably every step since. Your blabbing above is no more than cerebral vomit.

The Civil War began two years before the Emancipation Proclamation
But the Emancipation Proclamation gave legitimacy and a purpose for the north to move on the southern states. We know the motivations and politics of the time were complex but the lasting affect of the war was the freeing of slaves and the preservation of the union. The war could have been won by the north but without the Emancipation Proclamation nothing would change. What other legislation or contracted purpose came from the Civil War?

That really makes no sense.
why? The Emancipation Proclamation was a binding proclamation over all states in the USA. It over road any states right on the issue.
The north wins the war and the southern states have to abide by the Emancipation Proclamation.
How can they deny something that hadn't been offered? Again, you seem to be under some misconception that the United States had freed the slaves and the South was rebelling against that... Wasn't the case. The US and the SCOTUS both upheld the institution of slavery, it had not been outlawed, it was not illegal to own slaves, and slaves were legitimately owned property according to YOUR government and Congress.

The states were fighting on the basis of governmental philosophy. Slavery was part of that, but it was not the overarching issue. And it wasn't because Southerners were racist against blacks and Northerners weren't... that had nothing to do with anything. Following the Civil War, over the next 40 years, blacks were slaughtered by the hundreds and thousands across the North, where they had gone to find work. What, did all the 'racist southerners' move to Milwaukee?

But now... the Modern Liberal has convinced themselves of this bizarre alternate history! They've made Lincoln into Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil War is akin to Civil Rights. The North was on the side of the slaves and freedom for all men.. .racial equality! And the abhorrent South was full of racists and bigots who wanted to keep the black man down. You quite simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you display an enormous ignorance of history.
The civil war was fought to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation was about one issue abolishing slavery in the confederate states. It was the first step of a journey that is not over.
People like you were the ones who argued against the first step and probably every step since. Your blabbing above is no more than cerebral vomit.

The Civil War began two years before the Emancipation Proclamation
But the Emancipation Proclamation gave legitimacy and a purpose for the north to move on the southern states. We know the motivations and politics of the time were complex but the lasting affect of the war was the freeing of slaves and the preservation of the union. The war could have been won by the north but without the Emancipation Proclamation nothing would change. What other legislation or contracted purpose came from the Civil War?
No side was pure in thought in motivation. In the end you need to look at results.; slavery ended and the union was preserved.
Bigotry, Prejudice and discrimination was not stopped but slavery was; step one.

Agreed but Lincoln was also in grave danger of losing the election, people of the North were war weary, enlistments were down. Lincoln used the EP to help drum support for the war (which actually went against him with a faction of the North). McClellan, Lincoln's opponent in the election promised a negotiated peace to end the war. Lincoln's saving grace was Sherman's seizing of Atlanta, if that had not happened Lincoln may very well would have lost the election.
True, but that did not happen. Lincoln doubled down on freeing the slaves. No matter the purpose the results were to abolish slavery in the USA.

To be honest I think Lincoln was more pro union and preservation of the Nation than he was anti slavery. He even stated in the Lincoln-Douglas debates he in no way favored bringing in social and political equality of whites and blacks.
How can they deny something that hadn't been offered? Again, you seem to be under some misconception that the United States had freed the slaves and the South was rebelling against that... Wasn't the case. The US and the SCOTUS both upheld the institution of slavery, it had not been outlawed, it was not illegal to own slaves, and slaves were legitimately owned property according to YOUR government and Congress.

The states were fighting on the basis of governmental philosophy. Slavery was part of that, but it was not the overarching issue. And it wasn't because Southerners were racist against blacks and Northerners weren't... that had nothing to do with anything. Following the Civil War, over the next 40 years, blacks were slaughtered by the hundreds and thousands across the North, where they had gone to find work. What, did all the 'racist southerners' move to Milwaukee?

But now... the Modern Liberal has convinced themselves of this bizarre alternate history! They've made Lincoln into Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil War is akin to Civil Rights. The North was on the side of the slaves and freedom for all men.. .racial equality! And the abhorrent South was full of racists and bigots who wanted to keep the black man down. You quite simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you display an enormous ignorance of history.
The civil war was fought to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation was about one issue abolishing slavery in the confederate states. It was the first step of a journey that is not over.
People like you were the ones who argued against the first step and probably every step since. Your blabbing above is no more than cerebral vomit.

The Civil War began two years before the Emancipation Proclamation
But the Emancipation Proclamation gave legitimacy and a purpose for the north to move on the southern states. We know the motivations and politics of the time were complex but the lasting affect of the war was the freeing of slaves and the preservation of the union. The war could have been won by the north but without the Emancipation Proclamation nothing would change. What other legislation or contracted purpose came from the Civil War?

That really makes no sense.
why? The Emancipation Proclamation was a binding proclamation over all states in the USA. It over road any states right on the issue.
The north wins the war and the southern states have to abide by the Emancipation Proclamation.

The Emancipation Proclamation exempted the border states of Delaware,Missouri, Kentucky and Maryland and areas in the south under Union control
How can they deny something that hadn't been offered? Again, you seem to be under some misconception that the United States had freed the slaves and the South was rebelling against that... Wasn't the case. The US and the SCOTUS both upheld the institution of slavery, it had not been outlawed, it was not illegal to own slaves, and slaves were legitimately owned property according to YOUR government and Congress.

The states were fighting on the basis of governmental philosophy. Slavery was part of that, but it was not the overarching issue. And it wasn't because Southerners were racist against blacks and Northerners weren't... that had nothing to do with anything. Following the Civil War, over the next 40 years, blacks were slaughtered by the hundreds and thousands across the North, where they had gone to find work. What, did all the 'racist southerners' move to Milwaukee?

But now... the Modern Liberal has convinced themselves of this bizarre alternate history! They've made Lincoln into Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil War is akin to Civil Rights. The North was on the side of the slaves and freedom for all men.. .racial equality! And the abhorrent South was full of racists and bigots who wanted to keep the black man down. You quite simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you display an enormous ignorance of history.
The civil war was fought to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation was about one issue abolishing slavery in the confederate states. It was the first step of a journey that is not over.
People like you were the ones who argued against the first step and probably every step since. Your blabbing above is no more than cerebral vomit.

The Civil War began two years before the Emancipation Proclamation
But the Emancipation Proclamation gave legitimacy and a purpose for the north to move on the southern states. We know the motivations and politics of the time were complex but the lasting affect of the war was the freeing of slaves and the preservation of the union. The war could have been won by the north but without the Emancipation Proclamation nothing would change. What other legislation or contracted purpose came from the Civil War?

That really makes no sense.
why? The Emancipation Proclamation was a binding proclamation over all states in the USA. It over road any states right on the issue.
The north wins the war and the southern states have to abide by the Emancipation Proclamation.

No, that's not what it was. You are misinformed.
And the leaders of the confederacy's purpose was to deny freedom to slaves and to break up the union to preserve slavery.
The Union fought for the freedom of slaves and the preservation of the Union.
Who was the tyrants and who were the criminals of history.

The poor confederate soldiers were the pawns of idiots like you

How can they deny something that hadn't been offered? Again, you seem to be under some misconception that the United States had freed the slaves and the South was rebelling against that... Wasn't the case. The US and the SCOTUS both upheld the institution of slavery, it had not been outlawed, it was not illegal to own slaves, and slaves were legitimately owned property according to YOUR government and Congress.

The states were fighting on the basis of governmental philosophy. Slavery was part of that, but it was not the overarching issue. And it wasn't because Southerners were racist against blacks and Northerners weren't... that had nothing to do with anything. Following the Civil War, over the next 40 years, blacks were slaughtered by the hundreds and thousands across the North, where they had gone to find work. What, did all the 'racist southerners' move to Milwaukee?

But now... the Modern Liberal has convinced themselves of this bizarre alternate history! They've made Lincoln into Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil War is akin to Civil Rights. The North was on the side of the slaves and freedom for all men.. .racial equality! And the abhorrent South was full of racists and bigots who wanted to keep the black man down. You quite simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you display an enormous ignorance of history.
It amazes me people can be as stupid as you. :cuckoo:

Of course the south seceded to preserve slavery. They clearly said so. It hadn't been taken away but the country was moving in that direction. Slavery had already been outlawed in virtually every state in the north and new states were leaning towards prohibiting it as well. To address the south's concerns, the federal government passed the Missouri Compromise, which preserved slavery among the newly admitted states in the south. But that law was effectively repealed in the mid 1850's.

It's like same-sex marriage in the sense that it is not yet the law of the land, but it's moving in that direction. It's already legal in most states and will likely be the law of the land soon. Likewise with slavery in the mid-1800's. The south tried to form their own government which they could employ to protect slavery before it was taken away from them.

Well no, you are totally wrong. The South seceded because they felt the Union had overstepped it's power and was about to render a billion dollars worth of their property invalid. There had never been ANY vote in Congress to end slavery nor was there ever a decision by SCOTUS to overturn the institution. It literally took passing and ratifying two amendments AFTER the war to end slavery in America.

You may not realize this, but the State of New York came VERY close to seceding from the Union because they had NO desire to go fight to end slavery. Lincoln himself was desperately trying to push through Congress a plan to get rid of slavery by 1921... he was fine with keeping it until then. His vision for how to end it, namely what to do with all these uneducated and socially unacceptable former slaves, was to ship them off to somewhere else so whites didn't have to live with them. But you pretend like these people CARED about black folks! Even knowing that it took another 100 years after the Civil War to achieve basic Civil Rights. That's astonishing to me... the level of denial you are in.

What you people have done is disgusting to me. You have taken this chapter of history and reformed it so that you can avoid any culpability whatsoever. You're in complete denial of your OWN history! You want to pretend you were standing courageously against slavery when the history shows your courts, congress and presidents did nothing but uphold it, endorse it and condone it for 85 years. Yet you want to lay it all squarely at the feet of the Confederacy.
That you're ignorant to the reality that abolishionist movement was sweeping through the north is no skin off my back. I never said Congress voted to end slavery. I pointed out how, like same-sex marriage, it was a movement sweeping through the nation and the South seceded in a vain attempt to thwart its inevitability.
The civil war was fought to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation was about one issue abolishing slavery in the confederate states. It was the first step of a journey that is not over.
People like you were the ones who argued against the first step and probably every step since. Your blabbing above is no more than cerebral vomit.

The Civil War began two years before the Emancipation Proclamation
But the Emancipation Proclamation gave legitimacy and a purpose for the north to move on the southern states. We know the motivations and politics of the time were complex but the lasting affect of the war was the freeing of slaves and the preservation of the union. The war could have been won by the north but without the Emancipation Proclamation nothing would change. What other legislation or contracted purpose came from the Civil War?
No side was pure in thought in motivation. In the end you need to look at results.; slavery ended and the union was preserved.
Bigotry, Prejudice and discrimination was not stopped but slavery was; step one.

Agreed but Lincoln was also in grave danger of losing the election, people of the North were war weary, enlistments were down. Lincoln used the EP to help drum support for the war (which actually went against him with a faction of the North). McClellan, Lincoln's opponent in the election promised a negotiated peace to end the war. Lincoln's saving grace was Sherman's seizing of Atlanta, if that had not happened Lincoln may very well would have lost the election.
True, but that did not happen. Lincoln doubled down on freeing the slaves. No matter the purpose the results were to abolish slavery in the USA.

To be honest I think Lincoln was more pro union and preservation of the Nation than he was anti slavery. He even stated in the Lincoln-Douglas debates he in no way favored bringing in social and political equality of whites and blacks.
Maybe, but at the end of the day he took a very tough path that ended in abolishing slavery; results are more important than motivation.
How can they deny something that hadn't been offered? Again, you seem to be under some misconception that the United States had freed the slaves and the South was rebelling against that... Wasn't the case. The US and the SCOTUS both upheld the institution of slavery, it had not been outlawed, it was not illegal to own slaves, and slaves were legitimately owned property according to YOUR government and Congress.

The states were fighting on the basis of governmental philosophy. Slavery was part of that, but it was not the overarching issue. And it wasn't because Southerners were racist against blacks and Northerners weren't... that had nothing to do with anything. Following the Civil War, over the next 40 years, blacks were slaughtered by the hundreds and thousands across the North, where they had gone to find work. What, did all the 'racist southerners' move to Milwaukee?

But now... the Modern Liberal has convinced themselves of this bizarre alternate history! They've made Lincoln into Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil War is akin to Civil Rights. The North was on the side of the slaves and freedom for all men.. .racial equality! And the abhorrent South was full of racists and bigots who wanted to keep the black man down. You quite simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you display an enormous ignorance of history.
The civil war was fought to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation was about one issue abolishing slavery in the confederate states. It was the first step of a journey that is not over.
People like you were the ones who argued against the first step and probably every step since. Your blabbing above is no more than cerebral vomit.

The Civil War began two years before the Emancipation Proclamation
But the Emancipation Proclamation gave legitimacy and a purpose for the north to move on the southern states. We know the motivations and politics of the time were complex but the lasting affect of the war was the freeing of slaves and the preservation of the union. The war could have been won by the north but without the Emancipation Proclamation nothing would change. What other legislation or contracted purpose came from the Civil War?

That really makes no sense.
why? The Emancipation Proclamation was a binding proclamation over all states in the USA. It over road any states right on the issue.
The north wins the war and the southern states have to abide by the Emancipation Proclamation.

No, that's not what it was. You are misinformed.
The civil war was fought to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation was about one issue abolishing slavery in the confederate states. It was the first step of a journey that is not over.
People like you were the ones who argued against the first step and probably every step since. Your blabbing above is no more than cerebral vomit.

The Civil War began two years before the Emancipation Proclamation
But the Emancipation Proclamation gave legitimacy and a purpose for the north to move on the southern states. We know the motivations and politics of the time were complex but the lasting affect of the war was the freeing of slaves and the preservation of the union. The war could have been won by the north but without the Emancipation Proclamation nothing would change. What other legislation or contracted purpose came from the Civil War?

That really makes no sense.
why? The Emancipation Proclamation was a binding proclamation over all states in the USA. It over road any states right on the issue.
The north wins the war and the southern states have to abide by the Emancipation Proclamation.

The Emancipation Proclamation exempted the border states of Delaware,Missouri, Kentucky and Maryland and areas in the south under Union control
So who or/and what do you feel is responsible for ending slavery in the USA?
The Civil War began two years before the Emancipation Proclamation
But the Emancipation Proclamation gave legitimacy and a purpose for the north to move on the southern states. We know the motivations and politics of the time were complex but the lasting affect of the war was the freeing of slaves and the preservation of the union. The war could have been won by the north but without the Emancipation Proclamation nothing would change. What other legislation or contracted purpose came from the Civil War?
No side was pure in thought in motivation. In the end you need to look at results.; slavery ended and the union was preserved.
Bigotry, Prejudice and discrimination was not stopped but slavery was; step one.

Agreed but Lincoln was also in grave danger of losing the election, people of the North were war weary, enlistments were down. Lincoln used the EP to help drum support for the war (which actually went against him with a faction of the North). McClellan, Lincoln's opponent in the election promised a negotiated peace to end the war. Lincoln's saving grace was Sherman's seizing of Atlanta, if that had not happened Lincoln may very well would have lost the election.
True, but that did not happen. Lincoln doubled down on freeing the slaves. No matter the purpose the results were to abolish slavery in the USA.

To be honest I think Lincoln was more pro union and preservation of the Nation than he was anti slavery. He even stated in the Lincoln-Douglas debates he in no way favored bringing in social and political equality of whites and blacks.
Maybe, but at the end of the day he took a very tough path that ended in abolishing slavery; results are more important than motivation.

It was more politics than anything else. Lincoln ranks in my top five presidents though. He confronted a difficult situation head on
It's astounding that any of these nutcases maintain the idiocy of denying the confederacy was all about slavery in the face of each of the states outwardly admitting as much.

Lincoln didn't invade Virginia to free the slaves, numskull. He said so himself. That means the war wasn't about slavery.
I never said Lincoln fought the war to free the slaves. He fought the war to save the United States from breaking apart.

The south fought the war to keep their slaves.

Wrong. They fought the war to defend their homes from Lincoln. Lincoln invaded the Confederate states, not the other way around.
Too bad for your hallucinations, history does not agree with your delusions. The south started the war when they attacked a federal fort.
I have proven over and over and over that Lincoln started the war. All you can do is stamp your foot and whine about it.
But the Emancipation Proclamation gave legitimacy and a purpose for the north to move on the southern states. We know the motivations and politics of the time were complex but the lasting affect of the war was the freeing of slaves and the preservation of the union. The war could have been won by the north but without the Emancipation Proclamation nothing would change. What other legislation or contracted purpose came from the Civil War?
No side was pure in thought in motivation. In the end you need to look at results.; slavery ended and the union was preserved.
Bigotry, Prejudice and discrimination was not stopped but slavery was; step one.

Agreed but Lincoln was also in grave danger of losing the election, people of the North were war weary, enlistments were down. Lincoln used the EP to help drum support for the war (which actually went against him with a faction of the North). McClellan, Lincoln's opponent in the election promised a negotiated peace to end the war. Lincoln's saving grace was Sherman's seizing of Atlanta, if that had not happened Lincoln may very well would have lost the election.
True, but that did not happen. Lincoln doubled down on freeing the slaves. No matter the purpose the results were to abolish slavery in the USA.

To be honest I think Lincoln was more pro union and preservation of the Nation than he was anti slavery. He even stated in the Lincoln-Douglas debates he in no way favored bringing in social and political equality of whites and blacks.
Maybe, but at the end of the day he took a very tough path that ended in abolishing slavery; results are more important than motivation.

It was more politics than anything else. Lincoln ranks in my top five presidents though. He confronted a difficult situation head on

So did Stalin and Hitler.
It's astounding that any of these nutcases maintain the idiocy of denying the confederacy was all about slavery in the face of each of the states outwardly admitting as much.

Lincoln didn't invade Virginia to free the slaves, numskull. He said so himself. That means the war wasn't about slavery.
I never said Lincoln fought the war to free the slaves. He fought the war to save the United States from breaking apart.

The south fought the war to keep their slaves.

Wrong. They fought the war to defend their homes from Lincoln. Lincoln invaded the Confederate states, not the other way around.
Too bad for your hallucinations, history does not agree with your delusions. The south started the war when they attacked a federal fort.
I have proven over and over and over that Lincoln started the war. All you can do is stamp your foot and whine about it.
All you have proven is that you're mentally deranged enough that if you take a sentence and cut off the beginning and cut off the ending, you can tailor it to mean something other than what it actually means in toto.

And get this ... while you portray me as the one stamping my feet and whining about it, history recorded the events as I portrayed them -- the south started the was by attacking a federal fort.

You may not like history ... but ... who cares? :mm:

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